Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All

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Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All Page 28

by Paul A. Offit M. D.

  113 Jane Orient on Nightline: “Vaccines and Their Risks,” Nightline, October 14, 1999.

  114 James Gillray’s cartoon: Durbach, Bodily Matters, 124-125.

  114 “Ox-faced boy or children”: Brunton, Politics of Vaccination, 61.

  114 “Horn-like excrescences”: Durbach, Bodily Matters, 125.

  114 Madhouses: Ibid.

  114 “Low and browse”: Ibid.

  115 George Gibbs regarding smallpox vaccine: Ibid., 3.

  115 Claim that smallpox vaccine causes children to change race: Ibid., 135.

  115 Claim that smallpox vaccine causes diphtheria: Ibid., 183.

  115 Claim that smallpox vaccine causes polio: H. Emerson, A Monograph on the Epidemic of Poliomyelitis (Infantile Paralysis) (New York: Arno Press, 1977).

  116 “Right to be pure and unpolluted”: Durbach, Bodily Matters, 71.

  116 Avoiding smallpox: Ibid., 121.

  116 McCarthy at “Green Our Vaccines” rally: Jenny McCarthy, “Green Our Vaccines” Rally, June 4, 2008,

  117 Frightened by germs: Durbach, Bodily Matters, 160.

  118 “This infection scare is a sham”: Ibid.

  118 “The real enemy of the human race: dirt”: Ibid., 164.

  118 Early history of chiropractic: J. B. Campbell, J. W. Busse, and H. S. Injeyan, “Chiropractors and Vaccination: A Historical Perspective,” Pediatrics , All quotes from Daniel and B. J. Palmer were obtained from this source.

  118 Nature paper: K. Wang, H. Zhang, M. Deqiong, et al., “Common Genetic Variants on 5p14.1 Associate with Autism Spectrum Disorders,” Nature 459 (2009): 528-533.

  120 Walter Hadwin regarding Elie Metchnikoff: Durbach, Bodily Matters, 168.

  121 “Pharaoh’s daughter”: Durbach, Bodily Matters, 62.

  121 “Herodian decree”: Ibid.

  121 Vaccines and anti-Christ: Ibid., 118.

  122 Jenner or Christ?: Ibid.

  122 Mary Hume-Rothery: Ibid.

  122 Debi Vinnedge: Offit, Vaccinated, 90.

  122 Vinnedge and the Pontifical Academy for Life: Ibid., 91.

  122 Mass-marketing of anti-vaccine message in Victorian England: Durbach, Bodily Matters, 47-48.

  123 Ernest Hart regarding anti-vaccine rhetoric: Ibid., 50.

  123 Rahul Parikh and modern-day messaging: R. K. Parikh, “Fighting for the Reputation of Vaccines: Lessons from American Politics,” Pediatrics 121 (2008): 621-622.

  124 Working-class resistance to vaccination: Durbach, Bodily Matters, 92.

  124 Socioeconomic background of parents who refuse vaccines: P. J. Smith, S. Y. Chu, and L. E. Barker, “Children Who Have Received No Vaccines: Who Are They and Where Do They Live?” Pediatrics 114 (2004): 187-195.

  124 Fisher and Kerensky: National Vaccine Information Center, “President Bush Extends Filing Deadline on Compensation for Parents Under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Fund,” Southwest Newswire, November 8, 1990.

  124 Links to personal-injury lawyers:, April 2010.

  125 Conscientious-objection law: Durbach, Bodily Matters, 171.

  125 Vaccination rates in England, late 1890s: Ibid., 10.

  127 Vaccination rates in England versus Ireland and Scotland: Brunton, Politics of Vaccination, 122-162.

  8. Tragedy of the Commons

  127 “The most important Supreme Court case”: Gostin, Public Health Law, 116.

  127 Cited in other Supreme Court decisions: Ibid., 125.

  127 Smallpox outbreak in Boston: L. O. Gostin, “Jacobson v. Massachusetts at 100 Years: Police Power and Civil Liberties in Tension,” American Journal of Public Health 95 (2005): 576-581.

