Broken Rock

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Broken Rock Page 34

by K. A. Finn

‘You love her?’

  ‘Yeah, I do.’

  ‘Well, well, well. My baby brother is finally growing up.’

  ‘Oh shut up.’

  Shane gestures across the room to Gregg, Dillon, and Luke laughing with some of his cousins. ‘What’s the deal with Gregg?’

  ‘Generally or tonight?’

  ‘Tonight you idiot. He’s wearing a shirt. I can’t remember the last time I saw him in anything other than a t-shirt. He’s made an effort.’

  Tate shrugs. ‘Christmas. Who knows?’

  ‘Or maybe he’s got his eye on someone.’

  Tate looks around the room, quickly dismissing that idea. ‘In this lot? Can’t see it.’

  ‘Whatever the reason he’s made more of an effort than you have. And it’s your party.’

  ‘I’ve let this lot into my house. That’s the full extent of my effort for the evening.’

  Shane opens the fridge and takes out two bottles of juice, passing one to Tate.

  ‘You can drink if you want.’

  Shane shakes his head. ‘My beautiful wife needs a little of my attention when we’re done here. This will make sure I’m on my game.’

  ‘Yeah, thanks for that image.’

  Shane grins and clinks bottles with Tate. ‘So, the girls want to see you tomorrow. You up for taking them for a few hours?’

  Tate turns to look at his brother. ‘Seriously? How does Annabelle feel about that?’

  Shane looks at the ground and takes a breath before he answers. ‘Listen, we shouldn’t have kept you from them like we did. We were trying to protect them and you.’


  ‘You know what they’re like, Tate. It would have been non-stop questions. I didn’t want you to feel overwhelmed and... well, they love you to bits. There’s no way they would have been able to give you space. We never had an issue with you spending time with them. I’m sorry if you thought that.’

  ‘I wasn’t blaming you. Can’t say I was much of a role model for them.’

  Shane nudges him in the side. ‘I wouldn’t be so quick to say that. A year ago you were in a very different place. Now look at you. You beat it, Tate. That’s something to be damn proud of. And you demolished Dara’s nose. Also something to be proud of. Fucker deserved a hell of a lot more.’ Shane laughs harshly then takes another drink. ‘Can’t quite believe what he did, what he’s been doing to you. Not surprised Eric and Sandy didn’t show their faces.’

  ‘Doubt they knew what he was doing.’

  Shane grunts but doesn’t say anything else. Tate had a few long talks with his brother while he was on tour. Shane hadn’t taken the news about Dara well. Their father had to talk him down more than once. He’d wanted to get on a plane and personally make sure Dara paid for what he did. His reaction hadn’t surprised anyone. Shane had always been protective of Tate. From the first moment Tate met Shane, his new big brother had taken him under his wing.

  ‘It’s done. Doubt we’ll be seeing Dara again. I just want to forget about the whole fucking thing and concentrate on getting myself back on track.’

  ‘Are you okay though?’

  Tate nods at his brother. ‘Getting there. I’m remembering more stuff but it’s just snippets. I have to write down whatever I can remember after the dreams. Not exactly a barrel of laughs but I guess it’s helping. I’ve got weekly appointments and yes, I’m talking.’

  ‘Good. I’m always on the other end of the phone, Tate. You know that right?’

  ‘I know. Thanks.’

  ‘We want you and Chloe to come over for a few weeks after Christmas, if you fancy it. I know the girls would love to show their favourite uncle around.’

  ‘Their only uncle.’

  ‘Technicality. Have a think about it. Might do you both good to get away from here for a bit. Give yourselves a break.’

  ‘You sure Annabelle is on board with that?’

  ‘Of course. As long as you don’t bring any more fucking Lego into the house she’ll be grand.’

  ‘Sounds amazing. A change of scenery might not be a bad thing. The last eight months with her have been a fucking car crash. Not the bits with her, just everything else. What I really want is a few months with no hospital visits and no crazy relatives kidnapping either of us.’

  ‘Doesn’t sound like too much to ask.’ Shane slaps him on the shoulder. ‘Talk to Chloe and let me know.’ He places the empty bottle on the counter behind him and rubs his hands together. ‘Well, I think it’s time for the yearly sing-along with Tate Archer. Bria wants to show off her violin skills to Robbie.’

  ‘He the one we intimidated last year?’

  ‘Clearly we’re losing our touch. I don’t like the look of the guy so I’m on for trying again if you’re up to it.’

  ‘I need something to get me through the night.’

  ‘Let the games begin. I’ll grab a few instruments. You want your guitar?’

  ‘Yeah. The black one on the left of the stand.’

  Tate weaves through his relatives and grabs Chloe’s hand. He holds her against his chest and runs his thumb over her lips.

  ‘Have I told you that you look stunning tonight?’

  ‘A few times. Now are you going to let me go? Your family is watching.’

  ‘I really couldn’t give a fuck who’s watching. I only see you.’

