Broken (Bad Boys Billionaire Bachelors Club Book 4)

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Broken (Bad Boys Billionaire Bachelors Club Book 4) Page 2

by Rachel Angel

  “And you can call me Savannah.”

  Then he turned to Miss Baker who was looking like she’d just eaten a lemon, and said, “Miss Baker, why don’t you bring us some refreshments to the back porch so I can talk with Savannah before we go out by the horses.”

  “Certainly, Mr. Roth.” He turned back to me and I couldn’t help but catch the look that I’d gotten from Miss Baker. I have a feeling that she wouldn’t be such a prude if her boss made a move on her. In fact, I’d bank that she dreamt about it every night, if not throughout the course of her day. Maybe she should be a horse lover, I thought. One thing I knew was that I couldn’t be with someone who didn’t love animals because of how much I love them.

  The veranda in the back of the house was amazing. A gentle breeze blew through the air and it overlooked the fields where you could see some of the finest thoroughbreds grazing and meandering about. It was stunning.

  “This is incredible. What an ideal place for your horses,” she said.

  “And me,” he replied. “So, tell me a bit about your veterinary experience and in particular, how you became interested in equine medicine.”

  “That part was very easy. My father is a retired vet, having worked for some very elite horse farms in Kentucky and North Carolina. She has always been good around horses, not to mention loved them. It was an easy choice for me to go to school for veterinary medicine.”

  “Where’d you go?”

  “UC Davis.”

  “That’s one of the best schools. Why did you decide to practice in North Carolina instead of staying in California or going back to Kentucky?”

  “How’d you know my office is in North Carolina?” she asked.

  “I’m a rather efficient researcher,” he replied. “So, why not California or Kentucky?”

  “I thought it was important for me to establish myself in the field based on my abilities,” I replied. Not to mention escaping the Blackwell name.

  “And how is that going?”

  “It is going fairly well. I have two assistants now and my reputation for my skills is good. As with all new businesses, it takes hard work and a commitment.”

  Ryland nodded at Savannah, and she couldn’t help but notice the appreciation in his eyes for what she’d always fight it. He was obviously someone who valued hard work. She knew he was a self-made man from what I’d read, even growing up on the streets without any real family like what I had. That couldn’t have been easy and was definitely something to admire. Also, I couldn’t stop thinking about the animal magnetism this guy had that I was so drawn to. Just looking at him made my mind go in a million different directions of things I’d like to do to him, maybe even using that small crop he had casually hanging at his side. Calm down horny girl. This is about the horses, not getting lucky.

  “Well, let’s make our way out to the stables. I am eager to have Star looked over and decide what is wrong. Her colt seems to be fine, but she has been very sluggish ever since the birth, not really rebounding. I couldn’t bear the thought of having to put her down. She’s one of my finest mares,” Ryland said. I couldn’t help but notice that he had to fight back emotions at even saying the words. I felt compelled to comfort him in some way, but knew that was way too inappropriate to do with someone I just met, someone that I wouldn’t mind comforting in more intimate ways. God, I was already so hot for him, I felt my nipples harden when he wiped his eyes and focused them briefly on my chest. “She’s a new mother,” he said, “but she shouldn’t be so sluggish and ill after giving birth to the colt a week ago. She should have recovered by now.”

  “What’s the name of the colt?” I asked.

  “Street Smarts.”

  “Street Smarts…I like that,” I said, knowing that it was a reference to his childhood most likely. The way people named their horses really said something about their personalities. Ryland was obviously a guy who was driven off of reminders of his humble beginnings, using it to keep him motivated.

  We got up and Ryland held his hand forward, gesturing for us to go first. She did and couldn’t help but wonder if he was staring at my ass. She felt his eyes burn into my back so sold ad to wonder. A rather odd thought, but it was there nonetheless. There was something else on my mind though…something more complex. What type of man was he? Everything about him intrigued me thus far. Savannah couldn’t say for certain why she wanted to know more about him, but she did.

  Chapter 3


  We were walking out to the Jeep to make way to the barn and I couldn’t help but stare at Savannah’s curvaceous body and the way she moved so seductively without even trying. She had an hourglass body that I couldn’t help wanting to explore more thoroughly. She clearly didn’t have any preconceived notions about what she was or she wasn’t; certainly wasn’t the standard vet either, which surprised me. She was stunning and so sexy. If she was nearby, she was the type of vet that I’d call for on every possible emergency my horses had just to get a glimpse of her. Already, I was imagining how it would feel to cup her sweet round ass in my hands. I could feel myself hardening just anticipating it, but had to think of other things like why she was here in the first place…my horses, to avoid treating her like another one of the actresses or models who wanted to try to become Mrs. Ryland. Savannah was drop dead gorgeous with a natural beauty so she could’ve been a former Miss something or another or even a model, but what was so arousing about her was her passion for the horses and how she seemed to not care about her looks.

