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Gandhi Page 129

by Ramachandra Guha

‘Deliverance Day’ gathering of Muslims

  Ransom, Reverdy C.

  Rao, B. Shiva

  Rao, M.S.

  Ras 16.1, 21.1, 21.2

  Rashid, Abdul

  Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) 37.1, c37.2, epl.1


  Godse and c38.1, c38.2

  Ratna, A., and Co.


  Ravi, river

  Rawalpindi 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 36.1

  Ray, Prafulla Chandra c03.1, 07.1, c10.1, c11.1, 16.1, c22.1

  Raychandbhai 01.1, 12.1, 13.1, 35.1

  R.B.T. (Banaras correspondent of Gandhi)

  Reader’s Digest, essay on Gandhi

  Reading, Rufus Isaacs, 1st Marquess of, Viceroy of India c07.1, c07.2, c07.3, c07.4, c10.1, c29.1

  and salt tax

  Red Cross Fund

  refugees, during Partition riots c10.1, c36.1, c36.2, c36.3, c37.1, c37.2, c37.3, c37.4, c38.1, c38.2

  Reid, Stanley


  religious pluralism c01.1, 01.2, c12.1, c12.2, c12.3, c13.1, c17.1, 20.1, c23.1, c34.1, c36.1, epl.1, epl.2, epl.3

  Reuters 29.1, 35.1

  revolutionaries 04.1, 11.1, 16.1, 16.2, 18.1, 18.2

  legislation on

  Reynolds, Reginald


  riots, major religious

  see also Bengal, riots in; Bihar, riots in; Calcutta, Hindu-Muslim riots

  Rishikesh 16.1, 28.1

  Robeson, Paul

  Rolland, Romain 10.1, 17.1, c19.1, c19.2, 20.1, 26.1


  The Man Who Became One with the Universal Being


  Palazzo Venezia

  Vatican museum

  Roosevelt, Franklin D. c29.1, c29.2, c30.1, c30.2, c30.3, epl.1

  Ross, E.A.

  Rothermere, Harold Sidney

  Round Table Conferences 15.1, c15.2, c17.1, c17.2, 17.3, 18.1, 18.2, 22.1, 23.1

  first (1930–1) c17.1, c19.1, c20.1

  Federal Structural Committee

  second (1931) c18.1, c18.2, c18.3, c18.4, c19.1, c19.2, c19.3, c19.4, c20.1, c20.2, c20.3, c28.1, c30.1, c33.1

  failure of c19.1, 20.1, 20.2

  third (1932) c20.1, c21.1

  Rowlatt, Sidney, committee and report on revolutionary movement c04.1, c04.2

  Rowlatt Act 04.1, 04.2, c04.3, 04.4, 04.5, c05.1, 05.2, 07.1, 08.1, c08.2, 08.3, c09.1, 16.1, 16.2, c18.1, c29.1

  Roy, Arundati

  Roy, B.C. 30.1, 34.1

  Roy, Dilip Kumar

  Roy, Kalinath

  Roy, M.N.

  Roy, Rammohun

  on salt monopoly

  Royal Air Force (RAF)

  Ruskin, John c08.1, c08.2, c12.1, c13.1, c29.1

  Unto This Last

  Russia see Soviet Union

  Rustomji, Parsi

  Ruthnaswamy, M. 08.1, c08.2

  Saadulla, Muhammad

  Sabarmati Ashram (Satyagraha Ashram), Ahmedabad prf.1, c01.1, c01.2, c01.3, c02.1, c03.1, c03.2, c03.3, c03.4, c03.5, c04.1, c04.2, c04.3, c05.1, c05.2, c05.3, c06.1, c07.1, c07.2, c07.3, c07.4, c07.5, c08.1, c08.2, c11.1, c13.1, c13.2, c14.1, c16.1, c23.1, c24.1, c34.1

