Fate at the Manor

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Fate at the Manor Page 9

by J. R. Cowan

  “You’re not going, are you?” Marcus stood up and took Holly’s hand.

  “What happened?” She brushed her hand across his bloody lip.

  Marcus placed his hand over hers. “Taking your advice.”

  She smiled and nodded. “I’m glad.”

  Marcus frowned. “You’re not going to the bluffs alone.”

  “I don’t have a choice. I’ve got to know what happened to Noah. So, I can move on.” She rubbed her thumb over his cheek.

  “I’m going with you.”

  “He said to come alone.”

  Justin scoffed. “Of course, he did. Luke. Clyde. Grab some shot guns. We’re going to the bluffs. Noah’s murder will be solved tonight.”

  Chapter 19

  Justin held the gun firmly in his hands. Luke was on the far side of the bluffs with his father. Marcus was near the cave and thankfully Lila and Charlotte had agreed to stay back at the Manor. He didn’t want to worry about Charlotte getting shot. It would end him.

  A branch snapped behind him and he spun around to see Charlotte creeping up to him. “What are you doing here? I thought you agreed to stay at the Manor.”

  Charlotte shrugged. “I can’t write about this unless I see it. It wouldn’t be authentic.”

  “You won’t be able to write anything if you’re dead.”

  “Then I guess I’m lucky to have a big strong guy like you to protect me.” She smirked.

  Justin rolled his eyes. “Just stay behind me and be quiet.”

  Charlotte gave him a thumbs up and ran a finger across her lips as if to show she was zipping them.

  Another snap of a branch drew their attention to the bluffs. Holly had been standing next to a tree for the past ten minutes. Reed had yet to show up, but a red shirt appeared out of the tree line and he came into view.

  “You alone?” He glanced around the bluffs.

  Holly nodded. Her eyes on Reed as to not give away any of the men’s hiding places.

  Reed studied her for a moment. “Are you ready to find out what really happened to Noah?”

  Holly nodded again.

  “Me too.”

  Holly frowned. “What do you mean?”

  Reed ignored her question. “Noah was my best friend. My brother. Always had my back. He saved me from the bar fight that night before your wedding. Those Harris boys would have killed me if it weren’t for Noah. He always made things right. Even went to apologize to them after he got me safely in his car.”

  “Why are you telling me this, Reed?”

  He ignored her again. “Your fight about his job really got to him. Do you know he was planning to quit? Give it all up. For you?”

  Holly shook her head. A tear fell down her cheek.

  “He was. All his hard work to become a cop. His dream. And he was going to give it up to start a hardware store. That wasn’t Noah. He loved the action. Helping people. Saving people. And he was going to just walk away from it. You would have been happy to let him, right?”

  “I wanted him safe.” Holly sniffled.

  “But he wasn’t safe, was he? Followed old man West up here. Made sure the drunk was safe. That’s who Noah was.”

  “What are you saying, Reed?”

  “I’m saying…”

  A gun went off and a bullet grazed Reed’s shoulder. He staggered forward, falling on Holly. Holly screamed, and another bullet shot through the air.

  Justin couldn’t figure out where the shots were coming from. Everyone agreed not to shoot unless Holly was in danger and they were only going to shoot in the air to scare him.

  A shout came from Luke to hold fire, but another bullet hit a tree near him.

  “Someone else is out here. I’m going to sneak around the other side and see if I can surprise them.”

  Charlotte grabbed his arm. A pleading look in her eyes. “Don’t. Stay with me.”

  His heart flipped in his chest and the urge to kiss her pulsed through him. He patted her hand. “I’ll be fine. You stay put.”

  “Please come back to me.”

  Her words gutted him, but he knew this was something he needed to do. Justin crept around the bluffs, staying low and ducking behind the trees until the gun fire was close. It was getting harder to see with the sun setting behind the tree line. Darkness would consume them soon and they’d all be sitting ducks.

