Serial Separation

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Serial Separation Page 25

by Dick C. Waters

  Jeremy turned and looked at what was written on the board. He was reading but remained silent. Paddy gave him a couple of additional minutes.

  Mike felt like he needed to calm Jeremy. “Jeremy, you haven’t done anything wrong. You’re not going to be accused of anything. It would have obviously been better if you had informed the police about what happened to you. However, you are lucky to be alive, and we can appreciate your situation.”

  Jeremy finally spoke. “You have some things written that are right on target. Please give me a few seconds to fill in some details.”

  He studied the board.


  Men Same Hockey League

  JJ Johnston in League

  Sexual (Nature)

  Women Knew Players

  Is JJ Next?


  Women Wanted To Hurt Them

  Gang to Kidnap Him

  Multiple (People)

  Mrs. Kelly Witnessed

  Friday Night

  Many (More)

  Friday Night


  (Motive) Revenge

  Black Car

  College Age

  Black Gang

  Deliver to Waterfront

  Boston (Area)

  Cathy Raped Stabbed Dumped

  Held All Weekend

  Waterfront (Pier/Building)

  Sullivan Played With Others

  Men Killed Sunday


  Currently Vacant

  Friday (Kidnappings)

  Fairly Remote

  Leftovers (Evidence)

  Too Late

  Slum Gang

  It was Jeremy’s turn to do the talking.

  “I was kidnapped by a black gang. They were on me before I even noticed them. They knocked me out. When I woke up, I was hanging upside down. I was extremely cold. I had no clothes on and my hands were tied behind my back.”

  He tried to talk with less emotion. “You’re right about it being women—there were three of them for most of the weekend. Then another one joined them late Sunday afternoon. They had me blindfolded. They talked about rapes. I painfully realized they thought I had committed them. They had me in this shower area . . . in fact that was the first thing I remember.”

  Mike encouraged him. “Please continue.”

  “I was in this shower area being sprayed with ice-cold water when I came to. I must have been covered with something, because they were washing me, not just rinsing my body.”

  Paddy asked, “Do you want a coffee or something else to drink?”

  “No, I’m on a roll. Thanks. During the washing, I got glimpses of their lower legs and feet. They were in the shower with me. I think they were also naked, but I couldn’t be sure.”

  He stopped and looked at the board. “When I told them I didn’t rape anyone, they hit me . . . they all hit me. It was like my body hanging there increased their rage. They weren’t trying to be kind either, based on the focus of their paddles.”

  Mike interrupted. “Jeremy, this is helpful. Can you remember any other senses as you recall what happened?”

  “It was so cold. The water was cold. They rolled what I was hanging from into what I would call a freezer. They didn’t leave me in there long. It was long enough for me to welcome them bringing the feeling back into my body.”

  He looked again at the board. “The building was either on the water or very near the water. I could hear fog horns in the background. The building smelled of old wood, wood preservative, and rope. The rope smell was very strong, and there was a smell of fish.”

  Mike again prompted him. “Can you remember anything that struck you odd about your ordeal?”

  “To this day, I don’t know how I survived it. They had me hanging upside down for most of the weekend. When they got tired of hitting me and punishing my body, I think they went to rest. Anyway, that break may have saved me.”

  Jeremy put his head on the table in his hands and after a few moments resumed. “Up until that point, I didn’t care anymore. I wanted them to kill me. I was so cold, my head hurt, and I could feel blood on my body. I didn’t care anymore, and I yelled for them to kill me.”

  Paddy called for a break when Jeremy started to cry.

  * * *

  A few minutes later, Jeremy continued. “I thought they had come to the point of killing me. It was late Sunday afternoon. They had me laid out on my back on this platform. My hands and feet were stretched out, like that da Vinci drawing of that naked man.”

  He took a deep breath. “A voice I hadn’t heard before surprised me. She had yelled out, ‘Wait Red, wait.’ They all went quiet. I thought they were going to kill me up until that point. They left, and left me there for an hour or more.”

  Paddy asked, “Was there anything you remember about when they came back?”

  “Well, they untied my hands and feet and sat me up. Wait—I remember seeing one of them wearing combat boots. I think it was the one who was new. She didn’t say much, but I get the impression, now, she realized I was not my cousin. They must have been deciding what they were going to do with me.”

  Paddy remarked, “This is extremely helpful; please continue.”

  “They retied my hands behind me, left me blindfolded and naked, but took me to a car.”

  Mike asked, “Do you remember anything about the car, or the drive?”

  “Yeah. It was a station wagon. They had me lying down on the floor in the back. There was something else I remember about leaving that place. We were on the road just a couple of minutes, when we climbed a hill. I think it was a bridge from the sound it made, but we were climbing up an incline. It took a minute or so before we came back down on the other side.”

  Mike noticed Paddy was leaning toward Jeremy. “Jeremy, these are the kinds of details which might make a difference in our investigation. The name ‘Red’, combat boots, the hill or bridge could be really helpful. Is there anything else?”

