Metal Mage 14

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Metal Mage 14 Page 28

by Eric Vall

  “Yes, all of the blood for Mason’s siege,” Deya agreed with a greedy grin.

  Even Shoshanne was bouncing in her seat with excitement when Alfred cocked a wiry eyebrow at the women, but he calmly placed their platters in front of them. They sent him sweet smiles and giggling thanks in return, and while I dug into my three-course breakfast, my women daintily picked away at their meals while they discussed the pros and cons of maces versus flails where bludgeoning was concerned.

  My appetite petered out once gutting techniques entered the conversation, though, and I dismissed myself without any of my murdery women seeming to notice. Stan swooped over my head while I shuffled down the hallway, and I nodded with approval when he was out of sight in the blink of an eye.

  It took me twice as long as it should have to reach the kitchen, though, and I twitched just a bit as I slid my empty mug across the kitchen counter.

  “This is your final cup for the day, sir,” Alfred said with a respectfully stern look. “One more, and you’ll begin to find human flesh more appetizing than is appropriate.”

  “Understood,” I said with a nod. “No cannibals in this house, Alfred. That’s a promise. It’s just that our troops are marching on the Master’s fortress this afternoon, and if we’re being honest, I did not have that in mind when I made some life-altering decisions last night. I need to find a way to stop twitching every few seconds, and being able to move beyond a snail’s pace would help me avoid dying in battle today.”

  “Very well, sir,” Alfred replied, and he poured a fresh glass of kill juice for me. Then the butler sent a shifty glance toward the doorway, and it looked like he was about to speak before he retrieved a slip of parchment instead.

  I furrowed my brow as the butler wrote a note in the classiest script I’d ever seen, and he even handed it to me rather than let the paper make the sliding nose across the counter.

  Then I grinned as I read the man’s message, and I saluted him before I turned toward the door.

  Two minutes later I was sneaking out of the house and into the infirmary, and I chugged the last of my kill juice on my way over to Mage Hellia. The prim woman eyed my muddy clothes with some alarm, and she met me in the middle of the operating room to spare me having to shuffle any further.

  “Good morning, Defender F--”

  “Shhh,” I cut in, and I lowered my voice. “I heard you just got a shipment of Tiorlin berries in.”

  “Yes, sir,” Mage Hellia whispered.

  “I need about fifty,” I muttered. “Don’t tell my women.”

  The healer bowed her head in understanding before she bustled off to the storage room, and when she returned with three vials full of little silver berries, I popped four into my mouth, nodded my thanks, and pocketed the rest on my way to the door.

  By the time I got to the mansion, my pace had regulated, and Alfred and I exchanged wholly casual nods at the door. I was so jacked up on kill juice and magical berries after this that I formed, runed, and mounted the Boms’ magazines in ten minutes flat, and then I took a power shower in my waterfall to get the mud off while I delivered orders to my fifty Bom army to head for the forest beside the Master’s headquarters. I even had a bounce in my step after I pulled on my fresh Defender gear, and I noshed on a battle burger while I alerted Big Guy, Big Red, and Boms One and Two that they were in charge of our local defenses for the foreseeable future.

  Then I sent a notice to Temin that we were moving out before I sat down with Stan and Solana, and I double checked their magazine mounts as I transferred the schematics of the Master’s fortress into Solana’s gem. When the pair took off for a final marathon flight through the mansion, I started transferring crates of spare magazines outside, and since my women were off completing their own tasks, I decided to take advantage of the chance to touch base with my generals in private.

  After I finished loading up the train Bagneera had at the station, I slipped into the pub, and I relayed my alterations to the men at the far back table.

  Then they all exchanged a loaded look.

  “Trust me,” I muttered. “This will clear out the majority of his forces in a matter of minutes, and that’s before the Master has any idea we’ve got over a thousand soldiers surrounding the place. By the time our troops charge, half the work will be done.”

  Haragh nodded a few times, and when Kurna caught his eye, the half-ogre shrugged. “Told ye’. Bat shit crazy these days, but… seems to work for him.”