  127 Cambridge ordinance: Gostin, Public Health Law, 118.

  128 Vaccination vs. salvation: “Editorial Points,” Boston Daily Globe, November 19, 1901.

  128 Smallpox epidemic in Massachusetts: W. E. Parmet, R. A. Goodman, and A. Farber, “Individual Rights vs. the Public Health—100 Years After Jacobson v. Massachusetts,” New England Journal of Medicine 352 (2005): 652-654.

  128 Edwin Spencer: Colgrove, State of Immunity, 38.

  128 Life of Henning Jacobson: Ibid., 38-39; W. E. Parmet, R. A. Goodman, and A. Farber, “Individual Rights vs. the Public Health—100 Years After Jacobson v. Massachusetts,” New England Journal of Medicine 352 (2005): 652-654.

  128 Jacobson’s case in local courts: Colgrove, State of Immunity, 40.

  128 Henry Ballard and James Pickering: W. E. Parmet, R. A. Goodman, and A. Farber, “Individual Rights vs. the Public Health—100 Years After Jacobson v. Massachusetts,” New England Journal of Medicine 352 (2005): 652-654.

  129 “Sacred Cow”: Ibid., 654.

  129 George Williams: Colgrove, State of Immunity, 41.

  129 Williams’s brief regarding civil liberty: Gostin, Public Health Law, 121.

  129 Williams’s brief regarding filth and disease: W. E. Parmet, R. A. Goodman, and A. Farber, “Individual Rights vs. the Public Health—100 Years After Jacobson v. Massachusetts,” New England Journal of Medicine 352 (2005): 652-654.

  130 Harlan ruling: Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905).

  130 Harlan regarding social compact: Colgrove, State of Immunity, 42.

  130 Zucht ruling: Zucht v. King, 260 U.S. 174 (1922).

  130 Mary Mallon: The story of Mary Mallon, including all details and quotes, can be found in Leavitt, Typhoid Mary.

  133 Editorial on Jacobson v. Massachusetts: New York Times, February 22, 1905.

  133 McCauley incident: Colgrove, State of Immunity, 22.

  134 New York Times on McCauley incident: “Quarantined Family Escapes,” New York Times, March 23, 1894.

  134 Brooklyn Compulsory Anti-Vaccination League: Colgrove, State of Immunity , 26.

  134 Massachusetts Compulsory Anti-Vaccination Association: Ibid., 41.

  134 Anti-Vaccination League of America: Ibid., 52.

  134 John Pitcairn regarding tyranny: Ibid., 52.

  134 Anti-Vaccination League of America pamphlets: Ibid., 54.

  134 Citizens’ Medical Reference Bureau: Ibid., 54-55.

  134 Lora Little and the American Medical Liberty League: Allen, Vaccine, 99; Colgrove, State of Immunity, 56.

  135 Lora Little and “foul business”: Colgrove, State of Immunity, 60-61.

  135 Raggedy Ann doll: Allen, Vaccine, 99.

  136 Decline of anti-vaccine groups: Colgrove, State of Immunity, 74.

  136 CDC launches measles vaccine initiative: Ibid., 149.

  136 Measles: W. A. Orenstein and A. R. Hinman, “The Immunization System in the United States—The Role of School Immunization Laws,” Vaccine 17 (1999): S19-S24.

  136 U.S. measles cases in early 1970s: Colgrove, State of Immunity, 166-167.

  136 Joseph P. Kennedy Foundation: Ibid., 175-176.

  137 Measles and encephalitis: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Update: Measles—United States, January-July 2008,” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 57 (2008): 893-896.

  137 Betty Bumpers and the Childhood Immunization Initiative: Colgrove, State of Immunity, 199-200.

  138 Increased number of states requiring vaccines: Ibid., 177.

  138 Measles outbreak in Alaska: W. A. Orenstein and A. R. Hinman, “The Immunization System in the United States—The Role of School Immunization Laws,” Vaccine 17 (1999): S19-S24.

