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The Swede

Page 28

by Maureen Smith

  Viggo laughed, his breath gusting white in the cold air. “There’s definitely no ‘struggle’ to your skating.”

  Her grin spread. “I manage all right, but I won’t be wowing you with any double axels or triple lutzes.” When his gloved hands went to her waist, she shot him a wary look. “I know you’re an Olympic medalist, Mr. Hockey, but you’d better not be trying any fancy moves on me.”

  He grinned. “You mean like this?”

  Before she could react, he lifted her into the air and twirled her around on the ice. She squealed with surprised delight, exhilarated by the cold breeze blowing across her face and the sunlight filtering through her half-closed eyelids.

  Cheers and applause swept around the lake.

  “A perfect score!” someone jokingly declared.

  “Meh,” Reid scoffed. “It was okay.”

  Hearty laughter erupted.

  Grinning, Viggo lowered Scarlett back to the ice, letting her slide slowly down the length of his body. The shiver that ran through her had nothing to do with the cold.

  He wrapped his arm around her waist as she stared up at him, their icy breaths mingling. Even after she was steady on her skates, he didn’t release her. If anything, he pulled her even closer to him.

  “That was amazing,” she breathed. “And totally hot. I’m so turned on right now.”

  His eyes gleamed wickedly. “How turned on?”

  Heedless of their audience, Scarlett leaned up on her skates and whispered in his ear, “I’ll show you later. Hope you can keep up.”

  He grinned into her eyes. “You know I can. Haven’t I already proved that?”

  She stepped back, giving him a saucy grin. “We’ll see.”

  With that playful taunt, she spun around and skated off, her laughter ringing out as he gave chase.

  Chapter 18


  Secrets Never Told

  * * *

  Sunday’s itinerary kicked off with an excursion to Niagara Falls. After breakfast everyone bundled up in warm clothes, split up into four groups and piled into rental cars.

  Viggo and Scarlett led the caravan of vehicles bound for Ontario. The large SUV he’d rented seated eight comfortably. So Reid and Nadia, Luke and Ana, and Nelson and Bianca rode with them.

  Lennox, Ryder, Avery and Aria carpooled together while Reid’s parents and grandparents followed close behind, the elder Warners bringing up the rear.

  It was a beautiful wintry day with the sun shining brightly in a clear blue sky. Viggo held Scarlett’s hand as he drove, bringing it to his lips every few minutes and winking at her.

  Her body was still humming from their night of feverish lovemaking. She’d ridden him long and hard, her hand clamped over his mouth to smother his groans. As they both came, she’d swallowed his shout of satisfaction with a hungry kiss. When he flipped her over, yanked her onto all fours and started fucking her from behind, it was her turn to bury her face in her pillow to muffle her screams. But his pounding back shots were so raw and primal, there was no way the sound of flesh smacking flesh didn’t escape the room.

  The memory spread tingling heat through her body, causing her to press her thighs together. The movement didn’t go unnoticed by Viggo. She watched his gaze slide from her legs to her breasts to her eyes. The slow, knowing smile he gave her made her want to get naked and sweaty with him. Again.

  The road trip to Niagara Falls was filled with laughter and conversation and spirited gender debates. The girls argued that Serena Williams could beat Roger Federer in a tennis match. The guys adamantly insisted that this was impossible, citing the differences in strength, power and endurance between men and women. By the time they reached their destination, Ana had defected to the other side, drawing boos and jeers from the girls.

  They all parked and spilled out of their vehicles, buttoning their heavy coats and pulling on hats, gloves and scarves.

  Everyone had been to Niagara Falls during the spring or summer, but never winter. It was absolutely breathtaking. Parts of the waterfalls were frozen into towering white walls, and the rushing waters below were blanketed with layers of snow and ice. It was a sight to behold but it was freaking cold out there, and the glacial mist rising from the Falls made the weather even more frigid.

  Since it was winter, they didn’t have to deal with huge crowds of tourists. They practically had the place to themselves as they strolled along the perimeter of the Falls, shivering and laughing and taking group selfies against the stunning backdrop of the frozen waterfalls. When the swirling mist caught the sun’s rays to form a shimmering rainbow, everyone oohed and aahed and snapped more pictures.

