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BrickWall_Kobo Page 4

by Steph

  Bliss pulled back far enough that she could see Shane’s face in the room’s low light. Saw the deep breath he sucked in and the way his throat convulsed as he swallowed. Then he ran one hand through his dark, shaggy waves and she wanted to do the same. She knew it’d feel like silk against her skin.

  “Great. That’s great.” He paused, frowned, then shook his head like he was trying to get something to fall back into place. “I just don’t want you to think I’m trying to take advantage of you.”

  Wow, was he for real? He seemed too damn sweet. Not at all what she’d been expecting. Not that that was a bad thing. But it made her wonder if she was starting to come off a little too strong.

  Then she looked into his eyes and saw lust. A blazing heat that stole her breath. And she realized Shane was the real deal. An actual, genuinely nice guy.

  She’d begun to believe they were pure myth.

  Her thighs clenched and she sucked in air, suddenly finding it hard to breathe.

  Holy hell, when had the temperature risen to the point that she wanted to start shedding clothes? Okay, maybe she just wanted him to start shedding clothes.

  But first she needed to ask him a very important question. “What if I want you to take advantage?”

  That heat in his eyes burned even brighter, and the wry grin that curved his beautiful mouth made her thighs clench.

  “Maybe I’d rather you take advantage of me.”

  Oh yes, please. She could so work with that.

  As his bright blue eyes narrowed to slits and his mouth flattened into a straight line, Bliss swore she felt sexual intensity coming off him like heat.

  Then he moved closer and, as she had to crane her head to look up at him, she realized just how much bigger he was. Broader and heavier and more muscled.

  Amazing, she felt no fear. She knew instinctively this man wouldn’t harm her. Of course, if she asked him to slap his hand across her ass…

  Oh hell, just thinking about it made heat flush across her cheeks.

  What would he say if she asked him? Maybe he didn’t do kinky? Not that spanking was really kinky but—

  Fuck it.

  Reaching for him, she wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him forward, meeting him halfway and pressing her lips against his.

  She needed him to have no doubt about what she wanted. That she wanted whatever he had to give.

  And when he kissed her back, she realized not only was he a really good kisser, but what she’d thought was shyness was really reserve. And she had just given him permission to release his restraints.

  His hands wrapped around her shoulders, tight but not threatening. And it definitely didn’t hurt. But he wasn’t going to release her unless she asked.

  Be still my heart.

  Her heart beat just a little faster.

  So strong. So…demanding.

  With a soft moan, she shifted closer as his mouth opened over hers and his tongue slid between her lips.

  She might’ve been the one to initiate the kiss, but she realized she wouldn’t be the one who controlled it. She was okay with that. Totally okay.

  With a sigh, she tilted her head so he could kiss her more deeply. He didn’t need any more encouragement than that.

  His kiss became more intense, threatened to burn. Heat flashed through her, making her nipples tighten and her thighs clench.

  His tongue slid against hers, tangling with hers. No teasing, no hinting. Just flat-out demand.

  Shane had gone straight from zero to a hundred in record time.

  And though she didn’t have a problem with that, it took a few seconds for her body to catch up. To allow him to take control

  And when she did…

  Her lungs froze as his lips moved over hers with a skill she hadn’t expected. A skill that made her brain fuzzy when he stroked his tongue along hers then sucked with a sexy demand that made her want to agree to anything he asked.

  How had that happened? How had he gone from slightly awkward and adorable to hot and demanding?

  And honestly…who cared? Especially when lust thrummed through her body, making her sex slick with desire and… Holy hell, when had he flattened those huge hands across her back to urge her closer?

  She felt each finger through her shirt as he pressed them into her skin. He wasn’t hurting her but she certainly wasn’t going anywhere unless he allowed it.

  Oh my god, did she love that.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she arched her back, mashing her chest against his, trying to ease the ache in her breasts. She wanted him to put his hands on them and squeeze, not to hurt, just…

  God, she hurt.

  With a little moan, she rose to her knees, cursing her tight skirt. She couldn’t spread her legs without rutching up her skirt, and she couldn’t do that without actually reaching down and pulling it up.

  Maybe he’d just tear the damn thing off her.

  Her heart began to beat double-time and it got harder to breathe.

  Stroking down her back with heavy hands, he cupped her ass in his palms and pulled.

  She had a second to wonder if her skirt was going to split at the seams before he leaned back and took them horizontal. Without releasing her mouth.

  The man certainly was talented. He stole her breath and never gave her time to regain it. His hands never stopped touching her, cupping her, molding her.

  Not a shy bone in his body now. Which just meant she couldn’t think straight.

  Especially not when lying flat-out on top of him and feeling his impressive erection pressed against her stomach.


  She wanted to slip her hands in his pants and wrap her fingers around him, but she’d have to maneuver to get a hand between them and she didn’t want to distract him from…whatever spell he was weaving over her body.

  His hands seemed to be everywhere. Stroking down her back, petting her ass, sinking into her hair to twist her head a certain way so he could kiss her harder, hotter. A lot harder.

