Which Witch is Wicked? (The Witches of Port Townsend Book 2)

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Which Witch is Wicked? (The Witches of Port Townsend Book 2) Page 3

by Kerrigan Byrne

  Her heart inched toward him, her Fire urging her to forgive.

  Traitor, she thought with a hiss. “I want to know what you’ve done to my power. Did your source tell about that as well? It was pure when you took it. It’s not the same now. You’ve tainted my essence.” The rawness, usually so apparent, had been soothed. By his presence, she realized. Molded by something older and stronger than her powers.

  Feeling suddenly vulnerable, she glanced around, wondering if she’d make it to the stairwell before he caught her. Leaving the house unescorted had been a bad idea at best. Following him inside the building, walking straight into his trap for all she knew, may have been a deadly mistake.

  “‘Taint’ is a harsh word, Claire.” He took a step toward her, his body coming up hard against hers, leaving her no room to run.

  His thighs molded to hers. Heat swirled, combining with an energy source radiating from him that she didn’t remember from before. Familiar, yet masculine. Hot, potent masculinity that she ached to climb all over. But, upon their last encounter, she’d discovered her seductive powers didn’t work on him.

  She tried to breathe, but each attempt pressed her leather jacket tighter against his chest. Having him so close stole more of her oxygen, leaving her trapped in a vicious cycle.

  He dropped his gaze to the swell of her breasts, and she couldn’t help but inhale. “I have a theory, love.”

  “What? What theory?” She slipped her hands between them and flattened her palms against his chest, trying to focus on his words instead of the excitement and pleasure he generated inside her. They’d had such a short time together before the world had collapsed around them. Damn him. Damn this whole prophecy.

  She shoved against him, but he didn’t budge.

  Slippery heat welled inside her, quickening her pulse. “I need to go.” Run before he completely owned her.

  He lifted a hand and traced a finger down her cheek. “You don’t want to hear my theory?”

  She shook her head.

  He stilled her movements by cupping her chin. Heat licked at her skin, and she fought to retain her current focus. “You scarred me,” he said fiercely. “With your Fire. It burned a hole deep in my heart. Left traces of you inside me.”

  “No.” She couldn’t, wouldn’t accept that. Her Fire was hers alone.

  He leaned close, his lips a breath away. “I feel you,” he whispered. “Always. I hear you in my head. I want to touch you and take you…”

  Her brain screamed for her to knee him in the nuts again and run, but this time, her heart, bolstered by the power of fire, firmly had control.

  Her lips sparked when he brushed his mouth against hers, igniting a scorching sizzle that rushed through her. Cinnamon on his tongue burned her mouth as he teased his way inside. She wished to refuse him entrance, but she couldn’t get past how much she wanted him. How much she ached for this.

  She lifted a hand to stop his sweet assault, but instead of pushing him away, she slipped her fingers over his exquisitely carved chest and up the corded muscles of his neck.

  He fisted his hands into her hair, bending her further to his will. She allowed it. Craved it within the depths of her soul.

  Something inside her recognized him. Yearned for him more than life.

  Horsemen, sisters, curses faded into the background as he wove a web of delicious desire around her. Crimson need turned black. She melted against him, shoving her resistance into a dark closet somewhere in the back her mind. Her body warmed and softened, and something powerfully older than time awakened inside her.

  “Is this real?” she whispered when they parted for air.

  He caught her gaze, his penetrating deep into her soul. God, he could have her so easily, she realized. Right here, right now. Anywhere, any time.

  “It’s real, Claire. This is as real as it gets.” His eyes promised he spoke the truth, but an unwanted grain of doubt reminded her she’d believed him once before. He cupped her face and claimed her mouth, washing away any objections she might have had.

  “What the fuck?” he said as he jerked away from her and glanced downward.

  Surprised, Claire followed the direction he’d flung his curse and found Kai with his teeth firmly implanted in Dru’s pants. He lifted a hand to strike.

  “No. Stop!” Claire screamed as she dropped to her knees, pulling Kai protectively against her and away from Dru. She closed her eyes and braced for impact, but it never came.

