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Dragonlinked Page 35

by Adolfo Garza Jr.

Proctor Josephine raised an eyebrow and said, “Yes, what?”

  Jessip looked confused for a moment and then corrected himself, “Yes, ma’am.”

  She eyed him a moment longer, looked at the assistant proctor and said, “Assistant Marcus, please show Jessip his cot and where he may store his belongings.”

  The tall blond man nodded to her and said, “Will do, Madam Proctor.”

  She returned her gaze to Jessip. “We rise early here, Jessip, so don’t dally too long, as you’ll want to get to sleep soon. Lights out is in half an hour at any rate. Everyone works here, myself included. We have no use for layabouts.”

  She glanced at her assistant and back at Jessip and said, “Good night, gentlemen.” She turned and made her way back into the building.

  Jessip sighed.

  “Well go on then, grab your trunk.” Assistant Marcus nodded his head to the wagon.

  Jessip lifted the trunk, grunted at the pain in his hand, and then followed the tall man into the building.

  The wagon driver made a clucking noise and shook the reigns, and the horses started walking, heading back to the Caer.

  Chapter 16

  Sulday, Duody 30, 1873


  There hadn’t been much dancing after they went back to the fair, Aeron thought morosely the next morning as he made his way up the circular stairwell on his way out of the Magic Craft Hall. When they had gotten back to the fairgrounds, people had slowly started to recognize them. And then the whispers and looks had started. He’d had one dance with Sharrah before people on the dance floor had started staring and whispering as any of them danced near. Two had even tripped on their partner’s feet and almost fallen, due to being distracted. Aeron had gotten so fed up that he’d called it a night, buying a fizzy drink on his way back to the Caer and his room. He had spent the remainder of the evening studying spells before going to sleep.

  As he’d been doing nearly every day for weeks, he had once again looked at the chore roster to verify that he would still be working with the moss gatherers. His hopes had been crushed every day when he found that he had still been scheduled to help them. Today, however, he had found that he’d been removed from chores entirely. Master Doronal must have done that first thing this morning. Aeron had wanted to ask him about it, but hadn’t been able to find him in his office or anywhere in the hall. He’d figured the magic master must be either meeting with Master Canneth, or examining the loading stables. Aeron had decided to check the stables first and was now on his way there.

  The night’s sleep had actually improved his mood a little bit, he realized as he exited the top of the stairwell. He made his way past the lightglobe packing tables, now empty of crates, and then out the north door onto the loading dock. The bright morning sun, its light streaming over the high walls of the Caer, and the beautiful clear blue sky helped raise his spirits even more. And, he thought as he went down the steps at the side of the loading dock two at a time, Anaya was going to get a proper home in the Caer! That really cheered him up.

  As it turned out, both Master Canneth and Master Doronal were at the west stable, looking over the building and talking. There were also several men about the place toiling away at various tasks. Work on the stable had already started.

  “Ah, Aeron,” Master Doronal said. “Good morning.”

  “Morning, sir,” Aeron said. “Master Canneth,” he nodded a greeting to the zoology master.

  “Aeron,” Master Canneth said, smiling at him, “I don’t suppose Anaya is awake yet?”

  Aeron got a faraway look in his eyes, which happened whenever he checked the link. “No, sir, not yet. Though she is sleeping lightly, so she should wake soon.”

  “Excellent. When she does, could you have her meet us here, please? And it would be best if she could avoid flying over too much of the Caer.”

  Aeron nodded. “Of course.”

  “We’re trying to remember just how big she is, in preparation for making her initial living space,” Master Canneth explained. “Frankly, I was so taken with her, I didn’t pay much attention in that regard.” He had an apologetic smile on his face.

  Aeron laughed. “She is something, isn’t she?”

  “Indeed,” Master Doronal agreed. “She most definitely is.”

  “I have to warn you,” Aeron began, “she will more than likely be hungry when she wakes. I may have to go and hunt with her.”