  Jeremy looked at the board again. “It took us a long time before they dropped me off. I would say at least a half hour.”

  Mike responded, “That’s very helpful as well.”

  “Oh, I forgot to mention they took pictures. I could see the flash of light, and I heard the sound of a camera. They were taken at different times back in the building. They took pictures every time they put me through some other painful process. I didn’t have sex with Dottie for weeks because of the scars I had.”

  Paul asked him, “Could you hear the sound of waves when you were in the building?”

  Jeremy thought for a few seconds. “The only time I heard any ocean sound was when they had me on that platform. I think they had an access to the water there. I could smell something like seaweed, but not as strong anywhere else.”

  Mike added, “We believe they had to do this process with direct water access.”

  Jeremy excitedly remarked, “Something else I recall, when I was coming to at the start of this ordeal—they were washing me. I heard one of them say something about getting the coal dust off me.”

  Paddy asked, “That’s also helpful. What about where they dropped you?”

  “I was still tied up and blindfolded when they dumped me in the snow in the Medford woods. I managed to get myself untied and made it to the road.”

  “Some college kids saw me and picked me up. They thought it was a hazing, but when they saw my condition, they found some clothes and drove me to Kenmore Square.”

  He hesitated. “One other thing—I can’t remember if it was real, a dream, or a nightmare, but I think I saw three of their reflections in a glass display area on the second floor of that building.”

  Jeremy pushed his finger into the conference room table. “One had blonde hair, another brunette—and the third was a tall redhead. I’ve racked my brain to try to remember if it was real or my mind playing tricks on me.”

  Paddy and Mike looked at each other. “Jeremy, you have been a huge help. We all want to thank you for spe
nding this time with us. If you remember anything else, please call any one of us at the number on this card. We’re doing our best to locate your cousin. We also tried to prevent his kidnapping, but that was not possible.”

  Chapter 69

  I had wasted my time checking out the remaining properties. I felt none were conducive to murdering young men.

  The last time I had talked with Lisa was Friday night. I tried to reach her Saturday evening, but after waiting on the phone for about ten minutes, someone hung the phone up.

  I hoped that she understood the investigation was taking most of my time. I should have just driven over to her dorm, but it was late.

  I needed those two missing listings. It was before 8:00 a.m. when I arrived at the task force office. The office was jumping already. I wanted to see Mike to relate my review of the properties and to check on the status of the other listings.

  I found him busy in the conference room. “Good morning, Mike.”

  “Good morning, Scott.”

  “Those other listings were a waste of time. The ones I need are the two missing listings. Any word on how we stand?”

  “I checked yesterday, and they were being sent over by courier this morning. We should have a complete list before nine.”

  “Do you want me to compare those against the ones I’ve already checked?”

  “If you could take the lead, I would appreciate it. You know what you are looking for. We came up empty finding Jason and believe it’s too late now. Mercedes is also among the missing. We sent a unit by her apartment several times, but her car was not there. I want to warn you, if she shows up here this morning, we are going to question her about what she was doing all weekend.”

  I wondered if a coffee would soothe my upset stomach. “I better get a cup of coffee. I think my body is telling me I need something.”

  “There’s a fresh pot and some doughnuts waiting for you. Oh, we did talk with Jeremy. He gave us some new input on his kidnapping. We added his comments to the board. The thing you should be aware of as you look at those other listings—he told us there was a hill, or a bridge, right near where he was held. He said it was a long climb and descent. I would consider a bridge close to those new properties.”

  * * *

  I headed to the pantry area but couldn’t get what Mike said about Mercedes out of my mind. Could I have spent the night with a killer?

  The rich fragrance of coffee greeted me while I poured a cup. I drank the first cup, just the way Mercedes liked it. I quickly ate a donut while standing there and took another to the desk area.

  My mind went to Jason. Based on what Mike said, he was already dead and in the ocean like the others. I hoped we would have found him and prevented another killing. I should have found another way to get those other listings. If I had been faster checking the properties, I would have discovered the missing listings earlier.

  Maybe Mike was right about Mercedes. She may have removed those listings. Why was she not at home if she was feeling poorly?

  If the listings arrive in a few minutes, should I hide what I was doing from Mercedes? Most likely she would be questioned the minute she arrives—if she actually comes in.

  Could she act nonchalantly if she indeed killed Jason? If Mercedes was a killer, it would be such a waste of an education and a person.

  If there was something about this hockey league that made the players vulnerable—could I be a target? I know I’m not a great judge of character, but I could not picture Mercedes killing anyone, especially me.

  “Scott! For the second time—those listings have arrived.”

  I guess I hadn’t heard Mike the first time. “I’m on my way.” I headed to the reception desk where Mike was standing, opening the courier envelope.

