by Steph
“You’re one of the smartest people I know.” Actually, Faith was the smartest person Bliss knew. She designed rockets for a living, for chrissake.
“Well, I don’t feel smart at the moment. I think I’ve been really, really stupid. Or maybe just blind. He’s been so distant lately and I think…” She took a deep breath. “I think he wants to tell me he doesn’t want to get married but doesn’t know how to say it. And I’m afraid…”
Faith’s expression made Bliss want to punch Jimmy right in his perfect nose. The guy had walked away from the accident with barely a scratch. He’d been going too fast for conditions and had sailed off the road around a sharp curve. And then there’d been the matter of a few drinks at dinner…
Yes, he’d stuck with Faith through her long recovery. But there was just something about the guy that made Bliss want to scratch at him every time he came toward her.
“What are you afraid of?”
Faith’s fingers tightened around hers. “That I’m making a horrible mistake.”
Bliss practically bit her tongue in half not to speak her mind.
“Why do you think that?”
“He’s been…quiet.” She paused. “Dismissive.”
Bastard. Bliss would cheerfully cut Jimmy’s balls off with a dull spoon.
“Have you talked to him about it?”
Faith nodded slowly. “He says everything’s fine. And it is. For a little while. And then it’s not again. I just…don’t know what to think.”
Bliss knew exactly what to think. She just couldn’t bring herself to say it to her friend’s face. Maybe her personal dislike of Jimmy was coloring her judgment. Maybe he really was just having cold feet and everything would be fine.
Bliss had made more than one mistake in the past few hours, including sneaking out of Shane’s apartment this morning. She didn’t want to make a completely horrendous one now.
“I think you need to talk to him again. Tell him exactly what you just told me and see what he says.”
Maybe the bastard would actually man up and make things right for this incredible person.
And maybe, just maybe he’d completely screw Faith over. And then Bliss would cheerfully find that spoon.
Faith’s lips lifted in a completely fake smile that broke Bliss’s heart, and she tightened her grip on Faith’s hand.
“I’m sure I’m just being paranoid. And I guess I should try on my dress one last time.”
Which was the reason for Faith’s visit today. Her final fitting. Tomorrow, Bliss would help her dress at the church then attend the wedding and reception as a friend.
“And speaking of tomorrow, did you decide to bring anyone to the wedding?”
Bliss knew Faith had closed the door on their other conversation. And really, what more was there to say?
“I told you not to hold that spot open. I just don’t have anyone in my life right now.”
Immediately, images from last night popped into her head. Shane, naked and braced over her body on strong arms, his hips pounding against hers, his mouth on her breasts.
Damn. If she wasn’t careful, she’d have a hot flash and need to change her panties.
“Uh huh.” Faith’s tone definitely held a hint of laughter so at least Bliss had been able to lighten her friend’s mood. Even if it was at Bliss’s expense. “I’m thinking maybe you wish there was.”
Nope, not touching that. “All right, lady. Let’s see—”
Her cell rang and her heart gave a little extra thump.
She picked it up, checked the number, and didn’t recognize it. But that didn’t mean anything. She used this as her work number and she got calls all the time from vendors.
Swiping it into voice mail, she refocused all of her attention on Faith. Where it should be. And not on a random hookup that would never go anywhere.
His call went straight to voice mail and Shane was all set to end it when he heard her voice.
“Hi there. You’ve reached With This Ring Bridal Salon. We can’t get to the phone right now but we want to help you find that perfect dress. Please leave us a message and we’ll call you back.”
And damn if he didn’t get hard.
So, yeah, he waited through the recorded message, trying to figure out what the hell he should say.
“Uh, hey, Bliss. This is Shane…from last night.” Christ, he sounded like a fucking teenager. “I’d like to see you again. I’m free tonight or tomorrow night. Oh wait, tomorrow’s Christmas Eve. You’re probably busy. We have a game the day after Christmas but then I’ll be gone for a few days after that. Road trip.” Which she probably didn’t care about. “Anyway, give me a call. If you want. I had a great time last night.”
He cut off before he sounded like even more of an idiot.
So now what?
Blowing out a frustrated breath, he pushed away from the dining room table and tried to think of something else to do today that didn’t involve sitting in front of a screen alone.
Only a couple of guys from his team were still in the area, including the Russians. Actually, only Vladislav Marchenko was Russian. Jakub Mozik was Czech and got super pissed if you called him Russian. So, of course, they all did.
They held the first-line defensive positions and were pretty much inseparable. Had been since being drafted by the Redtails’ NHL affiliate, the Philadelphia Colonials, when they were eighteen and sent to the Colonials’ ECHL affiliate before being called up to the Redtails last season.
Those two would probably play video games all day, order in pizza, and sleep off a couple bottles of vodka. They had the ability to drink men twice their age and size under the table.
Not exactly how Shane wanted to spend the day.
No, he wanted to spend the day with Bliss.
With a sigh, he figured he could at least do something worthwhile. Like the wash piling up in his bedroom. He hadn’t been near a washing machine for a couple weeks. Might as well get that out of the way.