  She wanted to move. She didn’t want to move. She wished they could get rid of their clothes and skip to the good part.

  Although there definitely wasn’t anything wrong with this part.

  He kissed her like he was starved for her. Like he couldn’t get enough and she was the only person in the world who could give it to him.

  His intensity threatened to overpower her. Stole her breath and sapped her will to move. It’d be so easy to give him the control he wanted.

  But it wasn’t in her nature.

  She began to battle her way back to the surface. Not fighting him but slowly giving more than she was getting.

  When his tongue retreated the next time, she followed him, flicking against his teeth and teasing him until she heard him groan.

  His hands smoothed over her ass then cupped her and held her to him so he could thrust against her. Hard. As if he could penetrate her through their clothes.

  A split second later, he released her and pulled away.

  “Shit, I didn’t— Sorry. I mean— Fuck.”

  The heated look on his face made her pelvis rock against his.

  She slid her hands up his body to cup his jaw, the scruff rough and enticing beneath her palms. “Don’t be. Please don’t be sorry. Trust me, I’m right here with you.”

  She watched him swallow hard, his eyes narrowing slightly. Had she come on too strong?

  Then his mouth curved in that little grin again and she swore her bones went liquid. Or at least, she did between her thighs.

  In the next second, he twisted their bodies in a move she couldn’t quite follow, his body so incredibly agile.

  She found herself on her back looking up at him, slightly stunned. Not frightened. Too turned on to be frightened.

  But damn, the guy was big. He blocked out everything. The light. The surroundings. Made her feel as if she was the only thing in his world right now.

  Sweet heaven.

  And when his head descended to
kiss her again, she met him halfway, his mouth crushing against her lips in a clash of teeth and tongues.

  Shoving one hand into his hair and winding her fingers around the almost-shoulder-length strands, she held him close, sucking in air through her nose as their tongues dueled.

  God, she could do this for hours. Just let him kiss her until she honestly thought she might pass out from lack of oxygen. She’d never been with a guy who could kiss this well.

  Where the hell had he learned to do this? And was he just as talented in other areas?

  The thought hit her like a punch to the gut as he began to gentle the kiss, withdrawing his tongue until finally he pulled away.

  Propped on his elbows, he stared down at her. Those bright blue eyes, so intent and focused on her, made her want to pet him. All over. While he was naked.

  “If I’m moving too fast, just smack me, okay?”

  No way. “If you were moving too fast, my knee would be in your groin. I told you I grew up with four older brothers, right?”

  His gaze narrowed. “Yeah, you did.” He paused and he got a look in his eye that made her want to lick his throat. Or anywhere she could reach. “So if I ask if I can take your clothes off, am I gonna find your knee somewhere I don’t want it?”

  Letting her hands stroke from his shoulders to his waist, she began to pull his shirt out of his waistband as she smiled up at him.

  “No. I don’t want to…damage you. In any way.”

  There was that blush again, the one that made her grin. Then he wove one of his hands through her hair and tugged. Not enough to hurt. Just enough to make her sex clench.

  “I’m pretty tough. I can take a lot of damage.”

  Heat flashed through her as she thought about just what he could do with that body. “I have no doubt.”

  With his shirt separated from his pants, she slid her hands under the fabric to press against his sides, just above the waistband of his pants.

  The definition of his muscles made her fingers itch to bare him completely.

  While he held himself above her on stiff arms, she reached for the buttons of his dress shirt.

  Before she started, though, she glanced up and had to swallow at the lust defining the sharp angles of his face.

  Oh my.

  She’d never been the recipient of that much pure desire from anyone. Ever. It was intoxicating. It made her want to strip naked and give him free rein.

  Dangerous. Way too dangerous.

  Why? It wasn’t like she was going to marry the guy. They were going to have hot sex for one night.

  “I think you need to take your clothes off now.”

  His only outward response to her husky demand was the ripple of his throat as he swallowed. Then he pushed up onto his knees above her and went to work on his shirt buttons.

  Her fingers actually twitched to help him but she kept them curled into the couch cushions. She’d never seen anything as sexy as this man methodically pushing buttons through their holes to reveal the amazing body beneath.

  Wide shoulders, broad chest bulky with muscle. Freaking washboard abs that would’ve made an underwear model salivate.

  But this man was no model. His collarbone showed the long scar of an incision and he had a bruise on his left arm that covered most of his bicep and another huge purple splotch just above his right hip.

  “Do those hurt?”

  His gaze never left hers. “Does what hurt?”

  She reached out to trail her fingers just above the bruise on his hip. He looked down, watching with narrowed eyes as she barely touched him.

  “No.” His voice held a deep note of control that made her want to whimper. “But I’ll show you what does.”

  She swallowed convulsively as his hands dropped to the waistband on his pants then flashed him a grin when he stopped after popping the button.

  “Do you need some help?”

  His eyes narrowed and she had to suck in a quick breath before she started to pant.

  “I’d say yes but it might derail my plans.”

  Oh wow, where had all the air gone? “And what plans are those?”

  “Making you come at least twice before I get inside you.”