  “So, what got you interested in horses?” Savannah asked, turning around to look at me. She realized that she’d likely caught me staring at her finely rounded back side and it was a bit embarrassing actually. She couldn’t be the first man to be busted though. Any man with a pulse and a love of beautiful women would do the same thing. With an ass that fine, she must know how men couldn’t help staring at it. Of course I wanted to do more than just stare, I wanted to grab it, run my tongue along her sweet nether lips and make her scream out my name when I make her come hard. Something about her brought out the animal part of me that can’t get past the primal urge to have passionate wild sex with her.

  I opened the door to the Jeep as I answered her. “Well, my youth was a bit…let’s just say…troubled. I was the type of boy that became many people’s charity project; each one wanting to get me cleaned up from being a street kid and turn me into a respectable hard working member of society. For the most part they failed,” I replied, laughing softly. “However, one particular gentleman was very well off financially and he had stables, which he hired me to work for. I had to clean them and as a result I really began to learn about horses. I started looking forward to going to those stables as much as possible. It ignited the passion in me for horses. They relax me as much as excite me. I don’t know what I’d do without them.”

  “That’s really incredible,” Savannah said. She could see a look in her eyes that fascinated me. It wasn’t pity or anything like that. Rather, it was the look of one horse lover to another. At that moment I truly believed that she understood me, which was rare. Very few people got my affinity for horses and even if they said they did, you could see that wasn’t the case when they changed the subject the next minute.

  “Have you ever broken a horse, Savannah?” she asked.

  “I’ve found it somewhat hard to do always. For some reason, although it is necessary, it seems so cruel, like you’re also breaking their spirit. I’d be no more likely to want to break a human’s spirit either. Don’t get me wrong, I see how it’s necessary, but it’s a challenging thought to a genuine lover of the species. How about you?”

  She couldn’t believe her response. They were words that she’d said on many occasions to mostly moot ears. If it was possible, I would have my way with her right here and now. Every word that escaped her lips made her sexier, smarter, and therefore, more desirable. I could feel myself getting further aroused as I thought about it.

  My thoughts must have drifte
d because I realized that Savannah was looking at me, wondering if I was going to answer her question. “I couldn’t express my thoughts about breaking horses and how it seems to break their spirits any better myself. The first time I broke a horse was an experience I’ll never forget. There was one that was particularly stubborn and spirited. Man, that mare was beautiful. In fact, her name was Black Star, which is in part where Star came from for my mare. She was given the challenge with no real expectations for me to succeed in breaking her. Truthfully, I wouldn’t have cared if I failed either. Just one look into those large black spirited eyes told me that she was a fighter, a real champion, and she was proud of that. I know it sounds crazy to think a horse has those types of emotions, but I felt it. We worked together slowly for many months and eventually one day I could saddle her and get on. It was an amazing breakthrough, but what I was really proud of was the fact that her eyes still had the look of a spirited fighter in them. That never left…even after she began to win races.”

  “Thank you for sharing that with me,” Savannah said.

  I looked at her and smiled, suddenly feeling a bit shy, plus surprised that I was opening up to another person that way. By far, my favorite companions had always been animals. I knew they had no expectations of me and no hidden agenda. Damn, she’s alluring. It’s time to change the topic. “So, the wedding, was it nice?”

  “It was beautiful. Taryn is such a great woman and she looked so beautiful. As for Sylvain; it was really nice meeting him too. I can see why Taryn fell in love with him so quickly. They were perfect together.”

  “I suppose the fact that he’s a billionaire doesn’t hurt either, does it?” I asked. I was going to feel out this beauty and see if she was your average beautiful gold digger. That was one reason why the BBBBC was started because we had all been burned by a gold digger type before, and had a brotherhood where we all understood each other where women were concerned. It was hard finding love with the right woman when all they saw was dollar signs in front of them instead of the real man behind the image. Needless to say, we’d rather remain bachelors than get into the snares of a woman who only wanted us for the superficial reasons.

  Savannah looked at me oddly. “I have no idea. Taryn’s not particularly interested in that type of thing – money over substance you know. She was engaged to Darren, who was a billionaire, yet she broke it off because of who he was not what he was. With her sophistication and love of wines, she seemed like the perfect match for Sylvain. Darren was a spoiled, superficial man who only wanted Taryn for her vinery. Funny thing about billionaires; they’re not guaranteed to have any substance, are they?”

  “No, I guess not. I’ve met plenty of shallow men over the years; that’s for sure.” Impressive answer, she thought. Her beautiful green eyes sparked up at that question. They showed a certain determination and spirit in them that truly made me think she could care less about someone’s money as compared to what’s on the inside.