  A breeze kicked up, stronger than normal this time of year. Leaves whirled around creating a mini tornado and headed toward the spot where the gunfire was erupting. A deep voice hollered out for help. Justin took the distraction as his chance to surprise the shooter.

  He was shocked to find Sherriff Payne lying on the ground with leaves whirling all around him. The old Sherriff was covering his face with his arms and rolling around on the ground trying to get away from the mini leaf tornado.

  “What the…” Luke stepped up next to Justin.

  “Angelica.” Clyde whispered next to them.

  At the mention of her name, the leaves dropped, and the men sprang into action pinning the Sherriff to the ground.

  “Get off me.” Sherriff Payne struggled against the men.

  “You killed Noah?” Holly approached them with Reed propped up on her shoulder and Marcus holding him up from the other side.

  “What?! That’s crazy! Reed killed him. I was trying to protect you.” He squirmed, trying to get out of the men’s grasp.

  “He’s lying.” Reed coughed.

  “Why would I kill Noah? I have no motive.” Sherriff Payne glared at him.

  “Noah probably found out Payne was running an illegal gambling and drug ring below the bar the night he was killed. The Harris boys were a part of it and when Noah followed them to apologize for me, he must have found their secret meeting place.”

  “He’s lying. Trying to shift the focus off himself.”

  “Noah probably confronted Payne and told him he was going to turn him in. Payne must have tried to persuade him. Probably offered him the deputy position, but I bet Noah refused. Payne must have followed him to the bluffs where Noah was ensuring Mr. West made it safely back to his home then murdered him.”

  “That’s ridiculous! You have no proof.” Sherriff Payne struggled against the men again.

  “I’d passed out in the backseat, but a car engine and headlights woke me up. I saw a police car driving away from the Manor. At the time, I didn’t think anything of it, but the next day I had my suspicions when Noah didn’t show up for the wedding. When I went to his apartment, the landlord indicated two men cleaned out the apartment before the Sherriff arrived. With no body, I couldn’t prove anything, so I took a job here to find out more and boy did I ever.”

  Heavy footsteps pounded toward them and more officers swarmed the area. They took Sherriff Payne into custody. He continued to deny everything as they led him down the side of the bluffs.

  “I hope you have a lot of proof.” Clyde checked Reed’s shoulder. “He just grazed you. I can stitch you up at the Manor.”

  “More than enough to put him away for life. Not to mention a copy of the map Holly found was in his desk.”

  Holly gasped. “How did you know about the map?”

  Reed shrugged. “I was up here this morning looking around the cave. Found the map before you did, thought I put it in my pocket, but it must have fallen out. Then I went down to the creek to look around when I saw you by the cave and you picked up a piece of paper.”

  “You hit me?”

  Reed scowled. “Of course not. I was getting ready to head up to meet you when Sherriff Payne texted me to get back to the station. Said there was an emergency. When I got there, he told me it had been handled. I noticed the map was missing when I went to submit it in evidence. Figured it had fallen out of my pocket and you picked it up since it wasn’t there when I went back to look for it. Then I heard about your injury and knew I’d been had. Payne must have been on to me and probably sent one of the Harris boys up to the bluffs to take care of you.”

  Holly shi
vered. “What’s with the map? It’s not incriminating.”

  “Probably his way of keeping track of where Noah was found in relation to the cave and the river. I’m surprised he didn’t frame old man West. The poor guy was ready to take the blame. Guess the old Sherriff does have a conscience. He sighed then winced when Clyde put pressure on his wound. “I bet if we drag the creek, we’ll find the murder weapon.”

  “So why ask Holly to meet you up here?” Charlotte stepped up next to Justin.

  “I knew she thought I killed Noah. I could hear it in her voice when I called to check on her. I wanted to flush out Sherriff Payne, so I told him that I was going to the bluffs because I found some new evidence that would tell us who killed Noah.”

  “But you didn’t.”

