Fate at the Manor

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Fate at the Manor Page 7

by J. R. Cowan

  “Do you mean it?”

  “Mean what?”

  “I’m your Charl…watch out!” Charlotte screamed as Justin slammed on the breaks. She scrambled out of the gator and ran toward Holly lying on the ground. “Holly! Holly! Can you hear me?”

  Holly moaned.

  “Don’t move.” Charlotte assessed her wounds. A gash on her forehead and a few scrapes. She hurried back to the gator to grab her backpack. “Here, drink this.” Charlotte tipped the water bottle to her lips then handed Justin the antiseptic and band-aids. Together they made quick time tending to Holly’s wounds. “What happened? Did you fall?”

  “I-I don’t know. One minute I was walking around the cave and the next you were calling my name.”

  “The cave?” Charlotte glanced around and noticed Holly wasn’t anywhere near the cave. In fact, she was around the area where Noah’s skull was found. A shiver ran down her spine as she perused the area. She felt as if someone were watching them. “Let’s get you back to the Manor. Hopefully, Dr. Miles is back from the hospital.”

  Justin lifted Holly into his arms with ease and set her in the back of the gator.

  Charlotte squeezed in next to her, holding Holly’s head in her lap, and still managed to send Lila a text.

  The ride back to the Manor was quiet and quick.

  Luke and Lila came rushing out to greet them with Clyde on their heels.

  “How long have you been out there?” Clyde held Holly’s wrist, checking her pulse while Justin carried her inside.

  “Since sunrise. I think I found something. It’s in my jeans.” Holly closed her eyes and rested her head on Justin’s shoulder.

  Justin set her down on the leather couch in front of the fire place. Luke started a fire and Lila brought her a blanket.

  “What were you doing out there?” Clyde checked her head wound.

  “Looking for clues…anything to tell me about what happened to Noah.” Holly flinched when Clyde undressed the bandage.

  “Noah?” A raspy voice came from behind them.

  The group turned toward the voice.

  Mr. West hobbled toward them in a flannel shirt a few sizes too big for his thin frame and a pair of jeans that were held up by a black belt. His gray hair and wrinkled face shone in the chandelier light hanging above him.

  He cleared his throat. “Did you say Noah?”

  Holly sat up and nodded. “He was my fiancé. He was murdered close to your cave. Did you see anything? Anything at all.”

  Mr. West hung his head. “I killed him.”

  Chapter 13

  Gasps came from the group.

  Justin studied the old man in front of him. He doubted this man’s confession. If he killed Noah, it had to have been an accident. From the gash on Noah’s skull, it had to be someone stronger. This frail man couldn’t have killed a strong man like Noah with an axe even in a drunken state.

  The alcohol reeked off him in the cave and the empty alcohol bottles scattered around his “home” proved the man nursed his broken heart with whiskey. “How?” Justin stepped around Charlotte and walked over to the old man.

  “I…I don’t know. I remember meeting Noah at the bar the night before his wedding.” Mr. West’s eyes softened as he looked at Holly. “He was so in love with you. So ready to marry you.” Then his face went stoic. “I warned him not to get married. Love only led to heart ache. I’ve spent years living without my Aggie. It’s awful.”

  Holly nodded and sniffled. “I know. Living without Noah has been excruciating.”

  Marcus sat down on the sofa next to her and placed a hand over hers. “We’re all here for you, Holly.”

  Charlotte and Justin exchanged a confused look.

  “So, what happened next?” Justin turned back to Mr. West.

  “I was drunk, so Noah offered me a ride. He dropped me off just outside the Manor gates. I thought he went back to the Manor, but the next morning I woke up and he was dead. Covered in blood with an axe sticking out his head.”

  “Were you covered in blood? Bruises?”

  Mr. West frowned and shook his head. “Just Noah’s blood. Why?”

  “According to the forensics reports on the bones, Noah fought his killer. If you weren’t injured, then you couldn’t have killed him.”

  Andrew’s eyes filled with tears and he dropped to his knees on the floor. “Oh, thank the good Lord. I thought for years I’d killed him, but I couldn’t remember anything.” He wept silently on the floor. Lila and Charlotte knelt beside him and convinced him to take a seat on the loveseat across from Holly.

