Rising Up: Finding Me book 1

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Rising Up: Finding Me book 1 Page 6

by J J Harper

  "The problem is Mason...” I see panic flash across his eyes. "The problem is that I feel the same way and it's scaring the crap out of me, we don't know anything about each other, but I think we are supposed to be together. Let's take one step at a time and enjoy each other as we learn. Is that a good idea?"

  "Imogen it's the best idea I've ever heard." Kissing me hard this time he grabs my hand. "Come on shorty, let's catch up with Lake, and I don't know about you but I'm starving. We seemed to burn off a lot of calories last night and I’m a big man who needs feeding."

  I laugh as we start running, "Nobody has ever called me 'shorty' before!"

  "Well you are to me, I've got at least 6 inches on you," and leaning down whispers, "And I had more than 8 inches inside you not that long ago!"

  Gasping I look up to his face which is looking very smug. "I can't believe you just said that!"

  Giving me a wink and a very sexy half smile. "Trust me babe I can say a lot of things that will make you blush."

  "I really believe you."

  "Have I made you wet?"

  Blushing again. "Yeah, you have."

  "Good. I plan to keep you like that all day, think how hot you'll feel when I get you naked later."

  We finally catch up with the others.



  When I get back to my apartment Lake is sat on the floor in front of my door. "What are you doing here? I told you I'd meet you at the bar."

  "Don't fuck about with me Mason, where were you? You sure as hell haven't been running. I damned sure I know, but I'm hoping it's not true."

  "Why, what's it got to do with you? You're not the boss of me, so I'll say this only once. Mind you own goddamn business. It has got nothing to do you with you. Now if you can move out of my way I can get inside and shower before meeting you and the girls at 9 o'clock." Watching Lake as he stands up slowly I push past him and go to shut my door.

  "Aren't you gonna let me in Mason? I can wait for you I've nothing else to do."

  "No, I'm not, so do me a favor and fuck off, I'll see you in half an hour."

  "Fine, but I want to talk about this soon," he starts to walk away but turns back and with a wry smile. "You stink of sex, you lucky bastard." Waving his hand over his shoulder at me he disappears.

  Of course I smell of sex, I've never had so many orgasms, my dick just kept getting hard every time I looked at her. Shit it's doing it now just thinking of her, stripping of my clothes I step into a cold shower and as much as I hate to lose the scent of her on my skin I set about washing. Stepping out and getting dry my mind is still wandering over the contours of her body, the smell of her skin, and as I recall the sounds she made as I entered her, makes my mouth goes dry and my heart race.

  Shit, I love this woman! Holy hell, how can I have fallen so quickly, but it sure does like feel like it. I have never felt like this before, any previous notions of love are washed away, I thought I loved Lauren, but now it seems that I couldn't have, everything with her now seems so hollow and empty because that was nothing like this feeling I feel my heart expanding for her and only her.

  Dressing in a hurry now I know I can't tell Ginny how I feel, I'm pretty sure that's the quickest way to send her running and screaming to the hills. But what if she feels something too? No, I'm going to leave it and see if she mentions anything, I don't want anything to get between us. We need to know a lot more about each other first, not that it’s going to make any difference to how I feel.

  Lake is in the lobby when I get out of the elevator. "Mason, just tell me one thing. Is this going to cause a problem at work?"

  "Don't be a dick Lake, of course it's not. We are all professional people and will be keeping anything that happens in our personal lives private and away from the office."

  "Just how serious are you about her? I mean, I've never seen anything like last night before and I mean ever, you were just pulled to each other."

  "Yeah! Tell me about it, it freaked the fuck out of me too. But I'm dead serious about her, Shit Lake, I think that she is it for me."

  "Then that's good enough for me, and I hope it works. Lauren was a bitch and you didn't deserve the shit she pulled on you. So..." He nudges my shoulder. "Is she any good? I mean her tits look fantastic in clothes so I'm guessing she looks pretty sweet naked."

