Broken Rock

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Broken Rock Page 12

by K. A. Finn

  He walks over to the rack of guitars against the far wall and picks one up. He can either wallow in equal doses of self-pity and self-loathing, or kick his ass back into shape. Tate sits down and runs his thumb over the strings. No time like the present to see if he can still play the damn thing. He closes his eyes and tries to let his mind go blank, just focusing on the chords which come back surprisingly quickly even after five months of being ignored.

  Time to stop putting off getting his life back. Delaying things isn’t helping anyone. He needs to get back to work and so do the guys. At least if he’s locked away in the studio, he’ll have a near constant distraction from thoughts of Chloe.


  Chloe positions the laptop on her knee and practises her smile in the reflection. There’s no way her gran is going to buy that sorry excuse for a smile. As soon as she sees her face she’ll know somethings wrong. Most of the last three days had been spent trying not to think about Tate. It was a lost cause. The fight with Tate had replayed over and over in her head as the hours stretched on.

  Had she over-reacted? Maybe. Okay, he may not have technically told a bare-faced lie, but he hadn’t been entirely honest with her either.

  Then again, how would she have expected that introduction to go? He was hardly going to tell her his name and follow it with the fact he’s a famous singer. He told her he was a musician. He told her he sings. Was it her fault for not recognising him?

  Hence the sleepless nights. This whole mess is far from simple and neither is the solution. If there is one. The way she had left things with him was pretty final.

  Chloe rests her head on the table and groans to herself. Has she made a massive mistake? She looks at her phone and the picture of Tate staring back at her. His deep blue eyes bore into her from the screen. He really is absolutely gorgeous... which shouldn’t even be a factor.

  She turns her phone over. Damn man is everywhere. Her computer signals an incoming video call. Time to put on the performance of her life. She straightens her hair again and smiles as she taps the answer icon.

  Her gran’s face appears on the screen and she can’t hold back the smile. ‘Hello, dear. See, I told you I’d be able to figure this technology stuff out.’

  ‘It’s good to see you. Are you enjoying your holiday?’

  Her gran makes a face. ‘It’s okay. You know how I hate being fussed over though. I have to say I’m looking forward to getting back to my own house. So, are you going to tell me what’s wrong?’

  ‘There’s nothing wrong.’

  ‘Try again, dear. What’s happened?’ Chloe considers lying, but her gran crosses her arms and gives her one of her knowing looks. So Chloe tells her everything. When she’s done, she actually feels a little better, not by much, but any improvement is still an improvement.

  ‘What do you plan to do now?’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Don’t try to pull the wool over my eyes. I may be old but I can see you still like Tate. Quite a bit I would imagine.’

  ‘But he lied to me.’

  Her gran snorts. ‘I wouldn’t be so quick to label what he did lying as such. From what I hear, everything else you’ve told me about him is the real Tate.’

  ‘How long have you known him?’

  Her gran makes a face. ‘Since he was a kid I suppose. I think he was seven or eight when they adopted him so I suppose I’ve known him for about twenty-seven years.’

  ‘He’s adopted? I didn’t know that.’

  ‘Oh yes. I don’t know much about that though. I know they wanted more children after Shane but were told they couldn’t. It took some time for the adoption to go through but they were finally able to bring Tate home. Then a few years later they fell pregnant with Bria. Strange how life works out.

  ‘Anyway, what I was trying to say is that Tate... he didn’t change when he became well known. I don’t know how he did it, but he didn’t let the fame go to his head. He was still the same Tate. Still dressed the same. Still had the same friends. Still came back to see his family every single chance he got. He even gave me piano lessons when he was back.’

  ‘Hold on. You never said he’s the one who’s been giving you lessons.’

  ‘I just did. Quite an impressive claim to fame I think - having Tate Archer teach me piano. I think deep down he misses all that.’

  ‘Misses what?’

  ‘He’s a teacher, like you.’

  ‘Excuse me?’

  ‘Oh yes. He went to some music college or other after school. He’s a highly qualified music teacher of piano and guitar. I think he has some fancy degree or something like that. He’s an incredibly talented musician. Very natural teacher too.’