  We didn’t say much for the next minute or so. I really don’t know what I could have said because all that was on my mind was satisfying the desire in my loins to strip down Miss Savannah Milo and expose her muscular, tan, and sexy body. Just staring at her naked sensual body would be a reward in itself, but thoughts of sliding into her and feeling our two bodies unite was something I wanted. Never before in my life have I experienced such an immediate response and longing for another human being – a curiosity about their mind and their body. Perhaps it was the wavy chestnut hair that reminded me of a beautiful thoroughbred’s mane blowing in the breeze as it ran across an open field, or perhaps it was the character in those amazing eyes…hard to say for certain, but at that moment I knew I wanted Savannah Milo in some way, even if for a night. The opportunity to give her an orgasm and pure pleasure would be one worth taking.

  “We’re just about a minute away from the stables,” I said, pointing to the large red stable in the distance. It was always a sight that I enjoyed each and every day and from the look on Savannah’s face she could see she appreciated it too.

  “Beautiful stables,” she commented. Her voice was kind of raspy and so sexy. If she wasn’t a vet she’d be a hell of a phone sex operator, I would imagine.

  “Thank you,” I said, squirmming a bit to try and hide my raging hard-on that I’d just gotten. Riding clothes were not ideal for being discreet when you were horny and longing for someone who was within a foot of you.

  After bringing the Jeep to a stop they both hopped out of it and she adjusted myself, trying to regain focus on what was most important right now – my mare and getting her healthier again. Star was magnificent and she couldn’t stand seeing her suffering so much from whatever mysterious thing ailed her.

  Chapter 4


  There was no doubt about the fact that Roth Stables were top notch. The building was better than most people’s houses, with living quarters for stable hands, air conditioning, a small kitchen, and storage units that ensured that food, water, and other important things for raising thoroughbreds was present. There was even a medical room, fully equipped with as many things as Savannah had back home for her practice. To say she was impressed would be an understatement.

  “Let’s go have a look at Star,” Ryland said, walking quickly. You could see his demeanor get tenser as he got closer. His concern for his horse was apparent and having a horse not at its best wasn’t acceptable to him.

  We walked rapidly, with my long legs having to take larger strides than usual to keep up with Ryland. As he rounded the corner he paused briefly, and then bolted over to horses. I followed behind and saw the colt, Street Smarts, nudging his mother, Star, with his muzzle. The mother was lying down, which wasn’t a positive sign in itself, and you couldn’t see her moving at all.

  I ran up to the mother and went down on my knees, placing my hands on the mother’s stomach. Ryland was right behind me, petting the foal, and trying to comfort it.

  I looked up at Ryland. “Ryland, I’m so sorry. She’s dead,” I said, feeling a lump in her throat. I’d just seen this horse and seeing such a beautiful creature robbed of life was gut retching.

  Ryland looked away, as if he didn’t want to deal with the mare’s death at that moment, and turned back to Street Smarts, the little colt. “Savannah, I think something is wrong with him. His eyes have crust in the corners and there appears to be a fever.”

  I ran over to the colt and began to look at it and inspect. “We need to get a temperature and some fluids in this colt immediately. He’s dehydrated; I can see that.”

  “He’s not drinking his water,” Ryland said, looking over at the full watering bucket. “John,” he shouted next.

  A few seconds later a man, presumably John, came bolting around the corner. Ryland looked so angry at that moment and I couldn’t quite figure out why.

  “Yes, Mr. Roth,” he said.

  “Where have you been?”

  John looked around uncomfortably and when his eyes spotted Star lying on the ground he gulped, growing paler. “I was out with the new mare, trying to saddle her, sir. Is Star…”

  “…Yes, she’s dead.”

  “She was fine just a half hour ago.”

  “Well she’s not anymore,” Ryland snapped. I knew he was just upset about the horse, but felt a bit bad for John. He hadn’t done anything wrong and couldn’t have helped anyway. I, on the other hand, could have talked less at the house and gotten out to the stables more quickly and perhaps made a difference. Suddenly I felt horrible. I led the small colt to the medical room to help it out. I’d do whatever it took to save Street Smarts and anything short of that was unacceptable.

  “I’m going to need some ice packs to place at various spots on the colt. We must be careful to not place them by the lungs though because he could get pneumonia if they cool down too quickly compared to the rest of him. Can you get me those, John?”

  “Yes ma’am,” he said immediately.

  “Ryland, I need you to show me
where the antibiotics and an IV are. I need to get some liquids into Street Smarts as quickly as possible to nip the dehydration in the bud and start fighting whatever infection is causing the fever.”

  “What do you think it could be?” Ryland asked.

  “It’s hard to say. Could be food or a virus. Right now, we just need to focus on stabilizing Street Smarts. The rest can be dealt with later.”

  A blanket in the corner of the medical room was set up so the colt would be more comfortable and Ryland knelt down by him, rubbing his head and holding the ice packs by his head and on his legs. The faint noises that came from the colt were agonizing, showing he was scared and already missed his mother.

  I easily put the IV into the horse, using a vein in the chest and then gave him a shot of antibiotics into his shoulder muscle. Everyone paid full attention to the little colt, who had begun to shake from the fever, seemingly getting worse.

  “Just hang on there, Street Smarts. We’re going to take great care of you,” she said lovingly, gently stroking his side.


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