Until You're Mine

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Until You're Mine Page 8

by Langston, K.

  “No,” Slipping my arms around her waist, I planted a relieved kiss to the side of her neck.

  She turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck, rising on her tip toes to kiss my lips. “I wanted to make you breakfast in bed,” she whispered, between hot kisses.

  “Sorry I messed up your plans.” Lifting her up, she wrapped her legs around my waist.

  “You’re forgiven.” she breathed, nipping at my bottom lip.

  I carried her over to the counter and sat her down, staying locked between her tight legs. Pushing her dark locks behind her shoulders, I tugged the neck of my shirt, stretching it out enough to drag down her arms and tucking it beneath her big beautiful tits. With her arms trapped in the fabric of my shirt and her parted mouth beckoning for mine, I took a moment to thank God for my meal. I eyed the array of condiments flooding the counter- jelly, syrup, whipped cream.


  “I was gonna make you homemade biscuits, too.” she informed me before tilting her head back, allowing me to squeeze the syrup all over those puckered nipples. Her chest heaved up and down and her legs came undone from around my waist. “Archer,”

  Holding the pierced nipple to my mouth, I sucked and bit her molasses covered skin. A strained moan rattled her chest, calling me to lick the soft column of her throat. I scraped my teeth across the smooth delicate flesh and then I took her mouth. Every inch of her was delicious, sweet.


  “Best fuckin’ breakfast ever,” I declared.

  Lifting the bottom of her shirt, I drizzled more of the sticky sweetness to melt all over her bare hot pussy.

  Needless to say, I ate my breakfast like a good boy.


  Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet.

  ~Jean Jacques Rousseau

  “What’re your plans for the day?” Archer asked, tucking in his shirt.

  “It’s my day off,”

  Pinning me to the bed with his I know everything glare, he buckled his thick leather belt.

  My favorite version of Archer was naked Archer. But a real close second was the sinfully charming man before me. He dressed for style and comfort, but it was effortless. The man had a presence that rivaled any human being I’d ever met. Commanding, controlling and let’s not forget cocky as hell. Yet, beneath those layers of expensive fabric and perfectly painted on persona was someone very, very special. Someone only I knew, or was beginning to know.

  Sitting cross legged on his bed, I watched his firm ass walk into the bathroom.

  I’d had him less than an hour ago, but damn if I didn’t want him again. “I haven’t decided yet. I might go pop some tags. I have some Pinterest projects I’ve been…”

  “The fuck is poppin’ tags?” he interrupted, fastening his watch onto his wrist.

  “Thrift stores?”

  “You shop at thrift stores?” he grimaced.

  I unfolded my legs, staring down at my black toenails. I’ve never been ashamed of the fact that ninety percent of my clothes came from Goodwill or that most of my furniture was either found on the side of the road or second hand. “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”

  “Katherine,” Archer’s deep voice pulled my eyes to his.

  Hot anger swept through me like a current. Damn, he could be such an ass sometimes. And he was completely oblivious to it. “Stop callin’ me Katherine. I hate that name.”

  I pounded from the bed, snatching my bag from the floor. But before I could make it to the door, Archer was in my face. His long fingers banded around my upper arms. “Hold up,”

  “What?” I bit out, fuming heat boiling in my blood.

  “Easy,” he murmured. “I didn’t mean anything by it. And why can’t I have something no one else has huh? I don’t want to share your name with anyone else. Matter of fact,” Archer’s hips pressed against my stomach, pushing me backwards until my back met the door. “I don’t wanna share any part of you,” His hands slid down the length of my arms, wrapping around my fisted hands. He pulled one hand t0 his mouth then the other. “My treasure,” he whispered, kissing the tops of each one softly, melting anger into desire.

  His words.

  Though insensitive and rough at times, his words always found a way to turn me on, especially now, when he was saying all the right ones.

  Archer took both of my wrists into his large right hand, pinning them above my head. Nimble fingers unbuttoned my jeans with one swift flick, and before I could suck in a breath, his hand was slipping beneath my wet panties. Two large fingers ran over my throbbing clit then plunged deep inside.