  "You seriously don't expect me to answer that, do you?" I raise an eyebrow questioningly, "Don't be a douche Lake, I really don't want to have to start my weekend punching you in the face."

  "C'mon, just a hint and then I won't mention it again."

  "Fine! It was fucking awesome, she is amazing."

  "You really are a lucky bastard, I fucking hate you." He's punching me on the shoulder when my body tenses again and I know she's nearby and then Maddie calls out to us.


  "You okay Ginny?" I'm watching Maddie and Lake cautiously, but she looks happy enough.

  "Yeah, I'm good but starving! So come on you two take us somewhere to eat, I could eat a horse this morning."

  "How many calories did you two burn off last night then?" Lake winks and dodges a punch from Mason.

  "Fuck off dude!" Mason tries to look serious but totally fails when he bends down to whisper in my ear making a slow smile spread across my face.

  I see Lake’s face as he catches Maddie look at me. He pulls her towards him and kisses her hard. It was some kiss. He holds her hand again and turns back to Mason, "Are we going to get breakfast or what?"

  "Well I was thinking a bucket of water over the pair of you may be more appropriate." Mason laughs.

  "Fuck off dude, you're not the only one with a hot girl on their arm." Lake's arm tightens around her, and suddenly that kiss seems hollow, I look at Maddie’s face and she's looking at him strangely and I know she's thinking the same as me. What was his motive? Is he trying to get one up on Mason, because if that's true I don't want to be part of it? Stepping away from him she walks over to me I gently squeeze her hand.

  “Okay, just getting hungrier stood here, I want pancakes and eggs and bacon.”

  "Hell yeah me too! And I know just the place." Mason walks ahead towards Lake and gives him a very hard look, and it looks like he mouths something to him but I can't tell what.

  The rest of the trip to the market goes more smoothly. Breakfast was delicious and I'm going to have to be careful whilst I’m here because the portion sizes are huge and I really don't want to put on any weight. Jake always went on and on about how much I weighed, and always wanted me to eat less and exercise more, so I'm still self-conscious about my size. I really need to check out the gym in our building.

  Mason and I separate from the other two and go wandering around looking at all the stalls, and I manage to find a few things for the apartment a couple of throws for the sofa and some cushions too.

  When we are away from Lake and Maddie, I ask Mason what went on with Lake kissing Maddie like that.

  "He's always been a bit like that, he likes to be a player and hooks up with different girls all the time, but really I think he would like to find someone and now he sees that I've found you and he's trying it out on Maddie."

  "Bastard! She's not a toy he can play with and then throw away when he breaks her. I mean, we've got to work together. I know we are only here for a year and we won't be actually with you during the day, but if he's going to mess her around she won't stick around, and she'll leave."

  "I don't think he means it, and he definitely didn't work out why we thought he was wrong, but babe please let them work this out. If she calls him out on it now he might have to rethink his feelings and motives with her because I think he really likes her, but doesn't know how to go about things, he's nearly thirty and has never had a long term girlfriend. If it does end badly for them and she left would you go too?"

  "I don't know, before being with you I would've definitely said yes, but now I can't see my life without you in it," I hold up my hands waving them at him. "I know, I know.
It's too early for us to be saying that and we've only known each other for three days, but that is how I feel at this minute. But who's to say we won't last and they do. I don't think Maddie would leave with me."

  "First of all it is not too early to talk about us like that, secondly we are going to last and third that doesn't make Maddie sound like she's got your back."

  "I don't mean it to sound like that, but Maddie I've always thought of her being the leader out of the two of us, and I tend to keep quiet and take the easy option and follow her, it's always been like that. This is the first time I instigated the move, but I had a valid reason for that." I shudder at the thought of what I had escaped from.

  "I don't think that's true Ginny, I looked at your application and your qualifications last night when I got back and you are better qualified and have higher exam results, so although you think you are the soft touch, it was actually your application that was approved before hers. So maybe my sweet girl, it’s your time to shine.

