Until You're Mine

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Until You're Mine Page 3

by Langston, K.

  Releasing me, she kissed me on the cheek and walked away. I took a slow, steady breath. This was it.

  Do or die.

  Just as Holden had promised, he led Maddie around the dance floor one final time. Reckless Heart sang a beautiful rendition of Who You Love, and my eyes filled with tears. They were so perfect for one another. Maddie had finally found her happily ever…

  “I still can’t believe my baby is a married woman now.” Grace Waters said, stepping up next to me. Maddie’s parents had always treated me like one of their own. My parents loved me, but Big E and Grace got me. They accepted me for who I was and loved me unconditionally. Unlike my parents, whose love came with unreasonable conditions.

  “Holden’s a good man.” Grace stated, gazing at her new son-in-law.

  “Yes, he is. He’ll take good care of her.”

  “So where’s your man?” she asked, searching the remaining guests.

  Coldness penetrated my blood, replacing the previous warmth.

  “Oh, he’s not mine.”

  “Hmm, that’s not what I see.” Wrapping my arms around my waist, I turned to face her. “I see a man lost, a man who needs to be found.” She reached out, cupping my cheek. “Don’t give up on him. He’s a good one too. Stubborn fool just needs you to show him how to love again.” With a kiss to my cheek she was gone. Grace was a wise woman, but even she couldn’t predict the future or the man that stood just ten feet away from me.

  We bid farewell to Maddie and Holden with sparklers, as they dashed into Elly- destination unknown. Holden had wanted to surprise her. Maddie promised she would call as soon as she could. The suspense was killing us both.

  I found Archer leaning against the passenger side of his blacked out Hummer. One foot crossed over the other, exuding sex, danger, and so many other things I loved and craved.

  “I know exactly what you’re tryin’ to do, and it won’t work.” I said. His arm caught my waist, pulling me to his chest.

  “And just what is it that I’m tryin’ to do?” he smirked, knowing damn well what he was up to.

  “Trap me. Put me in a position where it’s impossible for me to say no.” The shameless glint in his eyes spoke the truth.

  “How ‘bout this…I promise not to do anything you aren’t beggin’ me to do. Work for you?”

  I’d never seen him drink as much as he had tonight. His body was loose beneath my touch. Not the tense muscle it normally was.

  “Nothing is gonna happen.”

  “We’ll see.” he whispered, releasing me.

  The reality of it was my body was already begging. But I wasn’t sure I could go through with it. Could I have sex with a man who had no intentions of ever loving me? I needed him in ways I never thought possible. How had I become so desperate?

  Twenty minutes later, we arrived at his house. The enormous estate was nestled in a thicket of oak trees about a mile off the main road. I’d only been here once, and I was just as overwhelmed then as I was now. I knew he had money. But how much Archer Brooks was worth still remained a mystery. Not that I cared about any of that, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t the least bit curious. The sprawling mansion looked like something you would see on an episode of MTV cribs. All fancy brick and plush manicured landscape, screaming wealth beyond my comprehension.

  Pulling into the four car garage, I parked next to his vintage Porsche, just like the one Jake Ryan drove in Sixteen Candles. Next to it were his Ducati, ATV, and covered boat. My family had a nice home. My brother and I had never wanted for anything growing up, but we were far from rich. Hell, this wasn’t even rich. This was a whole new realm of comfort.

  This was “aire” status with a big ole fat B.

  Following him through the hall from the garage, landed us in the kitchen. “Make yourself at home.”

  I found it hard to shut my mouth as I stepped further into the massive space. “Your house is fuckin’ huge.” There was no other way to put it.

  He sucked a sharp breath through clenched teeth. Invisible heat swarmed all around us, igniting the dormant fire. “When that sweet mouth of yours spits out dirty words like that, it makes me wanna fuck it. Do us both a favor and keep it in check- will ya?”

  The images he evoked made my body tingle with need. “Sorry,”

  “I’m gonna change. There’s a bedroom down the hall there if you need it. Meet me back here in ten.”