  “Oh, God!”

  “No. I want my name,” Thrusting his fingers as deep as the restrictive denim would allow, he finger fucked me harder, his lips a breath away from mine. “Now, baby. Give it to me now.”

  “Archer,” I moaned and the sound was guttural.

  “Fuck yes,” A few more hard thrusts of his punishing fingers, and I flew. My knees buckled as the powerful orgasm assaulted me, but Archer held me steady, dragging out every last drop of pleasure. He pulled his fingers from my body then removed his hand from my jeans, releasing my wrists. A whimper escaped my shuddering mouth as he brought his wet fingers to rest on my bottom lip. “Open,” Parting my mouth slowly, I flicked out my tongue while he rubbed and massaged the muscle with his fingers. I sucked wildly…my taste and the erotic act had my inhibitions falling to the wayside along with everything else. “Save some for me, baby,”

  Archer licked each of the wet digits. “Now I’ll have you with me all day.” Sincere green eyes locked tight with mine. “I want you back here tonight.”

  My heart leapt with delight. “Really?”

  “Fuck yes, I’m nowhere near done with you,” Archer buttoned my jeans. “But I need to go in for a while.”

  “Shit, I can’t. I invited my brother and Cami over for dinner tonight,”

  “Bring ‘em here.”

  Archer pulled a set of keys from his pocket. Removing a brass key from the ring, he placed it in my palm. “The code to the alarm is 0397,” he informed, leaving me with one last kiss.

  I’d forgotten all about the throbbing need between my thighs and the anger that had been pulsing through my blood just moments ago. I went from pissed, to horny, to downright elated in a matter of minutes.

  Was this really happening? Was Archer finally surrendering to what this could be?

  What we could be.

  I called my brother and told him about the change of plans. He seemed uneasy, but after some major begging, he agreed to be there at seven. After hitting up the grocery store and grabbing a few things from my place, I made it back to Archer’s around four o’clock. I wouldn’t say I was completely out of place in the kitchen, but I wasn’t Betty Crocker either.

  Opening the cabinets in the kitchen, I searched for everything I needed to prepare dinner. When I opened one of the drawers, a small black binder slid forward. Inside, I found hundreds of recipes. They looked like they’d been photo copied from index cards and were all written out in simple, easy to follow instructions. Thumbing through each one, I found a recipe for lasagna that included spinach which was something I’d never thought about adding before. I found one for brownies too. I’d planned on making brownies out of the box, but I thought- what the hell. Digging around a bit more, I managed to find a box of frozen spinach and all the ingredients needed to make the brownies.

  Two and a half hours and three glasses of wine later, I was mixing the brownie batter when his strong arms wrapped around my waist.

  “I didn’t hear you come in.” I smiled, turning in his arms to face him.

  A wicked grin played with the corner of his lips as he peeked over my shoulder. “What’s that?”

  I draped my arms over his shoulders, clasping my hands at the base of his neck. “Brownies.”

  Green eyes flashed with delight. “Mmm…brownies are my favorite. What else ya cookin’?”

  “Homemade lasagna,”
/>   Archer smiled and I swear his eyes lit up the room. “My grandmother used to cook the best lasagna. She’d put spinach in it, which grossed me out at first, but you couldn’t even taste it. It was her clever way of forcin’ me to eat my vegetables.” His smile wrapped around each word and the light in in his eyes melted my heart.

  “Actually, when I was looking through the cabinets and drawers, I found that,” I pointed to the binder propped up on the counter.

  Archer blinked and a small gasp eased from his lips “You made her lasagna?” Oh shit, was he upset? I nodded, afraid to speak. “And her brownies?” Swallowing back the panic, I nodded again. He arms tightened around my waist, his body relaxing against mine. “You’re perfect you know that, too fuckin’ perfect.” Relief filled my lungs with precious air before he stole it back with the heat of his kiss. His mouth moved to the crook of my exposed neck, causing my head to fall backwards. “This outfit is ridiculous. Where do you come up with this shit?”