  138 Measles outbreak in Los Angeles County: Ibid.

  138 Texarkana: P. J. Landrigan, “Epidemic Measles in a Divided City,” Journal of the American Medical Association 221 (1972): 567-570.

  138 School entry requirements in fifty states: Colgrove, State of Immunity, 177.

  138 Incidence of measles in United States, 1998: W. A. Orenstein and A. R. Hinman, “The Immunization System in the United States—The Role of School Immunization Laws,” Vaccine 17 (1999): S19-S24.

  139 Orenstein regarding Los Angeles mandates: A
uthor interview with Walter Orenstein, December 18, 2009.

  139 Prince case: Prince v. Massachusetts, 321 U.S. 158 (1944). Italics added for emphasis.

  140 Wright case: Wright v. DeWitt High School, 385 S.W. 2d 644 (Ark. 1965).

  140 McCartney case: McCartney v. Austin, 293 N.Y.S. 2d 188 (1968).

  140 Avard case: Avard v. Manchester Board of School Committee et al., 376 F. Supp. 479 (1974).

  140 Brown case: Brown v. Stone, 378 So. 2d 218 (1979).

  140 Davis case: Davis v. Maryland, 294 Md. 370 (1982).

  140 New York State bill regarding mandatory polio vaccine: S. H. Schanberg, “Assembly Votes Polio-Shots Bill: Vaccination Would Be Made Compulsory for Pupils,” New York Times, June 21, 1966.

  141 Mary Baker Eddy regarding smallpox: Eddy, Science and Health, 153.

  141 Diphtheria in Christian Scientist child: Fraser, Perfect Child, 303.

  141 Measles outbreak at Principia College: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Outbreak of Measles Among Christian Science Students—Missouri and Illinois, 1994,” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, July 1, 1994.

  141 Orenstein regarding measles outbreak among Christian Scientists: R. Goodrich, “Test Results Awaited in Causes of Deaths in Measles Outbreak,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, March 4, 1985; Fraser, Perfect Child, 302.

  141 Polio in Connecticut: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Follow-Up on Poliomyelitis,” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 21 (1972): 365-366; F. M. Foote, G. Kraus, M. D. Andrews, and J. C. Hart, “Polio Outbreak in a Private School,” Connecticut Medicine, December 1973.

  141 Health commissioner responds to polio outbreak: S. W. Ferguson, “Mandatory Immunization,” New England Journal of Medicine 288 (1973): 800.

  142 Maier case: Maier v. Besser, 73 Misc. 2d 241 (1972).

  142 Dalli case: Dalli v. Board of Education, 358 Mass. 753 (1971).

  142 Sherr/Levy case: Sherr v. Northport-East Northport Union Free School District, 672 F. Supp. 81 (E.D.N.Y 1987).

  142 Philosophical exemptions: Welsh v. United States, 398 U.S. 333, 90 S.Ct. 1792 (1970).

  143 Salmon study: D. A. Salmon, M. Haber, E. J. Gangarosa, et al., “Health Consequences of Religious and Philosophical Exemptions from Immunization Laws: Individual and Societal Risk of Measles,” Journal of the American Medical Association 281 (1999): 47-53.

  143 Feikin study: D. R. Feikin, D. C. Lezotte, R. F. Hamman, et al., “Individual and Community Risks of Measles and Pertussis Associated with Personal Exemptions to Immunization,” Journal of the American Medical Association 284 (2000): 3145-3150.

  143 Omer study: S. B. Omer, W.K.Y. Pan, N. A. Halsey, et al., “Nonmedical Exemptions to School Immunization Requirements: Secular Trends and Association of State Policies with Pertussis Incidence,” Journal of the American Medical Association 296 (2006): 1757-1763.

