Until You're Mine

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Until You're Mine Page 10

by Langston, K.

  “Maddie told me where to find the spare. I was worried about you,” My brain finally caught up with my body, allowing me to balance myself enough to take a step back. “Take a shower…I’ll find you something to eat.” Gripping my waist he kissed my forehead and walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

  What the fuck?

  Was he here to inflict more pain? Tell me one more time how we can never be together, drive the stake in deeper. I’d sacrificed so much of myself for him, and for what? To be shit on.

  Never again.

  Archer was plating scrambled eggs next to two slices of toast when I walked into the kitchen. I’d managed to summon my inner bitch somewhere in between last night and this morning, remembering all of the things he’d said to me.

  With a few deep breaths, I put up armor. “I want you to leave,”

  He braced his hands on the counter, pinning me with his unyielding green eyes. “Not until we talk.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest, a feeble attempt to add additional protection. “I think you said enough last night. You get off on kickin’ people while they’re down?”

  Archer’s jaw ticked mercilessly, chewing on his words. His mouth twisted into a hard line in an effort to prevent them from falling out. I wanted to provoke him. Maybe if he said more mean shit it would encourage my heart to love him less. Somewhere inside, I knew that was impossible, but damn if I wasn’t going to give it my best shot.

  “Please sit down.”

  Oh, now he wanted to play nice.

  Ignoring him, I opened the fridge and snatched the jug of OJ from the shelf. “In case you forgot, I’m not yours, which means you don’t tell me what the fuck to do.” I poured myself a tall glass of juice with a shaky hand, willing the anger to replace the crippling pain.

  Deep breaths.

  You got this.

  “I know I hurt you,”

  “Do you? The shit you said to me last night was…”

  Archer yanked at the back of his neck, frustration straining his voice. “I know. Now will you sit the fuck down and listen to what I have to say? Please,”

  “No. I will not sit the fuck down. I have nothing to say to you and I have nothing left to give. You took it all. I’m done. Get the fuck out of my life.” Turning to move past him, he gripped my upper arms and drove his hard green eyes into mine.

  “I’m still married.”

  My heart bled a little more and I couldn’t find the air to speak, so I blinked.

  He released my arms. “Say something,”

  I searched for words. “What the hell do you want me to say?” My brain finally caught up. “Why are you still married?”

  “Because contesting the divorce has prevented her from getting what she wants,” he said, grinding his jaw.

  I’m so fucking confused.

  “She only married me for my money. I gave her my heart and she threw it back in my face three years later. I’m flying out to Vegas to end this shit for good. I could sign the papers here, but I need do this in person. I want you to come with me.”


  “Uh, what the hell for?” Had he lost his damn mind?

  “I wanna show that bitch what a real woman is. I wanna show her what I found despite what she did. I want to show her that she didn’t break me.”

  Holy shit.

  Nobody brings you peace but yourself.

  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

  I sat down at the table and pulled her into my lap. Studying her face, I lifted her chin and looked into her beautiful brown eyes. The pain I’d caused still raw and fresh. Her breath feathered across my face with a sweet caress and my cock swelled with need.

  When I left the hotel last night, I went home, sucked on a bag of Starlight peppermints. After walking a hole in my basement floor, I came to one final conclusion.

  “I need you. More than anything else in my life, I only need you.” My chest ached with how much I cared for this woman, and my poor dick was busting at the seams to show her.

  “Archer,” She moved to get up but I held on tighter, bringing her eyes back to mine.

  “Baby, I’m so sorry I hurt you. I know it’s a shitty excuse, but it was the only way I knew to protect myself. I’ve kept everyone a face palm away for so long, and then you came along and…” I shook my head, unable to find the right words.

  “And…” she urged.

  I cradled her precious face. Those big brown eyes bounced back and forth.



  “And made me fuckin’ feel again,”

  Why couldn’t I be more like her? Able to express and convey exactly how I felt using words? That just wasn’t me. I was scared shitless and my heart only knew one way.