  Mike removed the package from the envelope. It was almost two inches thick. “You’ll have to make some sense out of this. It looks like they sent a more complete listing than we asked for.”

  He handed me the pile, and I noticed there was no cover sheet to explain the package. “I’ll check it out and let you know what I find.”

  Mike was about to say something when the front door opened. It was Mercedes, looking as if nothing was out of the ordinary. “Scott, that sounds fine. Let me know, thanks. Mercedes, good morning. When you hang up your coat, would you come into the conference room? We met with Jeremy yesterday and want to go over some things with you.”

  “Sure. It’s good to see both of you. Good morning.”

  I wanted to move, but I just stood there staring at her.

  “Are you okay, Scotty? You look like you just saw a ghost. I wasn’t sick enough to die and feel fine this morning. Thanks for asking.”

  Mike had already left for the conference room. “I’m sorry, Mercedes. Good morning.” I realized I was standing there with the listing documents in my hands.

  “What’s that you’re holding?”

  I thought for a moment. “Oh, it’s something Mike asked me to look at. I’ll talk with you later. You better not keep Mike waiting.” She smiled but continued to study my face as she passed, heading toward the conference room. I could smell gardenia again.

  I was concerned about Mercedes’ session with Mike. I wish I could have warned her, but it would not have been proper. I noticed Mercedes enter the conference room; Mike was standing there and closed the door behind her.

  I went over to my work area, spread the package out, and decided to fill my coffee cup and try to reach Lisa. I phoned her dorm and waited for her to come to the phone. I was getting nervous using the office phone, but I needed to talk with her. She came to the phone within five minutes—almost a new record.

  “Hello, Scotty.” Her voice was more pleasant than I had anticipated.

  “Hi, hon. I only have a couple of minutes. I’m using the office phone. I tried you Saturday night, but after waiting about ten minutes, someone just hung the phone up on me. I need to see you. Can we meet for dinner tonight?”

  “I’m sorry I missed your call. I would love to see you. What time tonight?”

  “How about 7:00 p.m.? I would like to take you to a nice restaurant.”

  There was a silent period, and I wondered if she’d heard me. “Are you sure you can make seven?”

  “I’m sure. I have to go, but I will pick you up then.”

  “Okay, Scotty. I’ll dress for the occasion. See you then.”

  After the call, I considered whether I had been too optimistic with my time frame. Since I only had two properties to check out, I thought seven should give me enough time to report back to Mike, get home to change, and get to her dorm.

  I decided not to make any reservations, as it was a Monday night and any of the fine restaurants would have tables available.

  * * *

  I studied the listing package. It was a multiple page listing for each property, which is what made the package so voluminous. I had a list of all of the properties I had checked out and went through the package to identify the new ones.

  It took me about an hour to separate them. There were four new listings, which surprised me. However, I read through the four listings and identified the two that were referenced in the other listing.

  I read the details of those two and decided each could be what we were looking for. I wrote the addresses down on a scratch pad and attached it to the front sheets of the two listing cover sheets.

  I wanted to know where these were located and pinpointed them on the harbor map Mercedes had given me. Both of them fit what we were looking for.

  Should I interrupt Mike? I wondered. No. That would not have been appropriate. It was almost 9:30 a.m. If I left right then I thought, I could review these properties before early afternoon. That would give me enough time to review them with Mike, clean up, and still be on time for my dinner date.

  I grabbed the listings and took my coat off the rack. Mercedes’ coat was still there, and the scent of her lingered.

  “Am I invisible this morning?” Colleen asked.r />
  I failed to notice her sitting at her reception desk. “I’m so sorry, Colleen. My mind is going in several different directions this morning. Good morning.”

  “I’m leaving to check out a couple of properties and should be back mid-afternoon at the latest. Please tell Mike where I went.”

  I noticed the conference room door was still closed when I left.

  Chapter 70

  Mike noticed Mercedes’ demeanor was changing.

  Paddy announced, “Mercedes, it comes down to this—did you see those other missing listings, and where were you all weekend?”

  She ignored Paddy’s questions, momentarily looking at the additions to the blackboard again. “I have no idea what you are referring to regarding the other missing listings. As far as what I was doing all weekend—that’s my business and really none of yours.”

  Mike felt like he needed to intervene. “Mercedes, we’re conducting a serial-murder investigation. You know that. We need to ask you these questions. You should understand. We wouldn’t be doing our job if we ignored these things, or activities.”

  He looked at her seeming indifference. “Are you going to help us out here or not?”

  Her head snapped in his direction. “I thought I was being a help. However, if my association with the task force is not appreciated and is causing problems . . . I would just as soon leave it . . . now.” She studied the new additions to the board, rising from her chair:

  Combat Boots

  4th Woman—Sunday Late Arrival

  One woman referred to as ‘Red’

  Hill, or Bridge, Near Facility

  Coal (?)

  Mercedes looked over to see Paddy was now standing as well. “Are you holding me here, or am I free to go?”


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