Mr White Proposes (BWWM Interracial Romance)

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Mr White Proposes (BWWM Interracial Romance) Page 6

by Fielding, J A

  “So, tell me,” Mitchell began as he leaned back in his chair. “What do you think about my situation?” he asked.

  “Well, have you asked her what’s going through her mind?”Leo asked. “Because it would help to know what the hell she’s thinking,” he added.

  “Dude, I’m telling you I’ve tried it all,” Mitchell said. “But every time I try to talk, we just end up in bed and I must say that in the last two weeks I have had the best lays ever!” he added in a loud whisper.

  “Really?” Leo asked. “Now you’re just making me feel bad, man,” he said looking at Mitchell.

  “I kid you not,” Mitchell said leaning towards him. “Just last week, she made me bondage stuff. One word, awesome!” he whispered excitedly.

  “Wow,” Leo breathed out. “And here I was thinking that I was lucky to have twins in Bangkok,” he said looking at Mitchell in disbelief.

  “Crazy man. I might just call her today to quote unquote, talk if you know what I mean,” he said winking at him before he took a sip of his cappuccino. “Wait, you had twins in Bangkok?” he said as he put the cup down. Leo looked at him and smiled broadly.

  “Oh yeah,” Leo said nodding. “The perfect ménage a trios for sure,” he said as he raised his cup at him.

  “You pathetic lucky bastard!” Mitchell said. His facial expression suddenly turned and he held up his hands. “But I am in a committed relationship right now,” he added.

  “So, she never gave you a reason not to marry you?” Leo asked. Mitchell shook his head.

  “Something about marriages in her family not working out,” Mitchell said.

  “There it is. You are overreacting,” Leo said. Mitchell looked at him. He almost wanted to punch him right in the face.

  “How so?” he asked.

  “All the marriages she’s seen don’t work out so well,” Leo said. “I think she’s just scared of being hurt,” he added. Mitchell looked at him. He had a point. He needed to find Natasha and tell her that. Maybe she needed to hear the words from his mouth.

  “I think I need to talk to her,” he said. “Who knew, Leo Hayes, world class pimp[ could give such sound advice,” he added laughing.

  “Hey, the only reason I am a world class pimp is because I get the women,” Leo said. “We speak the same language you know,” he added.

  “Could this language be somewhat vertical?” Mitchell said as he took one final sip from his cup.

  “You know it,” Leo said smiling. “But seriously that’s cold, man,” he added feigning sadness. “How’s the rock anyway?” he asked looking at him.

  “Not so rocky,” Mitchell said as he reached into his pockets and pulled out the black velvet case.

  “Why not?” Leo asked looking at him in surprise.

  “She hates flashy stuff,” Mitchell answered. “So, I got the original ring redesigned to a smaller size,” he added as he handed Leo the ring.

  “No wonder she said no. You got her a small diamond!” Leo said looking at him.

  “I just said she hates flashy stuff. And she didn’t say no…” “…you’ve heard the line that diamonds are a girl’s best friend, right?” Leo asked as Mitchell’s mouth remained gaped mid sentence. Mitchell nodded and looked at Mitchell unsure of where he was going with this.

  “Then get her something cool. This is nice and all but really, you are Mitchell Schmidt,” Leo scolded. Mitchell looked at him and slowly nodded.

  If you think it will work,” Mitchell said.

  “If and when she says yes to you, it won’t be because of the ring,” Leo said looking at Mitchell. “Put that away,” he said slamming the case shut and handing it back to a smiling Mitchell. “What the fuck’s the matter with you?” he asked looking at him.

  “You said when,” Mitchell said. “You believe in me,” he added dramatically as they stood up.

  “As much as a lot has changed, the most annoying aspects about t you are still the same,” Leo said as Mitchell dropped a couple of bills on the table. “Why are you even paying? I though you owned the joint,” he said as they walked out.

  “Didn’t your mother teach you about tipping your waitresses?” Mitchell asked as they slowly walked towards his car.

  “Do you really want an answer to that question?” Leo asked as Mitchell opened his door.

  “Bye Leo,” Mitchell said as Leo walked away laughing.


  Natasha sat on her bed, looking around at her old room. There was a sense of comfort being back here, the house she grew up in. She walked to her closet and opened it. She smiled when she saw the secret compartment on the floor where she hid her diary. Slowly, she bent down and took her diary out. She smiled as she flipped through the pages before walking back to her bed. She rummaged through her bag and when she finally got a pen, she leaned back on the bed and opened a fresh page.

  Dear Diary,

  I feel silly. I haven’t done this in almost ten years…but let’s face it, I am older wiser and I have a great social life. So…guess it’s okay that I haven’t written in a while. Anyway, I feel this is the only place I can totally say what I feel without any kind of conviction.