  “Then what?” I asked his retreating back.

  He looked over his shoulder, his dark green eyes full of desire and promise. “Then it begins.”

  “What begins?”

  “Our next battle.”


  “Careful sweetheart,” With a smirk that would rival the devil’s own, he walked away.

  After locating what he called a spare bedroom, I quickly changed back into the clothes I’d worn before the wedding. My father had not been pleased with me when I’d shown up at the church with my black leggings, my Jack Daniels t-shirt that I’d cut up and customized myself, and my ankle shackle platform heels. Ok, so maybe I went a little overboard at his expense, but that was the only way I could ever get him to see…me.

  The room was like the rest of the house, vast and completely unnecessary. Why would anyone want a house so big unless you had a large family to fill it? Archer never spoke of his family. Except for Holden and an uncle he mentioned a few times. He was good at keeping people away, especially me. I’d thought about quitting my job several times because the physical pull between us was just too powerful and impossible to ignore. Then he kissed me, changing everything.

  Walking into the large bathroom, I set my cosmetic bag down on the counter. I dug for my makeup remover, remembering our first kiss. That life altering kiss had made me forget about all the other kisses that came before it.

  We’d been arguing. One of the waitresses had shown up late for her shift and Archer chewed her out nine ways to Sunday. He wasn’t disrespectful, just rough and gruff like he always was. He was way too hard on her. Especially since she’d called and told me that her boyfriend had just broken up with her via text, and she was having a hard time keeping it together. That excuse sent Archer through the roof. There were certain things he would not tolerate. Excuses were just one of them. So when I spoke up to defend her, he was none too pleased. He pulled me into his office, slamming the door behind him.

  “What have I told you about talkin’ back?”

  “I didn’t talk back. I simply told you in not so many words that you were being a huge ass.” I folded my arms across my chest while blood simmered in my veins.

  “That’s back talk. Insubordination, actually, and you did it in front of another employee.” he seethed.

  “Hey, if you don’t want me to voice my opinions when you discipline another employee, then don’t have me present when you do it.”

  “You’re her supervisor,” he said, stalking forward two steps.

  “That’s exactly why I spoke up. She called me and told me she would be late. She’s only been late once in the six weeks she’s been here. She’s a hard worker.” I softened my voice, trying for reason.

  “I don’t give one fuck how many times she’s been late. You don’t show up two hours late for your shift on our busiest night of the week. Period.”

  “Her boyfriend of five years broke up with her in a fuckin’ text message.” My anger was back full force.

  He was impossible!

  “Don’t. Fuckin’. Care.”

  Tears stabbed my eyes and I found it hard to swallow. “I see that.” I managed before moving toward the door. I didn’t make it two steps before his arms were wrapped around my waist.

  “Let me go asshole,” I ordered, shoving at his strong arms.

  “What’d you just call me?”

  “Asshole!” I grunted. “Are you deaf?”

  Spinning me around, I stumbled on my feet before he righted me. Both hands shot to the side of my face, holding me in place.

  “What ha
ve I told you about this fuckin’ mouth?”

  His lips crashed against mine, sucking the air right out of me. His peppermint tongue plunged deep inside my mouth and his hands moved up to fist the hair at the nape of neck. He didn’t pull hard, just enough to render a tingling bite. My hands found his back, pulling him closer.

  I wrapped one leg around him, clawing at his back. “What I wouldn’t give to feel those nails diggin’ into my skin,” he mumbled before he angled his head the other way, demanding my mouth once more. “All you gotta do is say the word sweetheart and I’m fuckin’ yours,”

  I knew that wasn’t true. Not the way I wanted him to be anyway.

  Only by the grace of God and one busy Saturday night was I able to walk away from him. Too many times I’d found myself in that very same situation, only to be reminded that I could never have him. Lifting my chin, I resolved for the hundredth time since I’d met him.

  He will be loved.

  Between the two evils,

  I always pick the one I never tried before.