  activities during Gandhi’s absence in prison

  archives c08.1, c13.1, 24.1

  and caste system

  Elwin at

  Gandhi disbands after Willingdon refuses to meet for talks c21.1, c21.2

  Gandhi meets Vithalbhai Patel and Jinnah at

  Maganlal Gandhi at

  Gandhi’s cottage at

  Gandhi’s followers at

  Gandhi’s Gujarati primer for

  Gandhi’s lectures to inmates

  Gandhi’s return to, after convalescence

  Gandhi’s rules of conduct for c12.1, c14.1

  growth and reforms

  Japanese Buddhist priests at

  Kalelkar at

  Pranjivan Mehta and

  Mira Behn at c10.1, c16.1

  roles of women

  run by women during Gandhi’s absence on Salt March

  Sabarmati River 01.1, 03.1, c03.2, 05.1

  Sahajanand, Swami

  Sahni, Balraj

  Sahni, Bhisham

  Said, Ahmed

  Saklatvala, Shapurji

  Saks (clothing company), advertisement citing Gandhi

  salaries, official c16.1, 16.2

  Salt, Henry 04.1, 19.1

  Salt Act 16.1, 17.1, 18.1

  Salt March 16.1, c17.1, c17.2, 17.3, c19.1, 21.1, 21.2, 22.1, c22.2, 24.1, 25.1, 26.1, c26.2, 27.1, 29.1, 29.2, 33.1

  Mahadev Desai in

  Devadas in

  Gandhi during c16.1, c16.2, c16.3

  Irwin and

  Manilal in c16.1, c16.2

  Sarojini Naidu and c16.1, c16.2

  Nehru’s support of c16.1, c16.2

  Ramdas in

  representatives from various groups and regions on

  women initially excluded from c16.1, c16.2, epl.1

  Salt Tax 04.1, 16.1, 17.1, c18.1, c20.1

  Salvation Army


  Samuel, Herbert


  Sanger, Margaret

  Sankara, Adi

  Sankaracharyas 12.1, 18.1, epl.1

  Sankeshewar-Karavir Peeth (temple)

  sannyas (renunciation)

  Sanskrit 01.1, 02.1, 03.1, 09.1, 11.1, 16.1, 17.1

  scholars on untouchability

  Santiniketan settlement, Bengal c01.1, c01.2, c07.1, c20.1, c22.1, c23.1, c32.1, c33.1

  Sapru, Tej Bahadur 07.1, 11.1, 15.1, 17.1, 20.1, c20.2, c29.1, 32.1, epl.1

  at conference on Gandhi’s fast c20.1, c20.2

  Sarabhai, Ambalal (‘Sheth’) c01.1, c03.1, c12.1, c17.1, c29.1, c32.1

  Sarabhai, Anasuya 03.1, 05.1, 05.2, 07.1, c09.1, 09.2, 10.1, 10.2, 20.1

  Sarabhai, Mridula 32.1, 36.1, 37.1, epl.1

  Saraswati, Dayanand

  Sarda Act (1930)

  Sarda Bill


  Sarkar, Jadunath

  Sarkar, N.R. 28.1, 30.1

  Sastri, V.S. Srinivasa 01.1, 01.2, c01.3, c02.1, c04.1, 09.1, c11.1, 16.1, c22.1, c27.1, c30.1, c33.1, epl.1


  sati, practice of


  and African civil disobedience movements

  against Rowlatt Act c04.1, c04.2, c05.1, c08.1, c08.2, c09.1, c18.1, c22.1, c29.1, c33.1

  in Ahmedabad 03.1, 04.1


  in Bardoli 07.1, 14.1

  and British

  in Champaran 03.1, 03.2, 04.1, c11.1, 13.1

  Dwarkardas on

  early Indian supporters on

  effectiveness of

  Gandhi advises Czechs on c24.1, c24.2

  Gandhi asks Congress to adopt in India

  Gandhi creates in South Africa

  Gandhi discusses with Thurmans

  Gandhi on c01.1, c04.1, c21.1, c21.2

  Harilal in

  in Kheda 03.1, 03.2, c04.1, c04.2

  later applications of

  press on

  in Punjab

  in Rajkot

  restricted (1940) c28.1, c28.2, c28.3

  Ruthnaswamy on

  Sastri and

  in South Africa 01.1, 01.2, 03.1, 08.1, 09.1, 13.1, 13.2, 16.1, c16.2, c26.1, epl.1