  “It’s been an honor serving with you,” Urn informed me with a solemn nod. “Shame it’ll end this way, though. I really thought you’d be the one to lead the Order into a new generation.”

  “I will be,” I assured him. “Do you think I’d get myself killed with six babies on the way?”

  “Six?” Kurna clarified. “Since when?

  I cracked a roguish grin. “You really wanna know my business?”

  “I don’t,” the brawny mage decided. “Let’s do this, I guess.”

  “There’s the spirit!” I chuckled, and as I strolled out of the pub, I could practically hear the pointed look Haragh was sending the others.

  Then I met Deya and Nulena at the mansion, and Dragir had managed to finish all two thousand Halcyan rockets a day ahead of schedule. The rain was pounding the town so hard that I was worried the shells might actually explode in the lanes, though, so I sealed the crates all the way around with steel before I carefully transferred them to the train. The healers arrived just as I finished up with their own crates of equipment to be added, and by now, Defenders were pouring into Falmount from the stables while eight more passenger cars filled with knights were being hitched to the front of the train.

  Everyone braced themselves against the wind and rain as they powered through the muddy lanes to get their gear loaded up, and our allies marched from their caves and barracks a couple minutes later. I stood aside with Haragh while we watched hundreds of dwarves, ogres, elves, and mages file into the passenger cars, and I couldn’t help grinning as ogres let their clubs swing into the elves and tipped them off the platform.

  My armored women each left giggling kisses on my cheeks before they trotted to our private car at the head of the train, and I furrowed my brow when I realized all of them were weighted down with more weapons than anyone could possibly need. Then I saw my double bit axe strapped to Nulena’s back, and I caught on that they’d not only brought a plethora of options for themselves, but for me as well.

  “I love those women,” I sighed, and Haragh nodded his approval as Aurora scrambled to catch the three flails she dropped.

  Stan was coasting beside Cayla’s head with his rifle hitched over his shoulder, and he kept one hand propped on his hip while he appraised our troops. He was sitting tall on Solana’s back while the metal dragon tried to catch raindrops on her tongue now and then, and before he followed my women into our private quarters, he turned and sent me a crisp salute.

  I returned the gesture while Urn took his place on my right, and the burly mage had arrived with his new rifle and magazines as his only weapon of choice. Once Kurna finished kissing the spice lady goodbye for about five minutes, he hopped aboard, and I glanced sidelong at Urn out of curiosity.

  To my surprise, the burly mage had a smirk on his face.

  “What?” Urn snorted. “He cried like a baby to get Lilith. I’m not a crier. I prefer a woman who leaves her man to bottle up his feelings as he sees fit.”

  “You’ll find her,” I assured him, and Urn chuckled in agreement as he boarded the train.

  Then I took a last look around the deserted town as I scanned to be sure the flooding was in hand, and Haragh and I exchanged a nod before we strolled down the platform.

  We only made it halfway to the front car before we heard the rumble of an engine up ahead, though, and we slowed to a stop when another train pulled in and blocked the tracks.

  “What the hell?” I sighed as the driver cut the engine.

  Then the largest breasts this world
would ever see stepped out with three leather-clad sex boys on a leash, and a hundred bone-laded cannibals followed behind with pleasant smiles on their faces.

  “Son of a bitch,” Haragh growled, and I choked on my laughter as Chonna blew a kiss to her son.

  Chapter 18

  “No,” Haragh refused for the tenth time, and I leaned back as far as I could to avoid getting petted on the head any more by his mom.

  “Chonna,” I muttered, “I really do have plenty of soldiers, and while I appreciate the unexpected offer, I don’t need--”

  “This is war,” Chonna purred as she settled for stroking my chest instead. “This is what the Children of Siraos do best.”

  I swallowed hard as I eyed the chiseled points of her teeth, but my eyes just kept dropping to her enormous breasts no matter how much I tried not to look. Rain had started to pool in the bed of her cleavage, too, and even though half my brain was reminding me this woman ate raw human meat, the other half kept telling me to lap the puddle up like a good dog.

