Bloody Citadel

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Bloody Citadel Page 26

by Andrew McGregor

  Tatu gritted his teeth, ‘I will push forward if you fan out to the left...that should stop them counterattacking...’

  Hausser shook his head, the smoke sweeping between their figures, ‘No, we stay together...move left and then advance once the flanks are cleared.’

  Tatu grinned in rising excitement, lifting his PPSH submachine gun from behind his back, ‘Jawohl, Herr Leutnant...’ He turned away, voice rising as he pointed to five young soldiers nearby, one carrying an MG34, ‘Peter, Karl and the others with Petru and I. The rest follow on with the Leutnant!’ He leant forward, ‘I will look after the kids just keep going and don’t get in a mess...that’s the first good uniform you have worn...’

  Explosions rocked the area, earth and debris falling amongst the soldiers as the carriers swayed, Hausser shouting further as he grinned at the insubordination, ‘Move it...their mortars are targeting us!’ He indicated to the retreating Romanian as he glimpsed Petru, ‘Make sure the old fool survives the day!’

  Petru grinned, lifting his MP40 and pulling the bolt before lunging after his countryman. The men surged forward, Tatu advancing into the nearest trench to the left, Petru following with his MP40, several younger soldiers falling in behind. Hausser approached the next trench, Hase and Udet now with him, their rifles raised, fifteen men grouped behind as they moved forward at a crouch.

  Behind them, Major Wolff was shouting at the newly arrived soldiers, the bearded sergeant organising his men, ‘All of you with me...into the right. We clear the defences and then move on...the Russkies will be counterattacking, so get ready...’

  Tatu ducked down as explosions rocked the earth above them, debris pelting the lowered frames in the trench, his PPSH extended before him as he advanced, the outstretched legs of bodies in the side bunkers and trench ahead, several German attackers lying amongst the prone Russian soldiers. Passing two bunkers, he glimpsed inside the first, sucking air as he winced, the buckled door containing charred wood and torn flesh, the soldiers unrecognisable as humans after the direct shell hit. He drew breath further as he realised a tank had rolled over the roof, the collapse of the back of the bunker sealing the fate of the wounded soldiers that had crawled there for safety, fingers and a bloodied arm extending from between the crushed and shattered logs, flames licking through the gaps.

  The second bunker was still smouldering, the stench of burnt flesh filling his strained nostrils, the soldiers inside torn from submachine gun fire and a flame thrower, the German engineers and grenadiers making short work of the few that resisted, bodies lying all across the land further north as the Russian squad attempted to flee, a Panzer’s machine guns despatching the soldiers mercilessly into the afterlife.

  Shaking his head as he glimpsed the crushed and torn frames, bloodied tank track markings continuing across the dried earth, Tatu glanced round into the dirt smeared and sweating face of Petru, indicating into the entrance, ‘These trenches have been cleared...the infantry are further on.’

  Leutnant Hausser progressed down the next trench, the walkway turning north and heading towards the rear defences, his eyes scanning the floor below for traps as the soldiers behind glanced up at the air battle overhead and further forward, their rifles across their chests.

  Bodies littered the defences, the heavy artillery barrage having killed many of the defenders before they were overwhelmed by the tanks. Explosions echoed further north, the Panzers now engaging enemy tanks and pak guns in open countryside, the distant scream of Stuka sirens adding to the roar of other aircraft as the Luftwaffe strafed Russian positions.

  Then he stiffened, hearing the Russian shouts from the northwest, a counterattack being launched as he raised his frame slightly. Glimpsing the movement of German helmets, he realised another unit was ahead in a parallel trench, their officer shouting frantically for his men to ready themselves. The land rose slightly through the treeline, his eyes glimpsing the enemy units emerging from a forest beyond, black plumes of smoke rising from the buildings on either side, several knocked out tanks burning fiercely.

  Increasing his pace, Hausser shouted over his shoulder, ‘Enemy attack...keep down and drive them back!’

  Mortar rounds exploded above, several in the air, the shrapnel zipping overhead as screams filled the trench, Hausser ducking down as Hase followed behind, Udet throwing himself onto the floor of the trench as a metal shard clanked against his helmet. Two soldiers fell behind, their bodies twisting in agony as further eruptions swept across the trenches, the counterattack aimed at sealing the line with the tanks isolated ahead.

