Dragon’s Curvy Patient

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Dragon’s Curvy Patient Page 27

by Daniels, Mychal

  Her ability to create, be heard, and project her will into the Earth had been restored. Onward, the rich tones of dazzling indigo pierced her sight to launch Sabra into her mind’s eye. The jovial spirit of Jupiter removed her preconceived notions that to see was to be reserved. She wanted to laugh at how hard she’d always made trying to see anything through intuition could be. She was about to approach the intimidating Saturn energy that promised the ability to know when it happened.

  Their joining was in the final stages rushing toward completion. During their rigorous interaction, the couple had managed to rotate a perfect one-hundred-eighty-degrees to where their heads were at the base of the bed.

  The Sun’s bright, happy mid-morning rays flooded their bedroom. As if in agreement with the counsel of the other celestial beings, it sent a pinpointed sun ray that cut a direct path into the room. Sabra’s impulse to track the trajectory of the light path landed on the midpoint of the bed’s massive headboard where the beam fixated and shone the brightest. If that wasn’t enough of a sign, Colson’s head raised up at that exact point to intercept the beam. Sabra stared in awe as the pinpoint landed in the middle of his brow where his sixth chakra’s third eye resided. Certainty spread through throughout her being to attest to the fact that they were indeed well met.

  He opened his mouth as a loud roar of pleasure unleashed its potent power into the room. His impassioned cry stirred her heart to begin to receive everything he gave. Sabra latched on as they rode a fresh wave of ecstasy.

  Saturn’s influence seemed to drive the seriousness of the binding contract of mating she entered into. Sabra embraced the wisdom of responsibility over foolish impulse and the order of their new boundaries as a couple over all else. Thanks to her seventh chakra knowing, Sabra gained a new perspective on what the change meant. Both honored and humbled that a simple request would be answered so quickly and thoroughly, she thanked the celestial influences for their caring gifts of knowledge and assistance.

  Her essence opened to enjoy the aftermath of the momentous event.

  Images, sensations, and memories of another time and place flooded her mind. Dragon wisdom upgraded her understanding while downloading volumes of knowledge in less than an instant. Muscles she didn’t know she had clenched and bared down as Colson’s seed shot into her hard and deep. Sabra gladly welcomed the heat of his life-force as it nestled into her depths.

  She was the first to explode as the summit’s tip pierced her orgasm. Flutters of passion flew through her body, breaking the tight clench of contraction she’d held through the implantation of Colson’s seed. Instead of the dancing flames of fire from before, Colson’s eyes opened into an infinity pool of promises, hopes, and dreams for their lives together. His gaze welcomed her into his world. She took the leap of faith, moving past the last barrier.

  With that final acceptance, their joining completed.

  Colson held still as the last sparks of energy shot through his body into hers. Sabra’s legs fell to the bed spent from the intensity of their lovemaking. In a single, fluid motion, Colson returned to her side and gathered her into the curve of his. Neither said anything for a long while as the final pulses of electricity ebbed away. Sabra’s body eventually ceased from the trembles that had presided over her response to Colson’s powerful energy.

  He placed a soft kiss on her lips in confirmation that he too knew they’d had a vigorous joining. Colson turned her away from him, drew her body into a spooning and whispered.

  “Sleep. You’re going to need your rest for round two.”

  Sabra’s body found no lie in his words. Soon she was sleeping in the arms of her mate, oblivious to the world.

  Colson and Sabra were now a we.



  “It’s so nice to meet you, Mrs. Kelnar.”

  “Oh, hush up with that and call me Aunt Ellie,” the powerful and intimidating woman encouraged.

  Sabra swallowed the lump that had refused to leave on hearing how relaxed the woman was with her.

  “See, I told you she wasn’t that bad,” Bronwyn said, giving her mother-in-law a wink. “Mom is a big ‘ole softy.”

  “Who are you calling big and old, little Miss Waddle Ass?” Elena Kelnar asked. She continued to stare at Bronwyn’s gait with the concern of a mother watching her child. “You’re going to have that baby within a fortnight, you watch my words.”