  “Claire.” Dru pulled her to her feet, and she clung to her little fox. His gaze darkened as the sound of others approaching drew her attention. The rest of the Horsemen breached the exit of Sirens and advanced rapidly.

  “Is this what I fear it is?” he asked as though she’d somehow betrayed him. He held her with a powerful grip. “Your familiar?”

  Fear exploded inside her. She couldn’t get away. Not from all of them.

  Kai squirmed in her arms. They would hurt him too, she realized. If Kai truly was her familiar, he’d be a threat once she learned how to use him to enhance her powers. She jerked in Dru’s grasp trying to get away.

  When she failed, Kai stiffened, the fur on his tail fanning out in a beautiful plume. A shockwave followed. Dru dropped her and reached for the wall to steady himself as the other Horsemen did the same. Sounds of breaking glass filled the air with dramatic reverberations, and she froze.

  Silence ensued. The men glared at her with murderous gazes as her heart thundered in her chest.

  Run. The deep voice flooded her mind, stirring her into action. She flicked a quick glance at Dru. Couldn’t tell if he’d warned her or not. But now was not the time to discover the truth.

  She gripped Kai as she turned and raced down the stairs. A couple of masculine curses followed from behind, but she didn’t slow to see who followed.

  She burst out the front door on the lower level and collided with a woman. The impact knocked her to her ass. Kai scrambled from her, racing across the street, barely escaping screeching tires.

  “Sorry,” Claire said as she scrambled to her feet, surprised the collision hadn’t knocked them both down.

  The woman’s carefully outlined, red lips turned into a patient smile as she brushed pretend dirt from her full-length black leather coat. Her skin was smooth and radiant like a cultured pearl, and everything about her screamed refined luxury. “Do be careful, love. You could get injured.”

  Claire glanced over the woman’s shoulder to ensure none of the Horsemen were about to bust outside. “I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t hurt you.”

  The woman snorted, a dismissive glint firing in icy blue eyes fringed by the longest lashes Claire had seen. “As if.” She tossed luxurious blond curls over her shoulder as she turned toward the entrance to Sirens and left a cloud of highly sensual perfume in her wake.

  Claire couldn’t begin to form words to describe their encounter, so she turned and ran instead. She found Kai pacing the ground near her bike, and he glanced up with a startled expression when she approached.

  Utter fear emanated from him, sending shivers coursing through her. Had the Horsemen scared him that badly? He hadn’t seemed fearful in the hallway. In fact, she distinctly remembered experiencing his power and satisfaction as Kai had knocked down the Horsemen. Something had certainly set him off, though. Maybe it was a delayed reaction to using his surprising, awesome powers.

  Either way, they both needed to get the hell off Water Street and back to the safety of home. She straddled her bike and Kai jumped on her lap before she had the chance to invite him. His little body quaked against her as she fired up her engine, threw her bike into gear, and raced toward home.

  Chapter Five

  Dru ducked as Nick threw a heavy fist in his direction. Nick clipped him on the side of the jaw, and Dru immediately retaliated with a similar attack. He missed his mark when he lost his focus while trying to trip Bane as he attempted to pass them in the hall outside Sirens.

  Dru cussed as he fought to regain his positio
n, stumbling, but managing to keep anyone from leaving the area. He had to stall them long enough to allow Claire to escape. They wouldn’t hesitate to kill her if they caught her.

  “What the fuck is your problem?” Nick slammed Dru into the same wall where he’d previously held Claire.

  “I don’t have a fucking problem.” Dru shoved back, sending Nick barreling into Bane.

  Julian’s dry laugh mocked the three of them, effectively bringing their antics to a halt.

  “What’s so funny?” Bane asked.

  “Don’t you see? Dru’s trying to protect his witch. The woman who stole his valiant sword along with his testicles.”

  Dru rounded on him. “Don’t tell me you wouldn’t do the same damn thing if we were after Aerin.”

  Julian scoffed. “If my memory serves me right, I’m the only one who actually carried out my task. I infected Aerin and fully expected her to die. How was I to anticipate she’d be the only person in the entire history of the universe who is immune to my touch?”

