Broken Rock

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Broken Rock Page 20

by K. A. Finn

  She laughs and shakes her head. ‘You’re good.’

  He vaults over the side of the truck and walks over to the car. She can’t hear what he says to them, but she can see them both blush when he crouches down beside the open window. He talks to them for a minute then they burst out of the car and he poses for a photo. When they get what they wanted the girls climb back into their car and huddle over the phone.

  Tate joins Chloe and smiles apologetically at her. ‘Sorry about that.’

  ‘You made their day. Nothing to apologise for.’

  Tate eats another chip and waves at the girls as they pull out of the car park. ‘Yeah. Weird.’

  ‘What is?’

  ‘The whole fame thing. If you think about it, it really doesn’t make sense. I’m just a normal guy. I grew up on a farm a few miles down the road. I went to school around here. All that time under their noses and no interest at all. Add a bit of celebrity to that and suddenly I’m fucking irresistible.’ He picks another chip out of the tray and grins at her. ‘Could have done with that in school.’

  Chloe turns and frowns at him. ‘Are you saying no one was interested in you in school?’

  He shakes his head as he chews. ‘I was always the weird, scrawny, quiet kid. More interested in music than making friends. Gregg went to the same school and we’d meet up with Dillon and Luke after school, but apart from that I kept to myself. I was either in trouble for dicking around with Gregg during class or hiding behind an instrument. Not the sort of guy the girls went for.’

  She leans back and looks at the well-built man sitting beside her. ‘Hold on a second. You? Scrawny?’

  ‘Like a rake with limbs.’

  ‘I can wholeheartedly vouch for that.’

  They look around and she can feel Tate’s body tense against hers. ‘Dara? Hi.’

  The blond-haired man steps out from beside the car and leans over the side. ‘Fish and chips? Splashing out, eh, Tate.’

  ‘Yeah. Chloe this is my cousin Dara. Dara, this is Chloe.’

  He smiles as he shakes Chloe’s hand. ‘Nice to meet you. And as he was saying, he was a slow bloomer. The Tate you see before you broke out while he was in college. I remember I hadn’t seen him for... it must have been about six months after we left school and there was a family thing at my parents’ house.’ Dara laughs and points over at Tate. ‘This one walks in and I swear you could have heard a pin drop. Floppy hair shaved off, ears pierced and a tattoo on his neck. I honestly will never forget the look on everyone’s faces.’

  Tate smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes. He’s got his performer facade on for some reason. ‘Yeah. At least they were predictable. Got the reaction I knew I would. Wasn’t expecting to see you here. Bit far from your place isn’t it?’

  Dara pats his stomach. ‘Loads of space here for a good run. Trying to get in shape.’ He looks at Tate and grins. ‘Think I’ve got a fair bit of running to do before I get to where you are. So, you look well. How are you?’

  ‘Good, thanks.’

  ‘I’m sorry to hear about rehab. Fair play to you for sorting yourself out. Can’t have been easy.’

  Tate glances over at her then nods at Dara. ‘No, it wasn’t. So Dad said you helped out with Jove while I was away. He behave for you?’

  Dara laughs. ‘He’s a handful. I’m not sure who was in control of who, but I managed to stay on him so I’m happy. If you need anyone to take him out when you’re busy just give me a shout.’

  ‘Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.’

  ‘Has the patch-up job on the hay shed roof held?’

  Chloe glances over at Tate when he doesn’t immediately respond. He’s turning the ring on his thumb – something he seems to do when he’s not entirely at ease.

  ‘You fixed that?’

  Dara helps himself to one of Tate’s chips. ‘I hope so. You might need to put another layer of sealant over the hole. I also replaced the pump to the troughs in the back field.’

  ‘Great. Thanks.’

  ‘It’s no problem at all. I can’t imagine you have a lot of free time to help out as much as you’d probably like.’

  ‘No. I guess not.’

  Chloe tries not to attract any attention to herself as the two cousins sit in a slightly awkward silence. Tate is clearly on edge having Dara here. It probably didn’t help that his cousin mentioned rehab, especially in front of her.