  “You just have to keep using that word, don’t you?” Bronwyn asked, laughing and indicating an inside joke the two of them shared. “I’ve got your fortnight for you. How about you stay until after baby boy decides to come.”

  Bronwyn’s husband, Mac, yelled, “Hell no! Ellie needs to oversee that big project she’s working with Max.”

  “Stay out of this, son, and call me Mother!”

  Sabra’s head moved as if watching a fast-action tennis match. Another deep, rumbling voice seeped into the conversation.

  “No need, Mom was already staying. We’ve pinpointed the nexus of where our investigation needs to be.” Everyone stopped chatting to fix their gaze on the too-hot-for-this world presence of Mac’s younger brother, Maxim Kelnar. “I’ve tried to get her to agree to stay with me, but she insists that she’ll be staying with you and Bronnie-boo, bro.”

  Bronwyn let loose a huge smile at her brother-in-law’s cute nickname. She managed to do this while rushing over to her husband to place a hand on his massive chest. To her credit, Bronwyn had the looming man wrapped around her finger. She’d been right. Mac Kelnar was a freaking force of nature in a room full of preternatural humans.

  After he’d taken a moment to look down into his wife’s eyes and regroup, the man spoke in that base voice of his. “That’s great,” he seemed to lie. “Mother is welcome to stay with us.” His voice almost cracked from the tension of his words.

  “That’s what I thought,” Ellie said, smugness heavy in her tone. “Now, you there,” she motioned to Sabra, “Come here. I want to talk with you before we get this shindig going.”

  Sabra moved closer to the woman only to feel a little hand grab hers. She noticed that Ava had made it to her side and beamed up to her with a look of admiration. The two came to rest before Ellie.

  “Well, that’s good. You two come in a combo pack. Have a seat.” Ellie said to both Sabra and Ava. She waited for Sabra to settle the little girl in her lap before continuing. The entire room fell silent, sensing something important was about to happen. A man as big as his son, Mac Kelnar, came to sit next to his wife on Colson’s large sofa. Ellie patted him on the thigh and lifted her voice for everyone to hear. “Sabra Patterson, you have entered into our family through a solid, strong, quality joining with our nigh son, Colson. As the elders of this family, his Uncle, Maclin Kelnar and his Aunt—that would be me—Elena Kelnar gladly receive you into our family. Once your friends arrive, we’ll perform the human-friendly part of your commitment ceremony. Now, you are to stand or sit, the woman gave Sabra a wink, before the family’s elders on your own without the help of your mate. You are to endure our probe to know you. Should any issues cause concern, we will voice them here now. You and you alone are to answer any questions, concerns, or issues that arise. Do you understand and submit to our test of the purity of your mating?”

  Every part of Sabra hummed with nervous energy. Nothing Bronwyn said had prepared her for this part of the ceremony. She’d been instructed to leave two hours between when the family-only part of the ritual began, and when the human-friendly part would start. Sabra scooted to the edge of the chair and stood with Ava clinging to her for dear life. Her gesture of compliance brought a faint smile to both of the elder’s faces.

  She took in a deep breath and answered, “Yes, ma’am, I understand and do willingly submit to the test.”

  Ellie and Maclin also stood. The young-looking couple stood on either side of her and clasped hands. They remained silent for what felt like eons. When they finally released their hands and came to stand in front of her again, Sabra
thought her knees would buckle.

  Ava’s little breath tickled her ear as the little girl whispered, “Don’t be afraid, Mama, they like you.”

  Sabra hugged the little girl prepared to dare anyone to remove the child from her arms. “Thank you,” she said in the faint whisper the two of them had developed as their way of talking to each other when they didn’t want Papa to listen.

  Ellie’s voice boomed. “We have found no issues or concerns, but we do have some questions.”

  “Well, damn,” the words were out of Sabra’s mouth before she could catch them. In an attempt to clean up the foible, she added in a cheery voice, “Ask away.”

  Ellie and Maclin didn’t hide their chuckles.

  “Bria?” the matron of the family asked, “Do you know about the history of your family?”