  When they couldn’t stand the cold anymore, they ducked into a nearby casino to warm up. While the parents and grandparents made a beeline to the slot machines, the rest headed to the bar, grabbed a table and ordered drinks.

  In contrast to outdoors, the casino was bustling with customers. The air buzzed with the din of clanging bells, ringing buzzers and the occasional ecstatic squeal from some lucky gambler.

  Scarlett sat cuddled up next to Viggo. His arm was draped around the back of her chair, one broad finger lazily stroking her shoulder. His touch was both soothing and arousing, heating her skin beneath the soft wool of her sweater. She leaned into him and rested her head on his shoulder, smiling as she listened to the animated conversations around them.

  Across the table, Lennox and Avery were laughing and teasing each other. Scarlett’s smile softened as she watched them. Her brother’s dreadlocks were pulled back into a ponytail that showed off the strong bone structure of his handsome face. Women were always hitting on him at the gym where he worked as a personal trainer. It was so bad that some of his female clients liked to pretend that he was their boyfriend, even if only in their minds.

  Scarlett remembered the time she’d stopped by the gym for a midday workout. She’d snuck up behind Lennox and jumped on his back. The woman he was talking to nearly clobbered her over the head with a barbell, not realizing that she was his sister. She and Lennox still got a good laugh over that one.

  As she observed his playful exchange with Reid’s pretty sister, she wondered if Avery would be the latest to fall victim to Lennox’s natural charm and charisma. She hoped not, for Avery’s sake.

  A woman’s gleeful squeal had everyone looking across the casino to see Grandma Holden jumping up and down excitedly while chips poured out of a flashing slot machine. She kissed Grandpa Holden and hugged Scarlett’s mother, then danced a happy jig around them. Her boisterous celebration sent a rumble of laughter through the bar.

  As Reid’s siblings headed over to investigate how much their grandmother had won, he called after them, “Tell her to take the money and quit while she’s ahead.”

  This set off more laughter as Reid went back to nuzzling Nadia’s hair and trying to peek down her sweater.

  Scarlett smiled teasingly at Viggo. “You’re not a gambler?”

  “Nah. Not really.” He brought his mouth to her ear, his breath warm on her skin. “But I do enjoy a good game of poker. Strip poker, specifically. Wanna play after dinner?”

  She shivered, heat flaring in her belly. “I didn’t pack any playing cards.”

  He nibbled her earlobe. “I’m sure we can find some at the gift shop.”

  “Hmm.” She sipped her martini, the vodka heating her insides even more. “I thought we were supposed to hang out in the hot tub with the others after dinner.”

  “That’s even better,” Viggo rumbled in her ear.


  “You’ll already be in a bathing suit. It won’t take me long to get you completely naked.”

  Her thighs clenched. “Don’t be too sure of how quickly you can beat me at—”

  “Oh my God!” an excited female voice cut across the bar. “I was right! It is them!”

  Every head turned to watch as a group of young women rushed toward Viggo and Reid, boobs bouncing in tight sweaters and long hair streaming ou
t like banners. Viggo and Reid had barely straightened in their chairs before they found themselves swarmed by puck bunnies squealing their names and giggling breathlessly. When they stood up, the squealing grew louder and the hair flipping got so out of control that Scarlett rolled her eyes.

  The girls had Canadian accents and gushingly confessed to being Maple Leafs fans with a serious weakness for the “bad boy” Rebels.

  Reid grinned at them. “So that means you ladies will be rooting for us tomorrow, right?”

  “Of course!” they assured him, all sugary smiles and batting eyelashes.

  When he winked, they swooned and burst into hysterical giggles that had Nadia rolling her eyes this time. Scarlett wanted to laugh. Hadn’t Reid learned his lesson about flirting—however innocently—with Canadian chicks?

