No Stakes Allowed

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No Stakes Allowed Page 6

by Laura Greenwood

  "How have you managed this when I'm not allowed to be out of the room during daylight?" I ask.

  "We'll be back before then," he promises. "We still have a few hours, plenty of time for what I have planned."

  Even more curious. We fall into a comfortable silence, neither of us feeling the need to break it. A small smile plays on my lips. I'm going on a date. It's hard to believe it. I've never been on one before. There's never been any reason to. I can't say I thought that would change when I met Bryce, either, and yet it has.

  I stumble over air, almost falling to the floor. I fling out my arms to try and find some balance. One of my hands scrapes against the rough stone of the wall, and Bryce grasps the other one.

  "Lily!" he half-shouts,

  Something about the desperation in his voice causes my vision to blur. Oh no, not now. We have a date to get to, the last thing I want is to delay that for a vision.

  But by now, I know I can't put it off, it's going to happen whether I like it or not.

  I clutch my hands to my stomach, but there's no pain yet. Maybe this vision is different from the other ones I've been having? It doesn't seem likely, as this one hasn't yet come to pass, but I suppose I can live in hope.

  "Lily," Emma says.

  I look up to find her walking towards me with a determined expression on her face. What's this about? One glance behind me confirms what I already know is true, Bryce isn't around, which is odd in itself given the number of people in the corridor. Perhaps he's been stopped from getting to me? Either that, or we've argued and he refuses to talk to me. Without any context, I'm not sure.

  "Lily," Emma repeats.

  I pull my attention back to her, only to see the glint of a knife too late. With one firm stab, she drives it into my stomach and twists. Pain sears through me.

  "Lily!" This time it's Bryce's voice calling my name, and he seems genuinely distraught. Probably not an argument then.

  "Why?" I whisper through the pain.

  She doesn't say anything, but a sadistic smile stretches across her face.

  The vision fades, and I start gasping for breath.

  "Are you all right?" Bryce asks, his hand still comforting on my arm.

  I nod, unsure what else to do, and lean into him.

  "Did you have a vision?" he asks.

  "Yes." There's no point lying to him, he's seen it happen a couple of times, and he's the observant type, he'll have worked out the signs. Unfortunately.

  "What did you see?" Concern is clear in his eyes, but for some reason, I don't want to tell him the new things I've seen, though I'm not sure why. I should, that way, he can be on his guard.

  "Nothing new," I find myself saying, then cursing myself for doing so. I need to trust him. And I'm a fool for not doing.

  He frowns, probably because he doesn't believe me. "You can tell me anything," he promises.

  "I know."


  "Can we carry on to what you have planned?" I ask weakly. "I don't want anything to ruin the night."

  He considers me for a moment, then he nods and holds out an arm for me. I slip mine through, secretly glad of the support it'll give me. My whole body is still shaking slightly from my vision. I don't often see them as vividly about myself, and it's shaken me, especially as I know there's very little I can do about them other than wait them out.

  "We're here," he says, pushing open the door to a classroom I've never been in before.

  I gasp loudly as I step inside. "It's beautiful. I haven't seen the stars in what feels like forever."

  I don't have to look at Bryce to know he's smiling. "And I'm sure you didn't have much time to look at them before."

  A dark laugh escapes me. "I certainly didn't. There wasn't any time for romance."

  "So you haven't..."

  I flash him a wry smile. "I've spent the night with someone before, if that's what you're asking." Though not that often. Most of the hunters assumed I had something going with Ravi, and stayed clear for that reason. They couldn't have been more wrong. I'd never have touched Ravi in a full hazmat suit. Especially because I knew how he was really getting his pleasure.

  "But dates?"

  "You mean going out for a meal?"

  He nods.

  "No. The only people I ever met were hunters, and none of us ever had any money," I admit.

  "They didn't pay you?" He gestures towards a pile of bean bags as he asks, presumably so I can take a seat.