  Show her.

  I kissed her as slowly as my desperate tongue and heart would allow. Tenderly, I slipped my hand beneath her damp hair, gripping the back of her delicate neck, kissing her deeper. Fuck, she tasted good. Like…like...


  She draped her arms around my shoulders then shifted to straddle me. Our slow sensual kiss faded into a deep cathartic need for more, and with three long strides, I had her pressed against the opposing wall. With her legs wrapped around my waist, she held on to my neck as I freed myself. The weight of my belt helped to drag my slacks down my legs, bunching them around my ankles. I was hard as fucking iron, but I stroked myself twice for good measure. Wrapping one arm around her waist, I slid my hand beneath her panties, my knuckles sliding over her sweet, wet heat.


  With a sharp twist and a hard yank, I ripped them from her body. Harsh breath froze in her throat as I rested my forehead against hers. “I don’t think I’ve ever needed someone as much as I need you right fuckin’ now,” I declared, easing into her. My chest rattled with so much want, and my cock pulsed with such excruciating need.

  I love you.

  It rested so sweet, right there on the tip of my tongue. The words seared my chest as I swallowed them back down.

  Fucking coward.

  “Yes,” she hissed, digging her nails into my shoulders. I wished I would have taken the time to remove my shirt because, goddamn it to hell, I wanted those black claws scraping across my skin. Her fearless eyes must have read my mind because the next thing I knew, she was ripping my shirt apart and down my arms. Her hands found the skin of my stomach, slowly raking her nails up and down my heated flesh, marking me. Fire blazed across my skin, lighting the way from my throat to my cock. I gripped the neck of her t-shirt, tearing it down the center. What a sight we must have been. Two uninhibited animals, consumed with so much need, rutting against one another. Seeking and searching for the something we both desperately craved.


  Like a living breathing thing, desire shifted and love ran prevalent, dominating every inch of my mind, body and soul.


  My mind screamed.


  My heart proclaimed.

  “I love you,” I confessed around the shell of her ear.

  “Archer,” My name echoed throughout the room, over and over until it was merely a sated prayer on her lips.

  Squeezing my eyes shut, I drove harder, fucking her with long solid strokes. “I. Fucking. Love. You.” I punctuated every word with thrust after thrust until we both fell apart in each other’s arms.

  Resting my head on her shoulder, I fought for the strength to hold us both up. “You’re mine.”

  I can’t remember when I’ve smiled this much. Completely consumed by her, I didn’t want her more than an arm’s length away. Over the next several days we either stayed at my place or hers, talking, laughing, learning. There were still things I wasn’t ready to discuss, but she’d been patient and understanding, just like she always was. Against my greatest resistance, she’d barged in and saved me, giving me the courage to love again. I still couldn’t believe it. After all this time, I was finally ready let go of the past.

  Our flight
left for Vegas the next morning, and I had full confidence Holden could handle opening, closing, and any other minor issues that might come up while I was away. I would only be a phone call away. Still, I was nervous as fuck.

  “Arch,” Holden greeted, walking through the door of my office.

  “’Bout damn time,” Taking a seat at my desk, he sat down across from me propping one ankle on his knee.

  He laced his fingers behind his head and tilted his chair back with a cocky grin. “Damn, I missed you.”

  “How was the trip?” I couldn’t stop my mouth from twitching. My cousin was far from the man that showed up on my doorstep all those years ago, strung out and lost. He’d come a long way. I gave him shit constantly and rode his ass hard, but it was all because I gave a damn.

  “We spent a lot of time in bed. What’s up with you?” Holden asked, cocking that signature Brooks’ brow.

  “Not shit.” I shifted in my chair, pulling up the work schedule on my laptop.

  “Not shit huh? Somethin’s up. You look…different.”

  “I got a trim the other day.” I retorted, refusing to meet his accusing glare.

