Parker (Striking Back #3)

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Parker (Striking Back #3) Page 2

by S. M. Shade

  A waitress I don’t recognize approaches our table. “What can I get you, honey?”

  “Jack and Coke. Make it two, please,” I reply, waving to Alex as he comes through the door.

  “You got it.” She shuffles away in her too high heels, and I get a chance to check out her ass. Not bad. The sight of her long dark hair makes me think of the new woman at Striking Back. Macy. Long black hair, pale skin and coffee colored eyes. I had to keep reminding myself she’s a resident. Completely off limits. I may be a jerk who sleeps around, but I’d never take advantage of the women we help.

  Alex thanks our waitress, settling on the stool across from me. “Cooper’s on his way to join us. Try not to be yourself.”

  “Relax, I won’t embarrass you in front of your boyfriend.”

  “Not my boyfriend. Yet, anyway. But I like him.”

  “You fuck him yet?”

  Alex shakes his head like he’s fed up with me, but his lips twitch up. He’s caught a lot of shit in his life for being into men, so I know the fact we can talk about his sex life just like we do mine makes him happy. I don’t know why men are so squeamish about anal sex when most have taken a woman that way. And really, an asshole is an asshole.

  “A couple of times.” A light blush travels across his cheeks. We may be twins, but Alex and I couldn’t be more different. You know how they always say to watch out for the quiet types? They’re talking about my brother.

  Compassionate to a fault, he comes off as shy, but has a worse temper than me and Mason combined. “Have you heard from Mason today?” he asks, changing the subject and signaling the waitress for two more drinks.

  “A few hours ago. He’s pretty torn up, just wants to be left alone.” What a weekend. Our charity waterpark day turned into a disaster when some psycho tried to drown Everly, Mason’s girlfriend. Then Mason calls this afternoon to tell me he had to tell her about our underground operation.

  “Well, his girlfriend accused him of trafficking girls. That’s got to sting. We should check on him tomorrow.” A slim man with wavy brown hair heads toward our table. “This pretty boy has to be your guy,” I tease, nodding toward him as he makes his way around the dance floor.

  “Say anything inappropriate and I’ll tell every chick in this place you have crabs and three illegitimate kids,” he mumbles under his breath while smiling at his date. They hug and Alex gestures to me. “Cooper, meet my brother, Parker.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Cooper grins, showing a dimple in his cheek. “You’d never know you two are twins.”

  It’s true Mason and I look more alike with our dark hair and blue eyes. When we were kids, I used to tell Alex he was found in a dumpster and that’s why he has blond hair and brown eyes. “Not his fault the handsome gene skipped him,” I reply.

  Cooper laughs and throws his arm around Alex. “Looks like there was plenty to go around.”

  Alex grins and kisses him. That’s my cue. “It was nice meeting you, Cooper, but there’s a woman on the dance floor waiting for me to make her night.”

  As I walk away, I hear Alex snort when Cooper asks, “His girlfriend is here?”

  I’m not exactly the monogamous type. I tried that once and it blew up in my face. I have no desire to do that again, but that doesn’t mean I don’t need to get laid. And the blonde sizing me up and shaking her ass will work just fine to meet that need.

  It turns out her name is Susie and she’s only in town one more night. Perfect. Within an hour, we’re on our way to her hotel room. I know what people say about me, that I’m a manwhore, a male slut. But I don’t feed a woman any bullshit promises, so if we both want the same thing—to get off—I don’t see the harm.

  Two seconds after we step through the door, I pin her to the wall and drag my lips down her neck. A faint smell of flowers mixed with sweat fills my nostrils. She shudders and presses her groin into mine.

  A low moan rattles her throat when my hands slide under her skirt and she wastes no time unzipping, letting it fall into my hands. She whimpers when I roll her nipples between my fingers and murmur, “Tell me what you want.”

  “Just fuck me, please.”

  “You got it, baby.” Rolling on a condom takes less than a second.

  A nervous giggle escapes her when I bend her over the bed and pull down her panties. It quickly turns to a moan as I sink inside her. “You okay, babe?”