  It didn’t help that Chonna kept openly eyeing my junk as if she could see straight through my pants, but every time she brazenly let her wandering hands slide lower, Haragh slapped her wrist.

  “No!” Haragh snapped again. “Back to your train!”

  “Is your father here?” Chonna asked.

  Haragh and I didn’t skip a beat as we replied in unison. “Nope.”

  Then the warlord smirked, and she tipped her nose toward the train windows to smell him out. I could have sworn I heard an “oh, shit” in one of the cars, and I assumed the heavy thud that came after was Haragh’s dad hitting the floor.

  “Mom, get back on that train, or me and Mason are maulin’ every one of those sex boys,” Haragh informed her. “Don’t think we won’t.”

  “Can I watch?” his mother purred.

  That was Haragh’s limit, though, and as the half-ogre abruptly turned tail and stormed off, Chonna brought her chiseled smile within inches of my face. Now, the unfathomable breasts were crushed against me, and my feet filled with lead as I instinctively leaned into them.

  “You look like a man who could use a savage woman in his life,” the warlord informed me. “Did you know it’s tradition for my pets to endure a sound flogging after battle? I use hook-tipped scourges to make sure the pain is unbearable, and then I reward them by slowly licking the blood away to honor their devotion to my--”

  “L-Last car’s open!” I yelped as I ducked under her staff, and I barreled through her army of cannibals without stopping. “Just sit on the cargo we’ve got in there and, uh… don’t break anything!”

  Then I ordered her driver to get the hell out of the way, and Bagneera started our engine as I dove into my private quarters.

  I nearly slammed my legs in the door from how quickly I shut it behind me, and my women giggled as I scuttled my way back to my feet.

  “Hey,” I panted. “Chonna’s here. She brought her cannibals.”

  “We heard,” Aurora chuckled. “Nulena thinks she’s fantastic.”

  “Of course, she does,” I snorted.

  “Fantastic to look at,” Nulena clarified. “If she so much as raises a scourge toward you, I’ll use her own teeth to remove her eyeballs, feed her meat to her sex boys, and mount her breasts on her sacrificial statue for Siraos. He would adore the gesture.”

  “I love you,” I sighed as I dropped into the seat beside the Baroness, and I kissed her until the train was in motion to keep from checking over my shoulder every few minutes.

  Once I was certain Chonna was contained at the opposite end of the train, I was able to relax, and it looked like we had left Rekekis’ storm back in Falmount while Bagneera drove us east at top speed. I could hear our troops arguing about which army would prove the most effective at the siege, and Stan was doing yoga on the bench by the window while Solana took a power nap.

  I mostly focused on my women, though, as they gushed over finally being able to slaughter with abandon again.

  I let them amp each other up for a few more minutes while I gauged how optimistic they were feeling, and when I decided it was safe to join in on the conversation, I cleared my throat.

  “Now that we’re all on our way to this siege, I’d like to go over the basic steps of the attack itself,” I began.

  “Step one, gratuitous violence,” Deya announced.

  “Step two, mass slaughter,” Cayla chuckled.

  “Step three, blood bath,” Aurora added.

  “And step four, mutilate a bitch,” Shoshanne said with a blushy sigh.

  “Pretty much,” I agreed, “but we’re mixing up step one a little bit this time.”

  “How so?” Nulena asked while she helped Cayla line her belt with magazines.

  “Well, before I continue, I’ll just say this is already approved by our generals, and it’s decided on, so I’m not changing anything,” I clarified. “Step one is me destroying every rune in the grounds, and then leading the charge. Alone.”

  Shoshanne’s fist slammed against the table as every serrated dagger popped up into the air. “You said we would battle together!”

  “We will for steps two through ten!” I quickly assured her. “But step one is a solo mission, and it’s for the safety of our troops, so it’s happening.”

  “Mason,” Aurora said in a low tone. “I am capable of shutting this engine down with a wave of my hand, so I suggest you explain yourself in a finite amount of time.”

