Serial Separation

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by Dick C. Waters

  * * *

  She blocked many of the details of that ordeal. She did everything she could to put it out of her mind. However, Jimmy’s image kept coming at the wrong time when she was with Scott. Pushing it aside was the wrong thing to do. Talking with her mom a while ago enabled her to deal with that night more clearly.

  She remembered the details of that night with Jimmy. Judy and I were going to get a new dorm room on the fifth floor. It looked out on the alley way. When I first checked out the room I noticed a man’s room with lights on across the alley. The next time I visited, curiosity got the best of me and I brought a pair of binoculars. When I focused the binoculars on the man’s bedroom there was a note on the bed that read:

  When you read this-

  It’s Night-Night Time!

  I smelled something strange and heard a noise behind me, but it was too late. The cloth was across my nose and mouth. When I regained consciousness, the room only had flickering candle light. I realized I was on a bed naked except for my black bra and panties. They were mine, but I hadn’t been wearing them. When I tried to move, I realized my wrists and ankles were tightly bound to the bed corners.

  We were eventually both naked, and he tormented me for what seemed like hours. I can now remember all of the details I had blocked out. I remember his threats on Scott’s life if I didn’t obey his commands.

  Later, just as he was about to complete his rape, there was a loud crash. Immediately, Scott and Jimmy were fighting. Scott was thrown against the wall. Jimmy tried to escape out the window to the fire escape. The oil he had put on his body caught fire from the candles. He slipped off the fire escape to his death.

  I remember now—the only man I’ve been intimate with is Scott.

  She thought Jimmy had raped her, but Scott found her and stopped him just in time.

  Thanks, Mom. You forced me to recall what had been unconsciously blocked. She knew she could finally let go of Jimmy’s image. She felt sorry now for having words with Scott.

  Scott, you have been so patient with me, and I’ve been such an idiot.

  She considered what he had done wrong, and she still had some questions about that. But he didn’t try to hide the facts. Whatever happened, she knew she might not like, but she really had to let it go. He would have been with me for Christmas if he weren’t so intent on helping with the task force.

  She realized, if he wasn’t on the last task force, she would not be alive. For that, she owed him her life. No matter what happened at the cabin, it did not weigh against the value of her life.

  She knew what her New Year’s resolution would be.

  Chapter 48

  The bottle of Jack had become a new friend to Jeremy and Neil. They were just hanging around the dorm, and Christmas seemed more than just yesterday.

  Jeremy knew Neil wanted to know more about the hockey league picture, but he couldn’t tell him. Since three of the hockey players had been kidnapped and murdered, he knew now why he had been snatched. His cousin JJ was the real target. He played in that hockey league. Since their nicknames were the same, the men mistakenly kidnapped him.

  Neil was still downstairs, which gave Jeremy time to reflect. He wondered what he might possibly know. Did he possess knowledge beneficial to the murder investigations? Why keep his nightmare a secret? Two months had elapsed, and three men had been killed.

  If he had come forward, would they still be alive?

  Would he be crucified by the press when they learned he could have provided information earlier? If he didn’t tell the authorities now, would his cousin be next? Why be ashamed of what happened when he hadn’t done anything wrong? What would Neil and Dottie think? Would he lose Dottie when she learned about this?

  He thought about telling Neil just enough to see what reaction or guidance he could provide. Neil was a good friend and he could share anything with him. Neil knew something was wrong and wanted to help. He thought about how Dottie had been reacting. Dottie thought he had another girlfriend.

  The door opened, and Neil walked in. “Wow, you look like you are deep in thought.”

  He looked at Neil, considering his anguish. “Neil, I think you need to know what is bothering me.”

  Neil sat on his bed and looked at Jeremy. “Buddy, you have been one weird duck for weeks now. Did I do something wrong?”

  “No, nothing like that. It relates to the hockey league picture I showed you. My cousin played in that league.” He went over to his dresser drawer, pulled out the hockey article, and sat on his bed, staring at it.

  “Okay, I still don’t see why that is upsetting.”

  “What if I told you we share the same nickname—JJ?”

  “So, big fucking deal. Jeremy, stop beating around the bush and tell me.”

  “What if I told you he was going to be the next torso victim?”

  * * *

  Neil looked at Jeremy, not saying a word. Jeremy was still looking at the article.

  “Okay, you have my attention. How do you know he’s going to be the next victim?”

  “Neil, what I’m going to share with you—you have to keep to yourself . . . at least for now.”

  “You know I have been acting strangely for some time now. It has nothing to do with anything you or Dottie did.”

  He put the hockey article down, staring at Neil.

  “Jeremy, I think Alfred Hitchcock music should be playing right now. For Christ’s sake, spit it out.”

  Jeremy took a deep breath. “You know that weekend in early November, you wondered where I went.”

  “Yeah, Dottie and I talked about it.”

  “Well, I was kidnapped . . . I was kidnapped the entire weekend.”

  “You have got to be kidding me.”