  I flop down into one and lean back, staring up at the projection of the night sky he's set up. It's beautiful, though it makes me long for the real outside.

  "No, they never paid us," I say eventually. "We were nothing more than slaves to the guild. We killed when they told us to, ate when we were told to, everything."

  "Just like we're doing to you," he says as he drops down onto the bean bags next to me and leans back.

  I shrug, causing the bag behind me to rustle loudly. "I'm used to it."

  "That's a terrible thing to say."

  "Aren't you going through the same thing?" I ask, recalling what he said about his own past.

  "I had some freedom in the City Of Blood," he assures me. "The first seventeen years of my life weren't much different from a lot of people's. I went to school, hung out with friends, did normal teenage stuff. It only changed when Dad got higher up the ranks."

  "But once you escaped, you were controlled by the den," I point out.

  "I suppose. But I was allowed to roam around the main complex, and after I've finished my service as your bodyguard, I believe I'll have more freedom still."

  I wonder if the same will be true for me? Will I be able to prove myself trustworthy enough to roam free? Somehow, I doubt it'll be that simple, but a girl can dream, right?

  "I have to check in with Dimitri in a few days, I thought I could ask about some of your restrictions being lifted, then we can go outside and see the stars from the grounds," Bryce says after another moment.

  I shift on the bean bags so I'm facing him, ignoring the stars for a moment. "Are you serious?"

  "Why wouldn't I be?" he asks.

  I frown. I suppose that's a good question. "Sorry, I'm not used to people being nice to me."

  "I'm sorry about that." He glances away from me.

  "It's not your fault," I assure him. "I was a hunter, you're a vampire, a little friction is to be expected."

  "That's no excuse. All I can think is how it would feel if our positions had reversed."

  "But they are," I point out. "You're also away from everything you've ever known. Just because the people that controlled us were different, doesn't mean what we went through wasn't similar."

  "Have you always been so wise?" he jokes.

  "It comes from being made a killer before ten years old," I mutter darkly.

  "I'm sorry."

  I shrug. "Don't be. It isn't your fault, and it's something I'm slowly coming to terms with. I don't think I'll ever fully forgive myself for the things I did, but I didn't choose the path I was sent down. I'm not a killer in my soul, even if I've dealt the fatal blow more times than I can count."

  To my surprise, he sits up. I follow suit, unsure what he's planning.

  "This isn't the kind of conversation I had planned for our date," he admits.

  I let out a light laugh. "No, I can't imagine it's normal dating small talk. We can change the subject if you want to?"

  He nods. "One second." He pulls his tablet from his bag and clicks a few buttons.

  A soft melody fills the room. It's hauntingly beautiful. I don't know a lot about music, I've never had a chance to learn, but I do know this is classical.

  "Is your change of subject to drown out anything I'm saying?" I joke.

  Bryce chuckles. "Not at all, but I thought dancing under the stars would be something you'd never done before," he admits sheepishly.

  A wide grin spreads over my face, and I'm on my feet within seconds. "You're right. I haven't, but that sounds wonderf

  He joins me, then holds out his arms. I step into them, conscious of how close the two of us are now.

  "I don't know how to dance." The words sound strange, as if I know I shouldn't be having to say them. But it's true. I've never had a chance to learn.

  "That's okay. We can just sway." He pulls me close, and the two of us begin to move back and forth.

  There are no steps to the dance, which only serves to make it more intimate. I'm not even sure we're moving in time with the music. But I don't care. There's something wonderful about this moment that I don't have a name for. It's so pure. Nothing matters. Not our pasts, or even our futures. It's all about us.

  I pull back ever so slightly and meet Bryce's gaze. Neither of us say anything, but deep down, I know we're thinking the same thing. He leans in, his breath fanning against my lips. I have no doubts about what's going to happen next.