  Holden moved forward, resting his forearms on the edge of my desk and tilting his head. “Naw, that’s not it,” he paused before his eyes lit up. “Katy,”


  It was hard enough talking to her about my feelings. Fuck if I was exploring this shit with him.

  I rolled my eyes, returning my attention to the screen. “Here’s the schedule. The bar and kitchen are fully stocked. There’s a small delivery coming Tuesday morning around ten, but other than that...”

  Holden’s deliberate stare held the corner of my eye. “Have you told her yet?”

  “Told her what?”

  Christ, what’s with him today?

  “’Bout Megan,”

  “Yes, I told her asshole.”


  “Listen, I need you to run this shit right here. I’ll tell her everything on a need to know basis. And right now, I’m telling you what you need to know. Got it?”

  He was pissing me off. Hell, I’d barely scratched the surface with the whole ‘married’ bit. Wasn’t that enough? I had every intention of telling her everything else. I just had to figure out how without her walking away.

  Thankfully, the relentless son of a bitch conceded.

  After I finished giving him the rundown of what I expected while I was away, we walked up front. Katherine and Maddie were in deep conversation at the end of the bar and I spotted Cannon talking with Cora across the way. I threw a hand up to stop Holden. “That fucker has a serious attitude problem. I told him you’re in charge for the next few days, so if he gives you any shit whatsoever, you let me know,”

  “Got it,”

  “Awe hell, you’ve got to be fuckin’ kiddin’ me,”

  “What?” Holden looked at me confused then followed my glare.

  Alexis Davis stood at the entrance, scanning the bar. Nobody had seen or heard from her in months. A blessing, considering the shit pot she’d stirred before her mysterious disappearance. By all accounts, this was typical behavior for her. The woman was a real piece of work. I would even venture to say Alexis was worse than Megan, but if push came to shove, I think Megan would eat this bitch for lunch. A cold shiver rippled down my spine.

  Vicious fucking bitches.

  “This could get ugly.” Holden warned, looking over at the girls who had already marked the predator.

  “I’ll take care of her…you make sure those two stay put.” Nodding in agreement, we parted ways.

  Alexis licked her lips, eye fucking every inch of me as I approached. The bitch had no shame. “The fuck are you doing here, Alexis?”

  “Stalking my prey,” Her eyes raked up and down my body again.

  “That dog won’t hunt.” I informed her.

  She took a step forward…her eyes sharp and intent. My skin crawled when she placed her hand on my chest. “Aren’t you even the least bit curious as to what all the fuss is about?”

  Stepping back, her hand fell from my chest. “Not a chance in hell,”

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Katherine hissed beside me.

  Awe, fuck.

  “Just here for a good time. Don’t worry- last I heard you didn’t have a man to steal, so chill the fuck out.” The hair on the back of my neck stood on end. This bitch was cruel.

  “You’re fuckin’ with my man now. Why don’t you go find another bar to troll your used vagina, nobody wants you here.”

  Alexis stepped up to Katherine, looking her up and down with so much disgust it made me take a protective step closer. Their faces were only a foot apart. “I’ve been dying to ask you, how does my pussy taste? Luke said it was the best taste in the whole fuckin’ world. What do you think?”

  It all happened so fast. I never saw it coming until the palm of Katherine’s hand collided with the side of Alexis’ face with a resounding smack. Cannon appeared out of nowhere and thank fuck he did, because as soon as the shock of the slap registered, she was set to pounce on my girl. I jerked Katherine out of reach while Cannon restrained Alexis.

  “You fuckin’ bitch, who do you think you are?” Katherine yelled past me as I walked her backwards. Looking down, I saw a furious fire glowing in her eyes. “Let me go, Archer. I wanna fuckin’ kill her.”

  Damn she was hot as fuck when she was riled up. Who was this woman? I mean, I knew her, but did I really know her? She had all these layers. I discovered something new after every peel. Good wholesome girl on the inside, fucking siren on the outside, and a whole lot of incredible in between.