  And fuck me Ginny you are shining so damn bright for me right now." Bending to kiss me I can't stop myself from pulling him against my body, and I can feel his erection pressing against me, a moan escapes my lips and is quickly swallowed by his kiss. "Jesus woman, what are you doing to me? Whatever it is I love it, don't stop."

  "I don't think I could even if I wanted to."

  "I can't wait to get you on the boat and into a bikini. You did bring one didn't you?"

  "Er, no. Nobody mentioned swimwear last night." Shit, am I really ready to show my body off in front of my new friends? All my insecurities now come racing back to me. I know Mason has seen me but that was in the bedroom where it was dark and even though my bruises have gone, I still feel that they are there visible for everyone to see and judge.

  "Hey, hey, what's that look on your face for? You've got a stunning body Imogen."

  "It's just, well..... Um, I don't like people looking at me, I know I haven't got a perfect body like Maddie so I'm always shy about showing it." Hanging my head down and scraping my foot nervously across the ground I wait for him to let me keep my clothes on. When I eventually look up he's looking at me furiously and I just want to shrink away from him.

  "Who the fuck told you that shit about your body? Imogen look at me! Who fed you that crap about you? Christ, your body is stunning, your legs go on forever, you have curves in all the right places, and don't even get me started on your tits, because I would worship them all day if I could. Imogen please look at me.... you have a perfect body, so come with me and we are going to buy you a fucking hot-as-shit bikini."

  I blindly follow him as he pulls his phone out of his jeans and starts barking down it, ending that call he immediately dials again. "Lake, Ginny needs a bikini has Mads got one with her? What? No, okay meet me at Trudy's, I've already called her so make your way there now."

  "Um, who's Trudy?"

  "What? Oh yeah, she's a friend of ours and has her own store so she's getting some swimsuits out for you and Maddie to try on."

  "I'm really not sure about this Mason." I'm almost pleading with him now.

  "Well I am. I want to spend the rest of the day fantasizing about what I'm going to do to you when we are alone tonight. And anyway you get to see me in shorts too." He smirks at me knowing already what I'm thinking about.

  "Are you always this bossy?" I frown as I question him.

  "Yes, so you'd better get used to it." He gives me a quick wink and his cute half smile.

  "Well as long as you keep your shirt off I'll do it." I bat my eyelashes at him coquettishly.

  "Damn right I will, I love the way you look at me."


  An hour later we've finally got on the boat. Trudy was all over Ginny, and I could see a strong friendship in the making there. Ginny wouldn't show me which one she chose so I'm virtually panting at the thought of it. I managed to get a few sets of sexy lingerie bought while she was trying things on.

  Trudy is an old college friend who now runs her very successful and sought after designer store and as well as selling high end designer clothes, she designs incredible underwear that would give Victoria and all her secrets a run for her money.

  So with a cold beer in my hand I get a chance to ask Lake about his earlier behavior. "C'mon dude, spill. What was that public display for earlier? I didn't think you were that into Maddie."

  "I do really like her, it's not the same as you and Imogen, but I would like to see if this can grow into something good, and the kiss, well, that was more for Maddie, I watched her looking at you two and she looked sad, almost envious. I gotta say what's going on between you to looks pretty special. So I wanted her to feel good and desirable too."

  "Okay, I get that, but you managed to balls it up by making it look like you were just going for effect."

  "Yeah I know, and believe me Maddie has called me every shitty name she could think of, and trust me she thought of a lot." Laughing ruefully he takes a long pull of his beer. "So tell me how do you and Ginny look like you've been together for years?"

  "What do you mean?" I'm curious, I know we feel a connection but I’m intrigued to know what others see.

  "Shit man, you look like two halves of a whole, when you echo each other’s movements and it looks so damn natural too, like you've been together for years, I don't know if you realize how often you touch each other. It looks pretty damned special from where I'm standing, so again I'm sorry for giving you a hard time, Fuck me Man!!!"