So he was in the basement, where he got totally shitty reception, when his phone rang.
He didn’t recognize the number at first glance but then his brain kicked in and he started to grin.
“Hey, Bliss. I’m glad you called me back.”
“Hi, Sha…How are you do…I was hop…I know it’s…but—”
Shit. The reception down here sucked. He ran for the stairs.
He got to the first floor in time to hear her say, “Shane? Are you—”
“I’m here.” He had to take a quick breath because he’d taken the stairs two at a time. At least that’s what he told himself. “Sorry. Bad reception in the basement.”
She laughed and his cock jerked.
“Is that where you keep the bodies?”
“Only the ones I can’t fit in the walls.”
She paused and he wanted to smack his head. Jesus, could he be any more of an idiot—
Then she laughed even harder and…
Holy shit, she got his sarcastic sense of humor and didn’t think he was a serial killer.
Even more amazing? He didn’t feel like a complete ass.
“So,” she drew the word out for several seconds, making his heart beat faster in anticipation. “I was wondering what you’re doing tomorrow night?”
“Nothing at all.” Please, god, let that be what she wanted to hear. Or was that pitiful? Oh wait. It was Christmas Eve. He’d forgotten.
A light huff of laughter came through the line and he hoped like hell she wasn’t laughing at his pathetic lack of a life.
“Well, I actually do have something and…I was wondering if you didn’t have anything to do, you’d want to go with me.”
The question in her voice should’ve rung a warning bell, but he knew he’d do anything she asked, just to spend time with her. Did that make him creepy or pathetic? Or both?
Then she continued. “A friend is getting married tomorrow night and I was thought maybe you coul
d be my date?”
His brain short-circuited for a second. “Did you say wedding?”
Her laugh was softer and sweeter this time and made his muscles tighten.
“Yeah. I told you I work in a bridal salon, right? Well, one of my clients is getting married and she invited me to the wedding.”
She wanted him to go with her to a wedding? As her date?
His brain kicked into gear, tossing out danger signals.
Take a girl to a wedding and she’ll get ideas.
Which was total bullshit.
Dude, you’re not that great a catch. Seriously, get over yourself.
“Uh, sure.”
Somewhere in Nova Scotia, his roommate CJ was shaking his head and he had no idea why.
“I mean,” she quickly started to talk, “if you have something else, I’d totally understand—”
“No, no. I’ve got nothing to do. I’d like—love to go with you.”
Another pause and then, “Okay, great. That’s…good.”
He swore he heard a smile in her voice now and that made him smile, too. “So this is a formal thing, right? Suit and tie?”
“Yeah. Oh, is that a problem?”
“Nah. We’re required to dress for games. Unless I need a tux. Then you’re out of luck.”
“Nope, no tux needed.”
“Then we’re good. So what time should I pick you up?”
“I have to be there early to help the bride with her dress.”
“No problem. I’ve got nothing to do and nowhere to be.”
“Okay then, can you pick me up at four-thirty? I’ll text you the address. The wedding’s at six. I told her I’d be at the church by five but I want to be there early.”
“Great. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Thanks, Shane. I’m looking forward to it.”
When the call disconnected, he took a deep breath and couldn’t stop grinning.
Bliss hung up with a smile.
That was either the stupidest thing she’d ever done or the bravest. Guess she’d find out which tomorrow night.
Aren’t you the one who said you didn’t want to get involved with anyone? That you were just looking for a one-night stand.
That had definitely been her. But…there was something about Shane. Something about how quiet he could be and not seem withdrawn. Or how his humor was a little goofy, a little sarcastic and sometimes just plain weird.
How she knew all of that just from spending one night with him was weird. And a little scary. And a little exciting.
So she wasn’t surprised by the flutter in her stomach. Or the pulse between her thighs because, holy hell, the man had been amazing in bed.
The kind of guy a girl could fall for and who could break her heart.
With a sigh, she tried to shake some sense into her head.
“Completely getting ahead of yourself. It’s just sex.”
Really great sex. And a seemingly great guy.
Too good to be true.
Weren’t they all?
She’d found that out the hard way when she’d found the man she’d thought was her happily-ever-after in bed with another woman.
Oh, Rich had sworn up and down that nothing had happened between him and the ex-girlfriend passed out on his bed. Sworn he’d only allowed her to sleep there because he hadn’t wanted her to drive home in her condition.
Bliss had wanted to believe him. She couldn’t. Couldn’t bring herself to trust him. Couldn’t help feeling like a fool. Apparently she’d been right because when she’d gotten rid of him, he’d immediately started dating his ex.
So much for trust.
No, Shane would be a great diversion until it ended. And it would end. And when he moved on… No harm, no foul. But in the meantime, she’d enjoy the smoking-hot sex.
“Liss! Hey, Liss. Guess what?”
She jumped as her door slammed open but smiled when she saw her older brother, Mike, in her living room.
“Hey, Mike. We’ve talked about knocking before, remember? You’re supposed to knock before you come into my apartment. Or anyone else’s.”
Mike’s sweet face screwed up into a frown, and Bliss had to bite her tongue against the words that wanted to escape.