  Reed shook his head. “Nope, but I have plenty of evidence about the illegal gambling and drug ring. Payne following me up here, shooting me and at all of you, leads me to believe he killed Noah and I think the prosecuting attorney will see that too. If he doesn’t confess to killing Noah, the evidence I have will at least put him away from a long time. Although, I think he will want to cut a deal as soon as possible.”

  “Let’s get you to the Manor and tend to that wound.” Clyde took Holly’s spot and motioned for Luke to take Marcus’s as they all headed toward the Manor.

  Justin couldn’t believe what he’d witnessed on top the bluffs. He’d never seen leaves attack anyone. It’d saved his life. The Sherriff probably would have seen him and turned his gun on him. If Angelica was magical, he owed her his life. Maybe it was time to give her a visit.

  Chapter 20

  Charlotte took the last bite of her prime rib. She smiled, watching Mr. West dig into his third helping then slid her plate to the center of the table and glanced around the deck at everyone gathered to celebrate Mr. West’s return to the Manor.

  Justin’s mother had drove in to discuss things further with Marcus and Justin. They were sipping wine, deep in conversation at the end of the picnic table.

  Marcus had received an interesting phone call from an FBI agent when they’d returned from the bluffs. Mr. Shaw had been arrested for numerous crimes including smuggling, blackmail, drug dealing and suspicion of murder. The feds were requesting Marcus’s help in building a case against him. Marcus and Holly were planning to drive back to the city after dinner. Holly whispered to her that Marcus had asked her out on a date and she wanted to accept, but was afraid it was too soon after finding out what happened to Noah. Charlotte told her to follow her heart. From the glances and smiles, Marcus and Holly were sharing across the deck, it was fair to say the date would be happening very soon.

  Reed was lounging by the fire pit. His arm in a sling. Cynthia insisted he stay for dinner after the town council called an emergency session and unanimously voted him as the new Sherriff.

  Sherriff Payne finally confessed to killing Noah and was on his way to the county jail to await his sentencing. The Harris brothers were also arrested for their part in covering up the murder, attacking Holly and their involvement in the illegal gambling and drug ring.

  Mrs. White, Cynthia and Clyde were all gathered around Mr. West ensuring he had everything he needed. Cynthia offered him his old room at the Manor, but he wanted a fresh start, so they were discussing building him a small house next to theirs.

  Wyatt was throwing the ball to Ava in the yard and Luke and Lila had mysteriously disappeared.

  “We’re engaged!” Lila rushed onto the deck holding out her left hand with an ideal cut diamond gleaming from her ring finger.

  Everyone gathered around, smiling and congratulating the couple. Even Mr. West was grinning ear to ear.

  “That Angelica sure knows what she’s doing.” Mr. West chuckled.

  Charlotte hugged her friend and admired the sparkling diamond. “Luke, did well.”

  “It was his grandmother’s.” Lila stared down at her hand. “It’s gorgeous, isn’t it?”

  Charlotte nodded and hugged her friend again.

  Cynthia and Mrs. White swept Lila away to talk about the engagement party and setting a date for the wedding.

  Charlotte watched them with a smile. Her friend had finally found her happily ever after and she couldn’t be happier for her.

  “A penny for your thoughts.” Justin stepped up next to her on the deck.

  “Loving this happy ending.” She turned and took in his handsome face. “How are things going with Marcus and your mother?”

  Justin shrugged. “We’re getting there. Marcus is planning to pay us back. He’s coming back to work for us and bringing back the authors he stole. I had some money saved for emergencies so I’m going to pour that into the business. We’ll be alright.”

  “I can help too.”

  Justin shook his head. “Thanks, but I need to do this. It’s my family’s business. I should have known things weren’t right. It’s my fault.”

  Charlotte scoffed. “This is not your fault. Shaw and Marcus are to blame. Don’t you dare think of taking on this burden.”

  “Alright. Alright.” Justin grinned then ran a hand over his cheek. “I still should have re-checked the numbers. Mom is planning to retire. Let me take over the business. She’s always hated numbers and wants to spend more time reading books then selling them.”

  “I don’t blame her. I prefer that too.” Charlotte smiled.