  “Prepare yourself for this. I am not kidding.” He looked around at the room and his things. “Friday night, a gang of men confronted me. Actually, they knocked me out, and the next thing I knew I was tied up and couldn’t see anything. I was cold and naked.”

  “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, I am. Neil, this is just the tip of the iceberg. What I was subjected to is embarrassing even for me. I don’t need to share all of the details. Suffice it to say that it was an ordeal I wouldn’t want my enemy to endure. I was being held by women.”

  “They made me pay for being a man. They inflicted pain to all parts of my body, especially my lower body. I have some scars from it.”

  “Holy shit, Jeremy. I’m sorry you went through that. Don’t stop there; tell me what happened.”

  “The torture lasted all weekend, and I thought they were going to kill me. Late on Sunday, they had me tied to this platform. I think this was how they dismember the men.”

  “Anyway, along comes a new female voice, and everything gets really quiet. They left me tied up. About an hour later, they came back. They untied me and took me out of the building to a car. I was still naked and freezing my ass off.”

  “They got me in the car and drove me to a wooded area. They left me there still tied up and blindfolded. It took me quite some time, but I got myself untied and realized I was in Medford.”

  “When I got to the road, fortunately, some guys picked me up, gave me something to wear, and took me to Kenmore Square. They thought it was a hazing, but then realized I was in shock. It was Sunday night when I got here. Do you remember commenting that I looked like hell?”

  “I remember that. You looked terrible, and you were dressed strangely.”

  “Neil, I think the group that held me that weekend was the same group that is killing those men. The only reason that I’m here and not dead is because they realized I wasn’t my cousin.”

  “Jeremy . . . I believe you, but it’s almost unbelievable.”

  He went to his closet, picked up the shirt, pants, and sneakers the guys had given him. “I’m lucky to be alive, but I’m struggling with what happened.”

  “Jeremy, you have to tell the authorities about this.”


  She studied her reflection in the mirror. “Lisa, a new chapter in your life has just begun.”

  She had a new outlook on things. She had finally dealt with her ordeal. Realizing she had not been raped was a significant revelation. She felt like she could finally be with Scott without Jimmy’s image appearing at the most inopportune moments. She could hardly wait to see Judy to share this latest development.

  She went to the garage to inspect her new Mustang. It was more beautiful than she had remembered. It was all registered and waiting for her, but she could not bring herself to take it out in this weather. I can’t wait to show this beauty to Scott, and just maybe I’ll give him a special present.

  She told her parents she wanted to return to Boston to be with her friends. She thanked her mom for helping her deal with her situation.

  The ride back to Boston in her old car provided sufficient time to consider her last phone call with Scott and how she was going to approach their next conversation. Regardless of what Scott had done, she still loved and could forgive him. She was committed to getting back what they had.

  Scott had made her a woman. Jimmy’s ghost wasn’t going to take that away. Judy was right when she told her that Scott would be a good catch, and she vowed not to let someone else take him away.

  When she arrived at the dorm, she was excited at the prospect of seeing Judy. However, Judy was not in the room. Checking with the others, she learned that Judy had gone out with someone . . . possibly bowling. Back in the room, Lisa emptied her bag and found the Mustang keys at the bottom. She sat on her bed, staring at the keys.

  She thought of Scott and their drive up to the Balsams. It was a very long drive. She remembered driving Scott crazy on the way up. She smiled, recalling the image of shaking a bottle of soda—that was what he was like when they finally got to their room.

  She stretched out on the bed and closed her eyes. She wanted to remember all the details of their weekend. They had hit the slopes early and were tired by the end of the day. They went to dinner to see some new friends they had met. Later, in their room, they had both promised surprises for each other.

  She had been first. He was told to undress and lie under the sheets while she got ready in the bathroom. When she came out, she was dressed in a teddy that was easy to see he more than liked. He had asked if that was her surprise and she said “No!”

  She was getting excited just recalling the scene.

  She placed a kerchief over his eyes and pulled the sheets off him. She dripped warm melted chocolate on his body, taking her time licking and biting it off. He had finally pleaded for her to stop so he could give her his surprise.

  Remembering their time together like that—she had been such a fool not to be with him.

  They had reversed positions; he removed what was left of her clothing and blindfolded her. She remembered the cold air blowing in the window, being greeted by a snowball. He had teased her, letting the snowball drippings fall all over her body. However, she remembered having almost an immediate orgasm when he ran the length of the icicle over her lips.

  She closed her eyes now, reliving the wild passion they shared the entire night. When they arrived for breakfast the next day their new friends commented on how tired they looked. She remembered Scott’s comment: ‘the slopes, along with the snow and ice, can really weaken the body.’

  She continued to keep her eyes closed, remembering how special that time was together. She wondered now if Scott was going to call.

  * * *

  She had fallen asleep for over an hour. Judy hadn’t returned, and Scott had not called. She thought about her memory of the Balsams Hotel. She knew she was now beyond the Jimmy ordeal but wanted to visit the room where Jimmy had attacked her.

  The guard normally on duty for the dorm was off for the holiday weekend. She knew where the keys were kept. With the key in her hand, she went over to the connecting staircase, leading to the annex.