  “I assumed she would be,” Master Canneth began, “so I have spoken with Master Tallah at the Culinary Craft Hall. They will be sending over some food for Anaya. And for us!”

  Aeron had never been in the culinary hall, located in the back parts of the Dining Hall. A visit to Master Tallah there to express his gratitude might be in order.

  “Thank you, sir,” he said. “That will make things much easier. It was taking half an hour or more to find her food in the caverns.”

  “What were you feeding her in there?”

  “Cave rats, mostly, though there were some lizards and other small things too.”

  “And you gathered them for her by yourself?” Master Doronal asked, looking at Aeron with new respect.

  “Yes, sir. Well, Anaya and I went together hunting in the caverns. Though the last couple of times Sharrah and Willem came along on our hunts.”

  “And speaking of Sharrah,” Master Canneth said, “I do believe that is her.”

  “Good morning, masters,” Sharrah said, moments later. She had crossed the loading road on her way from the dorms. “‘Morning Aeron.” She turned to Master Canneth and said, “I got your note to meet you here.”

  “Good,” he said. “We may as well get started now. There is much to do getting the stable converted for dragon use.”

  Willem came barreling toward them from the same direction as Sharrah had and stopped so quickly he nearly skidded. He was breathing heavily. “I didn’t want to miss anything,” he panted.

  Master Doronal laughed. “Never fear, you haven’t missed anything yet. Except, perhaps, your breakfast.”

  “I got the message to meet you here and came as quick as I could.”

  “Which is commendable,” Master Doronal said, nodding. “Now, as Master Canneth mentioned before Willem joined us, we have much to do, and so we have removed you three from your morning chores. This will allow you to assist us in figuring out what we are going to do with regards to studying Anaya.” He glanced at each of them. “This does not mean you can slack off on your other duties, but your weekday mornings are free, at least for now, for the study work on Anaya.”

  Master Doronal looked beyond the three and said, “Excellent! Here are our saviors.”

  “Ha!” Mallory said as she and two other people from the kitchens walked up to the stable. “Saviors of yer stomachs, perhaps. But that’s about it.” Each of the chefs was followed by a moving chest.

  “That’s it exactly,” Master Doronal said. “I’m about to dwindle away to nothing, I am so famished.”

  Mallory smiled at the magic master and said, “Well, this chest has the breakfast wraps, along with biscuits.” She moved the chest she had to the side and pressed the stud on top. It slowly sank to the ground, and she opened it. “Horace there has the drinks.” He opened his chest, which contained glasses, mugs and three insulated pitchers with juice, milk and coffee. “And James has the chest with the food for—” She looked at Aeron and said, “The dragon.”

  Aeron blushed. He still felt bad for deceiving Mallory about exactly what kind of ‘pet’ he had asked scraps of her for.

  “My thanks to you,” Master Canneth said to Mallory with a nod as he took a bite from a breakfast wrap. “These are delicious.”

  She looked at the zoology master and smiled.

  “Coffee?” Willem asked, holding up a mug and a pitcher to Master Canneth.

  “Please,” he replied, nodding.

  “Yeh shouldn’t be doing that, Willem, I can get that,” Mallory said.

  “Nonsense,” Willem replied, smiling
, and poured a mug of coffee for Master Canneth.

  “Thank you, Willem.” Master Canneth took a sip of the hot coffee and sighed. “Great coffee, Mallory,” he said.

  “Well, it’s nothing really. Just a matter of taking enough care.” She did have a satisfied smile, however, and the smile dimpled her cheeks. “Any of yeh for juice?” She grabbed the juice pitcher and held it up.

  Aeron nodded quickly and said, “Please.”

  “Master Doronal?” Willem held up the coffee pitcher.

  “Ah, yes, if you would.”

  Sharrah asked Horace for a glass of milk as she picked a wrap.

  After serving Master Doronal’s coffee, Willem grabbed a couple of wraps and some juice.

  Aeron snagged a breakfast wrap as well along with a biscuit. He happily munched away, wandering along the open front of the stable and watching the construction activity. The wall between two of the spacious stalls on the right had been removed, and there were men taking measurements along the entire front of the building. Also, a couple of men looked like they were removing part of the back wall of the stable.