  I nodded at once, and then I prattled off my entire plan and reasoning to the tiniest detail while my five women kept their eyes locked on me, and when I finished, Deya nodded.

  “This is a fun plan,” the elf decided. “It sounds sexy!”

  “Very sexy,” Cayla chuckled. “I’ve been wet since he left the tree line.”

  “Same,” Nulena murmured.

  I furrowed my brow. “Really? You’re okay with this?”

  “I think it’s so daring!” Shoshanne admired.

  “A little against the grain, even,” Aurora said as she patted her belly. “This is where our baby gets his rebel energy from.”

  I nodded in confusion as I carefully eyed each of my women, but none of them seemed to be secretly plotting my containment.

  “Alright,” I muttered. “Glad we talked this over.”

  “Nulena, you will be prepared to save his soul should he die, yes?” Deya asked.

  “Of course,” the Baroness said with a shrug.

  And there it was. The only reason they were cool with my plan.

  “Okay, I’m going to speak slowly just to be sure you all understand me,” I announced. “Under no circumstance will I ever be okay with Nulena saving my mortal ass by disrupting the fabric of the cosmos and throwing dozens of worlds into oblivion. You do not have my support in this matter.”

  “We know,” Shoshanne assured me. “That’s why I’m so relieved Nemris understands the importance of your survival.”

  “What?” I asked.

  “It’s clear she respects your opinion as well as ours,” Aurora pointed out. “This just goes to show how righteous she really is.”

  “I agree,” Cayla said with a nod. “It’s a win-win for everyone.”

  “What’s a win-win?” I clarified.

  “All of it,” Deya said with a shrug. “Nulena saves your life so our family never has to go without its demon daddy, and then you impregnant Nemris, so you don’t have to fret over the worlds that get destroyed for you. Everyone is happy, and you can live forever.”

  The elf nodded curtly before she went back to deciding which daggers to use, and while Shoshanne and Aurora began discussing the length of the spikes on their various flails, I just sat there.

  I sat there and stared at the five women who carried on with their day without a care in the world, and when I realized I truly had no words, I decided to go lie down for a while.

  Then I stared up at the ceiling from the bed instead, and when my women inevitably cuddled up with me, I let them
kiss me and touch me all over as their giggles drifted around the train car. When Nulena began sucking on my dick, I made no protests, and when my women insisted it was only fair that everyone get to give me a pre-battle blow job, I just nodded in agreement.

  Around my third climax, I decided it didn’t matter.

  None of this mattered. I wasn’t going to die today, and as long as I continued living like a sane person who respected their mortality, who really cared if my women didn’t mind shattering the cosmos for me?

  With my dick throbbing halfway down their throats, the concept was kind of cute. Plus, I’d be lying if I said the idea of getting Nemris pregnant a few more times wasn’t keeping me rock hard through all of these blow jobs.

  So, I let each of my women come back for seconds while the others murmured into my ears about all the positions they wanted to celebrate our victory with later, and when the train came to a stop in the forest outside the fortress, I was more than prepared for battle.

  Drained from the waist down, but prepared.

  By the time we were all armored up again, the dwarves were already assembling the catapults outside, and I would have lent a hand, but they honestly had a timely system. My fifty Boms were standing at attention beside the tracks with my three snatchers patrolling the area, too, and I sent Venkman to scout out the jungle while Egon took the base of the mountains, and Ray covered our backs in the forest.

  Then I gathered mine and the dwarven generals, Grot, Captain Huntley, and General Ralot of the knights of Rainard. Stan and his dragon took a post on my shoulder while two elves from each House joined us as well, but when Chonna sauntered over, everyone stared at the assless loin cloths of the three sex boys she brought along with her.

  I loudly cleared my throat. “As you all know, we’re staking out along the three borders of the Master’s ground. Huntley, you’ll take half the soldiers from Cedis into the ridge along the base of the mountains. Our silencing runes only extend three-quarters of the way to the fortress, though, so don’t proceed beyond that point. There’s a large outcropping with three shards of obsidian pointing straight toward the sky, and the final rune is engraved there.”


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