The Economics of Artificial Intelligence

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The Economics of Artificial Intelligence Page 36

by Ajay Agrawal

  equilibrating force could be powerful enough to make the growth process


  2. Some automation technology platforms, especially AI, may facilitate

  the creation of new tasks. A recent report by Accenture identifi ed entirely

  new categories of jobs that are emerging in fi rms using AI as part of their

  production process (Accenture PLC 2017). These jobs include “trainers” (to

  train the AI systems), “explainers” (to communicate and explain the output

  of AI systems to customers), and “sustainers” (to monitor the performance

  of AI systems, including their adherence to prevailing ethical standards).

  The applications of AI to education, health care, and design may also

  result in employment opportunities for new workers. Take education. Exist-

  Artifi cial Intelligence, Automation, and Work 207

  ing evidence suggests that many students, not least those with certain learn-

  ing disabilities, will benefi t from individualized education programs and

  personalized instruction (Kolb 1984). With current technology, it is pro-

  hibitively costly to provide such services to more than a small fraction of

  students. Applications of AI may enable the educational system to become

  more customized, and in the process create more jobs for education profes-

  sionals to monitor, design, and implement individualized education pro-

  grams. Similar prospects exist in health care and elderly care services.

  8.2.4 Revisiting the False Dichotomy

  The conceptual framework outlined above, which will be further elabo-

  rated in the next section, clarifi es why the current debate is centered on a false

  dichotomy between disastrous and totally benign eff ects of automation.

  Our task- based framework underscores that automation will always

  create a displacement eff ect. Unless neutralized by the countervailing forces,

  this displacement eff ect could reduce labor demand, wages, and employ-

  ment. At the very least, this displacement eff ect implies that a falling share

  of output will accrue to labor. These possibilities push against the benign

  accounts emphasizing that technology always increases the demand for

  labor and benefi ts workers.

  Our framework does not support the alarmist perspectives stressing the

  disastrous eff ects of automation for labor either. Rather, it highlights several

  countervailing forces that soften the impact of automation on labor. More

  important, as we have argued in the previous subsection, the creation of new

  labor- intensive tasks has been a critical part of the adjustment process in the

  face of rapid automation. The creation of new tasks is not just manna from

  heaven. There are good reasons why market incentives will endogenously

  lead to the creation of new tasks that gain strength when automation itself

  becomes more intensive. Also, some of the most defi ning automation tech-

  nologies of our age, such as AI, may create a platform for the creation of

  new sets of tasks and jobs.

  At the root of some of the alarmism is the belief that AI will have very dif-

  ferent consequences for labor than previous waves of technological change.

  Our framework highlights that the past is also replete with automation

  technologies displacing workers, but this need not have disastrous eff ects

  for labor. Nor is it technologically likely that AI will replace labor in all or

  almost all of the tasks in which it currently specializes. This limited remit of

  AI can be best understood by contrasting the current nature and ambitions

  of AI with those of its fi rst coming under the auspices of “cybernetics.” The

  intellectual luminaries of cybernetics, such as Norbert Wiener, envisaged

  the production of Human- Level Artifi cial Intelligence—computer systems

  capable of thinking in a way that could not be distinguished from human

  intelligence—replicating all human thought processes and faculties (Nilsson

  2009). In 1965, Herbert Simon predicted that “machines will be capable,

  208 Daron Acemoglu and Pascual Restrepo

  within twenty years, of doing any work a man can do” (Simon 1965, 96).

  Marvin Minsky agreed, declaring in 1967 that “Within a generation, I am

  convinced, few compartments of intellect will remain outside the machine’s

  realm” (Minsky 1967, 2).

  Current practice in the fi eld of AI, especially in its most popular and prom-

  ising forms based on deep learning and various other “big data” methods

  applied to unstructured data, eschews these initial ambitions and aims at

  developing applied artifi cial intelligence—commercial systems specializing

  in clearly delineated tasks related to prediction, decision- making, logistics,

  and pattern recognition (Nilsson 2009). Though many occupations involve

  such tasks—and so AI is likely to have a displacement eff ect in these tasks—

  there are still many human skills that we still cannot automate, including

  complex reasoning, judgment, analogy- based learning, abstract problem-

  solving, and a mixture of physical activity, empathy, and communication

  skills. This reading of the current practice of AI suggests that the potential

  for AI and related technological advances to automate a vast set of tasks

  is limited.

  8.2.5 Flies in the Ointment

  Our framework so far has emphasized two key ideas. First, automation

  does create a potential negative impact on labor through the displacement

  eff ect and also by reducing the share of labor in national income. But sec-

  ond, it can be counterbalanced by the creation of new tasks (as well as the

  productivity eff ect, capital accumulation and the deepening of automation,

  which tend to increase the demand for labor, even though they do not gener-

  ally restore the share of labor in national income to its preautomation levels).

