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Maestro Page 36

by Bob Woodward

and stock market, 217

  as treasury secretary, 220, 221, 224

  Sununu, John, 81–82

  superregulators, 194–95

  “Survey of Current Business,” 112

  Syron, Dick, 76

  Taylor, William, 47


  business investment in, 111–12, 137, 160, 168, 195, 223

  dissemination of, 223 stocks, 224–25

  economic growth and, 195, 196

  global economy and, 139, 190

  job insecurity and, 169

  productivity and, 223

  terms, definitions of, 245–49

  Thailand, economic crisis in, 188–89 This Week with David Brinkley, 227

  Thomas, Helen, 224

  thrifts (S&Ls), 36, 65

  tightening credit, defined, 249 Time, on global economy, 214

  Townsend, William, 30

  Townsend-Greenspan, 30, 34, 57, 65, 152–53

  Treasury Department, U.S., 45, 54, 125

  group decision making in, 140

  Korean crisis and, 189–92

  LTCM and, 200–201

  Mexican crisis and, 139–41

  Thai crisis and, 189

  Triumph of Politics, The (Stockman), 58

  Truman, Ted, 139, 141, 188

  Tyson, Laura, 150, 151, 155–56, 159, 161–62, 163, 166, 181


  deficit reduction and, 96

  economic growth and, 222

  full employment concept and, 122–23

  Humphrey-Hawkins Act and, 132

  inflation and, 51, 122, 129, 132, 160, 168–69, 170, 176, 177, 183, 185, 186, 216, 217

  interest rates and, 92

  job insecurity and, 169, 176

  NAIRU and, 122–23, 168, 183, 185, 248

  United Nations central bank, 212

  United States, sovereign credit of, 42

  U.S. News & World Report, 123–24

  U.S. Treasury bonds:

  Fed trading in, 27–28, 38, 231, 249

  interest rate spread and, 202

  risk reduction and, 206

  velocity, measurement of, 88

  Vietnam War, cost of, 102

  Volcker, Barbara, 24

  Volcker, Paul, 15–20, 38, 46

  appointment as chairman, 16, 17

  chairmanship transformed by, 22, 25

  on deficit reduction, 100

  end of era of, 24, 33

  independence of, 16, 17, 19, 24

  inflation and, 126, 147

  reappointment and, 20, 21–24

  resignation of, 18–19

  Vietnam War and, 102

  wage and price controls, 35


  inflation and, 51, 168, 185, 196

  job insecurity and, 168, 169, 176

  in labor costs, 172–73

  theory of efficiency and, 169

  Wall Street Journal: on FOMC dissent, 77–78

  on Greenspan's reappointment, 82

  on Greenspan successor, 133

  on interest rate decisions, 87, 92, 108, 110, 184, 216

  on Meyer's views, 186–87

  on Rohatyn at Fed, 157–58, 163

  on stock market crash (1987), 48

  Walters, Barbara, 181

  Warner, John, 181

  Washington, D.C.:

  A, B and C lists in, 126, 164

  financial health of, 215

  political inside game of, 133, 152, 155, 157, 227

  Washington Post, The:

  contradicts New York Times, 147, 148

  on dissent in FOMC, 78, 81

  on economic tranquility, 180

  on interest rate decisions, 86–87, 177, 184, 215

  leaks to, 64

  on Lincoln S&L, 66

  on productivity, 109–10

  on Rohatyn appointment, 162

  on White House pressure, 50

  Watergate, 21, 110

  Waters, Maxine, 193–94

  wealth, distribution of, 208–9, 216–17

  Welch, Jack, 61

  White House:

  financial system and, 45

  frustration of working in, 164

  interest rates and, see interest rates

  public statements from, 54

  see also specific administrations

  Wizard of Oz, The (film), 228

  Woodruff, Judy, 181

  Yellen, Janet:

  board appointment of, 129

  and Clinton administration, 129, 131, 217

  and interest rate decisions, 131, 134–36, 145, 149, 153, 176–77

  and staff forecasts, 134, 168–69

  and unemployment data, 129, 169, 170, 217

  Zuckerman, Mortimer B., 123–24


  1. Frank Johnston/The Washington Post

  2. Associated Press

  3. Associated Press

  4. Associated Press

  5. James K. W. Atherton/The Washington Post

  6. F. Harlan Hambright & Associates/Federal Reserve Photo

  7. Federal Reserve Bank of New York/Federal Reserve Photo

  8. Brooks Photographers/Federal Reserve Photo

  9. Associated Press

  10. James M. Thresher/The Washington Post

  11. Brooks Photographers/Federal Reserve Photo

  12. Brooks Photographers/Federal Reserve Photo

  13. John C. Rinaldi, Corporate Photographers Inc./Federal Reserve Photo

  14. Ray Lustig/The Washington Post

  15. Ray Lustig/The Washington Post

  16. Brooks/Glogau Studio/Federal Reserve Photo

  17. Brooks/Glogau Studio/Federal Reserve Photo

  18. Personal photograph

  19. Ray Lustig/The Washington Post

  20. White House Photo

  21. Brooks/Glogau Studio/Federal Reserve Photo

  22. Federal Reserve Photo

  23. The Washington Post

  24. Harry Naltchayan/The Washington Post

  25. Diana Walker/TimePix

  26. Britt Leckman/Federal Reserve Photo

  27. Federal Reserve Photo

  28–33. The Washington Post

  34. Federal Reserve Photo

  35. Ray Lustig/The Washington Post


  Source: Federal Reserve

  Designed by Jackson Dykman


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  Copyright © 2000 by Bob Woodward

  All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

  First Touchstone Edition 2001

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  Designed by Brooke Zimmer Koven/Edith Fowler

  The Library of Congress has cataloged the Simon & Schuster edition as follows:

  Woodward, Bob.

  Maestro : Greenspan’s Fed and the American boom / Bob Woodward.

  p. cm.

  Includes bibliographical references and index.

  1. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 2. Monetary policy—United States—History—20th century. 3. Greenspan, Alan, date.

  I. Title.

  HG2565.W654 2000



  ISBN 0-7432-0412-3

     0-7432-0562-6 (Pbk)

  ISBN-13: 978-0-7432-1537-4 (eBook)



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