  Bryce presses his lips against mine, tentatively at first, as if he's trying to work out whether or not he has permission to do this. I kiss him back instantly, granting him it and demanding more. His arm snakes around my waist, tugging me closer. I go willingly, our bodies now tight against one another. The blood pounds through my veins, but I don't worry for a moment about him being tempted by it. I can trust him with this. Nothing he can do will harm me.

  Three years ago, if anyone had asked if I thought I could fall for a vampire, I'd have laughed in their face. If someone asks me the same question tonight, I'll have to admit I already have.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I hum to myself as I walk down the corridor to the library, only noticing when I'm most of the way there that it's the same song Bryce played for me the other night. I've caught myself humming it a couple of times, and can't bring myself to stop. I can't help the way it makes me feel.

  I dodge around the other students, trying not to draw too much attention to myself while Bryce isn't with me. He has a conference with Dimitri, and I need to do some research, so we're seeing how being separate will work for us. As soon as I get to the library, I plan on sending him a message from my tablet to assure him I'm there. I don't want to get him into any kind of trouble if I can help it.

  The number of students in the corridors thins as I approach my destination. Most of them have disappeared off to their last lesson of the day. I should have thought about coming here earlier in the evening, but I forgot. Despite having lived with vampires since the guild was destroyed, I'm still not used to the nocturnal rhythm. I'm not sure how they do it. Perhaps something in their blood helps them cope. I'm not sure if even they know.

  I slip through the door and into the library. I glance around to check if there's anyone I know and want to avoid about. The last thing I need is to run into someone who'll take up my time and energy. It's only when I'm scanning the room a second time that I notice Emma talking to the boy who tried to attack me. Carlton, I think his name is. What can the two of them have to talk about? As far as I'm aware, they aren't friends.

  No. I should leave them alone. The only reason I'm even remotely interested is because I'm suspicious of Emma after my vision. I'm not sure what reason she can have for attacking me.

  Spurred on by the feeling that I should be doing something about this, I creep around to that side of the library, being careful not to let myself be seen by the wrong people. If someone says my name and they're listening, this is all over before it's begun. If they're talking about anything they're not supposed to be, that is. For all I know, they're talking about nothing more than the best blood type.

  I drop into a seat at the table next to theirs, my back to them. I never thought I'd be glad for some of the training the guild gave me, but now I'm trying to listen in, I am. I may not have hearing anywhere near as powerful as a vampire's, but that doesn't mean I can't work out what they're saying. I type out a quick message to Bryce, so he knows I'm here, then start paying attention to what the two vampires are saying.

  "...Something needs to be done, Emma. You heard what she did to me," Carlton says.

  Interesting. He's most likely talking about me humiliating me in front of the entire class, then. Good to know it still hurts his ego.

  "I'm not sure there's anything that can be done," Emma responds.

  Hmm. Interesting.

  "She shouldn't be here. She's human." Carlton bangs on the table, as if to enunciate his point.

  "She's got that bodyguard though. I don't think he's a student. Which means he's been appointed by someone," Emma points out. "Is that someone we want to mess with?"

  "It'll only be Dimitri."

  I almost scoff. Since when has Dimitri been an only? He's one of the most politically powerful vampires in the country. I'm not sure about physically, but he certainly has some manpower on his side.

  "I've heard he's an ex-priest," Emma says.

  A priest? How did I not know that? Which means Dimitri is a turned vampire, not a born one. It's surprising he's managed to rise to such prominence given his circumstances, but I suppose he is charming, that'll help.

  "That's what we've heard too," Carlton says. "And we're going to start doing something about Dimitri and his kind."

  "Who is we?"

  I close my eyes and offer up a silent thanks for Emma asking the question I want to know the answer to more than anything.

  "There's a group of us. We're determined to change the way things are run. We don't need people with human sympathies running the vampire dens, we need men, no vampires, of power. Ones who aren't afraid to take control."