  “Wait a second.” Nick puffed out his chest. “I fully intended to pierce Moira with my arrow. It’s not my fault Tierra stepped in front of it.”

  “I’m still going to fuck you up for that, Kingswood,” Bane said. You almost killed her and my—”


  The sultry, smooth sound of Lucy’s voice brought terror into his friends’ eyes. Dru inhaled and prepared to meet the one woman he feared.

  He turned to find Satan walking slowly toward them, a smile on her ruby red lips, her long, leather coat unable to hide the sensual sway of her hips. Four-inch black heels accentuated her long, slender legs, and it was hard to tell, even with the deep vee of her coat, if she wore anything underneath or not.

  Her lips turned into an inviting smile, and she cocked one brow as she approached him. “Drustan.” His name slid off her lips like buttered rum.

  “Lucy.” He braced himself.

  She wrapped one arm around his neck, pressing her abundant breasts against his chest. Her skin was flawless, like that of an angel, a contradiction to her soul. “It’s good to see you.” She pulled his face toward hers, and he caught the familiar scent of sweet candy a second before her lips touched his.

  He endured her kiss, knowing what would happen if he rejected her. When she finished, she backed up, taking a moment to run her palm down his chest. “Mmm…cinnamon.” She ran a wet tongue over her bottom lip. “You were my favorite, you know.”

  Nick coughed. “That’s what you said to me last time.”

  She turned with a flourish, and Dru wiped his mouth as he watched the expression on Nick’s face, knowing he immediately regretted his statement.

  “Oh, Nicholas, darling. I’ll never forget those lovely days we spent together. Some of my best, really.” She repeated the kiss she’d given Dru before cupping his manhood. “Still a big boy, I see. But have you learned how to use it yet?”

  Bane and Dru both snorted. Lucy laughed with them, drawing a bigger frown from Nick.

  “Fuck all of you. That was a millennium ago.” Nick started to leave, but she held up a hand.

  “Not so fast. We have things to discuss, but first, I need to finish saying hello.” Lucy glanced over her shoulder toward Bane.

  “You’d better kiss me now, my dearest, sweetest death.”

  She forced him to walk to her, and while she kissed him, she reached around and firmly grabbed his ass. As she pulled away, Bane gave Dru and Nick a death glare.

  “What have you been up to, Death? My sources tell me you’ve spilled the blood of a virgin witch, but I don’t see that we have a soul to account for it.” She said it as though he’d earned straight A’s in school and yet failed to produce the report card.

  Bane widened his eyes, and a palpable silence fell over the hallway.

  “Perhaps because her blood was spilled as he absconded with her virtue, but not her soul.” Julian leaned away from the wall and stepped forward.

  The four of them held their breath and watched while Lucy processed the information. Julian had offered the perfect save, but would she buy it?

  Her raucous laugh was over the top as far as reactions went, but more than welcome. “Well, isn’t that divine? Was it everything you expected, my love? I do wonder why you’d want someone so inexperienced when you know you can call me any time.”

  Bane attempted to smile as he acknowledged her offer with a nod, but he wisely remained silent. Lucy watched him for a moment, and Dru prayed he’d keep his composure. One wrong look, one wrong thought, and the four of them would have hell to pay.


  She sighed and fixed her gaze on Julian. Instead of kissing him like she had the others, she sized him up with seductive eyes. “And what about you, my love?” she asked softly. “Have you reconsidered after all this time? Wouldn’t you like to know what you’re missing? One night with me, and I would grant you the power to have all the women you want, and not a single one of them would need to die from your touch.”

  Julian kept his gaze even and devoid of emotion, his smoking jacket giving the appearance of a man of leisure instead of one under fire. He stared at her, but didn’t speak. All four of them had learned many millennia ago that she could and would use any words they spoke as weapons against them, if she chose.

  “Certainly your virginity can’t mean that much to you. In addition, it’s been a desperately long time since I’ve had the pleasure of a new toy.” She batted long eyelashes at him as she undid the top button on her coat, further exposing her voluptuous breasts. At least she wore a dress underneath. “One night out of the millennia you’ve been alive? It’s not so much to ask, and I promise you won’t regret it.”