  The explosions increased in intensity, blast wave after blast wave shaking the trench walls and their bodies, the soldiers dropping to their hands and knees with their hands over their ears, many opening their mouths as dirt and earth smacked against their backs. Logs from the walls ahead were shattered, fragments tossed upwards as many shells exploded mid-air, several more men hit from flying sharp metal and splinters. Earth walls collapsed downwards, billowing flames rising as two mortar shells ignited a hidden Russian ammunition and supply cache.

  Then Hausser’s eyes widened, hearing the whine of tank tracks, Hase scrambling forward and over his body, the moaning and cries for help filling their ears as the shelling abruptly stopped. The two soldiers scrambled upwards, Hase staring out over the scorched and burning landscape, shell craters now pitting the earthworks, his eyes narrowing as he glimpsed the brown uniformed Russians with bayoneted rifles between the trees in the distance. The enemy commander urged his men forward in a south eastern direction, the concealed unit having been bypassed on either side by the Panzers.

  Then he ducked back, the first glowing shell zipping over his head from the four T34 tanks roaming out from burning woods to the north, the diesel exhaust plumes billowing upwards. Shouting desperately over the deafening noise, he grasped the German officer’s shoulder, ‘This is a Russian suicide attack...they have lain low to attack the supplies and rear support...penal unit!’

  Leutnant Hauser stared wide eyed into his dirt smeared face, black smoke engulfing them briefly from the burning supplies as he gritted his teeth, his voice rising in fear as he spun round, ‘Drive them back...’ Further mortar shells from the forest landed on the raised land around them, both men ducking further as they were showered with dirt from the explosions. Then the tank shells whisked overhead once more, two Hanomags erupting in flame as the T34’s weaved from side to side, their machine guns flashing at the forward German soldiers, many ducking back as the earth was torn up before them, four that were hit thrown back in the trenches.

  Hausser was shouting desperately, his voice straining against the deafening noise, ‘Stay down until they near...’ Then he drew breath, further engines roaring as shells swept overhead once more, eerie flashes of light before muffled explosions. Pushing himself up briefly, he stared out to the south before dropping back into the trench, realising the Russian now had another set of targets as earth fell on his shoulders and helmet once more.

  The muffled ‘Hurrah’ filled their ears as the Russian soldiers charged towards the trenches, over two hundred men nearing the emplacements as they dropped into the walkways and dugouts ahead, charging along the winding trenches.

  The roar got louder, three Stug III assault guns with side skirts and swirling camouflage patterns climbing the walls of the defences, their tracks squealing as they gathered speed. The first Stugs hull bucked as the gunner fired, the 7.5 cm pak muzzle belching flame, an armoured piercing shell sweeping forward. The first T34 tank erupted in flame, the turret tossed upwards as shrapnel ripped through several of the surrounding infantry, the machine burning fiercely before exploding, the shock wave and flames tearing outwards and incinerating several of the soldiers charging past.

  Hausser rose slightly once more, his eyes widening as he saw the three remaining T34 turrets turn, the experienced Stug driver accelerating to draw their fire as one of the other assault guns roamed out to the flank, the gunner shouting frant
ically for his driver to turn. The other Stug charged forward, tracks squealing and engine roaring as the low vehicle roamed over the trenches, Hausser ducking back once more in terror and more mortar rounds flashed across the broken terrain.

  One mortar shell exploded on the right flank of the Stug, another behind as the metal beast roared forward, passing over the German soldiers cowering below it in the trenches, the spinning tracks just inches above their helmets.

  The T34s fired after the lead assault gun, the driver having crashed into the treeline, the shells erupting around his machine, one zipping past. Then another T34 shuddered, a wide hole punched in its side as the hatches burst open, flames roaring skywards as the machine collapsed onto its tracks, the flanking Stug now rising onto the defences as its front barrel smouldered.