  ‘I didn’t know that.’

  ‘I know he wasn’t entirely straight with you and if I was there I’d give him a slap for it, but I understand why he did it.’

  ‘You do?

  ‘Of course. I know he loves what he does, but there are few eligible women around here who don’t know who Tate is. Then you come along. I’m not surprised he wanted to keep that side to himself, but believe me, you have met the real him. He’s an incredibly sweet, thoughtful, caring man.’ Her face drops a little. ‘He is going through a bad patch. Again, I’d give him a slap for that too. Stupid boy. All I’m saying is that if you like him and it’s the fact he was a little reserved about his job that is stopping you, maybe that’s a little harsh. He’s a good one, Chloe.’

  ‘I do like him, Gran.’

  ‘Of course you do. So, why are you still talking to me? Shouldn’t you be contacting him?’

  ‘I don’t know how to. We always just sort of bumped into each other. I’ve already been to the beach and he’s not there.’

  ‘Leave it with me.’

  ‘Gran, what are you going to do? Please don’t call him yourself.’

  ‘I don’t have his number, but I do know how to get him. Stay by your phone. I’ll see if I can track him down.’


  ‘I won’t embarrass you, I promise. Trust me. I’m going to hang up now. Stay by your phone.’


  Chloe paces the living room, her mobile firmly in her hand. She checks the screen again. Still nothing. How long does it take for her gran to ring whoever she was ringing? Maybe they’re busy. Maybe she had to leave a message and they won’t get back for hours. It’s only been an hour so far. She can’t wait hours. She’ll drive herself crazy.

  She nearly drops the phone when it rings. ‘Gran?’

  ‘I’m still working on it. It appears Tate is gone.’

  ‘Gone? What do you mean he’s gone?’

  ‘According to my friend who is friends with his mother, he’s gone back to his own house and straight back to work. When he’s in the studio he’s pretty much out of contact. I haven’t given up though. There’s one more person to try.’

  ‘Maybe this isn’t such a good idea. The last thing he’s going to want is me chasing him when he’s working.’

  ‘Oh hush now. Gran is on the case.’

  She cuts the call before Chloe can respond. The fact he’s gone back to his old life isn’t a great sign. Well, it’s great for him, just not for her. She won’t be bumping into him on the beach in the mornings. Unless her gran tracks down a contact for him, that’ll be it.

  Instead of staring at the phone for the day, she showers and gets into a pair of pyjama bottoms, old t-shirt, and fluffy socks. After making herself a cup of tea she turns on the TV and scrolls through the channels until she finds something that looks half watchable.

  The doorbell rings and she curses under her breath as she pulls it open. A tall man with messy, dark blond-hair turns to look at her. His hands are in the back pockets of his jeans and black and grey tattoos cover his thick arms.



  He holds out his hand and the recognition hits as soon as she sees his lopsided grin. She’d seen that grin quite a few times while she was trying not to l
ook at endless photos of Tate and failing miserably.

  ‘You’re Gregg.’

  He grins widely at her. ‘You recognise me but not Tate? Ha! That’s hilarious. Wait till I tell him.’ He holds up his hands when her face drops. ‘That was a joke. A badly timed one I’ll admit. Can I presume you’ve been doing a bit of online searching?’

  ‘I’m just trying to get my head around things.’

  ‘I get that. I’d imagine there’s a fair bit to get your head around. So, your gran summoned me. She thought I’d be able to help you out.’

  She checks the screen on her phone then looks up at him again. ‘I thought she was getting me his number.’

  ‘Tate’s not keen on me handing out his number to random women, not saying you’re a random woman of course. Between you and me he can attract a few interesting folk. Not that I’m including you in that either. Wow, I’m on a roll with the foot in mouth comments today, huh. Can I come in?’

  ‘Sorry. Of course.’

  He steps inside and sits on the stairs. ‘So,’ he says as he scratches his beard. ‘I’m kind of on borrowed time. We’re in the studio for the day. I’ve got about two hours while Tate does his bit and he notices I’ve done a runner. I also need to get back before he calls the Garda.’