  “You like what you see, Mr. Brooks?” All I had on was a pair of black leggings and a comfy sweater that hung from one shoulder.

  “Fuck yes.” He scraped his teeth across the skin of my neck and my thighs clenched in appreciation.

  God, I love when he does that.

  The things this man did to me. The buzzer on the oven went off as soon as the doorbell rang, halting his seeking mouth. “Shit.”

  Archer chuckled, bringing his lips to mine. “I’ll get the door,”

  He stole a kiss before he turned, dipped his finger in the batter and walked out of the kitchen.

  Knowledge will give you power

  but character respect.

  ~Bruce Lee

  Opening the front door, I stepped aside and extended my hand to Alex. “C’mon in, Katherine’s just finishing up dinner.”

  “Katy you mean,” Alex corrected, releasing my hand.

  I returned his critical stare and crossed my arms. “She’s Katherine to me.”

  “What else is she to you?”

  The fuck is his problem?

  “Alex,” Katherine’s voice pierced the charged air between us. “That’s none of your business.”

  I heard him grumble a response as he walked into the foyer. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. I sure as hell wasn’t ready to answer questions about us, especially to her overbearing older brother.

  Katherine had gone all out for dinner, salad, sweet tea, my grandmother’s recipes. I looked over at her. That radiant smile and those sweet chocolate eyes continued to weaken my steel resolve. I was dying to show her my gratitude.

  “Here,” Alex handed Katherine a white envelope.

  Confusion scrunched her forehead and mine. “Uh, what’s this?”

  “Plane ticket,” he answered.

  I heard the gasp before her hand covered her mouth. “Alex,”

  “Listen, regardless of if you decide to move there for a while or not, I still want you to come. Stay awhile. You’ve always wanted to go… this is your chance.”

  “Thank you,” she said quietly to the envelope in her hand.

  The fuck?

  Awkward silence hung heavy in the air. “Go where?”

  “Paris,” Alex sneered.

  A cold chill trickled down my spine and my eyes darted to hers. “I thought you said you didn’t want to go.”

  “I said I didn’t want to move there, I never said I didn’t want to go,” she corrected.

  Relief flooded my chest. “Oh, well you can give him back the ticket. You wanna go to Paris, I’ll take you,” I announced and I had no idea why.

  “Is he the reason you don’t wanna go? Because if you ask me, you’re wastin’ your time,”

  “Alex,” Katherine’s sweet voice was drenched in anger.

  He leaned over, hissing between gritted teeth. “Seriously sis, what the hell are you doin’ with the guy?”

  Sliding my chair back, I stood up. “I’m right here asshole, you got something to say, fuckin’ say it.”

  “Fine, I think you’re a dick, and there’s no way you will ever be good enough for my sister. I’ve heard about you. I know exactly who you are.”

  Blood raged in my veins and my hands curled into fists. If it weren’t for the fact that he was her brother, I would’ve beat the shit out of him right here in my nice dining room. “You have no idea who the hell I am, better yet, what I’m capable of. Best you don’t make assumptions boy, they are the mother of all fuck ups.”

  “Boy? Who the fuck you callin’ boy?”

  Katherine stepped between us, frantically pushing me back. I wasn’t going anywhere.

  They were.

  “Get the fuck out of my house,”

  “No fuckin’ problem. Let’s go Cami. Katy, you need a ride?”

  “No,” she snapped, pulling away from his guiding hands. Her wounded eyes shot to mine.

  I tried to maintain control of my voice as I turned and walked away from her. “Go. He’s right. I’m not good enough for you. I never will be.”

  She followed me into my office, shutting the door behind her. “Archer listen,”

  “No, you listen. I should’ve never let it get this far. I’ll never be able to love you the way you deserve. I can’t give you what you need.”

  “Archer, please,”

  “This is over,” I raised my voice this time, her begging and pleading were beginning to break me down and I needed her to leave.

  “You don’t mean that.”