  Leutnant Hausser shouted frantically, ‘Get ready for their the Stugs!’ He raised his MP40, scrambling forward past Hase, his dirt smeared jaw tensed as other soldiers surged after their officer. Further mortar shells fell across the defences, another T34 erupting in flame as the assault guns closed on their prey, churning earth beneath their tracks as they neared the Russian infantry in their trenches.

  A flash from the forest as a pak gun opened fire, the shell smacking against the Stug in the treeline, the engine coughing as the assault gun ground to a halt, smoke billowing from the engine as flames swept through the cabin, the crew killed instantly.

  The two remaining Stugs roared on, closing on the last remaining T34 as the Russian tank began to reverse, it’s commander shouting desperately as the German machines closed on two sides, their tracks clattering over trenches filled with lowered Russian soldiers. The turret on the Russian machine turned slowly, then was hit twice, the high powered shells tearing through the hull as the machine bucked violently, flames shooting from the wide holes torn in its armoured plate before it exploded.

  The Stugs then roared on, turning to roam either side of the small forest, the pak gun unable to turn with them as the crew abandoned their weapon, lunging to run away, their officer shouting at his retreating men in utter fury as he stared down the gradual slope...his infantry now only supported by the mortars.

  Tatu surged through the trench to the west, turning several times and attempting to get back towards his commander, the mortar bursts and T34s filling his frame with dread. Passing several German wounded and more bodies, he surmised the smouldering and scorched trenches and gun pits had been virtually cleared, the soldiers behind struggling to keep up in their cautiousness as Petru swore under his breath, realising they were becoming more and more disorientated.

  Clambering over a broken machine gun, Tatu glanced along another trench to the west, glimpsing torn mortar tubes and further shredded bodies, the Russian position having been hit by the Stuka dive bombers. Passing burning bushes above him and a crushed pak gun, he stared straight ahead, keen to avoid the sight of the unfortunate crew, their mangled and contorted bodies having been victims of the most eastern Tiger I heavy tank that rolled over their wounded frames.

  Then ferocious gunfire broke out to his right, the Romanian straightening briefly to stare out as a breathless Petru caught up with him, groaning as the quartermaster increased his pace, the PPSH held before him menacingly.

  Leutnant Hausser leant out into the next trench, his MP40 held high as he squinted through the smoke, further explosions further north as the Stugs fired high explosive shells into the small forest, awaiting the back up infantry to reach them. Then he stiffened, three Russians advancing down the trench towards him, their eyes strained as he ducked back. Taking a deep breath, he pushed his body out once more, the MP40 shuddering in his hands as he fired, the Russians twisting and sliding down the trench wall as two screamed, the burst killing two and wounding one.

  Rising, the officer lunged forward, firing further as two more soldiers emerged at the far end, one ducking back, the other slumping backwards as two bullets perforated his chest. Then he heard the voice to the right, Major Wolff shouting hoarsely, ‘Move in, drive the Russians out...our machine gunners are waiting for them!’

  Pushing his back to the trench wall, he aimed the MP40 across his body, Hase slowly knelt into the trench behind, his rifle raised as Udet dropped to one knee at the corner, his own Kar 98 raised. Fierce gunfire erupted to the right and left, the chatter of MG34s as more Grossdeutschland infantry ran to reinforce their countrymen.

  Pushing his back along the trench wall, he bit his lower lip, nearing the three Russians, one attempting painfully to crawl away as Hausser exhaled, his voice a hiss in Russian, ‘Stay down...we will get medics...’

  The soldier grunted in agony, shuffling onto his side and looking down his body towards the German officer as he slumped backwards, the twenty three year old’s face contorted in pained hatred as a bloodied hand reached for the pistol wedged in his belt, ‘Fascist will all die in Russia...’

  Hausser raised the MP40 more menacingly, his own eyes narrowing, ‘Let it go or I fire...’

  The hand fumbled further, a whine of frustration coming from the Russian’s blood covered lips as the pistol seemed initially stuck, then yanked loose, his hand lying on his chest with the weapon. Hausser pushed the MP40 further as he gritted his teeth, the Russian staring straight at him, complete distain in his brown eyes as he sighed painfully, looking into the muzzle of the MP40 as a grin slowly formed on his lips, blood seeping from between his teeth, ‘Your Russian is good...’