  Holy shit. Adrenaline drop-loaded into her bloodstream and her lips parted but nothing emerged. She was at a loss for words and that didn’t happen often. If he knew her better, he’d know just how amazing her silence was.

  That thought was obliterated a second later when he pulled down the zipper and shoved his pants off his hips.

  She had a quick glimpse of his thick, rock-hard erection before he reached for her shirt and began to pull it up her body.

  As she wiggled beneath him to help get the shirt over her head, she had a quick second to think, Damn, I’m glad I wore the green satin bra and panty set this morning.

  And if the look on Shane’s face was anything to go by, he liked it too.

  Then he bent and put his mouth on the exposed curve of her upper left breast, pressing kisses along the lace-edged cup before opening his mouth over the thin satin covering her nipple and sucking it into his mouth.

  Her back arched as she gasped, the sensation so sharp, all of her muscles tensed. She reached for his head, sliding her fingers into his hair to hold him to her. The soft strands felt like silk against her palms and she wanted to rub her cheek against the crown of his head. Or better yet, have him brush the longer strands against her breasts, her stomach. The inside of her thighs.

  Sucking in much needed air, she pressed his head closer. Shane took direction well. He bit at her, laved her nipple though the material then blew a cool breath across it to make it pucker.

  He moved to do the exact same thing to her other nipple and, for the next several minutes, proceeded to drive her more than a little crazy.

  With her other lovers—at least the two after she’d broken up with her ex—she’d been the one in control. Maybe she’d unconsciously chosen men who allowed her to be in control.

  Maybe it wasn’t that unconscious.

  But not Shane. He had his own plan, apparently, and she was more than happy to go along with it.

  His tongue flicked at her nipples, which she’d never considered all that sensitive. Tonight…they ached with sensation, almost painfully. She squirmed so much, she realized he’d moved his hands to her ribs to hold her down.

  She liked that. Oh, hell, she liked that a lot.

  And when he began to kiss his way down her body, her hands dropped to his shoulders. Just to make sure he didn’t stray.

  But Shane had a definite purpose in mind.

  His fingers didn’t fumble at all with her skirt, just slid down the zipper with a move so smooth she had a second to wonder if he got a lot of practice.

  Then he tugged on the skirt and had it down around her ankles in seconds. Now all she wore were a pair of barely there panties and her bra. And a smile.

  A really big smile as he pulled a condom out of the wallet he grabbed out of his pants, still hanging around his hips.

  “I’m gonna take these off now.” He stuck the fingers of his right hand in the string holding the two sides of her panties together and tugged. She had to lift her bottom to help him get them off, her feet braced on his thighs until he had them down around her ankles.

  As soon as he’d dropped them, she reached for him. Wrapped her hand around his cock and stroked him.

  His eyes closed as she pumped him from root to tip. Damn, he was thick. Not stubby, though. Just long enough. Mouthwatering. Perfect.

  A smile curved her lips and she watched his gaze narrow as he leaned forward, planting his hands on the cushions just above her shoulders.

  His lips were close enough that she could lift her head and kiss him. And she could tell that’s what he expected.

  Instead, she leaned back…and lifted her hips to brush the tip of his cock against her labia.

  His jaw clenched, eyes narrowing until she could barely see any blue at all. She loved the feel of his
hot flesh against hers, could have teased him for the next hour at least.

  Or not. Because when he deliberately slipped the tip between labia, her brain short-circuited. She arched her back and sought to get him deeper.

  Instead, he pulled away and pushed back up onto his knees.

  Moaning, she reached for his hips but he leaned back, out of her grasp. And made sure she watched as he rolled the condom down his length. His intense focus made her lungs struggle for air. She’d never had another man affect her like this. It was almost too much to take.

  She wanted to close her eyes, take back a little bit of control, but she didn’t want to break the connection between them.

  So she saw the way his expression tightened when he leaned forward again and rubbed the tip of his cock against her clit. Biting back a moan, she reached for his forearms, fingers digging into taut muscles as the ache between her legs built.

  Her hips rose to meet his and his lips covered hers again for a kiss that fuzzed her brain.

  She needed him inside, to fill the aching void and make her come.

  But the damn man wouldn’t move.

  Not that his kisses weren’t amazing. They were. She just needed more. Sliding her hands up his arms as he worked his mouth over hers, she stopped for a few seconds to pet his shoulders before gliding down his back.

  His skin heated beneath her palms, so smooth. And then she had her hands on his ass. Jesus, the man had muscles everywhere.

  As her hands smoothed down to his thighs then back up again, teasing closer to the seam splitting his cheeks, she felt his groan rumble in his chest as his hips rocked forward.

  Yes, that’s what I want.

  Hands on his hips, she tugged him closer. Or tried to. The man was immoveable.

  With a moan, she pulled away from his lips, one hand rising to sink into his hair. She tugged, not hard enough to hurt but enough to get his attention.

  Or so she thought.

  Apparently when Shane was set on a course, he didn’t falter.

  Instead of pulling back, he bent to put his mouth on her neck. He laid a string of kisses down her neck to her collarbone then followed that to her shoulder. And then he bit her.


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