  “God, yes.”

  Her hands grip the bedspread as I pound into her fast and hard until her pussy contracts around me. Her shrill cry puts a smile on my face. Is there any more powerful feeling than making a woman come?

  After my release, I dispose of the condom in the nearby trash can and stretch out beside her on the bed, grinning at the blissed out expression on her face. “That was amazing,” she breathes, dragging a finger down my chest. “I really needed it.”

  My hand lands on her hip while I try to decide whether I want to fuck her again. It’ll probably lead to me having to stay the night, which is the last thing I want. “It was great for me too, baby.”

  She looks torn for a moment before whispering, “I do have a very early flight to catch.”

  Ha! She’s kicking me out! “I understand. I’d better get going. Have a safe trip home.”

  A smile breaks across my face as I walk down the hotel hallway. How lucky can a guy get? No uncomfortable discussion about staying over or request for a phone number. I’m not a total dick. I stay if they want me to, even though I hate sleeping in the same bed. It’s impossible to fall asleep with a chick wrapped around me while I lie there sweating and choking on her perfume.

  It’s almost two a.m. when I fall into my bed, sated and satisfied.

  The next couple of days pass quickly. Alex and I manage to drag Mason out of his stupor of self-pity and alcohol. I never thought I’d see him that blown out over a chick. I can’t give him shit for it, though. I know how it feels to have a woman tear out your heart and hand it to you.

  Mason was there when my high school girlfriend taught me a lesson I’ll never forget. Love is bullshit. The only good things in life are a good fight, a good meal and a good fuck.

  My muscles scream their protest of last night’s workout when I roll out of bed. It’s nothing a hot shower won’t fix, but I’ll have to make it quick. Striking Back has a day trip to Eagle Creek planned, and I’ve been drafted.

  Not that I mind helping out, but I prefer the middle of the night rescues and fights to providing security. I feel like a glorified babysitter. At least I’m meeting them there and not stuck driving the van.

  When I arrive, Jensen waves at me from a picnic table where he’s watching over the playground. “Hey, Park, there’s a group wanting to walk to the lake and fish. Want to go with them or watch the kids?”

  “The rugrats are all yours, buddy,” I say with a laugh and receive a surreptitious middle finger.

  Luckily, one of the women knows her stuff when it comes to fishing and gets everyone set up. I’ve never been the outdoors type. I can bait the hook, cast, and reel it in. That’s about it. My fishing experience is limited to video games.

  After chatting with the women for a bit, I notice Macy sitting under a tree a few feet away, a laptop balanced on her crossed legs. “Who brings a laptop to go fishing?” I tease, standing over her.

  Sweet brown eyes peek up at me. “I could lie and say I feel sorry for the fish, but the truth is much more girly. I don’t want to touch the worm. Plus, I have work to do.”

  “What kind of work do you do?” I ask, sitting beside her.

  “Copywriting and editing.”

  “Funny, you don’t sound like a grammar nerd.”

  “It doesn’t spill over into my conversations,” she agrees with a laugh. “I’m guilty of saying ain’t, or different than instead of different from.”

  “You rebel,” I taunt, and she throws a leaf at me.

  Shadows shift across her face as she grins up at me. “Shouldn’t you be patrolling the perimeter or some
thing, Mr. Bodyguard?”

  “Are you trying to get rid of me?”

  A light blush sweeps across her pale cheeks. “Of course not. I’ve had worse company.”

  “I’m going to take that as a compliment.”

  “You do that.” Her gaze follows two runners as they jog past on a trail circling the lake.

  “It’s kind of hot to be running,” I remark. The humidity is sky high today and the sun seems too close, baking the dry grass. It looks like we’re headed for another drought.

  “I like to run in the evening or early morning when it’s cool.”

  My eyes travel over her fit little body. She’s petite, tiny really. “You’re a runner?”

