Mr White Proposes (BWWM Interracial Romance)

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Mr White Proposes (BWWM Interracial Romance) Page 4

by Fielding, J A

  “Far fetched, daddy? Really? Engraved in stone?” she asked before finally rolling her eyes. “You make it so hard for me to love you daddy,” she said. Eric laughed.

  “But you love me anyway,” he said. She could tell that he was smiling when he said that.

  “Yes I do, unfortunately,” she said. “Got to go now,” she said.

  “Okay princess, good day,” Eric said before hanging up. Natasha smiled. Somehow, talking to her father always lifted up her spirits. Maybe that’s why she would always be daddy’s girl. She smiled as she climbed off the bed and walked to the bathroom. She got the shower started and then held out her hand letting the warm water trickle down her forearm to her fingers. She then quickly took off her night shirt and stood under the shower head. She felt goose bumps forming on the surface of her skin as the water trickled down her spine to the crack of her ass. She then turned around and leaned against the wall as the water flowed down her torso, the warm water gradually hardening her nipples.

  She took a deep breath as she envisioned what the day had in store for her and then closed her eyes. This would be either a very long day or just a disastrous one. When she finally got out of the bathroom, it was already eight but for some reason she didn’t really care. She had no drive to get to work early or actually get to work at all. She quickly spread her bed before walking to her closet. She pulled out a par of black pants and a green sleeveless top.

  After quickly dressing up, she let her hair loose, sprayed it up before tying it back up again. She thought it looked better that way especially since it wasn’t straightened. She then took a pair of silver loop earrings and put them on as she headed towards the door. After slipping on a black pair of heels, she quickly got out and headed to the elevator. As she waited, she involuntarily played with the phone in her hands, wondering who to call or text. Her phone vibrated again just as the elevator door opened in front of her.

  So lunch?

  She smiled as she looked at the phone on the ride down.

  Dinner. I need to check up on my Nan before I get to work. Might take a while.

  When she got inside her car, she quickly dialed the office , her heart pounding.

  “Nolan Schmidt Communication Solutions. Natasha Black’s office, Stacy speaking,” she heard Stacy’s melodious voice chime. She smiled. She was had never been able to understand how she managed to say all that in under fifteen seconds or at least without biting her tongue or something.

  “Hey Stacy. It’s Natasha,” she said.

  “Oh hi boss lady. How can I be of service to you?” Stacy asked.

  “Just calling to ask you to take down all my messages. There is something I need to take care of and I don’t know how long it might take,” Natasha said.

  “Sure. So tomorrow?” Stacy asked. Natasha smiled. It had work.

  “Yes, please,” she said before hanging up. Her cell vibrated again just before she put it down. She looked at the screen and for the umpteenth time, felt her remorse taking over her body.

  Diner’s perfect. Feel like some Tapas tonight though.

  She sighed as she quickly typed on her screen.

  Tapas it is. Kisses.

  The minute she secured her seat belt, she knew she needed to talk to someone. Normally, she would talk to Rita but this time, she needed someone a little more experienced Someone who knew what the stakes in life were worth because she had lived long enough. She had already thought of going to see her Nan and maybe that wasn’t such a bad idea.


  Estelle felt especially proud of herself as she took her pound cake out of the oven. She always enjoyed her little culinary adventures when Eric was not in the house. He would always dip his fingers in the mix and eat the ingredients laving a frustrated Estelle to prepare a semi-sweet thing…or just something she would want to give to the dog. She carefully put the cake on the counter to cool off and then walked to the refrigerator to get herself a cool drink.

  She had just poured herself a nice cold glass of orange juice when she heard the front door slam shut.

  “Eric Black, you put your hands on my pound cake and so God help me I will cut them off,” Estelle said without turning around.

  “Wow, dad has never really grown up, huh?” Natasha said with a smile. Estelle turned around and a smile beamed across her wrinkled face.

  “Tasha! What are you doing here…why are you not at work?” Estelle asked as she placed the glass on the counter so she could hug her granddaughter.

  “I’m taking a personal day, Nan,” Natasha said. Estelle finally let go and held her at arms length.