  tribute to Gandhi on

  in Vaikom 10.1, 10.2, c23.1

  women in

  see also passive resistance; Salt March

  Satyagraha Day (6 April 1919)

  ‘Satyagraha Pledge’ 04.1, c04.2


  and attack on Dharasana Salt Works

  in Bardolir />
  and celibacy

  in Delhi

  imprisoned (1940)

  leaflets for

  release of 18.1, c18.2

  women among


  Saudi Arabia 05.1, 05.2, 33.1

  Saunders (policeman murdered in Lahore) c14.1, c15.1, c16.1

  Savarkar, Ganpatrao

  Savarkar, V.D. 26.1, 28.1, c29.1, c30.1, c38.1, epl.1

  and death of Kasturba

  Godse and

  interviewed by BBC reporter

  on Kasturba Gandhi Memorial Trust

  Scheduled Caste Federation 32.1, c33.1, 33.2, 34.1, epl.1, epl.2

  Scheduled Castes 33.1, 33.2, 34.1, 34.2, 34.3, 36.1

  see also Depressed Classes; Harijans; untouchables

  Schlesin, Sonia c03.1, c03.2, c05.1

  points out errors and omissions in Gandhi’s memoirs

  Schreiner, Olive

  Schuman, Frederick L. 30.1, c30.2

  Scott, C.P. 14.1, 19.1

  Secunderabad, Gujarati Mitra Mandali

  Seetharamaiah, Kondapalli epl.1, epl.2

  Segaon see Sevagram

  Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA)

  self-government/self-rule (India) c04.1, c04.2, c14.1, c19.1, c21.1, c22.1, c23.1, c26.1

  announced by Attlee

  Iqbal on

  see also swaraj

  self-reliance, economic and moral



  Sermon on the Mount 09.1, 11.1, 22.1

  Servants of India Society c01.1, 01.2, 03.1, 03.2, 13.1, 21.1

  Sevagram (formerly Segaon)

  Amrit Kaur in

  ashram c28.1, 29.1, 29.2, 34.1, 38.1, 38.2, epl.1

  Cordes in

  CWC meeting in

  Gandhi in

  Gandhi moves to c22.1, c23.1

  Gandhi on

  Gandhi’s wish to return to

  Kasturba in c23.1, c27.1

  Mahadev in

  name change

  Saraladevi in

  visitors to c23.1, c25.1, c26.1, 27.1, c28.1

  visits by African Americans

  Sewell, Arthur



  Shanghai, English journal

  Shankara, Adi

  Shankaracharya of Puri


  sharabeshi 03.1, 03.2

  Sharma (naturopath)

  Sharma, Hari Dev

  Shastras, Shastris c12.1, c20.1, c21.1, c21.2, c23.1

  Shastri, Jivram Kalidas

  Shastri, R.V.

  Shaw, George Bernard 19.1, c24.1

  Man and Superman

  Sheen, Vincent


  Shelley, Percy Bysshe

  Shenolikar, Miss

  Sher-Gil, Umrao and Amrita

  Sheridan, Clare

  Shillong, ‘Deliverance Day’ gathering of Muslims

  Shinde, V.R.