  Sabra could swear she heard a groan from Mac in the distance. It was her mate’s energy that flowed to her, giving Sabra that little extra oomph to stand here and answer. “No, ma’am. My parents never married. My mother died from an aneurysm. My father raised me until he died from a work-related accident when I was nine. Then I went to live with an aunt of his until I went away to college. She was a family friend who’d been around him since he was a child. She knew next to nothing about my blood relatives.”

  “I see. That would make sense.” Ellie leveled eyes at her to capture her complete focus. “Sabra Patterson, you come from a long line of were-panthers on your father’s side and talented magicians on your mother’s side.” To Colson, Ellie said, “I see you do have a thing for the cat-shifters.”

  Sabra ignored the snicker coming from the one called Max, as she stood before her elders.

  “Yes, ma’am it would appear that I do indeed have an affinity for them, learning this about my mate.”

  The older woman hmphed with a quick glint of laughter in her expression as she continued. “I sense no shifter abilities in you, but your magic is strong. I’m getting the idea that until recently, it too was dormant. May I ask? Did you experience any strange visions during your joining?”

  “Come on, Mother, don’t you think that’s a bit intrusive?” Mac asked behind Sabra.

  “Hush it, son. This is important,” his mother warned. “Well?” she asked Sabra.

  The soft impression of Colson’s assurance it was all right to answer rested on her heart. Their connection had grown over the rest of the week. Colson’s family, except his father who was on a deep assignment in Greenland, managed to make it here to take part in their commitment ceremony. It was Saturday afternoon, and Sabra’s entire life had changed in the last nine days. She stood taller, holding baby girl in her arms and answered.

  “Yes, I saw a Dragon and a fiery bird having it out in the sky. Then I had this weird conversation with the planets.”

  Maclin and Ellie looked at each other. This time he spoke. His voice held the power of many experiences tempered with the patience of wisdom. So much like Mac’s but far lest gruff, the man spoke. “Like our Mac and Bron’s mating, you have been blessed of the Goddess to receive divine blessings from the beyond. When the Dragon and his consort, the Phoenix, appear, it signifies a strong and blessed union. As for the planets giving you messages, I’ll yield to my mate to explain, but from my knowledge bank I believe they speak to those entrusted with the mantle of knowing hidden knowledge.”

  “That’s correct, dear heart,” Ellie said, stepping back into the conversation. “As a magician of the Arcane, you’ll know more than most mortals. It makes complete sense that you’re drawn to perfumes. You have an alchemical understanding of the world. Mix that with your panther heritage, and the two enhance your primal senses. When you put those together, you get a person who can use the sense of smell to work magic. You also need pleasant scents to stay in balance. I love the Dragon-friendly scents you’ve got going on here today as well,” Ellie offered. “Your dual heritages work well in a harmony that strengthens your Dragon-mated enhancements. You and Colson are truly well-met.” Ellie clasped her mate’s hand and pronounced. “We give our full and continued support to this joining ceremony. May our familial mantle of blessing be extended to this newly joined part of the family.”

  Everyone in the room cheered. Ava hugged her and placed a sweet little kiss on her cheek. Ellie held up a hand to bring the room back to quiet. “We’re prepared to do everything in our power to help you fulfill your dreams of establishing your perfume business.” To Colson, she said, “Yes, son, I know you’ve got this where your mate is concerned, but we are ready to lend a hand as well. You see how well it turned out for Bronwyn. We didn’t manage to run her off.” The room burst out into laughter again. “But, it’s ultimately up to you and your mate if you wish to accept our help.”

  Sabra felt his intention brush over her heart, and she agreed in an instant. Colson spoke for the first time since the ceremony began, “Bria and I accept your offer with gratitude and appreciation.”

  “Great! I can tell that hussy, Nina, to back the fu—,” Ellie stopped herself in time before Ava could hear her great aunt say a naughty word. “What I mean is that I’ll make sure she knows that where my family is concerned, I’ve got this.”

  “That you do, Mom,” her daughter, Elise seconded.

  “Thank you, Elise. Now that this part is complete let’s get you two over to the sacrificial altar where you’ll disrobe, and we’ll do a little mating sacrifice.”

  “What!” Sabra’s heart pounded through her top.