  Dara bangs the side of the truck and smiles at Chloe. ‘Well, I’ll leave you to your dinner. Nice to meet you, Chloe.’

  She returns the smile. ‘You too, Dara.’

  Tate nods but doesn’t bid his cousin a fond farewell. He silently watches as Dara gets into his car. His cousin waves and sounds his horn as he drives by. Chloe discretely looks over at Tate. His jaw is clenched and he’s playing with the ring on his thumb as he stares after the car.


  He doesn’t respond, still focused on the road from the car park even though Dara is long gone.


  He turns and frowns at her. ‘What?’

  ‘Are you okay?’

  Tate seems to come out of his daze and smiles at her, but it’s a little forced. He sits back against the cab and picks up a chip before dropping it back in the tray. ‘Cold. Do you want me to grab you some fresh chips?’

  ‘No. I’m stuffed.’ Chloe gathers the leftover food and slides off the load bed. She throws it in the bin and leans on the side of the truck facing Tate. ‘I really need a walk after all that food. You coming?’

  ‘Yeah.’ He hops down from the back, closes the tailgate and locks the car. A group of girls sitting on the rocks at the top of the beach stop talking as he walks past them. Chloe hopes they don’t ask him for a photo. She seriously doubts they’d get the answer they were hoping for. He takes Chloe’s hand and that action alone seems to halt any ideas they might have had.

  Tate keeps the silence going for a good ten minutes as they walk along the water’s edge. He’s deep in his head and she doesn’t know how to get him back. Any attempts at conversation resulted in either a grunt, a yes, or a no.

  ‘You’re wrong you know.’

  He turns to look at her. Success. ‘What?’

  ‘I said you’re wrong.’

  ‘About what?’

  ‘The fish and chips. There’s a place at the harbour in Greystones that does really amazing fish and chips. I’d argue theirs are marginally better than what we just had.’

  He stops walking and stares at her for a moment before he smiles and continues walking. ‘Is that so.’

  ‘Absolutely. I’ll treat you next time and we’ll see who’s right.’ She stops and turns him to face her. ‘Are you going to talk to me about what’s going on in there?’ She taps her finger on the side of his head and smiles at him. ‘I haven’t seen you not finish food so there must be something up.’

  He sits on the shingles and pulls her onto his lap. ‘I’m sorry. I got... I don’t know. Guess I was overthinking.’

  ‘Overthinking what?’

  He looks out at the sea. ‘It’s fucking ridiculous really. Dara’s the same age as me. I was behind when I started school. I guess I missed out on the first few years. I eventually worked my ass off to catch up, but I could never get close to him. It didn’t matter how hard I tried I was always a little behind him.

  ‘My parents never made any comments about it and neither did his as far as I know, but every time the rest of the family got together, we were compared. I don’t mean like there was a list and they went through it. It was more that I... I guess I never quite made the grade. He has degrees coming out of his arse, then a wife and now a kid on the way. He’s some hotshot lawyer in a firm in town.

  ‘I’ve done pretty well for myself, I know, but I don’t have a normal job. I didn’t do myself any favours by going down the drink and drugs route either.’ He laughs once and shrugs. ‘This is going to sound unbelievable childish. I know he was helping my parents and I know I wasn’t there, but h
earing he picked up the slack...’ He shakes his head angrily. ‘It’s petty but that got my back up. A lot. It’s not his fault and I know he did me a favour helping out with Jove and the farm.’

  ‘But it still feels like he was stepping into your place.’

  ‘I should be thanking him not getting all narky with him. Or you. I’m sorry.’

  ‘You don’t have anything to apologise for. It’s understandable to feel the way you do, but you’re back now. Besides, I can’t see Dara being able to handle Jove. I get the impression he’s a one-man horse.’

  Tate finally smiles. ‘Too fucking right.’

  Chloe wraps her arm around his neck. ‘You’ve got to forgive yourself for what happened, Tate. It was a mistake. People make mistakes all the time. I’m even sure the amazing Dara has made a fair few in his day. You can’t go back and change what you did. You really have to stop giving yourself such a hard time. You need to forgive yourself or else you’ll never get over this.’