But she knew if she said, “Never mind, it’s okay,” it wouldn’t help Mike. The therapist had been crystal clear about that. He’d stressed, when she and her parents had first talked to him about Mike moving into his own apartment, that they had to hold him to the same standards as they would a person who didn’t have his disabilities.
Mike had to be held accountable, Dr. Farouk had said.
“Damn. I’m sorry, Liss.” He hung his head, ginger hair shades lighter than her own, hanging over his forehead. “I’ll remember for next time. I promise.”
Now she smiled. “I know you will, bud. Now what’s so important you forgot your manners?”
And that fast, his grin returned. Her parents swore Mike had taken one look at her after she’d been born and hadn’t stopped smiling since. And she’d hadn’t known a time when her brother wasn’t a fixture in her life.
“My boss told me I’m getting a raise!”
Her brother’s infectious joy made everything in life just a little brighter.
Throwing her arms open, she hugged Mike tight and said a silent “fuck you” to the few so-called friends who’d told her she was crazy to agree to have her “disabled” brother move in next to her. Mike wasn’t disabled. He was differently abled. In her mind, the distinction was huge.
“That’s great! I’m so happy for you.”
Mike pulled back, but not before putting a smacking kiss on her cheek.
As he told her about his day at the grocery store where he worked, she let herself get caught up in his joy. Since they’d moved into their side-by-side apartments, she’d watched him gain so much more confidence.
Her parents had never tried to hold him back but even they’d been worried about his plan to move out on his own. But when her former neighbor had told her he needed to sublet his apartment immediately because he’d gotten a new job out of state, she’d gone straight to her parents and Mike.
She’d known Mike would be fine. Her parents had taken some convincing but, in the end, Mike had moved in next to her and she’d never regretted the decision.
Her ex had never understood why she’d want to “chain” herself to her brother, “with all his problems.”
With an internal sigh, she knew that should’ve been a question she’d asked herself about Rich at the time.
She’d learned her lesson. Wouldn’t make the same mistake twice. You never knew who was going to turn out to be a dick.
She really hoped Shane proved to be the decent guy he seemed to be.
Chapter Five
“Seriously? You’re going to a wedding with a girl you just met? Are you insane or just stupid?”
Shane showed off his dexterity by giving Lad the finger without losing his grip on the game controller or getting his character killed.
“Leave the guy alone.” Jake knocked his controller against Shane’s in a show of solidarity as they sat on the floor, backs against the couch. “He has obviously taken too many shots to the head. Addled his brain.”
With the press of a button, Shane killed off Jake’s character. “Yeah, fuck you, too, Jake.”
With a burst of Czech that probably called Shane’s parentage into question, Jake tossed his controller over his shoulder to Lad. Jake had no doubt Lad would catch it. The guys were more in sync than an old married couple. It made them a great defensive team on the ice.
“So I take it the sex was amazing.” Joey Constantino sat on the couch beside Lad. “Why else would you subject yourself to a wedding, especially when you won’t know anybody there?”
Shane elbowed Joey’s thigh, hard enough for the guy to flinch. “I didn’t say anything about sex. And…what the fuck, man? I thought you were on my side.”
Joey smirk
ed as he got his character up and running. The wiry forward skated with a blinding speed that totally contradicted his laid-back personality.
“I am on your side. But not if you’re gonna be a total dickhead. You haven’t stopped talking about her since you got here. You only met her last night. You got laid. The sex was obviously great or you wouldn’t have agreed to go to a wedding with her because, yeah, who goes to a wedding with a girl they just met unless they’re expecting more awesome sex?”
Okay, Joey might have a point but still… “Fuck that. I haven’t talked about her that much.”
Had he?
When the other three guys exchanged a look then started laughing, Shane wanted to grab the nearest stick and slash the hell out of all of them.
“Yeah, fuck you, assholes. Just because you aren’t getting any—”
“Who says we are not getting laid?” Lad punched him on the arm.
Shane snorted. “You spend most of the time we’re not on the ice here playing video games like twelve-year-olds.”
Jake stuck his elbow in Shane’s side. “And aren’t you sitting here, right now?”
“Visual acuity exercise.”
Joey burst out laughing. “You’re so full of shit. You don’t have anything better to do than sit around with us. Why didn’t you go home anyway?”
Shane shrugged. Didn’t want to admit that he was avoiding his Hallmark parents.
Lad and Jake wouldn’t understand. They would’ve been on the first plane out if they’d had enough time to fly home and get back in time for the next game.
Joey… Well, Joey’s parents were a living nightmare so he didn’t go home. Ever. He wouldn’t understand why Shane wanted to avoid his perfect family.
“I needed to work on some things and Cary said he’d help. So I stayed. I need the practice.”
“Don’t sweat the past few games, man.” Jake shrugged. “This shit will work itself out.”
Jesus, he hoped so. Otherwise… “I just want to stay focused on the game and not get caught up in all the family stuff.”
Jake snorted. “And nothing says focus like screwing around with some girl you don’t know.”
“It’s not like that. She’s…” Amazing. Sexy. Smart. “Nice.”