  Hausser stared at the young man, frozen in dumbfounded disbelief, his eyes straining as the enemy soldier smiled further, ‘…but not for much longer comrade…’ He slowly cocked the pistol, a gasp of pain coming from his lips as Udet thrust past his officer, the butt of his rifle cracking against the Russian’s wrist, a shriek of pain as the bone snapped.

  Hase pushed Hausser down, the officer falling forward as Hase’s rifle rose in his hands, the Kar 98 bucking as he fired towards the end of the trench, a Russian squealing in pain as the bullet passed through his shoulder, his body thrown backwards as his own rife dropped from his grasp.

  Hase wrenched the bolt back on his rifle, the empty bullet casing flicking to the side as another bullet was pushed into the chamber, Hausser rolling over in shock as Udet tossed the pistol away, the prone Russian soldier moaning in agony as he slumped back, gasping for air. Udet was shouting, his voice a half shriek of exasperated disbelief as spittle fell from his mouth, ‘What for? He could have shot you! You are our officer…what would we do then?’ He slumped back against the trench wall with his chest heaving, staring in horror at the Leutnant, ‘What is the matter with you…he was going to shoot!’ He gritted his teeth in frustration, clenching his fist and punching the Russian in the groin, the man jerking and crying out in pain, Udet glaring at him, ‘Damn communist bastard…you are lucky to be still alive. Tatu would have cut your throat from ear to ear.’

  Leutnant Hausser looked at his two men, Hase’s eyes filling with emotion as he pointed the rifle towards the end of the trench, Udet shaking his helmeted head and lowering it, his chest heaving as he sobbed with relief. The young commander’s head dropped back, his moistening eyes staring upwards at the vapour trails, black dots sweeping high overhead as the air battle continued, the dramatic sounds of war beginning to filter back into his mind, explosions and the rattle of machine guns, shouts from the nearby trenches as several soldiers stepped carefully past, their boots resounding against the trench walls as they ran forward.

  The remaining Hanomags roared forward, upper machine gunners targeting the fleeing Russian soldiers, many raising their arms, those that did not being cut down. To the north, the Panzers rolled onwards, grinding towards the next deep Russian line.

  All across 4th Panzer Army’s front the Russians were retreating, but many with nowhere to go…a few surrendering as the commander in the forest reluctantly raised a pistol to the underneath of his chin, a brief flicker of despondent emotion flickering in his eyes as he pulled the trigger.
r />   Chapter Twenty: First Day Night Attack: Butovo

  Leutnant Hausser sat slumped at the end of the Hanomag by the doors, his MP40 propped between his legs, his head bowed with Petru next to him on the bench, offering tea to the crammed soldiers from a small stove, the carrier lurching from side to side as it lumbered forward.

  Having lost two of their armoured vehicles, they were now continuing in the remaining Hanomag and one ‘borrowed’ from a passing reserve unit, Major Wolff’s SdKfz250 following on behind as the two carriers accelerated to catch up with the forward units, the delay causing Tatu some irritation.

  Black smoke plumes filled the horizon to the north and on either side, the rumble of artillery and distant drone of plane engines filling their ears. Udet manned the upper MG34, staring at the distant tanks roaming before them as they crossed open grassland, heading for the second Russian defensive line.

  The engine burbled below as Hase increased the power, the tracks shunting forward, then gaining grip as he negotiated a slope. Udet wiped his grime smeared brow, the late afternoon sun still warm, with the soldiers’ uniforms caked in sweat and dirt, the dust clouds thrown up from numerous tracked vehicles ahead seeming to hang in the air, making breathing uncomfortable, his eyes bloodshot as he glanced round.

  Burnt and blackened tanks sat across the green fields, the Russian machines outgunned at long range by Tiger 88mm shells and the matched Panzer IVs with their long barrelled, high velocity 75mm guns. Udet stared across at the burnt hulks, several still smouldering with a number of charred bodies near the machines.

  Seeing the torn metal, several tanks without turrets, large holes punched through their sides, he winced on consideration of the panic that must have ensured, the Russian shells simply bouncing off the heavy German tanks as the turrets turned, a flash and then intense heat, the Russian machine exploding as the crew attempted to escape.


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