  He and Viggo made a point of introducing Nadia and Scarlett. But that didn’t stop the bunnies from fawning and squealing as they tweeted the selfies they took with Reid and Viggo. They were causing such a commotion that more people came over to meet the NHL superstars.

  “We recognized you guys right away,” one man sheepishly admitted, “but we were trying to respect your privacy.”

  Viggo and Reid graciously signed everything they were given, posed for more selfies and chatted with the excited hockey fans. Women openly flirted with them, suggestively licking their lips and offering body parts to be autographed.

  As Scarlett and Nadia shook their heads at each other, Reid’s mother came up behind them and draped her arms around their shoulders. “You’ll get used to it. Just give it time.”

  When Scarlett and Nadia exchanged dubious glances, she gave an indulgent little laugh and patted their shoulders. “Just remember, ladies. Anything worth having is worth fighting for.”

  Nadia smiled softly. “I know.”

  Aunt Eden joined them, shaking her head in amused exasperation. “The men have found their way to the blackjack table. I need reinforcements to pry them away.”

  Arlene tsk-tsked. “I told them we had lunch reservations and couldn’t stay much longer.” She consulted her watch, tsked again and linked arms with Aunt Eden. “Let’s go round ’em up so we can head over to the restaurant.”

  As they moved off together, Nadia surveyed the crowd gathered around Reid and Viggo, then sighed and trailed after her mother and future mother-in-law.

  Lennox came around the table and dropped into the empty chair beside Scarlett. “What’s up?”

  “Hey, you.” She smiled at him. “Having fun?”

  “I am. It’s been a fun trip.”

  “You sound surprised,” Scarlett teased. “You didn’t expect to enjoy yourself?”

  “Not really,” he admitted. “I thought it was kinda messed up the way the mothers bogarted Reid and Nadia’s romantic getaway and turned it into a family vacation. I was afraid there might be some tension, but Reid and Nadia have been really cool about having everyone here. I’m not sure I’d be as gracious and accommodating.”

  “I know I wouldn’t.” Scarlett grinned. “But I’m glad you’re having fun.”

  “Me, too.” He chuckled, stroking his goatee. “I won’t lie, though. Seeing you guys all booed up makes me wish I had someone special with me.”

  “I know,” Scarlett commiserated. “Maybe next time.”

  “Yeah. Maybe.” His smile held a tinge of sadness.

  Scarlett sipped her martini, wishing she could say all the things she really wanted to say. The words hung between them, unspoken truths she yearned to set free from their cage.

  After another moment, Lennox hitched his chin at the leggy brunette talking animatedly to Viggo. “I hope you’re not letting any of this get to you.”

  She sniffed dismissively. “I’m not.”

  Lennox grinned knowingly. “Just wait until he comes to one of your shows and sees all those guys screaming your name, throwing their shirts at you and begging you to marry them. Then he’ll know how it feels.”

  Scarlett smirked, perversely comforted by the thought.

  “I wanted to ask you something.”


  Lennox scratched his ear, looking sheepish. “Cooper wants me to ask Viggo and Reid to consider investing in our gym. Are you okay with that?”

  Before Scarlett could respond, her phone rang. She held up one finger to Lennox, fished her phone out of her handbag and looked at the screen. It was Cara.

  She pressed the answer button. “Hey, Cara.”

  “Hey, babydoll.” Her manager sounded giddy. “I have some wonderful news. Are you sitting down?”

  “Uh, yeah—”

  “You guys are gonna be on Jimmy Kimmel Live!” Cara shrieked excitedly.

  Scarlett gasped in shock. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes! One of Jimmy’s producers was at your last concert before the snowstorm. He thought you guys were really good, so he called me up to book you for the show.”

  Scarlett squealed excitedly, drawing curious looks and smiles. “That’s so awesome!”

  “Totally!” Cara enthused. “This is the kind of exposure that can take you guys to the next level. And just think. If you hadn’t been opening for Black Kross, that producer wouldn’t have seen you perform. Sometimes in this business, being in the right place at the right time can pay off major dividends.”

  “So true.” Scarlett grinned at Lennox and gave him a thumbs-up before asking Cara, “When are we appearing on the show?”