  143 Glanz study: J. M. Glanz, D. L. McClure, D. J. Magid, et al., “Parental Refusal of Pertussis Vaccination Is Associated with an Increased Risk of Pertussis Infection in Children,” Pediatrics 123 (2009): 1446-1451.

  144 International impact of anti-vaccine activism: E. J. Gangarosa, A. M. Galazka, C. R. Wolfe, et al., “Impact of Anti-Vaccine Movements on Pertussis Control: The Untold Story,” The Lancet 351 (1998): 356- 361.

  144 Garrett Hardin essay: G. Hardin, “The Tragedy of the Commons,” Science 162 (1968): 1243-1248. All Hardin quotes are from this essay.

  146 Stephanie Tatel: S. Tatel, “A Pox on You,” All Tatel quotes are from this essay.

  147 Hardin’s second essay: G. Hardin, “Extension of ‘The Tragedy of the Commons,’” Science 280 (1998): 682-683.

  9. The Mean Season

  150 Jenny McCarthy and Crystal children: J. McCarthy, Louder Than Words: A Mother’s Journey in Healing Autism (New York: Dutton, 2007), 178.

  150 Crystal children: D. Virtue, The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children (Carlsbad: Hay House, 2001).

  151 McCarthy regarding MMR causing autism: Oprah, September 18, 2007.

  151 McCarthy dramatizes son’s illness: K. Chetry, “McCarthy Claims Autism ‘Cure,’” American Morning, CNN, October 1, 2008.

  151 McCarthy asks officials and companies to stop hurting kids: Ibid.

  152 McCarthy on toxins in vaccines: Green Our Vaccines Rally, Washington, D.C., June 4, 2008,

  152 McCarthy on Botox: S. Negovan, “The New McCarthyism,” Michigan Avenue Magazine,

  152 Jeffrey Kluger interviews McCarthy: J. Kluger, “Jenny McCarthy Talks About Autism,” Time, April 1, 2009.

  153 McCarthy video on treating autism: http:///; Other McCarthy quotes are from this video.

  153 Relative sizes of vaccine and nutritional supplement industries: J. Groopman, “No Alternative,” Wall Street Journal, August 7, 2006; “Infectious Diseases Vaccine Market Overview: Key Companies and Strategies,”, December 2008.

  154 McCarthy and Generation Rescue Web site: “Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey Discuss Autism: Medical Experts Weigh In,” Larry King Live, CNN, April 3, 2009.

  154 Chelation death: K. Kane and V. Linn, “Boy Dies During Autism Treatment,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, August 25, 2006.

  154 Generation Rescue mission statement: Generation Rescue, Inc., 2007 Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax, Form 990.

  154 Ad regarding mercury poisoning: New York Times, June 8, 2005.

  154 Ad regarding increase in autism: USA Today, April 6, 2006.

  154 Ad regarding Bailey Banks: USA Today, February 25, 2009.

  155 Handley/McCarthy interchange with Dr. Travis Stork: The Doctors, May 6, 2009.

  156 Handley and “knuckleheads”: J. B. Handley, “Dr. Steve Novella: Why Is This So Hard to Understand?” Age of Autism Web log, April 22, 2009.

  157 David Tayloe’s letter to Lisa Williams: Provided by Susan Martin, American Academy of Pediatrics.

  158 Nancy Minshew’s quote in newspaper: M. Roth, “Pitt Expert Goes Public to Counter Fallacy on Autism,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, January 31, 2008.

  158 Handley counters Minshew: Blog entry, Age of Autism, “While Minshew Shrieks, Autism Squeaks,” February 8, 2008.

  158 Amanda Peet and Cookie magazine: J. Tung, “Amanda Peet: The Actress Discusses the Vaccination Debate,” Cookie, August 2008.

  158 Handley counters Peet: Blog entry, Age of Autism, “From Dr. Paul Offit’s Lips to Amanda Peet’s Ears, We’re All Parasites,” July 15, 2008.

