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Rising Up: Finding Me book 1

Page 8

by J J Harper

  "I am sorry Mason, but you're hardly ever here anymore, and I get lonely." Her voice is getting desperate as she pleads with me.

  "You bitch! I'm working hard to give us a good life and you're screwing around. Well not anymore I want you out of here."

  "Mason, don't do this. I promise never to do it again, please! I've got nowhere to go."

  "You should have thought of that before. I'm going out and I want you out of here." Thinking again I turn back to face her. "Where are your keys? I'll have the door key and the car keys back."

  "You can't take my car you bastard! How am I supposed to get around?"

  "It's not your car I paid for it, shit Lauren you don't even pay for the gas and you can call a cab when you leave." I walk away and call Lake. "Hey man, are you home? Yeah great I'll be there in a few." Turning back to look at Lauren, she's crying and shoving her clothes in her cases. "Well that was a waste of the last fucking three years wasn't it?"

  "Mason, I'm so sorry, I never meant to hurt you, I didn't think you'd ever find out."

  "Well, I'm glad I have, I can't believe you've done this. I don't even think he was the first was he?"

  She hiccups as she sobs but her face turns hard. "No, Mason he sure as hell wasn't, but you left me alone." Finally her true selfishness appears.

  "Don't turn this on to me you selfish bitch. Just leave. I don't want to see you again. The bank account will be blocked as soon I as leave here so you can hand over your bank and credit cards too since they are all attached to my account. Good bye Lauren." I hold my hand out and watch her rip the cards from her wallet and throw them at me. Turning my back on her for the last time I take her cards and keys with me and leave her there.

  "You fucking asshole! No wonder I fucking cheat on you. And just to let you know you're crap in bed too!"

  This just makes me laugh as I walk away. I'm shaking, barely able to keep my anger in check by the time I get to Lake's.

  I'm nudged out of my memories by the gentle touch of Imogen's hand on my arm.

  "Are you okay sweetheart? You were miles away then."

  Turning to capture her face in my hands I place a soft kiss on her lips, but then unable to stop myself the kiss deepens and I take my hands away from her face, my eyes roam over her body taking in the clothes she has chosen to wear and fuck me her legs look great in a skirt, I clutch her body into mine.

  "Fuck Ginny, I want you now." Standing up quickly from the seat I grab her and turn her towards the wall pushing up against it and drop to my knees, pushing her skirt up to her hips I rip her panties from her and lift her leg up over my shoulder and take a deep breath in.

  "You smell fucking fantastic!" I run my tongue over her wet heat and stroke up and around her folds drawing them into my mouth sucking hard before releasing them to lick her hot core. My tongue thrusts deeper and deeper inside her as her hands grab my hair holding my head in place, my hand runs up the inside of her thighs. Hearing her gasp I increase the pressure of my mouth, my tongue reaches up to her clit and circles around and around the swollen nub.

  "Shit Mason, I'm going to come!" Ginny is grinding down on my finger gripping it tight. I rub my thumb up to her pussy and thrust it hard into her and I bite down on her clit.

  "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Her orgasm rips through her clamping down hard on my thumb and finger as my tongue licks her clit hard.

  "Give me another one, Ginny. Come on babe, one more."

  Her head is thrashing from side to side against the wall, but I want to give her one more before I fuck her hard against the wall. So applying more pressure to her ass I press my tongue hard on her now very sensitive nub.

  "Oh God! Yes, shit Mason. Yes!"

  I stand lifting her legs around my waist and quickly undo my jeans and release my painfully hard cock and slam straight inside her. "This is gonna be quick babe! I'm not gonna last." I kiss her mouth and start fucking her hard. I can feel my balls slapping against her ass before they tighten and my orgasm sends shivers down my spine, I'm gripping her ass so hard, and as I start to come my finger finds its way back to her ass and pushes in. "Shit Imogen, I can't stop!" I can feel her climax building and it detonates hard around my dick clenching hard like a vice.