  “I haven’t had a chance since coming to S.B. of course, but I used to.” Her eyes widen and her cheeks grow pinker. “Not that I’m not grateful to be there. I mean, you guys have been amazing and…”

  I lay my hand on hers. “Relax, I know. No one wants to end up here with us. Maybe I could come run with you. You’d be safe if we stay together.” I’m shocked at the words coming out of my mouth. Why did I offer that? I’m too affected by this woman. It’s not just her beauty—and Christ she is beautiful—but I enjoy just talking to her.

  “Oh, I couldn’t ask you to do that!” she exclaims, shaking her head.

  “It’s no problem. I need to work out too, you know. This kind of sexy doesn’t just happen.”

  Laughing, she shoves my shoulder. “If you think you can keep up with me.”

  “Tomorrow morning? Six o’clock?” I suggest.

  “Sounds great.”

  We spend the afternoon talking and joking while her laptop lies forgotten in the grass beside her.

  * * * *

  My alarm blares at five-thirty a.m. What the hell was I thinking? The only time I’m up before eight in the morning is if I’m still up. Coffee is all I can manage this early before I drive across town to meet Macy at S.B.

  She’s too damn cute sitting at the counter wearing a pair of pajama pants and a tee shirt, all sleep rumpled and sexy. It makes her look younger, more innocent, and I just want to dirty her up. Sipping a cup of coffee, she flashes me a sheepish smile. “Give me five minutes, okay? I just woke up.”

  “No hurry. I’m dragging ass this morning too.”

  Ms. Den greets me with a knowing grin as she enters to prepare breakfast. “Good morning, Parker. You’re up early.”

  “Going for a jog,” I reply, trying to sound nonchalant.

  “I heard.”

  Macy scoots off her stool. “Excuse me, I need to get dressed. I promise to help with lunch, Ms. Den.”

  “Have a good run, dear.” Ms. Den turns her wise eyes in my direction. “Never knew you were a runner.” An impish grin creases her face.

  “Do you think legs like these occur naturally? It takes hard work and a rigorous workout schedule.”

  “Uh-huh. Save the bullshit, boy. I’ve shoveled more than my share. Just watch out for her. She’s a real sweet girl who doesn’t need anything rigorous while she’s trying to heal.”

  “It’s just a run.” I give her a quick hug. “And I’ll guard her with my life.”

  “That I believe,” she replies with a chuckle.

  Everyone loves Ms. Den. The motherly role she assumes is comforting to our residents, and to me if I’m being honest. She treats me and my brothers like her own.

  “Ready,” Macy announces, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. Shit. This may have been a mistake. For a short girl, she’s all legs. Tan, lean, killer legs that poke out from a small pair of black gym shorts. The white straps of her sport bra peek out each side of her red v-neck tee, and I can’t keep my eyes from grazing across her full breasts.

  “Let’s hit it,” I mumble, trying to think of anything but her tight little body. My thin cotton shorts will never hide a hard-on.

  We start out with a slow jog. “Want to run along the river?” she asks.

  “Sure.” A paved trail travels alongside the canal and continues to follow White River. We fall into a companionable silence, only the sound of our shoes pounding the pavement disturbs the morning stillness.

  A small relieved smile settles on her face as she takes in the scenery. It’s the most relaxed I’ve seen her, like a huge weight has been lifted from her chest. My breath heats up when she increases her speed, and I fall in step with her. The girl can run.

  “Do you have a goal?” I ask.

  “Is five miles too much for you?”

  “Just try to keep up, kid.”

  Sunlight bathes her glossy black hair, making it shine. Giggling, she speeds up and we race along the bank of the river for nearly three miles. When we come to a small picnic area, she plops onto a bench and drains half her water bottle. “Want some?”

  Oh fuck do I want some. Off limits. Off limits. I can’t hang out with this woman again. It’s too risky. “Thank you,” I reply, taking a drink.

  “Are you in a hurry? Do you have to get to work?”

  “I am at work,” I tease, and a slight frown mars her face. “I didn’t mean hanging out with you is work. I don’t really keep regular hours. When Striking Back needs me, I get a call and go where I’m asked. Today, I’m checking out the site of the new shelter Mason’s having built.”

  Getting to our feet, we start a slow jog back. “Mason’s building another shelter?”