  Shivaji 02.1, 15.1, 37.1, 38.1

  Shourie, Arun epl.1, epl.2

  Shraddhananda, Swami 01.1, 09.1, 10.1, 11.1, 11.2, 33.1

  murder of c11.1, c11.2, 12.1

  Shridharani, Krishnalal

  The Mahatma and the World


  Shudra (caste) c01.1, c06.1, c18.1, c20.1, c22.1, c32.1

  Shukla, Chandrashankar

  Shukla, Raj Kumar 03.1, 03.2

  Sialkot 18.1, 32.1


  Sikhism, Sikhs

  Ambedkar and c34.1, epl.1

  Amrit Kaur and

  as assistants to Gandhi in eastern Bengal c34.1, c34.2

  conversion to

  Cripps and

  discrimination by

  Gandhi studies history of

  as Gandhi supporters

  and interim government

  in Kashmir

  Muslim attacks on

  police attacks on

  in Punjab c36.1, c36.2

  riots against

  at Round Table Conference

  Silverman, Sydney

  Simeon Stylites, St

  Simla 07.1, 11.1, 18.1, 26.1

  Cabinet Mission in

  Conference (1945) c32.1, c34.1

  ‘Manorville’ 22.1, c23.1

  Viceregal Palace and Lodge c18.1, c21.1

  Simon, Sir John 11.1, 14.1, 14.2

  Simon Commission c11.1, 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 15.1, 21.1, 30.1

  Sinclair, Upton 17.1, 20.1

  Sind 02.1, 05.1, 06.1, 07.1, 16.1, 17.1, 21.1, 25.1, 32.1, 36.1, 36.2

  Muslim League in c31.1, c36.1

  Singapore 29.1, 29.2, 31.1

  Singer Manufacturing Company

  Singh, Baldev

  Singh, Bhagat 15.1, 16.1, 16.2, 18.1

  appeal against execution rejected

  Gandhi’s intervention on behalf of

  hanged in Lahore with comrades c18.1, c18.2

  Singh, Guru Govind

  Singh, Hari, maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir c36.1, c36.2, c37.1, c37.2

  Singh, Jiwan

  Singh, J.J.

  Singh, Kishan

  Singh, Master Tara

  Singh, Udham

  Sinha, Sir S.P. 04.1, 04.2

  Sinhagad 05.1, 05.2

  Sinhala Buddhism


  Sirsi 20.1, 30.1

  Sitaramayya, Pattabhi 24.1, 25.1, 25.2

  Slade, Madeleine see Mira Behn


  S.L.D. Arts College, Ahmedabad

  Smuts, Jan Christian c13.1, c15.1, 26.1, c29.1, c33.1, 38.1

  Snow, Edgar

  Sobani, Umar 04.1, 04.2

  Socialism c21.1, c22.1, 23.1, 25.1, 26.1, c29.1

  Socialist Party (Bombay)

  Sodepur Ashram 16.1, 33.1

  Soman, S.L.

  Sorabjee, Shapurji

  South Africa 03.1, 07.1, 12.1, 23.1, 38.1, 38.2

  apartheid system



  Defiance Campaign

  Gandhi anticipates violent death in

  Gandhi in prf.1, 01.1, c03.1, c04.1, c04.2, c04.3, c04.4, c05.1, 07.1, c08.1, 08.2, c08.3, c12.1, c13.1, 13.2, c14.1, c15.1, c16.1, 24.1, c26.1, 26.2, c36.1, c38.1

  Indians in 01.1, 01.2, c02.1, c03.1, c03.2, c06.1, c07.1, c08.1, 13.1, 15.1, 24.1, c27.1, c31.1, 33.1

  legislation challenged by Gandhi

  Manilal Gandhi in

  racial laws 01.1, 01.2, 13.1

  satyagrahas in c01.1, c01.2, 03.1, c08.1, c09.1, 13.1, c13.2, 16.1, c16.2, c26.1, epl.1

  Tamil women in

  taxation of Indians c01.1, c13.1

  Union of

  South Kanara


  Soviet Union c01.1, c04.1, c04.2, c08.1, c11.1, c13.1, c15.1, c19.1, c28.1, c29.1, c29.2

  and death of Gandhi

  enters war

  German invasion of c28.1, 28.2

  joins Allies


  Spanish Civil war 26.1, c27.1

  Spectator 10.1, 19.1

  Spender, J.A.