  Master Doronal noticed Aeron’s interest and said, “From what I remember of her, two stalls combined into one should suffice as a sleeping area, at least for now, yes?”

  Aeron nodded. “I believe so. That would be quite a bit larger than her current bed.” He watched the men knocking out part of the back wall. “Why are they taking down the back wall there?”

  “That was my idea,” Master Canneth replied, walking over. “We’re going to wall up this side of the building and open up doors on that side so that this stable opens up away from the horse stable over there.” He nodded to the other stable on the other side of the loading road, about fifty or sixty feet behind them. “I’m not sure how horses will respond to a dragon. Better to be safe than sorry.”

  “Hmm,” Aeron said. “I hadn’t thought of that.” He looked around. “Where should I have her fly in from when she wakes?”

  “I’d have her come in over the south wall,” Sharrah said, pointing. “Then fly between the Magic Craft Hall and the Glass and Leather Craft Halls and over here to us.”

  Master Doronal ate the last of his breakfast wrap and, after a sip of his coffee, said, “That will have her flying very near the fair.”

  Master Canneth shrugged. “Everyone knows about her by now. The news spread like wildfire last night, at least from my experience.” He shook his head, smiling. “So many questions from the apprentices, journeymen and adepts this morning! At any rate, people are going to have to get used to seeing her anyway.”

  “True enough,” Master Doronal replied, nodding

  “Sharrah, I had a chance to read over your data and notes,” Master Canneth began, handing her notebook back to her, “and it is very good work so far. I’d like you to keep that up. We also need to add her weight to the data we record.”

  “Yes,” Sharrah said. “I wanted to do that from the start, but I had no way to weigh her.”

  “Well, I’ve an order in with the smiths for a scale to be built here. It should be big enough to handle her potentially very large weight later on.”

  “That will be perfect,” Sharrah said.


  Here, love. I’m looking at your new home!

  Can I see it? The excitement he felt through the link was echoed in her voice.

  Absolutely. Do you remember the side of the Caer you flew toward last night?

  I do.

  Come that same way, but fly to the left of the road and then go over the wall. You will see two large buildings inside. Fly straight north between them and you should see me standing near a small building just past. Sharrah and Willem are here too.

  I will be there soon!

  “Anaya is awake,” Aeron announced, “and should be here soon.”

  “Perfect.” Master Canneth finished his second wrap and drank the last of his coffee, placing the mug back in the chest.

  Everyone else also finished up their breakfast and returned their glasses and mugs to the chest. Mallory then closed the chests and waved to James to open his. He pressed the small stud and his chest floated to the ground. When he opened it, Aeron could see meat and bones inside, perfect for Anaya.

  “Actually,” Aeron began, glancing at the horses across the road in their stable, “let’s move to the other side of the building. Anaya will land over there and hopefully the horses won’t be bothered.”

  “Excellent idea,” Master Doronal said, already heading around.

  They all made their way to the other side of the building. Once there, Mallory looked around the new area and had James open his chest off to the side. Just then, part of the wood plank wall near them was brought down, leaving only the supports. And now that everyone had moved around to this side, work was begun on the front of the building, the adding of horizontal beams across the bottom prior to walling it up.

  Willem and Sharrah glanced through the supports in the section of wall just removed to the area where the wall between two stalls had been brought down to make room for Anaya’s ‘den.’

  “I wonder what sort of flooring was used in there?” Sharrah mused.

  “If I remember right,” Master Canneth said, “it is several inches of clay soil covering a few inches of sand, which in turn covers several inches of gravel.”

  “That should be perfect,” Aeron remarked. “She likes soil or sand for a bed. We might want to fill in those holes where the stall wall supports were, though.”

  “I can’t imagine that isn’t the intention, but it’s easy enough to check.” Master Canneth walked over to one of the men who was standing to the side at a small table looking over various parchments, the supervisor apparently, and started talking with him.