  I wish I could see Emma's face. From her silence, I think I can guess what it looks like, but it'd be interesting to know if I'm right or not.

  "Emma..." Carlton's voice almost verges on seductive as he says her name, like he's hoping it'll convince her she needs to listen to him. I half hope she does, but only because it'll mean I can learn more.

  "I don't think it's a good idea, Carlton," she returns. "And you can tell whoever your friends are that I said that too. This is going to end badly, whether you intend it to or not."

  "Wasn't your best friend killed by vampire hunters?" Carlton asks.

  My blood runs cold. I don't need to hear the words to know what he's going to say. He knows my secret, I'm sure of it.

  "Maisie?" Emma's voice betrays the hurt she still feels over the loss. Guilt floods through me. My people caused that, whether I like to think about it or not.

  "Dimitri has sent a vampire hunter into the academy. She's studying among us, being friends with us. She's even living with that bodyguard of hers," Carlton says.

  Oh no. This can't possibly get any worse.

  "Lily?" Apparently, Emma isn't capable of saying anything longer than one word at the moment. I'm sure that'll change soon enough.

  "Yes. One of my friends survived a hunter attack and saw her there."

  A tear rolls down my cheek and splashes onto the screen of my tablet without me realising. When I asked to come here, I didn't think through this as a potential consequence.

  "Are you sure it was her?" Emma asks. She's the only one of the three of us who needs convincing.

  "Absolutely," Carlton answers.

  "But she's so young."

  "They teach them young." At least Carlton's source is telling him the truth, though I'm not sure that's particularly reassuring in the grand scheme of things.

  Emma is silent for what feels like an age. "What do I have to do to join your friends in helping to change this?" she asks after a moment.

  "We'll be in touch," Carlton promises.

  I've heard enough, and I can't risk lingering in the library any longer in case they realise I'm here and do something about it. I'm sure they'll have no qualms in harming me, especially if they've correctly guessed I'm an ex-hunter.

  I rise from my seat and rush out of the library as quickly as I dare. I don't look back. I don't want anyone to see the tears streaming down my cheeks.

  As soon as I'm through the door, I start moving faster, only to end u
p running straight into the solid chest of someone.

  "I'm sorry," I murmur, pushing away from him.

  "Lily? Are you okay?" Bryce asks.

  I relax, realising I'm safe if he's here. I shake my head. "Not here," I whisper through my tears even as I wipe them away with my sleeve.

  "There's an empty classroom down the hall," he promises, and takes my hand in his. He leads me to it, and we're shut away from the world within moments. "What happened?" he asks.

  "They know I'm an ex-hunter," I whisper. "And they're planning on trying to usurp Dimitri." Those are the two most important parts of the conversation as far as I'm concerned.

  "They know about your past? How?" Concern comes through his words. "And who?"

  "At least Carlton and Emma, though the way he was talking, there are more people who do," I ramble.


  "Someone saw me at an attack where someone got away, and they recognise me. But that's not important but, Bryce. They're going to try and usurp Dimitri. They think he has too many human sympathies," I ramble.

  "Hey, it's okay." He reaches out and pulls me into a tight hug before dropping a gentle kiss on the top of my head.

  I take a deep breath, surprised to find his gestures are already working to calm me.

  "I've just spoken to Dimitri, we can talk to him and get this sorted out. But no more going around the academy without me," he says.

  I sniff, but nod into his chest anyway.

  "I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you," he says softly.

  "Nothing happened," I promise. "I only overheard them talking."

  "That's good," he assures me. "If they don't know you heard, then we have time to get a warning to the others."

  I relax against him, happy to have someone else taking charge, but only because he's keeping me in the loop.

  "We'll be okay, Lily, I promise."

  I hope he's right. Because without Dimitri, I won't be the only one in danger. All of the other ex-hunters, not to mention some of the refugees from the City Of Blood, and countless humans will be in danger, and that's never going to be a good thing.

  Chapter Fifteen


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