  My cock twitches its last burst inside her. Resting my head against her shoulder I let her move her legs back down to the ground but we collapse on the floor neither of us able to stand.

  Sitting together with our arms wrapped around each other we both try to catch our breaths.

  "What are you doing to me Imogen? I just can't get enough of you. I love you babe."

  "You're doing the same to me too, and I don't ever want you to stop wanting me." Her emerald eyes flash with gold and are blazing at me as she comes down from her high.

  A knock on the door brings us back to reality and we clamber to our feet, Ginny smooth’s her skirt down and I tuck myself back in and zip up my jeans. The door knocks again. "Hang on, I'm coming."

  Ginny looks at me holding her very torn and ruined lace panties in her hand. "And what am I supposed to put on now?" I love that she is grinning at me.

  "Oh babe I'll buy you some more, just don't bend over and you'll be fine." I kiss her chastely and open the door.

  Lake and Maddie are stood there grinning at me. "Took you long enough!" Lake walks in and grins knowingly at Imogen. "You’re blushing Ginny. What've you two been up to?"

  "Fuck off Lake, like you've been doing anything different." I'm watching Ginny as Maddie walks up to her and grabs her hand and shakes her head. What's that all about?

  Lake looks serious and leans in to talk. "Nothing happened man, not for lack of trying on my part I'm telling you but we spent nearly all night talking. I think she's into me but there's something holding her back. But I'm not giving up, we've decided to get to know each other more, but I'm telling you having her in my arms while she slept was one of the best nights I've had, and I want more."

  "Good for you man." I clap him on the back. "Right then, what are we gonna do today?" When I look over at Ginny I can see that she's worried about her friend, but being a guy, and we are a basically selfish breed, I want her to myself and I can see now that she is going to be with Maddie so I do what any red blooded male would do I take her back to my bedroom.

  "Hey Imogen, can I have a word?" She squeezes Maddie's arm and follows me.

  "What's up Sweetie?" She's not really concentrating on me yet.

  "Babe, look at me. I know you want to get involved but leave it please. Lake is getting it under control. Let them sort it out." I pull her into a hug and kiss the top of her head. I feel her relax and she wraps her arms around me.

  "I know, but she needs me, something went on last night and I don't think she knows what to do next."

  "Seriously Ginny, let them work it out. You both have to be back at work tomorrow with us there this week and I need you to be completely focused on your job tomorrow. This is why we had the 'no-frat' policy drawn up."

  "Is this Mason my boyfriend talking or Mr. Mason Reynolds my boss talking?"

  "This is definitely Mason your boyfriend talking so please before we have to start the whole professional workplace side of our lives, can we enjoy the Mason and Imogen Sunday lazy-time lives, I'm not ready to give you up yet babe, so let's just have an easy relaxed day."

  I kiss her soundly again and we move back to the kitchen. "Oh and babe, I love the 'Mason my boyfriend' title." smiling we walk back in together.


  I know he's right but Maddie looked so desolate when she walked in and that subtle little shake of her head spoke volumes to me. We will talk later when we are on our own, but for now let's get out and see a bit more of our new city.

  As I walk back to the kitchen I see Lake with his arms around Maddie as she leans into him, it is such a sweet embrace that my heart goes out to them, but as Mason has pointed out, it's not my problem to solve and I know it's not my story to tell. I'm going to have to let Maddie tell it in her own time.

nbsp; "Hey guys, shall we head on out and we can explore the city." I look over at Maddie and she smiles a nice bright smile, so I think for now things are all okay.

  After a long day of sight-seeing, it really is a beautiful city, the parkland surrounding the lake stretches for miles, we just don't have the free space in such a built up city back in the UK. I know that there are many beautiful places at home but this is all new to me and I love it.

  We are back in our apartment and Mason and Lake are watching football and this is American football, and doesn't seem to resemble any game of football I've ever seen before. We are laughing while we rustle up some pasta for our supper. Maddie is getting the garlic bread and salad ready, and I'm my making my renowned puttenesca sauce.