  “I hid his body in the ravine. Threw the axe in the river.”

  “I’m going to call Sherriff Payne. He’ll want to hear this. You’ll need to tell him everything you remember, Mr. West.” Luke pulled out his phone and glanced at Mr. West.

  Andrew nodded. “It’s time I quit hiding. Fess up to my sins. Live a life my Aggie would be proud of.” He glanced around the Manor then at Clyde. “You and your bride have done a wonderful job with this place. It’s just as I remember it. I’m glad you decided to buy it. Fix her up.”

  Clyde smiled and clasped Andrew’s hand. “You and Mrs. West were our inspiration. If it weren’t for this place…Angelica. We wouldn’t be here. Any of us.” He glanced around the room, his eyes landing on Justin.

  Justin avoided his eyes. The only reason he was here was to support Charlotte. Nothing more. It was his mother’s idea. He was forced to be here. It was his job. Except it didn’t feel like his job. After Charlotte’s confession about why she’d kissed Marcus, his heart began to thaw. The hatred for Charlotte fading away. Worries still crept in though…what if she rejected him? What if she didn’t return his feelings? He’d be broken. His heart wasn’t something he was willing to risk.

  Chapter 14

  Charlotte yawned and snuggled up on the loveseat by the fire. So much had happened, and it wasn’t even lunch time yet. Luke and Lila had just finished checking out the last guest, Sherriff Payne, Mr. West, Cynthia and Mr. and Mrs. White were all talking in the dining room.

  Clyde had taken Holly upstairs to rest. Marcus trailing behind like a love-sick puppy dog. What had gotten into that guy? One minute he’s trying to make Justin jealous by using her and the next he’s acting as if he’s in love with Holly. Something was up, and she was determined to find out what.

  “A penny for your thoughts?” Justin sat down next to her.

  “I was just thinking about Marcus.” Charlotte cringed when she saw Justin’s jaw clench and his fist tighten. “I meant, what game do you think he’s playing? First, showing up at the restaurant and ensuring he and I ended up in that ridiculous magazine, holding a press conference stating he’s representing this book then the whole spiking my wine to make you jealous. Make you think something was going on between us now he’s following Holly around like he’s head over heels for her. I don’t get it.”

  Justin scratched his head. “Me neither. Only one way to find out.” He stood and held out a hand to her.

  “What? Now?”

  “No time like the present. Come on, we’re burning daylight.” Justin pulled her to her feet.

  Charlotte groaned. “Do we have too?”

  “Where’s your inquisitive mind? I thought you wanted answers. Now’s your chance to get them.” He took her hand and led her to the stairs.

  “I wanted answers about Noah. We haven’t gotten any. Mr. West didn’t kill him. So, who did?”

  “Those are questions for Holly. What does your gut tell you?” Justin kept a hold of her hand as they walked down the hallway toward Holly’s room.

  Charlotte bit her lip. “It’s someone he knew. Maybe someone they both knew. Someone who didn’t want them getting married. Old lover? Family member?”

  Justin nodded. “Makes sense to me. Let’s find out.” He knocked on the Owl room’s door.

  No answer.

  He knocked again.

  A “shh” came from behind the door and then opened
slightly to reveal Marcus’s face. “She’s sleeping. What do you want?”

  “Why are you in here?” Charlotte pushed open the door to ensure Holly was safe.

  Holly opened her eyes and blinked at her. “What’s wrong?”

  Charlotte forced a smile. “Nothing.” She shot a glare at Marcus before taking a seat next to Holly in a chair with an embroidered owl on it. The seat was warm as if Marcus had been sitting there. She glanced at him again and noticed his attention was fixed on Holly. Something was definitely up. “How are you feeling?”

  “Kind of groggy. Dr. Miles gave me a painkiller for my headache. He says I have a mild concussion, but should be fine in a couple days.” Holly stifled a yawn.

  “Glad to hear it.” Charlotte squeezed Holly’s hand. “Are you up for a few questions?”

  “She needs her rest.” Marcus intervened before Holly could answer.

  “No, I’m fine. Thank you though.” Holly whispered, her cheeks turning pink as she glanced at Marcus.

  He smiled and winked at her.

