by Tinnean
“Trust me, Theo. He knows.”
“Ha! I mean before March he didn’t even know he was gay!”
“Sex isn’t all there is to life.” Wait, who said that?
“Bite your tongue!” Theo looked aghast. Well, he would, considering what he’d had to do for more than twelve years of his life.
Matheson had his share of kills under his belt. When he’d first been recruited, his handlers hadn’t been sure how he’d deal with taking a life and had watched him carefully. The last thing the WBIS needed was an agent who had a problem accepting that when you made an omelet, you needed to break the eggs.
Some recruits couldn’t. Mikey Shaw was one of those. He had never been given the option of going into the field.
“What do you think it is that Matheson does for a living?”
“I don’t think, I know. He’s a troubleshooter. He goes out and fixes computers.”
My agent was smart not to tell a civilian what he really did. In spite of thinking they were living love’s young dream, they could break up. Theo had never struck me as spiteful, but he’d never had this much invested in a relationship before.
He could also say something unintentionally to the wrong person.
“Talking about me, babe?” Matheson looked only mildly curious, and I had the feeling he hadn’t heard Theo’s description of him as a virgin bride. “There’s gotta be something more interesting.”
“Not to me.”
Matheson ducked his head and blushed, looking pleased. He poured coffee into my cup. “Black, right, Mr. Vincent?”
“Milk’s for wusses,” Theo said, apropos of nothing. He pushed his cup toward his lover, waiting for him to fill it.
I raised an eyebrow at that; it was something I was more likely to say, and Theo always took milk in his coffee.
Matheson gazed at him, a smile playing around his lips. This was something private between the two of them, and I realized that whatever Theo had invested in this relationship, Matheson had just as much, if not more.
Kind of like my relationship with Quinn.
I took a sip of the coffee. It was good stuff.
“Okay, now tell me, where do I get this forty-dollar-a-pound coffee?”
Get a sneak peek at the next story!
Spy vs. Spook: Book Three
TINNEAN has been writing since the third grade, where she was inspired to try her hand at epic poetry. Fortunately, that epic poem didn’t survive the passage of time; however, her love of writing not only survived but thrived, and in high school she became a member of the magazine staff, where she contributed a number of stories.
It was with the advent of the family’s second computer—the first intimidated everyone—that her writing took off, enhanced in part by fanfiction, but mostly by the wonder that is copy and paste. While involved in fandom, she was nominated for both Rerun and Light My Fire Awards. Now she concentrates on her original characters.
A New Yorker at heart, she resides in southwest Florida with her husband and two computers.
Ernest Hemingway’s words reflect Tinnean’s devotion to her craft: “Once writing has become your major vice and greatest pleasure, only death can stop it.”
She can be contacted at [email protected], and can be found on Live Journal: and on Facebook. If you’d like to sample her earlier works, they can be found at
Don’t miss the beginning of the story in
Also from TINNEAN