  ‘What? Why would he do that?’

  He grins sheepishly and points to the black pickup parked outside the house. ‘I may have borrowed his truck. Can’t resist winding him up whenever I can.’ Gregg rests his elbows on the step behind him and stretches out.

  ‘My dear buddy wasn’t forthcoming with all the details, so let’s see if I got this straight. You met Tate. He introduced himself. You didn’t recognise him. Not a crime by the way. Tate realised but didn’t enlighten you. For the record, I told him that would backfire but so far I’ve kept away from the I told you so’s. He’s really not in the mood for that. Anyway, he eventually tells you the truth and you’re quite naturally upset. End of Tate and Chloe. Am I right?’

  ‘I guess so.’

  ‘Thought so. Idiot. Him not you. I’ll let you in to a little secret. Coming here to get you isn’t entirely a selfless act. Myself, Dillon, and Luke are enjoying a fantastic day stuck in the studio with Tate. When I say enjoying I’m being as sarcastic as I can be. The fucker is like a bear with a sore head.’

  ‘In that case I’m not sure me getting in touch would be such a good idea.’

  Gregg shakes his head. ‘No. That’s not what I mean. He’s angry at himself. Downright furious actually. He thinks he’s messed things up with you for good. Has he?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ she replies truthfully. ‘I do like him, but he... I think I need to talk to him.’

  ‘Please do. For all our sakes. There isn’t enough coffee in the world to help us deal with him.’

  ‘Okay. So what’s the plan?’

  ‘Your Prince Charming is singing his little heart out so I’m going to take you to him.’

  ‘Are you sure he’ll be okay with this? I mean I was just planning on talking to him. I don’t want to land on him while he’s working.’

  ‘He’ll be more than okay with this.’ Gregg looks her up and down and makes a face. ‘Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m not so sure the pyjama and fluffy sock combo is the look you want to go for in this particular situation.’

  She looks down at her baggy pyjama bottoms and grimaces. ‘Oh God. Can you give me a few minutes?’

  ‘Absolutely. Go for it.’

  Ten minutes later she locks the door behind her and climbs up into the truck. It smells like leather and sandalwood. Just like Tate. Gregg starts the engine and grimaces as he grinds the gears. ‘Fuck. I didn’t do that, okay.’

  ‘You’re doing me a massive favour. I’m not going to land you in it with him.’

  ‘You’re an angel.’ He pulls away from the house and heads towards the main road. ‘Got to say it’s a pleasure to meet you in person. Tate’s been bending my ear about you.’

  ‘He has?’

  ‘Of course. Why do you look so surprised? I thought you guys had a thing of sorts.’

  ‘Well, yeah, I guess we do. I mean we did. I just didn’t think he’d told anyone about it.’

  ‘As far as I know I’m the only one. He’s a fairly private person. Not too keen on everyone knowing his business. Took a bit of ingenious badgering but he eventually spilt the beans. Tate’s got oodles of confidence when it comes to getting up on stage and all that other stuff, but when it comes to you for some reason he’s second guessing himself.

  ‘I think everything that’s transpired lately has knocked him. He genuinely likes you, Chloe and I think that’s why he found it so difficult to tell you exactly who he is. He liked how normal it was. No insult intended, I promise.

  ‘He’s had one or two... or was it three?’ He makes a face then shrugs. ‘Whatever. There have been a few people who weren’t interested in getting to know him. They were more interested in all the glitz and glamour stuff. I’m sure you’ve guessed by now that’s not how he works. Anyway, because of that, he’s usually wary about being himself around certain people. I’m damn impressed he didn’t put up his usual wall with you. Says a lot.’

  Chloe smiles and looks back out the window. Hearing that from someone who’s known Tate for so long means a lot.

  ‘You’re absolutely going to make more than his day when he sees you again. He may even forgive me for nicking his truck.’


  Gregg parks Tate’s truck in the underground parking area and she follows him to the elevator. ‘He might still be recording so best not to interrupt his mojo. We’ll go to the control room and wait there until he’s done. You’ll be able to see and hear him, but he won’t be able to see or hear you. You can just chill with us and watch him do his thing.’

