rheumatoid arthritis and
SIDS and
vaccine court rulings
Hepatitis B Vaccine Project
Herd (population) immunity
breakdown in
Heteropathic medicine
Hib. See under Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
Higgins, Charles
Hinman, Alan
H1N1 virus
Hodgson, Abraham Victor Obeng
Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated (Higgins)
Hospital for Sick Children
House Subcommittee on Health and the Environment
How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor (Mendelsohn)
HPV. See under Human papillomavirus (HPV)
Huffington Post
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine
fear of technology used to make it
Human serum albumin, in MMR vaccine
Hume-Rothery, Mary
Hypotonic hyporesponsive episodes, pertussis vaccine and
Hypotonic Hyporesponsive Syndrome
“Ileal-Lymphoid-Nodular Hyperplasia, Non-Specific Colitis, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder in Children” (Wakefield)
measles outbreak
pertussis outbreak
Immunization programs, history of
Immunization rates
British pertussis vaccine
effect of conscientious objection law on
herd immunity and
Immunological challenge, of vaccines
Imus, Don and Deirdre
Indiana, measles outbreak
Infantile spasms, pertussis vaccine and
Infants, immune response of
Influenza vaccine
egg allergy and
mandating by hospital administrators
Oz on
Informed Parents Against Vaccine-Associated Polio (IPAV)
Inquiry into the Causes and Effects of the Variolae Vaccinae (Jenner)
Institute of Medicine
IPAV. See Informed Parents Against Vaccine-Associated Polio (IPAV)
Ireland, measles outbreaks
Jacobson, Henning
Jacobson v. Massachusetts
Japan, pertussis outbreak
Jauncey, Charles
Jenner, Edward
Jenner or Christ? (pamphlet)
Johnson, Samuel
Joseph P. Kennedy Foundation
Kalus, Harry
Karolinska Institute
Karoly, John
Karoly, Peter
Katz, Sam
Kendrick, Pearl
Kennedy, Edward
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Robert F., Jr.
Kennedy, Rosemary
Kerensky, Michael
Kerridge, David
King, Ashley
King, John and Catherine
King, Larry
Kinnear, Johnnie
Kinsbourne, Marcel
Kirkman Laboratories
Kluger, Jeffery
Koch, Robert
Koplan, Jeff
Koppel, Ted
Krigsman, Arthur
Kupsh, Debra
Laitner, Jeanne
The Lancet (journal)
Langman, Rod
Larry King Live (television program)
Lawsuits associated with DPT vaccine. See also Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)
Lawyers, anti-vaccine movement and
Lederle Laboratories
Leicester anti-vaccine rally
Levine, Seymour
Levy, Louis
Levy, Sandra
Lillard, Harvey
Lister Pharmaceuticals
Little, Kenneth
Little, Lora
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Los Angeles, measles outbreak
Louisiana, measles outbreak
Loveday, Susan
Loveday v. Renton and Wellcome Foundation Ltd.
Machin, Anthony
Mad-cow disease
Madsen, Kreesten
Madsen, Thorvald
Magid, Laurie
Maher, Bill
Maier, William
Maine, Hib meningitis outbreak
Male Practice (Mendelsohn)
Mallon, Mary
Mandatory vaccination
with influenza vaccine for healthcare workers
See also Compulsory vaccination
March of Dimes
Margiotta, Joseph
Marketing strategy, anti-vaccine movement and
Maryland, repeal of religious exemption health laws
Mason, James O.
repeal of religious exemption health laws
Massachusetts Compulsory Anti-Vaccination League
Mass marketing, anti-vaccine activists and
McCarthy, Jenny
appearance on The Doctors
Barbara Loe Fisher’s activism compared to
Carrey and
“Green Our Vaccines” rally
on vaccine ingredients
McCartney, Thomas
McCauley, Charles
McConaughey, Matthew
McCormick, Marie
McDowell, Allen
McKenzie, John
McKown, Ian
McKown, Kathleen
immunization rate and herd immunity
incidence among unvaccinated children
program to eliminate from United States
Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine
autism and
early acceptance of
Sears’ alternative schedule and
vaccine court rulings
Measles vaccine, decline in manufacturers of
Measure for Measure (Shakespeare)
Medical advances, anti-vaccine movement and fear of
Medical Research Council
Meechan, Robert
Mendelsohn, Robert
Mental retardation
causes of
pertussis vaccine and risk of
Mercury. See Thimerosal
Messonier, Nancy
Metchnikoff, Elie
Mica, Dan
Mica, John
Michigan, measles outbreak
Microbe Hunters
Middlehurst, Donna
Miller, David
criticism of study
study on pertussis vaccine-brain damage link
as expert witness
Miller, Zachary
Minnesota, Hib meningitis outbreak
Minshew, Nancy
Missionary Temple at Large of the Universal Religious Brotherhood, Inc.