  Tate hugs her close as he watches the waves break on the sand. She’s right. He doesn’t forgive himself for what he did. He was stupid and weak and nearly killed himself as a result. He worked so hard to get through his addiction. Why the hell did he put himself through all that if he’s not going to get on with his life? If his parents hadn’t broken into his house when they did, he wouldn’t be sitting here with Chloe. Waking up in that hospital had been his second chance.

  He closes his eyes and buries his face in Chloe’s hair. The woman from his nightmares wasn’t so lucky. Where’s her second chance? How the hell does he even begin to forgive himself for that?


  Chloe gets off the DART at Connolly Station and walks to the newspaper stand. She looks down at the family photo Tate sent her then scans the faces of the commuters milling around the station. It doesn’t take long to pick Bria out from the crowd. Her strawberry blonde hair is tied in a high ponytail which swishes from side to side as she hurries over to Chloe. Bria holds out her hand and smiles warmly.


  ‘Nice to meet you, Bria. Thank you so much for agreeing to help me out. I’m not ashamed to admit I haven’t got a clue what I’m doing.’

  When she smiles again, Chloe can’t help but like her.

  ‘I’m so touched you asked me to help you out. I was really surprised if I’m honest.’

  ‘It made perfect sense. This is your world after all.’

  ‘How do you know that?’

  ‘Tate talks about you a lot.’

  Bria smiles tightly and nods. ‘Right. Well, I’ve made an appointment at an amazing boutique. You’ll absolutely find something there that will be perfect.’ She checks her watch. ‘Time for coffee first though. We can’t go shopping unless I get to know you a little better.’

  They walk to a coffee shop down the street and Bria orders two mochas and a scone which they split. ‘So, you’re his girlfriend. How long has he been keeping you secret for?’

  ‘It’s only been a few weeks.’

  ‘How exactly did you meet him? You appear normal, and I mean that in a good way. Believe me.’

  ‘I bumped into him on the beach. I was trying to draw the wildlife and got Tate on Jove instead. My car broke down and he came to my rescue. We ran into each other again the following day. It grew from there.’

  ‘I presume this is your first public event with him.’

  Chloe doesn’t miss the fact Bria doesn’t say Tate’s name. ‘Yes, it is. Between you and me, I’m terrified. Don’t get me wrong, I’m over the moon he asked me, I just don’t want to mess up. It’s a lot of pressure.’

  ‘It’s not that bad. I don’t know if he told you but I went with him to his first event.’

  ‘You did? No, he didn’t say.’

  ‘When he was signed he promised he’d take me to his first award ceremony. If Broken Chords ever made it big of course. Which they did less than a year later. I didn’t think he’d remember.’ She looks into her coffee and smiles. ‘Come to think about it, I’m the only person he’s ever brought with him. Can’t say why but he always goes alone. Maybe taking me turned him off bringing a date.’

  Bria laughs briefly, but there’s little humour in it. Whatever the problem between them, Bria is clearly as upset about it as Tate is.

  ‘It was an amazing night, Chloe. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about. He’ll look after you every second. Now, we’ll get you sorted dress-wise and I’ve got someone ready to do your hair and makeup at the hotel. I hope that’s okay.’

  ‘I never even thought of hair and makeup.’

  ‘That’s what you have me for. So how long are you staying in London for? Has he arranged anything else for you two? Will you need any other outfits?’

  ‘We’re staying for two nights but I don’t know what else is planned. He mentioned flying out on Friday and back on Sunday. I’m not sure what flight he’s booking or any other details.’

  Bria laughs and takes a sip of her coffee.


  ‘You won’t be flying like that.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘You’ll be going by helicopter.’

  ‘Excuse me?’

  ‘If he’s going to the UK he always goes by helicopter. It’ll take you straight to the hotel then a car will pick you up from there and take you to the ceremony. It will be booked to take you back again on Sunday. Believe me it’s so much easier than fighting your way through an airport. Long haul is different but for a quick hop like this, the door to door thing is quicker.’

