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548 Mara Lederman
Comment Mara Lederman
Athey provides a comprehensive, accessible, and exciting summary of the
impact that machine learning (ML) is having—and will continue to have—
on the fi eld of economics. It is a thorough, thoughtful, and optimistic chap-
ter that makes clear the unique strengths of ML and the unique strengths
of traditional econometrics- based techniques for causal inference and high-
lights both the opportunities to combine these approaches as well as the sorts
of tasks and problems that are likely to remain in each domain. The chapter
contains several useful and practical examples that illustrate the application
of ML techniques to questions and problems that are of interest to econo-
mists including allocating health care procedures, pricing, and measuring
the impact of advertising.
At a broad level, the chapter has four main sections. The chapter begins
by off ering straightforward defi nitions of unsupervised and supervised ML.
Athey puts it quite simply: unsupervised ML uses algorithms to identify
observations that are similar in their covariates, while supervised ML uses
algorithms to predict an outcome variable from observations on covariates.
It is important to emphasize, and I will return to this, that the observations
and variables that ML algorithms can handle often do not look like the
typical quantitative data that economists use in empirical analysis. Both
unsupervised and supervised machine- learning techniques can be applied
to text, images, and video. For example, unsupervised ML algorithms can be
used to identify similar videos (without needing to specify in advance what
makes these videos similar) or similar restaurant reviews (again, without
needed to specify which reviews are positive or negative or what words or
phrases makes a review positive or negative). Supervised ML algorithms
can be used to predict variables such as the sentiment of a tweet or the slant
of a newspaper article, without having to specify e
x ante what the relevant
covariates are.
The chapter then discusses a number of ways in which off - the- shelf ML
techniques can be directly integrated into traditional economics research.
For example, both unsupervised and supervised ML can be used to create
variables that can be used in standard econometric analyses. In addition,
ML techniques can be directly applied to what Kleinberg et al. (2015) call
“prediction policy problems.” These are policy problems or decisions that
inherently involve a prediction component and, in these cases, ML tech-
niques may be superior to other statistical methodologies. These problems
may involve novel sources of so-called “big data”—such as satellite image
data used in Glaeser et al. (2018)—but need not. They are simply policy
Mara Lederman is associate professor of strategic management at Rotman School of Man-
agement, University of Toronto.
For acknowledgments, sources of research support, and disclosure of the author’s material fi nancial relationships, if any, please see http:// www .nber .org/ chapters/ c14036.ack.
Comment 549
problems in which the predicted value of an unknown variable acts an input
into a decision.
The third and most substantial section of the chapter discusses the grow-
ing literature at the intersection of machine learning, statistics, and econo-
metrics. As Athey puts it, this literature is developing novel methodolo-
gies that “harass the strengths of ML algorithms to solve causal inference
problems.” Athey provides details on a number of recent contributions
in this area, highlighting the parts of the estimation approaches that are
improved by ML and the parts that continue to rely on traditional econo-
metric approaches and assumptions. Athey predicts that these techniques
will soon become commonly used in applied empirical work in economics.
Finally, the chapter concludes with a discussion of some of the broader
eff ects that ML might have on the economics profession, beyond the impact
on the way we do empirical research, including the types of questions econo-
mists will ask, the degree of cross- disciplinary collaboration, the production
function for research and the emergence of the “economist as an engineer,”
working with business and government to implement policies, and experi-
ments in a digital environment.