  He picks her up, ignoring the cheering and hollering from his family and friends. Chloe squeals but doesn’t fight to get out of his arms. He rests his forehead against hers. ‘I love you.’

  ‘I love you too.’

  When they kiss the cheering increases in volume until Shane shouts above the noise. ‘If my brother can tear himself away from the lovely Chloe, he may do his party piece for us.’

  As people clear some space on the couches, Tate carries Chloe to the edge of the room and sets her back on her feet. ‘Okay, so this is the plan. I do a few songs. We give everyone a couple of cases of drink and call the minibus to take them home. You get naked and I show you exactly how much I missed you. Twice. Maybe three times. Probably best not to over promise, it’s been a long day. I’ll go for twice.’

  She leans back against him, slipping her hand between them and discreetly rubs him through his jeans. ‘Interesting proposition, Mr. Archer.’

  ‘If you keep that up I might only manage once. Also, don’t move for a few minutes. I’m kind of indecent.’

  ‘You feel kind of indecent.’

  ‘Hey lover boy! We’re waiting!’

  ‘I’m coming!’ He turns back to her and rests his head against her forehead. ‘Next time we’re hiring a DJ.’

  She reaches up and kisses him. ‘You know you love performing so don’t even go there.’

  ‘I know I love you.’ When she blushes and smiles at him he can’t help but grin like a lovestruck teenager. He runs his thumb along her lips. ‘I’m yours, Chloe. Always will be. You know that, right?’

  ‘And I’m yours, Tate.’ She looks around him into the living room and sighs. ‘Unfortunately, I have to share you right now. There’s going to be a riot if you don’t get that incredible ass of yours in there. Your adoring public is waiting.’

  ‘Fine. You coming too?’

  ‘I’ll just grab us a couple of drinks. Oh and Tate?’ He stops in the middle of the living room and looks at her. ‘I fully expect three.’

  He frowns, not having a clue what she’s talking about. She points to the stairs and he understands.

  ‘Whatever you want.’ He winks and takes a seat on the armchair. He picks up his guitar as Chloe settles on the arm beside him, one hand on his shoulder as he begins to play.


  Gregg is in pain. Not a physical pain... although it feels like he’s gone a few rounds with someone. This pain is deeper, like it’s a part of him. It’s been with him for so long he can’t remember what it’s like to live without it.

  The party is still in full swing behind him. He has to hand it to Chloe. She certainly knows how to put o
n a party. If someone had told him a few months ago that he’d be attending a Christmas bash at Tate’s house he quite possibly would have pissed himself laughing. But that’s what she did to Tate. Helped to bring him out from all the darkness. And he’s so fucking grateful for that.

  He’s genuinely happy for Tate and Chloe. A year ago he thought he’d be saying goodbye to his friend for good. Now he’s got himself a solid career and a beautiful woman to share his life with.

  He leans back against the fence and watches Dillon talking to two of Tate’s cousins. No doubt he’ll be making a move on both of them before the night is out. Luke is beside him talking to Tate’s brother. His girlfriend may be a complete nightmare, but he’s happy with her.

  So that’s Tate sorted, Dillon chasing anything that moves, and Luke not leaving Pippa any time soon.

  And here he is, hiding in the garden, lusting after his best mate’s sister. Hence the pain.

  He’s not quite sure when she transformed from Tate’s little sister into a gorgeous woman, but she had and he hasn’t got the first clue what to do about it. Every single time he sees her he gets this ache in his chest.

  Gregg smiles when Bria comes out of the kitchen and drapes her arm around Tate’s shoulder as she laughs with him. She gestures to Tate’s clothes and he swats her away like he’d done so many times before. Bria was determined Tate let her loose on their wardrobes.

  He sighs and looks down at his shirt and jeans. God he’s pathetic. Did he seriously think she’d notice him if he ditched his scruffy jeans and t-shirt? He’s her big brother’s eejit of a friend. The joker of the group. The one no one took too seriously. The newbie who still feels so far out of his depth every time he steps on stage with Tate.

  He takes a swig of his non-alcoholic beer and grimaces. Yeah, that’s not good. He’ll give the party another hour then go home and grab some real beer. He’s got no issue not drinking around Tate, but he’s going to need something stronger than this zero percent alcohol shit to get him through the night.

  Bria grabs Chloe’s hand and they start dancing, Bria’s long strawberry-blonde hair swirling around her as she spins. Then Robbie interrupts the dancing and kisses her.


  Gregg turns back to look at the hedge surrounding the garden. He lifts his bottle up in front of him. ‘Merry fucking Christmas.’ Not able to face another mouthful, Gregg tips the rest onto the grass. He closes his eyes and takes a few long breaths then straightens his shoulders and turns back to the house. As much as he’d like to, he can’t hide out here all night.

  He comes to a stop when he sees Tate standing at the door looking at him. ‘There you are. You okay?’

  Gregg nods and returns the smile ‘Never better.’

  Coming soon...




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