  “Gotcha! Couldn’t resist a bit of Dragon humor to spice things up.” Ellie’s laughter died down as her gaze fell on the child still clinging to Sabra in a protective hug. “Well now. Why didn’t I see this until now?” To Colson, she said, “Come here, son.” Once Colson came to stand next to Sabra and Ava, Ellie closed her eyes for a moment and then opened them to reveal sparkling twin flames of blue fire. Sabra instinctively stepped back. Colson gently brought her back to his side and sent waves of calm to her. Ellie’s voice took on a trance-like quality as she spoke.

  “By the gifts of the Elder Dragons of old, this child has received the gift of sight and prophecy. She is a teacher, messenger, and guide to this family and many. As a sharer of this gift, I promise to help her reach her potential and preserve the integrity of the calling.” To Colson and Sabra, she asked, “Do you agree with these words?”

  The couple looked at each other. Sabra and Colson's synaptic connection hummed with activity as they weighed the impact of Ellie’s words. When they came to a consensus, it was Sabra who spoke.

  “Yes, as long as it’s Ava’s will as well.”

  “I’m good with it. I like Aunt Ellie,” the little girl said before anyone could ask her.

  More laughter filled the large living room.

  “Well then, welcome, little one into the arc of seers that have populated our family for eons. Your gift is quite strong already. When you’ve had your seventh birthday, our formal training will begin. Remember this. Matter rules seven, but mind rules twelve. Mind your tongue to only share your words of power with your family. Others will not understand or cause possible harm if you reveal too much, too soon. Can you do that for your Aunt Ellie?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” the little girl said in a loud and clear voice. “She looked in the direction of the door and said, “Mama’s friends are coming early. We have twenty-one minutes before they get here. We still have presents to open. Let’s wrap this up.”

  Stunned, the room stared at the five-year-old until Aunt Ellie said, “You heard Ava, let’s wrap this up!”

  * * *

  Tilar looked around at all the supernatural beings in the room. Their ceremony had been beautiful. Tilar had especially liked the magical energy that floated on the air cosigning the couple’s commitment with its power. She always enjoyed an impressive mystical show. Sabra’s power had grown exponentially. Maybe now she’d trust herself enough to explore what she really could do.

  Tilar hadn’t had the heart to tell her friend that, at the tim
e of her reading, Sabra’s untapped energy had been so draining. It had taken Tilar a few days to recover from Sabra’s influence on the cards. She looked at the spread of food and contemplated diving into another piece of cake. She beat back the thought realizing it for what it was—overcompensation for energetic unease. Her go-to drug had always been sugar. Here at her best friend’s “Dragon Wedding” all Tilar wanted was to cram as much sugar and carbs as fast as possible down her throat and hope for a sugar coma.

  How did she let on that she knew what they were? How could she admit that she’d kept the knowledge of who Bria was to herself for over eight years? She found her friend across the room laughing and enjoying her beautiful new family.

  Thankful that Chloe was on her best behavior despite the highly electrified power in the air, Tilar felt safe enough to let her do her own thing. She almost felt sorry for that werewolf her friend kept trying to flirt with—almost. He was an alpha and fully capable of holding his own against Chloe.

  She’d managed to slip away to a quiet corner to do what she did best, be silent, observant, and attentive. The atmosphere of Cole’s home held more energy than that of a house full of Dragon-shifters. Almost finished with her observations of each person, Tilar recognized the powerful matriarch, Mrs. Elena Kelnar, or Ellie as she’d insisted Tilar call her. That woman knew who and what she was the moment they met. As for the cute little girl who was glued to her friend’s side, that child had a potent gifting to rival Ellie’s already. This family imbued a lot of discipline and control to be able to wield this much power.

  Her mind drifted to the mysterious being who’d been trying to pin her down. Her mysterious potential client’s energy felt like this. Could he be a Dragon as well? Not until now had she been able to gain a concrete understanding of his energy signature. Tilar knew it to be immensely powerful but was unable to pinpoint more than the fact that he was supernatural. His power was so intense that she’d agreed to work on a project in Oklahoma of all places to get away to clear her head.


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