  She had a strange feeling as she headed up the first flight of stairs. There was pressure in her chest, like someone was sitting on it. She persisted, climbing the stairs to the fifth floor.

  There were no lights in the stairway, and her flashlight was not as bright as it should have been. She heard a noise and froze. She could hear her heart beating and tried to hold her breath. She didn’t move, but also couldn’t.

  She turned off her light. She heard the noise again and turned on her light in the direction of the noise. She covered her scream. It was a rat on the landing up ahead. She recalled a similar situation the night of the ordeal.

  She was determined to get this behind her and continued up the stairs. The rat was not at all concerned with her approach.

  She made it to the fifth floor, unlocking the main annex door. It was cold as she stepped into the hallway. She shook the flashlight to get it brighter and examined the room numbers. She knew where room 516 was, even if she had to find it in the dark.

  She unlocked the door and pushed it open. She examined the room from the hallway, trying to take in the dark room content. That was when she recoiled, holding back another scream.

  The bed where Jimmy held her hostage was still there. The ropes and sheet were gone, but the single bed was still waiting for company. She reacted to the sight by turning off the light.

  The wall was cold as she leaned against it. Her eyes focused in the limited light. She could see the lights from the alleyway through the only window.

  Taking a deep breath, she slid her feet, one after the other, while she maintained contact with the wall. She looked out the window at the fire escape and where Jimmy had slipped to his death. Her hand felt the beating of her heart, and she had to close her eyes again.

  The memory of the man’s room—Jimmy’s room—across the alley caused her to open her eyes and look in that direction. The light was on, and she could see a naked man.

  She closed her eyes and retreated from the window, falling to the floor. Although it was freezing in the room, she could feel herself sweating. She got up her courage, knelt at the window, and looked again. She recalled Jimmy’s image from months ago, but this time the light was not on.

  The night of her ordeal she remembered hearing something. Before she could turn, the cloth was over her mouth.

  She panicked now, turning the flashlight back on to look behind her. There was no one there. She directed the light to the counter, and two eyes lit up. She screamed, and her scream echoed in the empty building.

  It’s going to happen again, she thought, but when she reopened her eyes, it was another rat. She felt trapped and went running to the door and down the hall. She was hyperventilating but needed to go back to lock the door. That’s when she heard another noise. Her flashlight died.

  * * *

  Her back was against the annex door. She closed her eyes for a few seconds to listen. When she opened her eyes, she could see in the dark hall. Jimmy wasn’t there anymore. No one could sneak up behind her. She had no idea what made the noise.

  She gave the flashlight another chance, but it only provided a very weak light. Knowing it wouldn’t last, she ran back to 516, tried to lock the door, but the door swung open slightly as she tried to insert the key. Then the flashlight died again.

  She heard the noise in the room again and fumbled to insert the key. It went in, but something ran across her foot, and she let out another scream.

  She pulled the door closed and locked it. Now she had to make it to the annex door in the dark. There was at least one rat in the hall, that is, if her scream didn’t scare the hell out of it.

  Frozen in place, she tried to remember how many rooms she passed to work her way back to the annex door. Just then, she heard the annex door bang against the wall.

  “Hello. Who’s there?” a girl’s voice called.

  Lisa took off running to the door. “It’s me . . . Lisa.” She covered the distance in just a second or two. The girl jumped back, seeing her charging at her.

  “Lisa, what a
re you doing in here? I heard a scream and was scared to death to open this door . . . I didn’t know what I was going to find. I was ready to take off running myself.”

  “I don’t know what to say. I was just going back to the room . . . that Judy and I were scheduled for. I got scared when my flashlight crapped out, and something ran across my foot. Thanks for rescuing me.”

  “Lisa, I wouldn’t go back in there again alone.”

  Lisa nodded. “I don’t need to go in there again.”

  She closed the annex door, locked it, and pulled on it to make sure. Being alone, she remembered, was how she was almost killed the first time.

  Lisa replaced the keys and went to her room. Approaching her room, she saw a light shining under the door. She remembered specifically turning the light off when she went exploring. She froze, staring at the door for what had to be minutes—could Jimmy be waiting in the room for her. Suddenly, the door opened.

  Lisa immediately woke up.

  “My God, Lisa, you’re soaking wet. You’re white as a ghost.”

  Lisa took a deep breath and realized she was having a dream. It took her a few seconds to clear her mind and verify she was indeed in bed, and Judy was sitting beside her.

  “I’m sorry, Judy; I guess I was having a weird dream. It was about that room with Jimmy . . . but he wasn’t there. I was visiting the room. It was so real. I’m sorry.”

  “Lisa, I heard you yell, so I decided to check on you.”

  Chapter 50

  I couldn’t stay in my apartment any longer. The walls seemed to be talking back to me. Should I call Lisa? Will she still be upset? Maybe she’s back to her dorm, and I could drive over.

  I thought about Lisa and our many happy times together—our trip to the Balsams, the surprises we gave each other. She had been so innocent but so open to sex—and the joy of giving and receiving.


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