  The picture we have painted underplays some of the challenges of adjust-

  ment, however. The economic adjustment following rapid automation can

  be more painful than the process we have outlined for a number of reasons.

  Most straightforward, automation changes the nature of existing jobs,

  and the reallocation of workers from existing jobs and tasks to new ones

  is a complex and often slow process. It takes time for workers to fi nd new

  jobs and tasks in which they can be productive, and periods during which

  workers are laid off from their existing jobs can create a depressed local or

  national labor market, further increasing the costs of adjustment. These

  eff ects are visible in recent studies that have focused on the adjustment of

  local US labor markets to negative demand shocks, such as Autor, Dorn,

  and Hanson (2013), who study the slow and highly incomplete adjustment

  of local labor markets in response to the surge in Chinese exports, Mian

  and Sufi (2014), who investigate the implications of the collapse in housing

  prices on consumption and local employment, and perhaps more closely

  related to our focus, Acemoglu and Restrepo (2017), who fi nd employment

  and wage declines in areas most exposed to one specifi c type of automation,

  the introduction of industrial robots in manufacturing.

  Artifi cial Intelligence, Automation, and Work 209

  The historical record also un
derscores the painful nature of the adjust-

  ment. The rapid introduction of new technologies during the British Indus-

  trial Revolution ultimately led to rising labor demand and wages, but this

  was only after a protracted period of stagnant wages, expanding poverty,

  and harsh living conditions. During an eighty- year period extending from

  the beginning of the Industrial Revolution to the middle of the nineteenth

  century, wages stagnated and the labor share fell, even as technological

  advances and productivity growth were ongoing in the British economy,

  a phenomenon which Allen (2009) dubs the “Engel’s pause” (previously

  referred to as the “living standards paradox”; see Mokyr [1990]).

  There should thus be no presumption that the adjustment to the changed

  labor market brought about by rapid automation will be a seamless, costless,

  and rapid process.

  8.2.6 Mismatch between Skills and Technologies

  It is perhaps telling that wages started growing in the nineteenth- century

  British economy only after mass schooling and other investments in human

  capital expanded the skills of the workforce. Similarly, the adjustment to

  the large supply of labor freed from agriculture in early twentieth- century

  America may have been greatly aided by the “high school movement,” which

  increased the human capital of the new generation of American workers

  (Goldin and Katz 2010). The forces at work here are likely to be more general

  than these examples. New tasks tend to require new skills. But to the extent

  that the workforce does not possess those skills, the adjustment process will

  be hampered. Even more ominously, if the educational system is not up to

  providing those skills (and if we are not even aware of the types of new skills

  that will be required so as to enable investments in them), the adjustment

  will be greatly impeded. Even the most optimistic observers ought to be

  concerned about the ability of the current US educational system to identify

  and provide such skills.

  At stake here is not only the speed of adjustment, but potential produc-

  tivity gains from new technologies. If certain skills are complementary to

  new technologies, their absence will imply that the productivity of these

  new technologies will be lower than otherwise. Thus the mismatch between

  skills and technologies not only slows down the adjustment of employment

  and wages, but holds back potential productivity gains. This is particularly

  true for the creation of new tasks. The fact that while there is heightened

  concerns about job losses from automation, many employers are unable to

  fi nd workers with the right skills for their jobs underscores the importance

  of these considerations (Deloitte and the Manufacturing Institute 2011).

  8.2.7 Missing Productivity and Excessive Automation

  The issues raised in the previous subsection are important not least because

  a deep puzzle in any discussion of the impact of new technologies is miss-

  210 Daron Acemoglu and Pascual Restrepo

  ing productivity growth—the fact that while so many sophisticated tech-

  nologies are being adopted, productivity growth has been slow. As pointed

  out by Gordon (2016), US productivity growth since 1974 (with the excep-

  tion of the period from 1995 to 2004) compares dismally to its postwar per-

  formance. While the annual rate of labor productivity growth of the US

  economy averaged 2.7 percent between 1947 and 1973, it only averaged

  1.5 percent between 1974 and 1994. Average productivity growth rebounded

  to 2.8 percent between 1995 and 2004, and then fell again to only 1.3 percent

  between 2005 and 2015 (Syverson 2017). How can we make sense of this?