  Charlotte’s jaw dropped open and her eyes widened. She noticed Justin’s were doing the same. What was going on?

  “What did you want to ask me?” Holly propped herself up on the pillows and spread a hand across the owl bedspread.

  Charlotte blinked and cleared her throat. “Do you remember the day after Noah went missing? Was anyone injured? Anyone else missing from the group?”

  Holly frowned. “I don’t think so.”

  Charlotte sighed. So much for that lead.

  “Wait! I remember. Noah’s best friend, Reed. He had a broken nose. A black eye. He was limping and holding his ribs. Said he got into a fight with some guys at the bar. Noah broke it up and took him back to the Manor. No one thought anything of it. Do you think…it’s not possible. Reed and Noah were like brothers. Partners on the force. They would do anything for each other. Die for each other. Reed wouldn’t hurt Noah let alone kill him.”

  “Where does Reed live now?”

  “Here. In Grovesville. Deputy Clark. Reed Clark.”

  Charlotte couldn’t breathe. She’d interviewed Deputy Clark about Noah’s murder. He’d never indicated he knew Noah. Nothing. “When did Reed take the job here in Grovesville?”

  “Right after Noah disappeared. Said he fell in love with the small town and wanted to start a new life. He checks on me every week. Calls me every Sunday. Talks to me about Noah. He’s been my rock ever since Noah left. He didn’t kill Noah.”

  Charlotte nodded and pursued her lips. “Someone had to write that note. Clean out Noah’s apartment. Make it look like he’d taken off. Did Reed have a key to Noah’s apartment?

  Holly nodded as tears filled her eyes. “Reed didn’t do this. Why would he?”

  “Did you ever think Reed had a crush on you?”

  Holly shrugged. “He was always around, but I only had eyes for Noah, so I didn’t really pay attention.”

  “And once Noah was gone. Did he ever ask you on a date?”

  Holly frowned. “A couple of times, but it was to get together to talk about Noah. Go over what happened the night of the rehearsal dinner. He never made a pass or anything.”

  Charlotte bit her lip. Her theory wasn’t really adding up. If Reed killed Noah so he could date Holly, why hadn’t he pursued her? Maybe he was giving her more time. Twelve years was a lot of time, but she knew from personal experience there was no time limit on love. She glanced at Justin, who was leaning against the door frame, watching her. Her heart sped up and her cheeks felt hot. She had to get a hold of her hormones and focus on the case. “You said you found something at the bluffs.”

  Holly’s eyes lit up. “Oh, yes! Marcus, can you please grab my jeans?”

  Marcus nodded and scooped the jeans off the floor in the bathroom. When he handed them to Holly, their fingers brushed slightly, and they smiled at each other.

  Charlotte raised an eyebrow and glanced at Justin. He shook his head and rolled his eyes.

  Holly took a piece of paper from her pocket and handed it to Charlotte. “It’s a map of some sort.”

  “A map?” Charlotte took the paper and studied it. It was a map of the land with the bluffs highlighted. The spot where Noah’s body was found had a red X over it. The cave where Mr. West lived had a blue circle around it. The river with a picture of an axe drawn inside it was circled in orange. Why would this be at the bluffs?

  Justin cleared his throat and Charlotte glanced up at him. He nodded toward the bed.

  Charlotte followed his gaze and saw that Holly had dozed off. She folded the paper and moved toward the door.

  “Where are you going with that?” Marcus tried to snatch the map from her hands.

  “I’m taking it to the Sherriff.” Charlotte pressed the map to her chest.

  “And say what?” Marcus smirked, folding his arms over his broad chest.

  Charlotte opened her mouth, but had no idea what to say. Sherriff Payne was the police. Reed’s boss. He wouldn’t believe them. They didn’t have any proof and this map didn’t really prove anything.

  “That’s what I thought. You can’t go running to the police. You need more evidence. Something solid.” Marcus glanced over at Holly. “I’ll have this Reed guy checked out. Get some background on him and Noah. I’ve got a guy.”

  “So, you’re helping us now?” Charlotte raised an eyebrow.

  Marcus ran a hand through his hair. “I know I’ve been a…”

  “Jerk. A liar. A sneak. A manipulator, should I go on?” Charlotte crossed her arms.

