
Home > Nonfiction > Gandhi > Page 121
Gandhi Page 121

by Ramachandra Guha

  darshan (sighting)

  of Gandhi 08.1, 16.1, 18.1, 22.1, 24.1, 32.1

  of Indian women martyrs

  Darwen, Lancashire

  Darwin, Charles

  The Origin of Species

  Das, Biswanath

  Das, C.R. (Deshbandhu)

  arrested in Calcutta

  as Bengal leader

  and Council entry


  founds Swaraj Party

  Gandhi on

  and Gandhi’s resolution on spinning

  gives up legal practice

  group of young women compare Gandhi with Das

  and legislative councils

  meeting with Gandhi

  on Montagu—Chelmsford Reforms

  at Nagpur Congress

  Motilal Nehru and

  opposed by Gandhi

  seeks compromise

  takes spinning lessons from Gandhi

  Dasgupta, Satis Chandra 10.1, 16.1, 16.2, 24.1, 33.1, 34.1, 35.1, 36.1

  Daultana, Mumtaz

  Davies family (Darwen)

  Davis, Jerome

  Dawn (Muslim League newspaper) 31.1, 31.2, 32.1

  demands expulsion of Gandhi from Bengal

  tribute to Gandhi

  tribute to Kasturba

  Dawson, Geoffrey

  De Gaulle, Charles

  de Valera, Eamon

  Deccan 10.1, 25.1, 29.1

  civil disobedience in



  Defence of India Act

  deforestation epl.1, epl.2

  Dehradun 28.1, 30.1




  Ajmeri Gate

  attack on Hardinge in

  as British capital of India

  Cabinet Mission in

  Central Assembly

  bomb attack 15.1, 15.2, 16.1

  Congress majority in

  Chandni Chow district


  converted mosques in

  ‘Deliverance Day’ gathering of Muslims

  Gandhi in

  Gandhi meets Chelmsford in

  Gandhi with Saraladevi in

  Gandhi’s fast in

  government moves back to (from Simla)

  Hindu College

  Humayun, tomb of 37.1, 37.2

  Jama Masjid 11.1, 33.1

  Jamia Millia Islamia 06.1, 37.1

  Karol Bagh district

  Paharganj district

  peace pledge signed in 37.1, 38.1

  protests in 04.1, 14.1

  Purana Qila

  Ramlila Ground

  refugees in 37.1, 37.2, 37.3

  St Stephen’s College 01.1, 01.2, 08.1, 21.1, 37.1, 38.1

  Shahdara station

  Unity Conference

  violence in 37.1, 37.2

  see also New Delhi

  ‘Deliverance Day’ gatherings 26.1, 32.1


  Ambedkar on

  Attlee on

  Brelvi on

  Britain and 24.1, 26.1, 26.2, 28.1, 29.1

  and caste system


  Gandhi on 06.1, 24.1, 28.1, 29.1, 32.1

  India as prf.1, 24.1, 30.1, epl.1

  Irwin on

  movements for

  multiparty epl.1, epl.2

  Roosevelt on

  Smuts on

  Democrats (USA)

  Denmark 19.1, 26.1

  Deo, Hari D.

  Deoli detention camp

  Depressed Classes

  as term

  Ambedkar and 19.1, 20.1, 20.2, 20.3, 20.4, 22.1, 23.1, epl.1

  Andrews on

  conference in Bombay

  and conversion from Hinduism 23.1, 23.2

  Cripps and

  Gandhi on

  Godse on

  leaders of 14.1, 17.1

  proposal of separate electorates for 19.1, 20.1

  at Round Table Conference 17.1, 19.1, 19.2

  their expectations of Gandhi

  see also Harijans; untouchability

  Desai, Durga 24.1, 30.1

  Desai, Jivanlal

  Desai, Kusumben

  Desai, Mahadev

  and Shaukat Ali

  and Ambedkar’s meetings with Gandhi



  arguments with Gandhi on reincarnation and role of women


  arrested in Allahabad

  arrested with Gandhi in Bombay 20.1, 29.1, 30.1

  article in Harijan censored by Gandhi

  assistance to Motilal Nehru

  attitude to brahmacharya

  on Bajaj

  on Bardoli struggle

  on Bhave

  and Birla

  at Bombay AICC meeting

  book on sent to Gandhi

  and Bose

  and Bose’s letters and behaviour to Gandhi

  and boycott of legislative councils

  character and qualities

  on characters of Kasturba and his wife Durga

  on Chiang Kai-shek

  and council entry

  at CWC meeting in Sevagram

  deals with Gandhi correspondence 22.1, 26.1

  death and tributes to prf.1, 30.1, 30.2, 31.1, 31.2, 31.3, 32.1, 32.2, 32.3, 33.1