  “Yeah, he wants to move S.B. to a more secure location. As long as he doesn’t try to move our gym, I’m fine with it.”

  As we round a curve, she pulls ahead of me, and I try not to look at her tight little ass flexing. Tiny hairs stick to the nape of her sweaty neck. “Ev told me about your gym. I’d like to see it sometime.”

  Purposely ignoring her hint for an invitation, I nod toward our building. “We’re back. You kept up pretty good. I’m impressed.” She could outrun me any day and I’m sure she knows it.

  My teasing makes her roll her eyes. “I’m not the one who’s winded. Same time tomorrow?”

  “Um…I have an early appointment tomorrow. I’ll have to let you know, okay?” My hands run through my sweaty hair as I escort her inside.

  “Sure,” she replies flippantly. “I should get some work done before lunch. Thanks for playing bodyguard.” I can feel her closing herself off, pulling away, and I know I’ve probably hurt her feelings by ignoring her comment about the gym and blowing off tomorrow’s jog. I feel bad, but she’s better off. The last thing she needs is me screwing with her head.

  Chapter Two


  I made a complete fool out of myself with Parker. The poor guy was just doing his job, protecting me while I jogged, and I read too much into it. After my pathetic attempt at wrangling an invitation to his gym, he doesn’t even want to run with me again.

  I can’t say I blame him. I’m sure there’s a line he can’t cross with the women at S.B. and he doesn’t need me drooling over him. My leering must not have been as subtle as I thought, but, damn, those sweaty muscles flexing and pulling set my brain to stupid.

  I’ve been at Striking Back for almost three weeks. Though I’ve been able to keep up with my work, I really need a day in the office. I rent a small space for myself and my P.A. Janet. Business has been good as word of mouth has spread about the editing services I provide for Indie authors. I’ve had to postpone meetings with prospective clients and that’s no good.

  Mason’s in his office, but he looks so grouchy I hate to approach him. A forced smile raises his lips and he says, “Macy, how are you?”

  “Doing well, thanks. How are you?”

  “Fine,” he replies. “What can I do for you?”

  “I need to go back to work at my office, at least for a few days. Al hasn’t tried to contact me for a while so I doubt he’ll try anything.”

  Mason frowns. “Don’t let your guard down. It may be what he wants. Where’s your office located?”

  “Speedway Plaza.”

  “Okay, I’ll arrange for security t
o accompany you and we’ll see how it goes. Promise me if you see him you’ll call the police. The restraining order prevents him from coming within five hundred feet of you, and he still has an outstanding warrant for assaulting you.”

  “Of course.” I stare him in his sad eyes. “Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me. I wish there was a way to repay you.”

  “You’re more than welcome. Just keep yourself safe and listen to your security guard.”

  “I will.”

  Jensen arrives the next morning to escort me to my office. He’s a giant, wall of a man with lightly tanned skin and dark serious eyes. “Your P.A. is the only other person in your workplace?” he asks, steering the car onto the highway.

  “Yes, her office is across from mine. She won’t be in until ten.”

  “Does anyone else have access?”

  “No. Janet and I have the only keys. It’s a tiny space. A few couches in the lobby, our offices, and a bathroom.”

  “Back door?”

  “Fire door, but it stays locked.”

  “I’ll need to make sure.”

  “Of course.” Jensen pulls into the tiny parking lot and escorts me to the door. How do I say this without offending him or sounding ungrateful? “Do you have to…you know, hover over me all day? I have clients coming in and it may be unsettling for them.” Not to mention it’ll drive me insane.

  His laugh is deep as he shakes his head. “I’ll make sure the exits are secure, then watch the door from my car. My number is programmed into your cell. If he calls, I want to know immediately.”

  “I promise.” He follows me inside after I unlock the door, re-locking it behind me. After checking the fire door and looking in the bathroom and both offices, he returns to the lobby.

  “Keep your cell on you. Call me if you need anything or decide you’d feel safer with me inside.”

  “I just want to get things back to normal as much as I can,” I explain.

  “I understand.”

  “I really appreciate this. You have to let me take you to lunch. The place down the street makes a burger the size of your head.”


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