Mississippi, pertussis outbreak
Missouri, measles outbreak
MMR. See Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine
Moll, Frederic
Moms Against Mercury
Monosodium glutamate
Montagnier, Luc
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (CDC)
Morris, Jean
Mortimer, Edward
Multiple sclerosis
hepatitis B vaccine and
vaccines and
immunization rate and herd immunity
See also Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine
Murphy, Jerome
Murphy, Trudy
Murrow, Edward R.
Myelination of the Brain in the Newborn (Rorke-Adams)
Nathanson, Neil
National Anti-Vaccination League
National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act
National Immunization Program
National Institutes of Health
bsp; National Public Radio
National Vaccine Compensation Fund
National Vaccine Information Center
“The Natural History of an Immunization Program” (graph)
Nature (journal)
NBC Nightly News (television program)
Nelmes, Sarah
Neuzil, Kathy
New England Journal of Medicine (journal)
New Mexico, measles outbreak
New York
Hib meningitis outbreak
smallpox outbreak
New York Times (newspaper)
Nigeria, polio vaccination programs
Nightline (television program)
Oklahoma, Hib meningitis outbreak
Omer, Saad
Omnibus Autism Proceeding
Open Your Eyes Wide! (Higgins)
Oprah (television program)
Oral polio vaccine
Oregon, pertussis outbreak
Orenstein, Walter
Orient, Jane
Osgood, Charles
Osler, John
Oz, Lisa
Oz, Mehmet
Palmer, Bartlett Joshua
Palmer, Daniel D.
Paranoia, anti-vaccine movement and
Parikh, Rahul
Pediatric Red Book (AAP)
Peet, Amanda
Hib meningitis outbreak
measles outbreak
immunization rate and herd immunity
incidence among unvaccinated children
mortality rates
severity of
Pertussis vaccine
allegations of brain damage/neurological illness from
British government study of risk of
creation of
decline in manufacturers of
early acceptance of
improvement in safety
infantile spasms and
lawsuits associated with
risk of epilepsy or retardation from
shortages of
side effects
SIDS and
Peterson, Shannon
Pfeiffer, Immanuel
Pharmaceutical companies
anti-vaccine movement and
decline in number of vaccine manufacturers
vaccine lawsuits and
Philosophical exemptions to vaccination requirements
impact of
Phipps, James
Physicians’ Desk Reference
Pickering, James
Pickering, Larry
Pisani, Amy
Pitcairn, John
“Pitt Expert Goes Public to Counter Fallacy on Autism,”
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (newspaper)
Pneumococcal infections
Pneumococcal vaccine
Pneumocystis carinii
historical mortality rate
risk of infection
“The Polio Crusade” (television program)
Polio vaccines
decline in manufacturers of
early acceptance of
Nigeria and distrust of
Oz on
polio caused by
promotion of
Pollack, T. M.
Pontifical Academy for Life
Population immunity. See Herd (population) immunity
Priest, Julian
Prince, Sarah
Prince v. Massachusetts
Principia College
Protests, anti-vaccine
Public Health Laboratory
Public health officials, anti-vaccine movement and
Quinn, Aidan
Raggedy Ann doll
Rallies, anti-vaccine
Reagan, Ronald
Recombinant DNA technology, HPV vaccine and
Religious exemptions to vaccination requirements
impact of
Religulous (film)
Renton, George
Resciniti, Anthony (Tony)
Resciniti, Leo
Rescue Angels
Rheumatoid arthritis, hepatitis B vaccine and
Richmond, Julius
Roberts, Robin
Roizen, Michael
Rome, Leonard
Rorke-Adams, Lucy
Rotavirus vaccine
intussusception and
Oz on
vaccine program
Royal College of Physicians
Royal Society of Medicine
Rubella, historic mortality rate
Rubella vaccine. See also Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine
Rubert, William
“Ruining It for the Rest of Us” (radio program)
Russell, Keri
Rutledge, Wiley B.
Sabin, Albert
Salamone, David
Salamone, John
Salamone, Kathy
Salisbury, David
Salk, Jonas
Salmon, Daniel
Salmonella typhi
San Diego, measles outbreaks
San Francisco Chronicle (newspaper)
Sanofi Aventis
Sawyer, William
“Scared Stiff: Worry in America” (television program)
School immunization requirements
Schuchat, Anne
Schwartz, Jeff
Schwartz, Julie
Science and Health (Eddy)
Sears, Jim
Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All Page 31