  I look up wondering what he's seen, and there walking up the length of the deck are the girls. How the hell am I going to keep my dick under control when Ginny is stood in front of me looking very unsure, very bambi-esque, all long legs and huge eyes, and in every man’s wet dream of a bikini?

  Staring at her I slowly look up her legs and see what looks like two white triangles covered in tiny bright colored embroidered flowers, and tied with strings at the side moving my eyes up her flat toned stomach to see another pair of flowered triangles covering her stunning firm breasts.

  "Jesus Ginny, you look like a goddess. I mean just WOW!!" Before I can stop myself I repeat my actions from last night and walk around her with my hand caressing her stomach and back. I can feel her trembling under my touch, reaching her front again I kiss her hard, my hands winding into her hair as she leans into me and sighs. Whispering so only she can hear. "Whoever gave you shit about your body should be shot."

  A small giggle leaves her mouth as she returns my action and walks around me, I'm in board shorts and have as requested, removed my shirt. Her fingertips cause me to shudder and goose bumps erupt all over my body, she leans in and kisses my tattoo.

  Fuck! My dick is not behaving itself as I get hard. I drag her over to the chairs and place her on me knee hoping it will hide my erection, but as she wriggles to get comfortable I growl in her ear. "You’re not helping me out here Imogen, sit still or I'll spank your ass later." She stops immediately but then with a sly glance wiggles her hips just once more. "That's it babe, you are in so much trouble now."

  Laughing she leans down and kisses me whispering "Bring it on, big boy!!"

  Looking around at Lake and Maddie, they are stood close together and he has one hand stroking her arm as the other tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear. I admit to myself that Maddie too looks good in a bikini, she has a much smaller frame than Ginny but it suits her because she's so little.

  "They seem to be okay again now, don't you think?" Ginny interrupts my thoughts.

  "Yeah, he really does like her, but he is a slow burner and it will happen if they want it to. Do you think she wants a relationship?"

  "I don't know, she's never had a serious relationship, a few have lasted a couple months but she gets bored and dumps them. She's not a player but her parents weren't a particularly good example to her as she was growing up, and left her to deal with a whole load of hurt, so she never really works hard at a relationship."

  "So…" And I'm not sure I want to ask this but w
e have to find things out about each other. "Have you had a serious or long term boyfriend?" I feel her stiffen and automatically start to stroke her legs and kiss her head.

  "Yeah, but he was a jerk who never really liked me but needed somebody like me on his arm. I don’t like to talk about him, let’s just say it didn’t end well." A shudder runs through her body at the mention of him.

  "What do you mean by that?" This doesn’t sound good, what is she hiding?

  "Oh, he was some big shot TV star and liked to have long-legged bimbos on his arm for charity galas or premieres, you know shit like that, and he’d go to the opening of an envelope if he thought he could get publicity from it.

  The problem was, I wasn't bimbo enough and had a brain in my head. I didn't like just standing around at these stuck up events being ignored, while he felt up or chatted up anybody he thought could further his career."

  I get the feeling that she is holding something about him back, but now is not the time to dig any deeper.

  "He sounds like a real douche bag. What's his name?" I'm still stroking her legs as I can tell she's not comfortable talking about him.

  "Jake Williams. My mother loved him and thought the sun shone out of his arse and that I should be grateful he wanted to be with me. The main problem was he also wanted to be with other women as well. So he cheated on me constantly and my mother never believed the stories.

  I think she had a crush on him, I mean how gross is that?" I try and keep my description of our relationship to a minimum, the violence and intimidation is not something I ever want to have to think about again.

  This makes me chuckle. "Was it him that put you down about your body? I mean was the guy blind?"

  "Yeah, he told me I ate too much, didn't exercise enough, the usual controlling shit." Sighing, her body leans in to mine, and she wraps her arms around her body protectively, I sense she doesn't want to talk about him anymore, I wrap my arms around her body.

  "Well, since I'm the only guy who gets to see you naked from now on, I know you have a killer body, and I can't want to lay you out and worship it, what do say to that?"


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