  “Yes the fuck I do.”

  Wiping the tears from her eyes, she stepped closer.

  Fucking relentless.

  “No you don’t. You’re just scared.”

  She hit the nail on the head with that one, causing my anger to bubble over. “I ain’t scared of shit, especially you. Now get the fuck out!”

  She stifled a sob, her eyes squaring even with mine. “I’m in love with you.”

  No! No! No!

  My fist pounded the desk, torn between letting her go and keeping her. “You just don’t give up do you?”

  “I never give up on someone I love.” She took a step closer, black tears streaming down her red cheeks. “I know this is hard for you, but if you would try. We could…”

  “I told you from the beginning what this was. I haven’t promised you anything more than that.” I knew I was being cruel, but it was the only way I could break her determined spirit.

  That’s what you love about her asshole.


  I can’t love her.

  I’d loved before and it damn near broke me. My heart and my bank account.

  Fuck love.

  Her chin quivered and she muffled another sob. The sight of her heart breaking behind those once trusting eyes gutted me, but my mind convinced my heart this was the right thing to do, for her and for me.

  “Whoever hurt you in the past, owns you. You know that right? You will never be happy unless you let it go.”

  “That’ll never fuckin’ happen.”

  She took a retreating step, swiping angrily at her face. “I think deep down I knew that all along, but for some stupid reason I still had hope. Prayed like hell that my love was enough to make you see. I realize now that it wasn’t. I wasn’t enough. I never will be.” Shaking her head, her sobs came harder and her voice got higher. “The fucked up part is, I’m not even angry with you, I’m angry with myself. I should’ve known better.” Crossing her arms, she looked anywhere but my eyes. “I can’t work for you anymore. I can’t see you day in and day out knowing where we’ve been.” Those pain filled eyes locked with mine, and like a bullet from a gun, she shot the final bullet right through my heart. “Goodbye Archer.”

  Then she was gone, leaving me confused, angry and...

  My hands fisted my hair, pulling and tugging, anything to distract the sudden ache in my chest. I didn’t want to feel this way. I never asked her to love me.

  Opening my contacts, I called the casino host to let her know I was on my way. Maybe some time at
the tables would help me forget about this shit, if that didn’t help, maybe a piece of ass would.

  I checked into the presidential suite of the hotel then found my way down to the casino floor. VIP services offered here weren’t as accommodating or extravagant as some of the perks offered out West, but my hostess Lisa was good at her job. She’d taken care of me for several years now.

  “How are you, Mr. Brooks. Very nice to see you again,” Lisa was well versed in ass kissing.

  “Lisa, I’m good. How’re you?” I greeted, shaking her outreached hand.

  “Excellent. I have you all set up. Follow me.” Popping a mint, I followed her to my chair.

  The high rollers room was a private space with several table games set up from 5 Card Stud to Texas Hold ‘Em. My game was 21. Blackjack held better odds, enabling me to take higher risks. The rush I got when I played the game was the best fucking high in the world. Well, it was the best high.

  Stop fucking thinking about her.

  “I’ll send your waitress over in just a moment. Amy will take good care of you Mr. Brooks.” Lisa patted my shoulder, leaving me with her reassuring smile.

  The dealer pulled back the dead cards from the other three players, prompting me to place ten black $100 chips down as my minimum bet. I always lowballed coming out of the chute. See how the other guys bet before I started making big moves. From what I could tell, they were betting anywhere between $2000 and $5000 a hand. Chump change compared to the bets I’ve thrown down before. These men were high rollers, but they didn’t have my kind of money. I never really cared how much was on the table. I just wanted to win. However, right now, I just wanted to forget. Sliding her hand in a semi-circle across the green felt, the dealer finalized all bets, dealing the first card to me.

  Queen of hearts.

  Second card, she dealt the ace of diamonds.


  Adrenaline spiked, excitement rushing through every vein.

  Yes, this was exactly what I needed.

  “The usual, Mr. Brooks,” The pretty blonde handed me a tumbler full of Jim Beam.


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