  We've got my iPod playing to drown out the noise of two grown men shouting at the TV, apparently shouting at the ref is a universal trait of men not just a British issue. We are dancing round the kitchen shaking our hips Shakira style, singing along to Example and 'Changed the Way You Kissed Me' when Maddie stops short and I go crashing into her back.

  "What the fu...." But when I look around I see Mason and Lake watching us and laughing.

  "What did you stop for babe? You look and sounded pretty good. You can shake that hot ass in my direction any time you want." Mason pulls me towards him for a kiss and grabs my backside, so I fall onto his hard muscular body my hands go up automatically and grab his shirt as his mouth plunders mine. Oh boy!

  "Hey break it up you two the dinner is ready." Maddie voice clears the fog that settles over me when Mason kisses me.

  "Whoops." I giggle as I turn round, Lake has got his arm round Maddie as she tries to serve up. "Let go of her Lake before she drops it all over the floor."

  Dinner goes down well, they both seem to like it but as it gets late I stand up. "Time for you boys to go now, we need to get lots of sleep so that we are bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning. We've got new jobs don'tcha know and from what I've heard the bosses are pretty hard core, and I want to make a good impression, don't you Mads?"

  "She's right, I don't think oversleeping and being late would go down very well." Maddie starts pushing Lake towards the door. Mason is staring at me and he looks very pissed off.

  "You've gotta be kidding me Ginny. You're seriously throwing us out. Because I have it on good authority that you’re new bosses are pretty cool."

  "Nope, not going to work on me Mason, my love. It's time for you to go." We have managed to get them both to the door, and after a very thorough goodnight kiss we shut the door on them both. "How long do you reckon it will be till we cave and let them back in?"

  "Oh come on Ginny, we really need to get our heads straight and be ready to knock their socks off with our amazing work skills."

  "I know, but he's like a new toy. He's all bright and shiny and I want to play with him."

  "I'm sure you do!" She's smirking at me. "But if you let him back in you'll keep me awake with all the screaming." We say good night and head off to our bedrooms and by the time I've finished in the bathroom my phone has three text messages and a voice mail message. I smile when I read and listen to them. Mason is not a happy bunny at the moment but he'll survive.

  I wake up suddenly and feel the air shifting around me so I know that someone has just walked into my room. "Mads what do you want sweetie?" But there's no answer but then I realize my skin is tingling and the tiny hairs on the back of my neck have stood up. "Mason? What are you doing here and how did you get in?"

  "I've got a key babe, we own this apartment. Now move over and let me in."

  "Why are you here?" My befuddled brain is still not working properly.

  "I hated not having your soft body curled up to mine, my bed smells of you and it was horrible without you. Now hush and let's get back to sleep."

  "Maddie is going to be mad!" I’m giggling as I shift across the bed to make room for him.

  "Oh, I think we'll be okay, I'm sure I heard Lake's voice in her room."

  I can't help but snuggle into him as he curls his massive frame around me. "I love you Mason."

  "I love you too babe. More than you know." Kissing the top of my head I drift back off to a perfect dreamless sleep.

  Waking up I realize I'm alone in my bed and look around to see where he is. I notice a piece of paper folded up on my pillow.

  Don't be late,

  or I'll have to spank your ass.

  Thanks for letting me stay

  I love you


  I smile and jump out of bed and head off to the shower. Once dressed in my proper 'take me seriously' work clothes I meet Maddie in the kitchen but she won't look me in the eye.

  "What's up with you sweetie? You're looking guilty." I'm smiling to myself as I watch her squirm trying to decide whether to tell me or not. "Did you hear any funny noises last night? I'm sure I heard the door open and close." I can hardly stop myself from laughing but when she twigs that I've rumbled her she laughs.

  "You bitch! You know I caved and let Lake back in." Her face flushes bright red at being caught out.

  "Actually I didn't hear you but Mason told me when he crept back into bed with me!"

  "What!! You were going to let me be all guilty when you're just as bad."