  denied permission to visit Gandhi in prison

  diary kept on tour with Gandhi

  discusses caste system with Ambedkar

  dissuades Gandhi from proposed fast

  as editor of Harijan 23.1, 24.1, 33.1

  edits Young India

  Elwin on

  with Gandhi in Lancashire

  with Gandhi in London 19.1, 19.2, 19.3

  Gandhi on 03.1, 03.2, 03.3, 15.1, 30.1, 30.2, 31.1

  on Gandhi and sons

  on Gandhi’s commentary on the Bhagavad Gita

  and Gandhi’s fast in Delhi

  and Gandhi’s fast ‘unto death’

  and Gandhi’s letters to Saraladevi c05.1, c05.2, c06.1

  on Gandhi’s proposed fast

  on Gandhi’s reception in London

  and Gandhi’s three-week fast c21.1, c21.2

  and Gandhi’s visit to Rome

  on Gandhi’s vow to abstain from milk

  as Gujarati speaker

  at Haripura

  illness c29.1, c29.2

  on Kallenbach

  and Kasturba

  keeps Gandhi informed on World War II

  and letter from Rajagopalachari

  letters to Jawaharlal Nehru from London c19.1, c19.2, c19.3

  meets Laithwaite to discuss independence

  on mill workers’ strike

  and Mira Behn

  moved to jail in Belgaum

  opposition to Hitler and Mussolini

  on origin of two-nation theory

  on Patel

  projected biography of

  recollections of Gandhi

  records of conversations with Gandhi c03.1, c03.2, c04.1

  records of funds raised for Gandhi’s work in Ceylon

  reports Gandhi’s attack on salt tax

  reports on Gujarat during Salt March

  role as disciple of Gandhi c30.1, c30.2

  and Margaret Sanger

  and Saraladevi

  on Saraladevi

  and Sastri

  as secretary to Gandhi prf.1, c10.1

  at Segaon

  as translator of Gandhi’s memoirs

  urges Jawaharlal Nehru to assume Congress presidency

  visits Gandhi in hospital

  visits Puri with Gandhi and their wive

  in Wardha

  Western journalist on

  and Young India

  Desai, Manibhai

  Desai, Narayan c24.1, c30.1, 30.2

  Desai, Valji Govind 02.1, c13.1, c17.1

  Desai brothers (of Hubli)

  Dev, Narendra

  Devanagari script

  Devanayakcharya, Pandit

  Devchand, Gulab


  Devi, Basanti



  Salt Works 16.1, 17.1

  Dharmendrasinhji, Thakore Saheb of Rajkot





  Dhruva, Anandshankar


  diaspora, Indian prf.1, c01.1, c01.2

  Dilke, Charles

  Direct Action Day 34.1, 34.2, 34.3

  ‘A Dirty Little Rebel—That’s What You Are Little Man’

  Disney, J. Lambert

  District Harijan Association of Bijapur

  Diwali festival c35.1, 37.1

  dogs, rabid

  Doke, Joseph

  Dominican Republic

  Dominion Status

  Ambedkar and

  Birla on prospect of

  discussed at Calcutta Congress

  Gandhi dissatisfied with British offer of

  Gandhi on

  Gandhi pressed to abandon proposal

  Gandhi proposes for India

  Linlithgow on c26.1, c26.2

  Nehru and Bose reject

  Nehru Report and

  not covered by Gandhi-Irwin Pact

  not covered by Government of India Act (1935)

  not covered by Simon Commission

  Orwell on

  Purna Swaraj as opposed to

  Round Table Conference and

  Sastri and

  Douglass, Frederick


  Du Bois, W.E.B.