  “You are not eating well, are you?” Estelle said looking at her like a child would inspect a puppy at a pet shop. Natasha cringed.

  “What?” she said. “I have….” “…that McDonald’s crap ain’t food and you know it,” Estelle said as she finally let her go. “Let me get you some proper food,” she said walking to the stove as Natasha sat down.

  “Oh my God, thank you. I’m starved,” she said reaching for Estelle’s juice. Estelle turned around and gave her one of those I-knew-it smiles. “Oh come on, Nan. It’s just because I didn’t have breakfast yet,” Natasha said in her defense.

  “A mother knows Tasha,” Estelle said as she stirred some pancake batter. “A mother always knows,” she added in a low voice.

  “Okay, Nan. You win,” Natasha said with a smile.

  “So, what brings you to this side of town on a weekday when you are supposedly taking your quote unquote personal day,” Estelle asked as she poured the batter onto a pan.

  “Nothing really,” Natasha said. “I just needed to see you. It’s been a while you know,” she added as she took another sip of the orange juice.

  “Mh hm,” Estelle said as she looked at her.

  “Really, Nan,” Natasha said trying to convince her. Estelle smiled at her before turning back to her pan.

  “If you say so,” Estelle said just as the front door slammed shut again. “Better hide that pound cake,” she said turning to the counter.

  “What on earth are you doing here on a weekday?” Natasha heard Rita’s voice coming through the kitchen.

  “Me? What are you doing here?” Natasha asked as Rita walked towards the kitchen counter.

  “Me and Estelle have a date,” Rita said. “We are going shopping for new wallpaper,” she added smiling at Estelle.

  “Hey Rita,” Estelle said smiling back at her.

  “Hey Mrs. Black,” Rita said before turning her attention back to Natasha. “So, what are you doing here? Everything okay at work?” she asked. Natasha put the glass down and looked at Rita.

  “Fine Rita. How have you been? Me, just cool. Can’t complain,” Natasha said cynically.

  “I’m sorry sweetie. I’m just confused, that’s all,” Rita said as she leaned towards Natasha for a hug.

  “Apparently, she is taking a personal day,” Estelle said in the same cynical voice Natasha had used talking to Rita. Natasha looked up at her grandmother who was now pouring more batter onto the pan.

  “A personal day?” Rita asked looking at Estelle and then back at Natasha. “What for? You and Mitchell okay?” she asked.

  “Yes, a personal day. I am entitled to one every so often,” Natasha said dismissively. Estelle and Rita briefly exchanged glances as Natasha silently took the last sip of her juice. She then stood up and walked to the pantry from where she grabbed a bag of chips.

  “Okay, she is binging. Something is definitely wrong,” Rita said as Estelle walked towards them carrying a plate of pancakes in one hand and syrup in the other.

  “Ooh, pancakes,” Natasha said as Estelle placed the plate on the counter.

  “Definitely something wrong,” Estelle said as she grabbed some plates and joined them. “so, what ‘s going on baby?” she asked as she finally sat down. The two looked on as Natasha squeezed a generous amount syrup onto her pancakes.

  “Okay, I don’t want you to overreact or anything,” she said ami
d mouthfuls.

  “Okay,” Estelle and Rita said in unison.

  “Last week Mitchell proposed,” Natasha said in a low voice. Her grand mother and Rita were unusually quiet. You could literally hear a pin drop.

  “Oh honey,” Rita squealed.

  “Congratulations baby,” Estelle said as she quickly walked around the counter to embrace Natasha. “It’s about time I got me some great grandbabies,” she said as she held Natasha close. Natasha ‘s heart skipped a beat as Rita joined in the hug.

  “I told you guys I don’t want you making it a big deal,” Natasha said as she tried to wriggle away from the group hug.

  “I’m sorry,” Estelle said when they finally pulled away. “We’re just so happy for you,” she added wiping a tear from the corner of her eye.

  “Yeah, we are so happy,” Rita said as she and Estelle sat down on either side of Natasha. “So, where is the ring?” she asked looking at Natasha’s hands.