  “You’re booked for late March. I’ll give you more details when I see you tomorrow.”

  Wait, what? “Tomorrow?”

  “Yeah. I just got off the phone with Black Kross’s booking agent. He was able to reschedule the remaining four tour dates. So you guys need to head back to Buffalo for your show tomorrow night.”

  Disappointment sliced through Scarlett, quick and sharp as a bad paper cut. She’d been looking forward to attending tomorrow night’s hockey game with everyone. But now she had to hit the road again.

  She sighed into the phone. “You giveth and you taketh away.”

  “I’m sorry,” Cara ruefully apologized. “I know you’re enjoying the holidays with your family. That’s why I gave you the good news first.” She paused. “Tell you what. You have a whole day off between Tuesday’s show in Newark and Thursday’s show in Boston. Since you’re going to miss spending New Year’s with your family, you can pop back home on Wednesday before heading to Boston. It’s a lot of traveling, but what better way to take advantage of those frequent flyer miles?”

  “Yeah, I guess.” Scarlett sighed again. “I’ll let the guys know.”

  “Actually, I can tell them,” Cara said, trying to sound casual. “I was going to call Traeger to tell him about the Jimmy Kimmel Live appearance.”

  Scarlett was surprised. “You’re gonna call Traeger?”

  Cara gave a haughty sniff. “Since he seems the most dissatisfied with the job I’m doing, I thought it’d be nice to be the one to give him good news for a change.”

  A slow, knowing grin crawled across Scarlett’s face. “You’re right. It should come from you.”

  By the time she got off the phone, the hockey fans had departed and her family and friends were gathered around the table. All of them were eyeing her expectantly.

  “Good news?” her father asked.

  “Very good.” Scarlett beamed at everyone. “My band’s gonna be on Jimmy Kimmel Live.”

  A chorus of excited exclamations erupted from the group. Everyone took turns hugging and congratulating her. Her mother, Lennox and Nadia squeezed her hard enough to crack her ribs. Her father called her his little rock star. Viggo gave her a long kiss that fried her brain and sent a wave of laughter around the bar.

  Aria was giddy. “We’re such a famous family!”

  Everyone laughed.

  Arlene was already planning ahead. “We’ll have to get tickets to the show.”

  “Absolutely!” Sherise kissed Scarlett’s cheek and then clapped her hands together. “
This calls for a celebration!”

  “Yes. At the restaurant.” Arlene started herding everyone toward the front lobby exit.

  Viggo wrapped his arm around Scarlett’s shoulders, tucking her securely against his side as they followed the others. “I’m so proud of you and your bandmates. You guys are gonna kick ass on Jimmy Kimmel Live.”

  “I hope so.” Scarlett smiled warmly. “Everyone was so excited. You would think we’d just won a Grammy.”

  “That’ll be next,” Viggo said confidently.

  She grinned at him. “Think so?”


  She leaned up on tiptoe, kissed the corner of his smiling mouth and winked. “From your lips to God’s ears.”

  * * *

  After an adventurous day of sightseeing, shopping and dining at a revolving restaurant that overlooked the Falls, they headed back to the cabin resort.

  They had just enough time to shower and change before Arlene summoned everyone to the lodge for a lavishly catered dinner. It was a festive gathering, laughter and conversation flowing as abundantly as the fine wine.

  After dinner was over and the dishes had been cleared away, the grandparents relaxed around the fire while Arlene recruited volunteers to help her get everything set up for Family Feud. Her daughters volunteered. So did Scarlett’s mother, Aunt Eden, Bianca and Ana.

  Reid and Nadia snuck off to make out while Luke, Ryder and Nelson huddled around the mounted television to watch basketball. Viggo and Scarlett joined them.

  She was feeling pleasantly buzzed and relaxed. But her mellow mood evaporated the moment her father casually strolled over, slung an arm around Viggo’s shoulders and steered him away.

  She watched them go, then shot Luke a panicked look. He merely shrugged and grinned before returning his attention to the game. She scowled at him. There was a reason he wasn’t her favorite brother.


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