  Dudhabhai, Danibehn and Lakshmi (‘untouchable’ family)

  Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, 1st Marquess of

  Durban 04.1, 11.1, 13.1, 31.1

  Durga (goddess)

  Dutch, in South Africa

  Dutt, Batukeshwar


  Dwarkadas, Jamnadas

  Dwarkas, Kanji

  Dyer, Brigadier General Reginald 04.1, c05.1, c07.1, c10.1, c10.2

  East Africa

  East India Association

  East India Company 03.1, 16.1, 16.2


  national budget for

  of women 32.1, c32.2, epl.1

  Edward, Prince of Wales (later King Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor) c07.1, c07.2

  Egypt 14.1, 15.1, 16.1, 20.1, 33.1

  Einstein, Albert fm1.1, 19.1, 26.1, epl.1


  central legislature (1945) c33.1, c33.2

  provincial assemblies (1937)

  provincial assemblies (1946) c33.1, c33.2

  electorates, joint 18.1, 20.1, 20.2, 20.3, 36.1

  electorates, separate 02.1, 05.1, 14.1, 14.2, c18.1, 18.2, 19.1, c19.2, 20.1, 36.1, c36.2, c37.1

  Ambedkar and c18.1, c19.1, c20.1, 20.2, c22.1, c34.1, c36.1

  and Communal Award c20.1, c20.2, c21.1

  meeting in Poona to discuss

  Elizabeth, Princess, later Queen Elizabeth II

  Elwin, Verrier 12.1, c12.2, 30.1

  Emerson, H.W. 18.1, c18.2

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo c09.1, c12.1, c29.1

  English Channel

  English (language) c02.1, c07.1, c13.1, c22.1, c30.1, c32.1, c33.1


  environmental degradation

  environmental sustainability

  environmentalism, Indian


  Etawah, Islamia High School

  European Defence Association

  Europeans, in India c18.1, c19.1

  Ezhava Temple-entry Proclamation Celebration

  Ezhavas 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 20.1, 23.1

  Faiz, Faiz Ahmad


  Faraday, Michael

  Faring, Miss

  Farson, Negley

  Fascism c19.1, 25.1, 26.1, 26.2, 28.1, 29.1, 30.1, 31.1, 31.2, c36.1

  fasting c03.1, c04.1, c07.1, c07.2, 10.1, c10.2, c12.1, 13.1, 29.1, 37.1, c37.2, c38.1

  Fellowship of Faith, Chicago

  ‘Fellowship of Faith, League of Neighbours, and Union of East and West’


  see also suffragettes; women



  Fischer, Herbert

  Fischer, Louis 29.1, 29.2


  Forster, E.M.

  Forty Fort, Pennsylvania

  Forward Bloc party

  Fox, George

  Fox Movietone

  Foy, Edward

  France 01.1, 19.1, 26.1, 26.2, 26.3, 28.1, 28.2, c34.1

  franchise, adult

  Franco, General Francisco

  Franklin, Benjamin

  Franz Ferdinand, Archduke

  Frayn, Michael

  Frazier, E. Franklin

  Free Press of India

  Friends Service Committee

  Frontier Muslims of Kohat

  Fyzabad 07.1, c08.1


  Galle (Ceylon)

  Gandhi, Abha (grand-niece)

  Gandhi, Chanchal (Chanchi, née Vora)

  Gandhi, Chhaganlal (nephew) c03.1, c38.1

  Gandhi, Devadas (son)

  arrested 09.1, 16.1

  and brahmacharya

  and death of Gandhi c38.1, c38.2

  Desai and

  as editor of Hindustan Times c28.1, c37.1

  and elections to provincial assemblies

  with father in Lahore

  with father in London c19.1, c19.2

  Gandhi on c03.1, c04.1, c05.1

  on Gandhi’s fasting

  Gandhi’s letters to c03.1, c06.1, c07.1, c22.1

  and Gandhi’s open letter to Hitler

  and Harilal

  joins Salt March

  marriage plans

  marries Lakshmi Rajagopalachari

  Mira and c21.1, c22.1

  Mira writes to

  and mother’s death

  and mother’s illness c31.1, c31.2, c31.3

  and mother’s press statement

  Rajaji writes to c10.1, c24.1

  reads telegrams to Gandhi c09.1, c21.1

  relationship with Gandhi

  relationship with mother

  request for Kasturba’s release refused

  signs Poona Pact

  tries to dissuade Gandhi from fast

  visits Gandhi during fast

  visits Gandhi in hospital

  visits Gandhi in prison c09.1, c09.2

  work in Jamia Millia Islamia

  ‘An Open Letter from a Mother to a Son’