  Spinners and Village Associations

  spinning and weaving 04.1, c05.1, c06.1, c07.1, c09.1, 09.2, c09.3, c10.1, c10.2, c10.3, c11.1, c11.2, c17.1, c18.1, c19.1, c19.2, c19.3, c20.1, c30.1, c33.1, c34.1, c36.1

  see also charkha (spinning wheel)

  Spion Kop

  sportsmen, wages of

  Spring Vale, Lancashire

  Srinagar 36.1, 37.1


  Srirampur 34.1, 34.2, 34.3, 35.1

  Srirangam, Vaishnavite shrine

  Srivatava, Sir J.P.

  Stalin, Joseph c17.1, c28.1, c29.1, c29.2, c38.1, epl.1, epl.2r />
  Star of India

  State, role in social life

  The Statesman (Calcutta newspaper) c03.1, c16.1, c37.1

  Stephen, Campbell

  Stevenson, R.L., The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

  Strangman, Sir J.T.

  strike actions c03.1, c07.1, c07.2, c08.1, c13.1, c25.1

  see also hartal

  Strunk, Captain

  Subzi Mandi 37.1, 38.1

  suffragettes 03.1, 08.1, 33.1, epl.1


  Suhrawardy, H.S. 34.1, c34.2, 35.1, c35.2, 36.1, c36.2, c37.1, 37.2

  peace mission to Jinnah

  stays in Hydari Manzil, Calcutta, with Gandhi

  Suka (sanyasi)


  Sun (Baltimore)

  Sun Yat-sen 11.1, 12.1

  Surat 07.1, 14.1, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 17.1

  and death of Kasturba

  protests in

  Sahitya Sabha

  Surwar, Ghulam

  Sutcliffe, Herbert


  swadeshi (self-reliance) c04.1, c05.1, c07.1, c07.2, c07.3, c08.1, c08.2, c17.1, c20.1, c24.1

  Swaminathan, K.

  Swaraj Party 09.1, 14.1, 21.1

  swaraj (self-rule) prf.1, c02.1, c03.1, c04.1, c05.1, c06.1, c06.2, c07.1, c07.2, c07.3, c07.4, c07.5, c07.6, c09.1, c10.1, c10.2, c10.3, c14.1, c18.1, c22.1, c31.1, c37.1, epl.1

  Bose on

  and expectations of peasants

  four pillars of

  Gandhi on

  Gandhi’s promise of c07.1, c07.2, c10.1, c21.1

  and national flag

  not covered by Gandhi-Irwin Pact

  preconditions of

  Rajaji on

  supporters of

  see also self-government (India)

  Swatantra party


  Sydenham College

  Sykes, Frederick

  Sylhet, ‘Deliverance Day’ gathering of Muslims

  Symonds, Richard

  Syria 05.1, 05.2, 33.1

  Tagore, Dwijendranath

  Tagore, Rabindranath

  as adviser to All India Village Industries Association

  asks Gandhi for funds

  on Congress presidency

  correspondence with Gandhi

  critical of Gandhi

  death c28.1, 29.1, c32.1, 33.1

  deplores Gandhi’s ‘unscientific’ views

  and Festschrift for Gandhi

  Hermann Fischer and

  Gandhi on c01.1, c21.1

  Gandhi reads works of c09.1, c20.1

  Gandhi visits c01.1, c26.1

  Gandhi’s debates with

  on Gandhi’s fast

  Gandhi’s ‘Mahatma’ title attributed to

  on Gandhi’s non-cooperation campaign

  influence on Gandhi

  Iqbal compared to

  Mariátegui writes on

  on Katherine Mayo


  relationship with Gandhi

  rift with Gandhi over non-cooperation programme

  Rolland and

  and Saraladevi

  second in poll for ‘Greatest Living Indians’


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