  158 Handley attacks ECBT: Blog entry, “Every Child by Two: A Front Group for Wyeth,” August 4, 2008.

  159 Handley counters Dawson: Blog entry, Age of Autism, “Is Autism Speaks’ Geri Dawson a Blithering Idiot?” September 10, 2008.

  159 Handley counters Snyderman: Blog entry, Age of Autism, “Keep On Self-Incriminatin’,” October 30, 2008.

  159 Harris article: G. Harris and A. O’Connor, “On Autism’s Causes: It’s Parents vs. Research,” New York Times, June 25, 2005.

  159 Handley counters Harris: Blog entry, Age of Autism, “Some New York Times Reporters Are Just Ignorant,” December 15, 2008.

  159 Wired article: A. Wallace, “An Epidemic of Fear,” Wired, November 2009.

  159 Handley and date rape: “Readers Respond to An Epidemic of Fear: Part 1,” Wired,

  160 Handley and “cry baby”: “Readers Respond to An Epidemic of Fear: Part 2,” Wired,

  160 Wallace regarding bullying: Ibid.

  160 Wallace and civil debate: M. Block, “Journalist’s Vaccine Article Draws Hate Mail,” National Public Radio, October 28, 2009.

  160 Handley regarding pediatricians:
Blog entry, Age of Autism, “Vaccines Don’t Cause Autism, Pediatricians Do,” January 12, 2010.

  160 Handley and Gardasil: “Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey Discuss Autism: Medical Experts Weigh In,” Larry King Live, CNN, April 3, 2009.

  160 Patricia Danzon on vaccine economics: Presentation on “Vaccine Economics,” the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Vaccines and Immune Therapeutics course for immunology and molecular biology graduate students, October 2008.

  161 Handley and the 1989 vaccine schedule: The Doctors, May 6, 2009.

  161 Handley and research on vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children: “Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey Discuss Autism: Medical Experts Weigh In,” Larry King Live, CNN, April 3, 2009.

  162 Celebrities support polio vaccine: N. G. Seavey, J. S. Smith, and P. Wagner, A Paralyzing Fear: The Triumph over Polio in America (New York: TV Books, 1998); Oshinsky, Polio.

  162 Celebrities who support vaccines: “Actress and New Mom Keri Russell Joins PKIDS to Launch ‘Silence the Sound of Pertussis’ Campaign,” PR Newswire, October 16, 2007; E. J. Mundell, “Jennifer Garner Puts Flu Shot in the Spotlight,” U.S. News and World Report,, April 19, 2010; “Football Legend Archie Griffin Raising Awareness of H1N1 Vaccinations,” Dayton Business Journal, January 20, 2010.

  163 Celebrities who fear vaccines: “Jessica Alba Concerned About Vaccinations,”; “Vaccines : Does Your Child Really Need Them?” Planet, April 18, 2000; “House Call with Dr. Sanjay Gupta,” CNN, August 16, 2008; “Vaccines and Autism,” Larry King Live, CNN, February 27, 2008; A. Quinn, “Aidan Quinn’s Ode to Ireland of the Seventies,” Independent. ie, September 14, 2008.

  163 Carrey regarding conspiracy: “Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey Discuss Autism: Medical Experts Weigh In,” Larry King Live, CNN, April 3, 2009. All quotes by Jim Carrey are from this source.

  164 Handley and the chickenpox vaccine: Ibid.

  164 Chickenpox disease and effectiveness of the chickenpox vaccine: A. A. Gershon, M. Takahashi, and J. F. Seward, “Varicella Vaccine,” in Vaccines , 5th ed., eds. S. A. Plotkin, W. A. Orenstein, and P. A. Offit (London: Elsevier/Saunders, 2008); S. S. Shah, S. M. Wood, X. Luan, and A. J. Ratner, “Decline in Varicella-Related Ambulatory Visits and Hospitalizations in the United States Since Routine Immunization Against Varicella,” Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 29 (2010): 199-204.


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