  ~Mae West

  The second she stepped into the kitchen, I looked down at my jersey shorts. The woman was like a fucking magnet and my cock wanted to attach himself permanently.

  Greedy bastard.

  Gritting my teeth, I tried to think about something other than the way that shitty excuse for a shirt hung loose from her shoulder, or the way her hair fell all wild and rumpled around her. Jesus, fuck I needed to be inside of her. To know what those incredible lips would feel like wrapped around my…

  “Hungry?” My voice was strained and tight. It was taking every ounce of control I owned not to fuck her like an animal right here on my shiny hardwood floor. This little sleepover would prove to be the test of a fucking lifetime.

  “Nah,” she said taking a seat on the stool.

  “So, what do you wanna do?” I adjusted my cock.

  I knew what I wanted to do.

  I wanted to rip her goddamn clothes off. She was finally here, in my house, with me.

  Breathe motherfucker.

  She flipped her hair over her shoulder, and took a nervous breathe.

  Right there with ya, baby.

  “Does this palace have a TV? We could watch a movie.” she shrugged, looking around.

  “Do I own a TV?” I scoffed. “Follow me.”

  “Where’re we going?” she questioned, sliding down from the stool.

  Opening the door that led to the basement, I stepped aside and flipped on the light. “What do you have down there? A dungeon?”

  Laughing, I placed my hand at the small of her back. “Trust me, if I had a dungeon, I would chain you up and have my way with you. Just go,” Desire flickered in her eyes and flushed her cheeks. She liked the thought of being restrained.


  She held onto the iron rail as she walked down the dimly lit stairs. The gasp of air once we made it to the bottom was not a surprise.

  “Welcome to my kingdom,”

  Scored concrete floors. Pool table. Mini bar. Big screen TV. Everything I needed was in this room.

  “Wanna drink?” I poured myself a neat glass of Jim. He was always good at calming the beast. With her this close, he was beginning to rattle the goddamn cage.

  “What do you have?”

  “Whatever you want,” My underlying tone did not go unnoticed.

  She smiled knowingly. “Of course you do. Seven and seven will be fine. I should’ve known you would have the man cave to beat all man caves.” she said, running her fingers down the sleek pool table. “Can we play?”

  “Sure, what’s the bet?” I asked, handing over her drink.

  Katherine’s tongue darted out to seize the cocktail straw, taunting me, provoking me.

  Sweet mother of fuck.


  “Yeah, just to make it a bit more…interesting.” I grabbed the box from the shelf and began twisting together my McDermott.

  “Is your special stick supposed to intimidate me?”

  “Not intimidate baby, dominate.” She walked right into that one.

  Clearing her throat, she turned away, carefully inspecting the cues mounted on the wall. She made her choice and walked back to the table. “Alrighty then, what’s the bet?”

  I chalked the end, thinking carefully. “If I win, you have to make me come…with your mouth.” Her face flushed fifty shades of red before she bit down on her bottom lip and walked to the other side of the table, far away from me.

  “And if I win?”

  “I’ll make you come again. But this time, I won’t stop until you’re screamin’ my name.”

  Swallowing hard, she nodded. “Deal, but no sex,”

  “Fine.” I agreed.


  “Wanna break?” I offered with a sly smile.

  “Nah, you go ahead.”

  I had to give her credit, she could play. She even ran the table for a spell, sinking three balls in a row with very little effort. It was killing me to watch her bend over and shoot. Then when she wasn’t taking a shot, she would twirl the ends of her hair around her finger nervously while she watched me. I couldn’t concentrate for shit.

  It wasn’t long before there were only three balls left on the table, two stripes and the eight ball. “Right corner pocket.” I announced before taking my shot.


  She sunk the 6 and 10 in succession, grinning like she had me. Fuck, I hated to lose. In fact, I was a very sore loser. Yet, I couldn’t help but hope she would bank that 8 ball, just so I could feel those hot fucking lips around my…

  “Left corner,” Katherine leaned over the table, lining the tip of her cue.