  Chloe smiles but it’s entirely forced. It just hit her that this isn’t going away for a weekend with her boyfriend. This is something so far removed from anything else she’s been to. She’ll be going to a very public event with a very public man and other very public people.

  Bria reaches across and squeezes her hand. ‘Just registered, huh?’

  ‘Oh my god! Am I that transparent?’

  ‘Not quite. You did go a smidge pale though.’

  ‘I knew he was... I mean I know Tate’s known, but this is the first public thing I’ve been to with him. I thought there might be a limo. But a helicopter? I’m so completely out of my depth.’

  ‘No, you’re not. Now, I know you haven’t known my brother for long but can you honestly tell me dressing up in a suit, being ferried around in a limo, and going to a fancy dinner matches with the Tate you know?’

  Chloe can’t help but laugh at that. ‘Not in the slightest.’

  ‘Exactly. If he had the option, he’d arrive on his bike wearing jeans and a t-shirt. This event is just part of the craziness that comes with what he does. Think of the night as an over-the-top work do. That’s exactly how he thinks of it, I can promise you.’

  ‘Thanks Bria. I know I’m being silly. I guess I need to rein in my imagination. I’m going to get myself into a state.’

  Bria looks away for a moment then turns back to Chloe. ‘Okay, I know myself and... Tate, have a problem. I’m upset with him, but I can honestly say you’re in good hands. When we went together, he didn’t leave my side for a second. He’s incredibly protective, Chloe. I absolutely guarantee he will be there for you. Now, how about we finish these coffees and get to spending some of this.’ She holds up a credit card and smiles.

  ‘I’m paying for my dress.’

  ‘Oh no you’re not. He gave me strict instructions to use his credit card. I’m on this account in case there are any problems with his house while he’s away. He’s picking up the bill.’

  Bria talks non-stop as they walk to the boutique about five minutes from the coffee shop. She pushes the buzzer on the door and is admitted after giving her name to the attendant on the other end.

  Chloe stares in wonder at all the dresses, shoes, and bags as they are taken downstairs to a private dressing room with plush couches, fresh flowers, and soothing music playing.

  Clearly Tate’s name, and his credit card, carried a bit of weight. The assistant h
urries off to get some champagne and to collect suitable dresses in her size for the occasion.

  ‘So you do things like this often?’

  Bria laughs as she helps herself to a drink. ‘It’s a difficult job but someone has to do it.’

  ‘Are there any rules for these events? Do I have to match him or anything like that? Sorry, I’ve never been to something like this before.’

  Bria thanks the assistant as she hangs some dresses on the rail then disappears to find some more. ‘Oooh, these are promising. Sorry, about matching him. You don’t have to. You’re more than free to go as mad as you want. I checked with Ellen though just in case he’s planning to wear something completely random, but he’s sticking to conventional attire. Well, conventional for Tate. He’ll be wearing a dark navy three-piece suit so it’ll be difficult to clash with that. He’ll add some Tate to the look with slightly edgier embellishments no doubt. Might even ditch the tie. You’ll have to wait and see, but don’t worry, it won’t be anything extreme.’

  ‘Three-piece suit? I can’t imagine him in formal wear. I’ve only seen him in jeans and t-shirts.’

  Bria laughs. ‘Yeah. Don’t even get me started on that. What I wouldn’t give to completely overhaul all their wardrobes. Believe it or not, my brother scrubs up pretty well. He’s one of those irritating people who can roll out of bed, throw on the first thing they see, and still manage to look good. It’s infuriating.’ She holds out her phone and shows Chloe a photo. ‘This is last year.’

  Scrubs up well is an understatement. Tate looks incredible in a suit. Trying to hide the heat touching her cheeks she clears her throat and takes a sip of champagne.

  Bria tucks the phone into her pocket and smirks at Chloe. ‘You’ve got it so bad.’

  ‘Got what?’

  ‘Don’t play all innocent with me. You fancy my brother.’

  ‘This is so wrong on so many levels.’

  ‘What is discussed in the changing room stays in the changing room. Seriously, I’m happy for you both. It’s about time he found someone who’ll treat him right. He’s had a few near misses in the past.’


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