  Gandhi, Harilal (son)

  accusation of embezzlement c03.1, c03.2

  and All India Stores

  arrested in Calcutta

  attempts reconciliation with father

  attempts to renounce sex, alcohol and smoking

  birth and early years

  in Calcutta c05.1, 06.1


  conversion to Islam

  discusses problems with father

  drinking and bad behaviour c20.1, c22.1

  estranged from father c01.1, c03.1, c03.2, c11.1, c14.1, c20.1, c22.1, c38.1

  Gandhi discusses with Casey

  Gandhi’s letters to

  marriage 01.1, 11.1

  in prison
br />   visits Kasturba during illness c31.1, c31.2

  visits to Kasturba restricted

  Gandhi, Kantilal (grandson)

  Gandhi, Kanu (nephew)

  Gandhi, Karamchand (father), death of

  Gandhi, Kasturba (wife)

  address and press statement on violence to women

  in Aga Khan Palace with Gandhi c30.1, c30.2

  arrested in Rajkot

  at ashram in Ahmedabad c05.1, c11.1

  asks to join husband during fast

  attends meeting in Bombay on police brutalities

  in Bengal with Gandhi

  at Bombay AICC meeting

  in Bombay with Gandhi

  in Ceylon with Gandhi

  in Champaran

  and civil disobedience

  as contributor to Young India and Navajivan

  courts arrest in South Africa

  and death of Mahadev Desai

  Gandhi begs not to visit him in prison

  Gandhi on c03.1, c05.1, c11.1, c13.1

  with Gandhi in Poona

  Gandhi receives condolences on death of

  with Gandhi in Segaon (Sevagram) c23.1, c27.1

  and Gandhi’s arrest at ashram (1930)

  and Gandhi’s arrest in Bombay (1932)

  and Gandhi’s fast in Delhi

  and Gandhi’s fast ‘unto death’

  Gandhi’s letters to

  and Gandhi’s move to Segaon (Sevagram)

  and gifts of gold jewellery

  Harilal on

  and Harilal’s conversion to Islam

  honoured at meeting in Bombay

  illness and death c31.1, c32.1, c33.1, c34.1, c38.1, c38.2

  Indian press calls for release of

  in Kathiawar with Gandhi

  in Lahore with Gandhi

  letter to government of Bombay

  letters from Gandhi

  letters to Gandhi

  in London with Gandhi

  in Madras

  and Manibehn Patel

  and Manilal’s relationship with Fatima Gool

  and Manu c34.1, 35.1, c35.2

  Sarojini Naidu on

  and penicillin supplied by US Army c31.1, c31.2

  Polak on

  in prison in Ahmedabad c21.1, c21.2, c21.3, c21.4

  in prison in South Africa

  as public speaker

  Rajaji on

  reads books in Hindi and Gujarati

  relationship with Gandhi prf.1, c01.1, c01.2, c03.1, c05.1, c05.2, c11.1, c13.1, c13.2, c13.3, c14.1, c24.1, c31.1

  returns to India with Gandhi

  and role as woman c04.1, c18.1

  and Saraladevi c11.1, c28.1

  as speaker at conference in Ahmedabad

  stays with Amrit Kaur in Simla

  Times of India on

  travels to London with Gandhi

  tries to dissuade Gandhi from fast

  visits Gandhi in Poona hospital

  visits Gandhi in prison c09.1, c09.2, c20.1

  visits Gandhi on Salt March

  visits Puri with Gandhi

  weaves wedding sari for Sarup Nehru

  Gandhi, Maganlal (nephew) c01.1, c03.1, c03.2, c03.3, c05.1, c09.1, c13.1, c38.1

  death c13.1, c22.1, 29.1


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