  “It’ll be cozy enough when that wall is closed up,” Willem remarked, pointing to the other side of the building where workers were making progress on the new back wall.

  “It will be,” Aeron agreed. “Although, I think I would rather have a space for me too, in case I have to spend a lot of time in here with her.”

  “Hmm, yes,” Master Doronal murmured, looking the building over. “Perhaps the old feed and tack room.” He walked over to where Master Canneth was talking with the work supervisor.

  I see you.

  Aeron turned to the south and saw Anaya flying over the wall, a tawny winged figure, glorious in the morning sunlight.

  “She looks magnificent,” Aeron murmured, staring at Anaya as, after having gained enough altitude, she glided toward them.

  “Hmm?” Willem looked at Aeron and then to where he was looking. “Oh. She does, doesn’t she?”

  Are you hungry? Aeron asked her.


  Good. We have food for you. Aeron turned, and pointing up at Anaya, said, “Masters, she’s here. She’ll be ready to eat once she lands.”

  The two masters finished their discussion with the supervisor and moved to the others waiting for Anaya. She landed just as they got there, her powerful wing beats kicking up leaves, bits of grass and some dust.

  Sharrah walked to the end of the building and looked across the road to the other stable.

  All through the building, the sound of work quickly ceased. From around corners and through openings, heads appeared. Everyone was watching Anaya.

  Flying is fun! We should fly together. Anaya padded quickly to Aeron and butted him with her head.

  Aeron crouched down, hugged her, and said, “Yes, I would love to fly with you some day, but I am not sure when you will be strong enough to carry me.” He turned to Master Canneth, an inquiring look on his face.

  “I have no idea,” he said laughing. “We’ll have to add that to our list of questions to seek answers for.”

  “I take it she told you she wants you to join her flying?” Master Doronal asked Aeron, a glint in his eyes.

  “Yes. She says it is great fun and she wants me to fly with her.”

  Master Doronal smiled. “It is fo
rtunate, then, that Master Canneth and I arranged it so that we have a very accomplished leatherworker in our midst, yes?” He looked at Willem and smiled. “When the time comes, some sort of saddle and flying clothing may be necessary. Along with safety straps, perhaps.”

  Willem raised his brows in surprise, then began nodding slowly, already lost in thought.

  The masters then noticed the silence surrounding them and looked around. All the workers were staring at Anaya. Master Doronal spied the supervisor and asked him with a wry grin, “Is it break time, then?”

  “Hmm?” the supervisor replied, tearing his eyes from Anaya to look at Master Doronal. “What? No.” He looked at the men around him. “No, it is not break time.”

  The workers quickly made their ways back to what they had been doing, and the sound of their industry again began to be heard.

  “Flying clothing?” Sharrah repeated, as she walked back to them from the corner of the building.

  Master Doronal, still smiling as the supervisor disappeared around the corner of the building, said, “Yes.” He turned to Sharrah and continued with a more serious expression. “I have had the dubious fortune of traveling in my youth to various locations around the world. Some of those travels were to mountainous regions, where I learned that the higher you go, the cooler it gets. Depending on how high the flight, I imagine it might require gear to protect one from both cold and wind.”

  “I see,” Sharrah replied, nodding. “That makes sense. Incidentally, the horses across the way didn’t seem to have been affected by her flying here.”

  “Good,” Master Doronal said. “We do choose the calmest horses for shipping duty. Lightglobes are delicate, and we want nice steady beasts pulling the wagons. It is good to know that they took no fright from her landing over here.”

  Anaya was sitting at Aeron’s side, blinking slowly and looking from person to person.

  “Well, don’t leave her to starve, Aeron.” Mallory waved her hand toward the chest with the food.

  “Oh, yes,” Aeron said and turned to Anaya. Over here, sweetie. This food is for you.

  Aeron walked her over to the chest, and Anaya looked inside curiously. Not only were there scraps, there were also large cuts of meat and a couple of good-sized bones. Anaya attacked the food with relish.


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