  One line of attack argues that there is plenty of productivity growth, but it

  is being mismeasured. But, as pointed out by Syverson (2017), the pervasive

  nature of this slow down, and the fact that it is even more severe in industries

  that have made greater investments in information technology (Acemoglu

  et al. 2014), make the productivity mismeasurement hypothesis unlikely to

  account for all of the slowdown.

  Our conceptual framework suggests some possible explanations. They

  center around the possibility of “excessive automation,” meaning faster

  automation than socially desirable (Acemoglu and Restrepo 2016, 2018a).

  Excessive automation not only creates direct ineffi

  ciencies, but may also hold

  productivity growth down by wastefully using resources and displacing labor.

  There are two broad reasons for excessive automation, both of which we

  believe to be important. The fi rst is related to the biases in the US tax code,

  which subsidizes capital relative to labor. This subsidy takes the form of

  several diff erent provisions, including additional taxes and costs employ-

  ers have to pay for labor, subsidies in the form of tax credits and acceler-

  ated depreciation for capital outlays, and additional tax credit for interest

  rate deductions in case of debt- fi nanced investments (AEI 2008; Tuzel

  and Zhang 2017). All of these distortions imply that at the margin, when

  a utilitarian social planner would be indiff erent between capital and labor,

  the market would have an incentive to use machines, giving an ineffi


  boost to automation. This ineffi

  ciency could translate into slow productivity

  growth because the substitution of labor for machines worsens the misal-

  location of capital and labor.

  Even absent such a fi scal bias, there are natural reasons for excessive auto-

  mation. Labor market imperfections and frictions also tend to imply that

  the equilibrium wage is above the social opportunity cost of labor. Thus

  a social planner would use a lower shadow wage in deciding whether to

  automate a task than the market, creating another force toward excessive

  automation. The implications of this type of excessive automation would

  again include slower productivity growth than otherwise.

  Finally, it is possible that automation has continued at its historical pace,

  or may have even accelerated recently, but the dismal productivity growth

  Artifi cial Intelligence, Automation, and Work 211

  performance we are witnessing is driven by a slowdown in the creation of

  new tasks or investment in other productivity- enhancing technologies (see

  Acemoglu and Restrepo 2016). A deceleration in the creation of new tasks

  and technologies other than automation would also explain why the period

  of slow productivity growth coincided with poor labor market outcomes,

  including stagnant median wages and a decline in the labor share.

  There are natural reasons why too much emphasis on automation may

  come at the cost of investments in other technologies, including the creation

  of new tasks. For instance, in a setting where technologies are developed

  endogenously using a common set of resources (e.g., scientists), there is a

  natural trade- off between faster automation and investments in other types

  of technologies (Acemoglu and Restrepo 2016). Though it is at the moment

  impossible to know whether the redirection of research resources away from

  the creation of new tasks and toward autom
ation has played an important

  role in the productivity slowdown, the almost singular focus in the corporate

  sector and research community on AI, applications of deep learning, and

  other big data methods to automate various tasks makes it at least plausible

  that there may be too much attention devoted to automation at the expense

  of other technological breakthroughs.

  8.3 A Model of Automation, Tasks, and the Demand for Labor

  In the previous section, we provided an intuitive discussion of how auto-

  mation in general, and robotics and AI in particular, is expected to impact

  productivity and the demand for labor. In this section, we outline a for-

  mal framework that underlines these conclusions. Our presentation will be

  somewhat informal and without any derivations, which are all collected in

  the appendix.

  8.3.1 A Task- Based Framework

  We start with a simplifi ed version of the task- based framework intro-

  duced in Acemoglu and Restrepo (2016). Aggregate output is produced by

  combining the services of a unit measure of tasks x ∈ [ N – 1, N] according to the following Cobb- Douglas (unit elastic) aggregator



  ln Y =

  ln y( x) dx,

  N 1

  where Y denotes aggregate output and y( x) is the output of task x. The fact that tasks run between N – 1 and N enables us to consider changes in the range of tasks, for example, because of the introduction of new tasks,

  without altering the total measure of tasks in the economy.

  Each task can be produced by human labor, ℓ( x), or by machines, m( x), depending on whether it has been (technologically) automated or not. In

  212 Daron Acemoglu and Pascual Restrepo

  particular, tasks x ∈ [ N – 1, I] are technologically automated, so can be produced by either labor or machines, while the rest are not technologically

  automated, so must be produced with labor:

  ( x) ( x) +

  ( x) m( x) if x


  1, I



  y( x) =


  ( x) ( x)

  if x

  ( I, N .


  Here, ( x) is the productivity of labor in task x and is assumed to be increas-L

  ing, while ( x) is the productivity of machines in automated tasks. We


  assume that ( x)/ ( x) is increasing in x, and thus labor has a comparative L



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