  "Hey! No way! I didn't give in, he just turned up, and apparently they have a spare set of keys. Anyway, what's going on with you two? Have you done anything yet?"

  "Um, well," she shrugs her shoulders. "Yeah we have. Last night it was totally unexpected which is why I think it was so good."

  I lean across and hug her. "I'm so pleased for you, was it okay, I mean I don't want details but does he know what happened?"

  "Yes he does know, well some of it anyway and I'm not ashamed to tell you it was fucking awesome."

  "How come you were so quiet? I know I'm not."

  "Shit Ginny everybody knows you’re not, but it was slow, sweet and passionate and oh God! I don't know it was just perfect." Her eyes fill up with tears.

  "Oh Maddie honey, don't get upset it's a good thing. Come on let's grab a coffee on the way there. I think we are going to be kept busy today."



  I've been at work for five hours now and have seen neither hide nor hair of Mason or Lake. We've been kept busy going through even more boring admin stuff, I thought we'd done all that last week and went to lunch with a couple of the others, everybody is really welcoming and there doesn't seem to be any bitching or slagging people off, only one guy seems to be over familiar but as I’ve watched him, he does it with all the girls. It genuinely seems like a good place to work and I know we'll learn masses over the next year.

  At three o'clock Isabel, the head of HR, comes in and announces a meeting with the partners and senior associates, it seems that Mr. Davenport Snr is only here once or twice a month, I thought he was in charge but no, it's Mason and Lakes' company he handed over full control to them last year. Maddie looks at me horrified and Isabel catches her expression.

  "It's going to be fine Madeleine, Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Davenport are very approachable and not that much older than you. What they have achieved in the last three years is very impressive. Come on guys, let's go and meet them."

  Walking into the boardroom was probably the most nerve-wracking thing I've done. How do you act when you are in front of all your peers and superiors knowing that one of the bosses shagged me hard in the shower yesterday morning?

  So it's with that memory I enter the room with a huge smile on my face and very damp underwear. Mason looks up at me and his eyes wander up and down my body taking in my fitted skirt and silk blouse and nodded his approval so infinitesimally that no-one else would notice. God, I love that man.


  I've managed to stay away from Imogen all day but this meeting had to go ahead. Obviously when we had arranged it, neither Lake nor I had any idea that we would have already met the two new employees, and the thought of falling in love with one of
them was so ridiculous that I'm finding it hard to get my head round it all.

  Lake admitted that he did go back to Maddie, and that it is most definitely on with her now. This surprises me, but in a good way. Just then the boardroom door opens and Isabel walks in with all the juniors, and right at the back stands my girl smiling, and my heart lurches in my chest as I drink in the sight of her. The tight, but not too tight above the knee dark grey skirt gives away the subtle outline of a garter belt and my dick immediately comes to life, shit, I do not need a hard-on now but when I look at her dark red fitted silk blouse I know I'm a goner. A very slight nod in her direction to let her know I approve and move on.

  Lake is going to do the intro talk. Explaining who Imogen and Maddie are, and their roles within the company.

  Ginny’s eyes sparkle when she is introduced to me by Isabel. After the introduction I step away but manage to run my knuckles over the back of her hand appreciating the tremble that runs over her.

  Its five thirty and I'm leaving the office and heading for the elevator when I see Mark leaning over Ginny whispering in her ear. She goes pink and shakes her head and says "No" but he doesn't seem to be bothered by her rejection and runs his hand up her arm Ginny steps back away from him. "Is everything okay here Mark? I'm sure Ms. Banks is wanting to get home, so let's not keep her."

  Her eyes shoot up to me and she looks relieved.

  "Er? Yes of course. Well it was very nice meeting you Ms. Banks, I hope you reconsider my invitation."

  Imogen turns and walks quickly towards the elevator with her head down.

  "A word Mark in my office please, if you don't mind." I've been watching him for a while now and he is a bit of a predator around the women in our offices. A reminder of the clause in his contract is going to be necessary.

  "Remind me how long you've been working here Mark."


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