  “You’re right. I’ve been all of those things, but I had a reason.” Marcus opened his mouth to say more when his cell phone pinged. He checked it then hurried to his room.

  “Did you see that?” Charlotte shut Holly’s door quietly behind her.

  “See what?” Justin followed her down the hallway.

  “Bradley Shaw’s name appeared on his screen. Do you think those two are working together? To take down Luke and Lila? The Manor?”

  Justin frowned. “I wouldn’t put anything past Shaw or Marcus. Although, I’m seeing glimpses of my old friend. Maybe a Miss Holly Harper has something to do with that.” He winked at her.

  Charlotte smiled. She enjoyed this Justin. Enjoyed working side by side with him. Why couldn’t she just tell him how she felt? He had her heart. Had it for years. Ever since elementary school when he was pulling her braids. Yet his confession of hatred for her at prom rang in her ears.

  Who was she kidding? A guy like Justin could never love a girl like her. He dated models not authors. Preferred girls with knock out bodies not girls with their noses in books. Justin would always just be her agent and maybe someday her friend. She’d just have to be content with that.

  She sighed and was just about to head down the stairs for lunch when a scream sounded from Holly’s room.

  Chapter 15

  Justin burst through Holly’s door and found her sitting up in bed. Her body shaking and her hand over her mouth. Eyes wild and hair damp with sweat.

  Marcus rushed in behind him, knocking him against the door with a thud. He rushed to her bedside and drew her into his arms. “What happened?”

  Holly burst into tears and sobbed into Marcus’s shoulder.

  Charlotte gave him a confused look as Clyde came hurrying into the room.

  The old doctor sat down on the bed and began talking softly to Holly.

  Holly raised her head from Marcus’s shoulder and let Clyde check her heart and pulse. “I…I…I remember something. I had a dream or maybe it was a memory.” Holly sniffled.

  “A memory? Of what?” Charlotte moved to the end of the bed.

  “Reed. He was there.”

  “In your dream?”

  “Yes. I mean no. I mean yes and no.”

  “Take a deep breath, Holly.” Dr. Miles patted her hand.

  Holly exhaled then inhaled and exhaled again before starting over. “I texted Reed this morning that I was going to the bluf
fs to look for clues about Noah. Since Mr. West was found in the cave, I thought maybe I could find something the police couldn’t.” Holly paused and took a drink of water Marcus offered her. “Reed offered to meet me at the bluffs. I texted him back to meet me, but I didn’t have great reception, so I wasn’t sure my text went through. I remember hearing him whistling when I was in the cave. At least I think it was him. A light shone in the cave and then everything went black.”

  Everyone fell silent.

  “Are you talking about Deputy Reed Clark?” Clyde frowned.

  Holly nodded. She quickly filled him in on what she’d told Charlotte about Reed being injured the day of the wedding.

  “Deputy Clark is downstairs right now with Sherriff Payne. He asked to see you, but I told him you were resting.”

  Fear filled Holly’s eyes. “Please don’t say anything. Maybe I was just imagining things. Maybe it wasn’t him. He’s my friend. Noah’s friend. He wouldn’t hurt either of us.”

  Clyde patted her hand then insisted Holly lie back and rest. He motioned for the rest of them to follow him outside. “Marcus, you seem to have formed a bond with Holly. Don’t leave her alone. If Reed killed Noah, he may be after Holly too. He’s planning to run for Sherriff next year since Payne is retiring. This could ruin him especially if it’s not true. If it is true, we need more proof and Holly needs to be protected.

  Marcus nodded. “I put a call in to a buddy of mine to do some checking on Reed. Told him to make it quick and untraceable. I should hear from him in the next hour. Two tops.” He disappeared back into Holly’s room.

  “Reed,” Clyde mumbled and shook his head. “I hope your theory is wrong, Charlotte. Reed has been an upstanding member of our community. This whole town loves him. I can’t believe he would kill Noah. Although I do remember him being pretty banged up the day of the wedding. No one thought anything of it because the Harris brothers were always making trouble with out of towners. Rumors swirled they’d been in a fight the night before. Everyone assumed it was with Reed. Of course, everyone thought Noah had taken off. Gotten cold feet. It was a first for Angelica. Poor angel didn’t smile for a week.”


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