  “But you’re so good at selling them.” Justin winked at her.

  Charlotte snorted. “You’re such a liar. I hire you to sell them. I just write them.”

  “Speaking of writing. When will you have Holly’s book ready? You do know Starr Publishing is waiting for their romance novel.”

  “Oh, I’m not selling Noah and Holly’s story to Starr Publishing.”

  “You have a contract. A deadline. Char-“

  Charlotte held up a hand to stop him. “Come with me.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the front of the Manor. Her bags were packed and in her trunk. They were all leaving tonight so they could get started bright and early on the marketing for her new book.

  Holly had agreed to be Charlotte’s assistant and help her with editing and marketing. Something Charlotte had needed for a long time, but kept putting off. When Holly told her during their interviews that she would love a chance to work with her, Charlotte knew it was meant to be.

  She popped the trunk and dug in her leather tote.

  “Charlotte, did you hear me? Starr Publishing will sue us for Breach of Contract. We have to give them something.”

  Charlotte pulled out a stack of papers and a flash drive and handed it to Justin.

  “What’s this?”

  “My manuscript for Starr Publishing.”

  “You already got Holly’s book done?”

  Charlotte shook her head. It needs more time. I wrote this over the summer.”

  “And you’re just now giving it to me?”

  Charlotte shrugged then smiled. “I like torturing you.”

  Justin clenched his jaw then set the script down in Charlotte’s trunk. “Come with me?”

  “Where are we going?”

  “To see Angelica.”

  Charlotte ripped her hand from his. “No way.”

  Justin turned and smiled. “Afraid?”

  Charlotte bit her lip.

  “Come on. What do we have to lose?”

  “Everything,” Charlotte whispered.

  “Or we have everything to gain. We won’t know unless we test the magic. I promise nothing will change between us no matter what.” Justin held out his hand to her.

  Charlotte reluctantly accepted it and followed him.

  When they reached the fountain, they both stared at Angelica.

  “Feel anything?”

  “No. You?”

  “Nothing. Guess it was all a myth.”

  Charlotte sighed. “Guess so.”

  They turned and faced each other and that’s when it happened. Their eyes met. The world stilled. Everything fell away
except for the two of them.

  Justin closed the gap between them. His hands on her cheeks. Lips on hers. Two hearts beating as one.

  A chuckled from the porch drew them apart. Mr. West hobbled toward them. “About time Angelica got you two together. She’s quite magical, isn’t she?”

  “She definitely is.” Charlotte snuggled into Justin’s shoulder as they took in Angelica. “Who would have thought…after all these years…this…this angel statue would reveal our hearts.”

  “All these years?”

  Charlotte gazed up at Justin. “I’ve loved you since the first day you pulled my ponytail in elementary school.”

  Justin’s jaw dropped. “You’re kidding?”

  Charlotte shook her head.

  “I’ve loved you since the moment I saw you. Sitting at your desk with your nose in a book. A Nancy Drew mystery, if I recall. I pulled your hair, just so you’d look at me.”

  “It worked.” She smiled then glanced up at Angelica beaming down at them.

  “Then let me do it again.” Justin tugged lightly on the end of Charlotte’s hair.

  She grinned as she turned toward him, tugging on his as she pulled him to her lips.

  Epilogue (One Year Later)


  Snow fell softly around Angelica as she watched the guests taking their places for the wedding. Clyde, Mr. White and Mr. West had drained the water earlier in the week so only she was left standing in the center of the stone fountain. She’d miss the fish and lily pads, but would anxiously await new ones, next spring. With her arms outstretched and wings slightly cracked from years of withstanding the elements, she was as ready as she could be for the ceremony. A cardinal rested on her shoulder.

  “Hello Agnes.”


  “He’s finally home.”

  “About time.”

  Mr. West hobbled down the aisle dressed in a dark suit. He sat down next to Cynthia and Clyde, both dressed for the occasion. Mrs. White reached out and straightened his tie then wrapped a wool blanket around his shoulders.


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