  “That’s the thing I need to talk to you guys about,” Natasha said as she put her fork down.

  “Did he get you one that you didn’t like?” Estelle asked. Natasha shook her head.

  “No, it was nothing like that. It was beautiful,” she said.

  “Then what?” Estelle asked.

  “Oh my God, you lost it,” Rita said her eyes growing wide.

  “No!” Natasha said looking at Rita. “It’s just that…” “…wait did you just say was?” Rita interrupted. “Did you tell him no?” Rita asked in surprise.

  “Natasha Black, tell me you did not break that sweet boy’s heart,” Estelle said sharply. Natasha’s face fell.

  “Not really,” Natasha said in a low voice. “I just didn’t say yes at that moment,:” she finally said. Estelle and Rita looked at her.

  “Why? Mitchell is by far the best man I know,” Rita said looking at her.

  “Why would you say no to Mitchell?” Estelle asked. She could almost feel her heart break. She had met Mitchell a few weeks before and to her, he was the epitome of a perfect man. She could not have wished a better man in Natasha’s life. “Did he cheat on you? Did he propose out of guilt?” Estelle asked again.

  Natasha felt a tear threatening to roll down her cheek. “It’s nothing like that,” she said as she dubbed the corner of her eye using her index finger. “I just don’t think it’s a good idea,” she said to the surprise of her Nan and best friend.

  “Why wouldn’t it be a good idea?” Estelle asked.

  “Our family does not exactly have a great record as far as marriage is concerned, Nan,” Natasha said looking into Estelle’s eyes.

  “So?” Rita asked jerking her around. “Does that mean that you’re like them?” she asked looking at Natasha in disbelief.

  “I mean, no offense Nan. You were married and you saw how that turned out,.” Natasha said obviously choosing Rita’s comment. “And mum and dad…” her voice trailed off as she shifted her glances from Rita to Estelle. “I am scared guys,” she said finally as the tear finally rolled down her cheek.

  “Baby,” Estelle said draping an arm around Natasha’s shoulder. “Any man who would think of leaving you is a damn fool and Mitchell is not so stupid,” she added with a smile.

  “Why do I feel like you gave daddy the same advice when mum left?” Natasha asked sniffing.

  “Because I did,” Estelle said before they all laughed. “But seriously, I hate white people and you know it. But Mitchell is another brand of white,” she added with a smile.

  “Yeah. Definitely not the same cloth your mum was cut from,” Rita said smiling at her bet friend.

  “So then, what should I do?” Natasha asked.

  “What do you want to do?” Rita asked. “Because at the end of the day it is all about you,” she added looking at Estelle.

  “The girl has a point,” Estelle said looking down at Natasha.

  “I love him. Really, I do,” Natasha said looking at her pancakes even though Estelle and Rita knew very well that she could not see them. “And I do want to spend the rest of my life with him. But does that really rely on one piece of paper?” She asked looking at Estelle and then at Rita.

  “Mitchell is traditional,” Estelle said. “That much I can say and I am sure he wants to make sure he does everything the way his parents would have wanted him to,” Estelle said.

  “Yeah and if you are so scared about marriage, didn’t his grandparents marry like sixty years ago or something?” Rita asked. Natasha smile and nodded.

  “Yeah and his parents have been together for 40 years now,” she said in a low voice.

  “Then you have nothing to worry about,” Estelle said as she slowly rubbed Natasha’s shoulder. “Now, eat up and come with us to the market. An extra eye wouldn’t be so bad,” Estelle said with a smile. Natasha smiled and picked up her fork. She still was unsure of what she was to do but getting it out of her chest definitely helped. She felt lighter already.

  Chapter 5

  Mitchell was not so sure what he was feeling. It was anxiety, anger, something in between or both…maybe. Ever since he proposed to Natasha, he had only seen her thrice and two of those times were during work meetings. She had recently resorted to canceling almost every single date they had. He failed to understand why she would not agree to marrying him.

  After all it was not like he was marrying her that very moment. He only needed to know that she would be there when he did and he intended for this to be soon. And anyway, not to sound too proud, there was one thing that he was sure of. Mitchell Schmidt was a catch. He had it all, the full package. Looks, package, the ‘other package’. Seriously, what did this woman want? If she loved him, she would have not taken this long…or would she?