  I sat my drink down on the edge, bracing myself. Her chocolate eyes were focused and determined, but that all changed the moment she hit the ball. Just as soon as the 8 ball hit the pocket, the cue ball followed right behind it. Well, I’ll be damned.

  There’s a God and he fucking loves me.

  “Shit,” I rounded the table slowly. “We both lost,”

  “Yep, know what that means?” I advanced as she retreated.

  “Neither of us has to pay up?” she giggled nervously.

  “Wrong. We both lose, we both pay up. Stop walking away from me.” I demanded.

  She stopped in her tracks, her eyes darting from me to the door. “Nowhere to run, baby. Get your ass over here.”

  “Archer, I…”

  “You don’t have to do anything you don’t wanna do. Now come the fuck here.” Reluctantly, she walked into my open arms. “Movie suggestion?” She exhaled a relieved sigh. “What the hell did you think I was gonna say?”

  “I wasn’t sure, but I’m glad it was that.” Kissing my chin, she pulled out of my arms and went to sit down on the leather sofa. She folded her legs beneath her, covering herself with the blanket my grandmother had given me before she died.

  My heart beat incessantly in my chest as I swallowed past the lump in my throat. In many ways Katherine reminded me a lot of her, the way she cared so much for others around her, for me. “Well?”

  “I don’t know,” She tucked the blanket around her like a protective shield.

  Was that supposed to keep me away? “Whatever you want, just name it.”

  Smiling, she cocked her head to one side. “So whatever I pick, you’ll watch?”

  “As long as it’s not a chick flick. No fuckin’ chick flicks.”

  “You said I could pick whatever I want.”

  “Fine, pick whatever you want. But if I fall asleep before it starts, I don’t wanna hear shit.”

  “Whatever. Do you have Lawless?”

  “Let me check,” I typed in the title and it immediately pulled up.

  “I love this movie. Forrest reminds me of you. Have you seen it yet?”

  I pressed play, and then adjusted the surround sound. “No, I haven’t. How does he remind you of me?”

  Old time music played as the opening credits flashed across the screen. She settled
deeper into the soft leather. “You’ll see.”

  Cryptic ass woman.

  About half way through the movie, I looked over and found her chewing on her nails. The movie was good, really good actually, so I hadn’t given any thought about making a move.

  Until now.

  Flashes of light flickered across her face as she watched the gunfight taking place. Feeling the weight of my stare, her eyes met mine. “What?”

  “You’re too far away.”

  As she scooted closer, I opened my arms to welcome her. I stretched my legs and pulled her to lie down between them. With her head on my chest, I covered our bodies with the blanket and wrapped my arms around her.

  Damn, this felt good.

  “This is nice.” she purred against my chest.

  Even though I would love nothing more than to have her beneath me, I had to agree. I rubbed my hand up and down her back, trying to focus on the movie instead of my insistent hard on stirring to life in my shorts. Lifting her head from my chest, she gazed up at me with desire dripping from her dark eyes. Those powerful eyes had become a weakness, calling to me on such a powerful level.

  She scooted down the couch, her face squaring up with my crotch. “Awe, fuck,” I hissed as her fingers found the waistband of my shorts, moving back and forth.

  She pulled the material down enough to free me, tucking the material beneath my balls as she wrapped her soft hand around my hard cock. Licking her eager lips, she pumped her hand up and down. Was this really fucking happening? She wouldn’t let me fuck her, but she was going to suck my dick?


  With a flick of her tongue, she tasted the tip, no doubt coating her taste buds with pre-cum.

  Jesus, I would not last long inside her mouth. “Don’t tease. My control is for shit right now.” I emphasized through gritted teeth.

  Her eyes never left mine as she took me deep into the warmth of her perfect mouth.


  She bobbed her head up and down, covering me with the slickness of her perfect mouth. Her hand followed her mouth, coaxing my orgasm as she feasted on my cock. The intensity of her stare and the movement of her mouth and hand had me fighting for control.


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