  I looked over my shoulder at Cannon. “Ban her ass.”

  With a curt nod, he escorted Alexis from the building.

  The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love.

  ~Hubert H. Humphrey

  “I can’t believe I slapped her. I’ve never hit anyone in my life. My hand still stings.” Archer leaned down, kissing my angry red palm. “Why’d you pull me away?” I pouted. “I was just about to open up a can of whoop ass.” Knowing damn well I was not. Archer let out a big belly laugh and I did my best to hide my smile. “What? I could’ve taken her,”

  “No way in hell I was gonna find out,” he smiled.

  I rolled my eyes. “Whatever,”

  “I’m gonna go check on Cannon.” Archer said, kissing the top of my head. “Be right back.”

  “I’m so fuckin’ jealous right now. I wish it would’ve been my hand across her face or my fist to her throat. Ugh, I was on my way to fuck her up but...” Maddie shifted her irritated eyes toward Holden and crossed her arms. “Someone held me back.”

  “Babe, you really think we would let it get that far?” Holden shook his head, his blue eyes glinting with amusement.

  Maddie scoffed, focusing back on me. “He would’ve got a swift kick to the nuts if she would’ve put her hands on you,” I smiled.

  My girl always had my back.

  Holden wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close and kissing her cheek. “You fuckin’ wish.”

  Maddie’s face flushed, shoving him away from her. “Get the hell away from me, Holden. I’ll be ready to go soon. Give us girls some space.”

  Releasing her, he gave her ass a hard smack before he smiled and walked away.

  “What’s up with you two? I sense some tension and it’s not sexual.” I asked, rubbing my tingling palm against my jeans.

  Maddie hoisted herself up onto the stool and exhaled an irritated breath. “No, we’ve had enough sex to last a lifetime over the last two weeks.” She looked down at her twisted hands. “Holden wants kids,”

  I sat on the stool next to her. “You want kids too right?”

  “Well yes, but not right now. Shit Katy, we just got married. Don’t get me wrong, I love him more than anything in this world. He’s the only person I can see as the father of my child, but I don’t think I’m ready to be a mother yet. That�
�s another thing we disagree on. I suggested we have one and go from there. He wants four. What man wants four damn kids? My man, that’s who,”

  I covered the smile threatening my lips with my tingling hand. “Have you told him how you feel?”

  Maddie shook her head. “Katy, you know as well as I do what that consists of. He’s impossible to reason with once he has his mind set.”

  “True, but he does listen.” I reminded.

  “Uh, no he doesn’t. He uses incredible, mind blowing sex as a lethal negotiating tactic to get what he wants. He’s pretty damn clever. When I told him the plan he most certainly did not listen.”

  Laughing, I shifted in my seat. “You have a plan? Oh, this I gotta hear.”

  “Of course, I have a plan. Do you even know me? I’ll be promoted to first chair associate next year, bust my ass at that for the next year or two so I can get some good experience under my belt, then open my own firm. Once I’m established, boom, I’ll be ready.”

  “You’re just gonna have to compromise.” I reasoned.

  “I really hate that word. His version of compromise consists of fuckin’ me against the wall and refusing to let me come until I agreed to one year. One year and then he gets to impregnate me.”

  “You make it sound like a bad thing,” I knew full well that Madison Waters would not agree to anything she didn’t want to do.

  “Shit, I don’t even know how to be a wife yet let alone someone’s mother,” she admitted as she picked at the napkin in front of her.

  Rubbing her back, I offered what little comfort I could. “You’ll be fine sweetie. You have an amazing husband and plenty of support. You’re gonna be an incredible mother,” I assured her, with a smile.

  Maddie smiled back at me, but she didn’t look convinced. She was afraid, resistant against anything that interrupted her carefully laid out plans.

  “Life is short, Maddie, and plans are futile when it comes to love and matters of the heart. Remember, you can’t find your happily ever after, it finds you,”


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