  He picked up his phone and scrolled down to her name.

  Natasha, this is messing me up. How long should I wait before you are ready to talk?

  He hit send and sat there staring at the phone. Almost a few minutes later, his phone vibrated.

  We will talk when I’m ready.

  “Ready?” he thought. “When will that be?” he wondered as he typed on his cell frantically.

  Could you maybe give me a time span so I know what I should be prepared for?

  He looked at the screen and took a long deep breath before finally hitting send. He placed his phone on the couch next to him and took the remote. He flipped through the channels as his thoughts took complete control of his mind. He almost dropped the remote when the phone vibrated loudly against the leather covered couch.

  I can’t really tell but I do know that I want to be with you. I do love you, that has not changed.

  He smiled as he quickly typed in a ‘Then why are you avoiding me’ message. It was not long before his phone vibrated gain.

  I’m sorry about that. I guess it’s just that seeing you disappointed in me is simply killing me slowly.

  Mitchell felt a pang of guilt when he read her last message. He was a bit angry with her but he would never be disappointed in her. If that was the way she felt…shit. He could almost shoot himself if he had the guts.

  Can I see you tonight? Maybe now, preferably now.

  He hit end again and looked at the phone hopefully waiting for an affirmation text.

  Be there in 20.

  His heart almost skipped a beat. He felt as if he was courting her all over again. Wait a minute. Courting? “Who even says that anymore?” he wondered as he typed a reply.

  Can’t wait.

  True to her word, there was a knock on his front door. He quickly walked to the door and opened it. He looked at her perfect dainty face and pulled her close for a hug.

  “Why didn’t you use your key? Did you lose it?” he asked looking into her eyes after pulling away from her. She shook her head.

  “I guess I never even…” he cut her short by leaning in for a kiss. The kind of kiss you would only see at the end of cliché love story movies and read about in romantic novels.

  “I don’t care, I missed you,” he said when h
e pulled away.

  “I missed you too,” she said a she stepped aside. “Come on in,” he said. She slowly walked in and just then he noticed what she was wearing. A long pink mink coat.

  “Isn’t it a bit too hot for that?” he asked as she walked into the living room. She looked at him over her shoulder and smiled.

  “Maybe it is,” she said walking to the kitchen. “But then maybe it’s all in your head,” she added as she headed to the refrigerator. He slowly walked in after her and watched as she took out a box of apple juice. To his surprise, she lifted the juice to her lips and began taking long gulps without taking any pauses.

  “Are you okay?” he asked as she finally put the juice down on the counter.

  “Excellent,” she said as she put the juice back in the refrigerator.

  “So I was thinking we would talk…” Mitchell began before she slowly walked away towards his bedroom. “Tasha…Tasha!” he called as he followed her to the bedroom. He found her standing right in front of his queen size bed smiling as if she had just done the most normal thing in the world.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked. Natasha shook her head.

  “Perfect,” she said. “I’ve been reading these past few days,” she said looking into his eyes.

  “Okay,” he said looking at her confused.

  “Have you heard of E.L. James?” she asked. Mitchell shook his head as he looked at her wondering what she was up to. “Fifty Shades of Grey?” she asked. Mitchell suddenly snapped his fingers.

  "That book on sex? Everyone's reading it now. I wonder why," he said rolling his eyes. Natasha smiled.

  “It’s not about sex. It’s about dominance,” she said still looking at him.

  “About what now?” he asked looking at her still confused. “Tasha, I’m sure that it’s a really good book, maybe one that I’ll read one day. But right now I really need to talk about us,” he said as she slowly opened her coat.

  “Dominance, Mitchell. Sexual dominance,” she said as she slowly removed her coat. “I want to try it,” she added as he gasped, his eyes traveling down her body as the soft mink caressed her body. Whatever had happened to Natasha, his sweet loving girlfriend, he had no idea. The woman in front of him right now was something he would have picked out of the Playboy Mansion given a chance.


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