  ‘I’ll follow your lead. I’ve never been somewhere like this before.’

  ‘It’s all fairly relaxed. Dillon and Luke will be there so you can meet them too. You ever seen Tate sing or play live?’

  She shakes her head. ‘Only on the radio or videos online.’

  ‘Guy is a natural performer. He’s at his best with a guitar in his hands. Just do me a favour. Don’t go telling him how amazing he is. Wouldn’t want him getting a big head.’

  The doors open and he gestures for Chloe to step out of the elevator. He leads her down the corridor and opens the last door. She follows Gregg into the studio and waves at the room full of people who turn to look at her. Gregg introduces the two other members of the band and points to the couch at the back at the room. She squeezes in between Luke and Dillon and thanks Gregg as he passes her a glass of water.

  ‘He can’t see you,’ Dillon whispers. ‘The room is dark so he’s not distracted.’

  Chloe nods and can’t hold back the smile as she watches Tate in the booth opposite them. It’s only been three days since their argument, but it feels like a lifetime. As always, he looks incredible. The sleeves of his navy top are pushed up leaving some of his tattoos on display. Some of the buttons on his t-shirt are open teasing her with a glimpse of his inked chest. He pulls off the baseball cap and brushes his hair back before tucking it back under the backwards cap.

  The backing track comes on then Tate begins to play. Gregg is right, seeing him in person is so much better than on her computer screen. Then he sings. For someone with such a deep husky voice, he can reach impressive notes. She’d quite happily stay on the couch, listening to him singing all day, but far too soon the song comes to an end and Gregg taps her on the shoulder.

  ‘Told you he was good.’

  ‘That’s an understatement.’

  ‘Spare a thought for us poor fuckers who have to try and compete with that.’ Dillon laughs as he pushes to his feet and pours coffee into a mug.

  ‘He’s due a break now. You’re up, Chloe.’

  ‘What? Now?’

  ‘Yep.’ Dillon hands her the mug. ‘This is for him.’

  She takes the mug and Gregg ope
ns the door. ‘Next door up. Just knock and he’ll let you in.’

  Chloe stands outside the door and takes a few breaths. This is absolutely the right thing to do, but now that she knows who he is, it’s so much harder. She straightens her shoulders and knocks twice. After a brief wait the door opens and Tate freezes.

  ‘Chloe? What are you doing here?’


  Tate instantly regrets his words. That’s one way to make it sound like she’s not welcome. ‘Fuck. Sorry, I didn’t mean that to come out that way.’

  ‘No, I shouldn’t have come.’

  Tate opens his mouth to say something but frowns and looks to the control room. ‘Too many ears. Will you come with me for a minute?’ He leads Chloe through the building and up to a large roof terrace overlooking the city. ‘Yeah, okay I’m going to start again. I’m really glad you’re here, I’m just surprised to see you.’

  ‘I needed to see you. I’m sorry for putting you on the spot like this. Gregg said it would be okay.’

  ‘It is. I really didn’t think I’d see you again.’ He was absolutely sure she was gone for good.

  ‘I know and I’m sorry for how I reacted. It was such a shock when you told me. I’m so embarrassed about what I said. I blew the entire situation completely out of proportion. I just... I mean you’re the same person, I know that, but you’re also not. I don’t mean that in a bad way. It’s just going to take a little getting used to.’

  Tate leans against the wall and crosses his arms, then drops them to his side when he realises he looks like he’s being defensive. ‘You don’t have anything to apologise for. You had every right to go off on me. I kept telling myself what I was doing technically wasn’t lying, but it was. I got so wrapped up in you not knowing about me, I guess I didn’t want to give that up. It doesn’t excuse it for one minute and I’m not trying to justify it. It was just nice being... uncomplicated for a bit. And to be honest, I didn’t have a fucking clue how to even go there with you. I’d ignored every opening and got myself stuck.’

  Chloe rests against the wall beside him and doesn’t say anything for a few minutes. Tate doesn’t push her. The fact she took the time to track him down and come here to see him is more than he could have hoped for. He’s not going to tip the scales by saying something stupid.


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