  Julian’s gaze slipped to Dru and then back to Lucy. He and Julian had had many conversations concerning the influence Lucy held over them. Personally, Dru hadn’t minded the fuck, may have even enjoyed it, but Lucifer held a power strong enough to destroy a mortal man with just a glance if she chose. Fucking her had given him the strength to carry out his toughest missions, but damned if he didn’t feel like he’d lost something of himself in the process.

  Bane and Nick had agreed, and Dru couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if she was able to tap into all four of their powers.

  Out of all of them, Julian had been the strongest, refusing to succumb to her persuasion. He’d also suffered the most because of it.

  No sex for thousands of years was a price no man should have to pay.

  Julian moved forward, stopping within inches of Lucy. He studied her with a heavy-lidded, feral gaze. Excitement sparked in Lucy’s eyes. She practically salivated, and Dru feared she’d win this time. Dru could only imagine the restraint Julian would require to turn her down once again, especially now that Aerin had caught his attention.

  God knew, if given the chance, Dru intended to follow Bane’s footsteps and make love with Claire. If the situation wasn’t so dire, he would have cracked a joke about it. Hell, who would believe War would rather make love with a woman than fight?

  Julian inhaled a deep breath and released it as though he’d made his decision. “Sadly madam, I shall have to decline once again.”

  The floor rumbled beneath their feet as a blast of Lucy’s fiery disposition blew past them. His brothers held steady, knowing they couldn’t defeat her, but also knowing she despised fear.

  Then she snorted and turned a shoulder. “So it shall be, but know this my dear, virtuous horseman, I’m not one to trifle with. I can destroy you with a flick of my pinkie. The curse continues. If I can’t have you, then no one shall.”

  Dru wanted to remind her she needed them to carry out the Prophecy and therefore couldn’t destroy them, but it didn’t seem like the time or place to piss her off any further. As if there ever was such a time or place.

  She turned and fluttered her eyelashes. “Now that the niceties are over, I need a drink. Come sit with me, boys, and tell me everything you’ve been doing. I have no idea how you’l
l ever explain how four of the seven seals came to be opened, but it should be a delicious story to hear. Drustan, you may buy me the first drink.”


  Claire’s heart still pounded like an ancient war drum when she pulled into the driveway and parked her motorcycle under the protective awning of their stately Victorian home. She stroked Kai’s fur to reassure him he was safe, and she was surprised to find he’d stopped shaking.

  “Are you all right, little fella?”

  He jumped from the seat and trotted toward the front porch as though he owned the place, his tail swaying in the breeze. Claire noted his quick change in demeanor as she swung her leg over the bike, still puzzling over his earlier fright.

  The front door opened, and Moira peered out. “Oh, my gawd. If that ain’t cuter than a bug’s behind. Just look at his adorable little face and that fluffy tail.”

  Claire smiled as she approached the porch, glad to see her familiar would be accepted into his new home.

  “You come right on in.” Moira held the door for Kai, but the second Claire ascended the steps, Moira stepped outside and slammed it shut behind her. She fixed an angry gaze on Claire. “You can sleep outside in the doghouse tonight for makin’ all us worry about your sorry ass.” She folded her arms beneath her breasts, looking like she might seriously put up a fight in order to keep Claire out.

  Perhaps humor might defuse the situation. “We don’t have a doghouse.”

  “Then I guess you better start building one unless you like sleepin’ under the stars. I’m sure there’s some lumber back there somewhere from when the guys busted down our house and we had to have those hot dudes come fix it.”

  Claire sighed. “Moira, come on. I’m sorry I ran out. I just need some alone time.”

  Moira snorted. “That weak shit ain’t gonna fly with me, honey. You know we’re all in danger any time we leave this house, and yet you just slide right outta here like a greased hen.”

  “Seriously. Things have been getting to me, messing with my head, and I needed some time to clear it.” Dru’s voice constantly haunting her thoughts for one. Was he right? Did they still own a part of each other? God, could he hear her now?


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