  So, Mitchell proposed to me a few weeks ago and I know I have in the past scribbled Mrs. Natasha Jonas and Mrs. Natasha Raymond a million times before. But every girl has that dream or fantasy of marring one of the Jonas brothers or Usher Raymond at some point right? But people tend to think that Mitchell is my own Usher Raymond, Nick Jonas and everything nice plus a bag of chips rolled up into one great thing. But I’m scared. What if he changes? I mean right now he is the coolest, sweetest person. I mean the man rented out the Griffith Observatory just for me…and that was out first date!!! He listens. I am sure he is a great guy but people change. I mean mama did, Pop did too when he started beating on Nan. I am so scared but I might push him away.

  Rita tells me that so far, he has not given me a reason to doubt him and she is right. Maybe I should just say fuck it and give it a chance. I hope I am right on this one. But I must be, right? Even Nan likes him and Nan never likes anyone. That’s a sign right?

  Sometimes, I wish you would talk back. Maybe then I wouldn’t feel like the complete idiot I am right now…talking to a stupid journal. At least I know that I’m not alone. Maybe at this moment, statistically speaking, there are a million people writing weird things in their journals.

  “Hey, princess,” she heard her father Eric’s voice fro the doorway. She looked up and slammed the book shut as he walked towards the bed.

  “Hey daddy,” she said smiling up at him.

  “You Nan told me you were around,” he said before kissing her forehead. “You have been coming over a lot of late, not that I’m complaining,” he said. “Anything the matter?” he asked sitting down on the bed.

  She looked at him and shook her head. “Just escaping the busy life that has become Natasha Black’s latest script,” she said smiling at him. Eric looked at her and smiled.

  “You know when you were a little girl, you’d run up here and grab that diary any time you were upset,” Eric said. “And old habits die hard,” he added as Natasha’s gaze fell to her knees. Eric used his index finger to lift her face up. “Does this have anything to do a little proposal I heard about?” he asked. Natasha’s eyes grew wide.

  “You knew?” she asked looking at her father in surprise.

  “That Mitchell Schmidt is a very upright young man. Very traditional,” he said. Natasha looked at her in surprise.

  “What do you even mean by that?” she asked looking at him, a questioning look on her face.

  “He called me up last month. Surprised me too. I didn’t even know he had my number,” Eric said as Natasha looked on. “So, he took me out for a great dinner and asked me for your hand,” he finally said smiling.

  “He did?” she asked feeling a wave of emotion come over her.

  “You know honey,” Eric said, a serious expression suddenly coming over his face. “Mitchell is a good man and he is
not your grandfather,” he said taking her small hands in his. “And you are certainly not your mother,” he added with a smile.

  “Thanks dad,” she said looking at Eric. “I really needed to hear that,” she said with a smile. “And I think I am ready to give Mitch my answer,” she said still smiling.

  “So, what are you still doing here?” Eric asked. “You had better skedaddle,” Eric said patting her knee.

  Natasha looked at him and smiled even more. Her father was right. Mitchell was not just some guy she had bumped into at the flea market. He was the real thing,. The ideal man. The greatest thing that could ever happen to her. She could not let him slip away.

  “You are right daddy,” she said planting a kiss on his forehead. “I got to go,” she said practically running out. She stopped in her tracks and ran back and then quickly grabbed the diary from the bed. “Not today, Eric Black,” she said before running out.

  “You were a child,” he called out as he heard her run down the stairs.

  “And I’m still your child!” he heard call out from downstairs. He smiled as he heard the door slam shut. He was about to get a son-in-law.

  Chapter 7

  When Mitchell heard the front door slam shut, his first instinct was to reach for his gun. He reached for his piece cleverly concealed underneath one of his cushions. He suddenly aimed it at the door, his index finger almost squeezing the trigger.

  “Bring it buster,” he thought. “Breaking and entering can be an excusable reason for getting shot,” he said as he kept his eyes fixated on the hallway.

  “It’s me, Mitchell,” he heard. Natasha’s small voice coming through the hallway. He took a deep breath as he put the safety back on. “I’m sorry,” she said as she walked towards him.

  “It’s okay,” he said looking at her. “Fuck, she’s beautiful,” he thought as he looked at her. “What are you doing out so late?” he asked as he looked at her.

  “I needed to talk to you,” she said looking up at him. Mitchell looked at her as he felt his heart pounding a bit faster.

  “Oh shit. I’m about to get the it’s not you, it’s me speech,” he thought as he struggled to maintain a brave face.

  “Right now?” he asked.

  “Yes, Mitchell, Right fucking now,” Natasha said obviously getting pissed off at his question. It was one in the freaking morning. This was either a booty call or a serious talk.

  “Damn you Mitchell Schmidt!”He thought as he looked at the floor and then back at Natasha. “What’s on your mind? Why don’t you sit down," he said not sure what he wanted her to do first.

  ”No, I don’t want to sit down. I can do this just fine standing,” she said tugging at her jacket.

  “Okay,” he said. She looked up at him and at that moment, he just wanted to take her into his arms and hug her and then give her the most passionate kiss known to man.

  “I talked to my dad. He told me you asked him for my hand,” she stared as she looked into his eyes. Mitchell felt himself panic.

  “Should I not have done it?” he asked confused. She shook her head.

  “No, I just….I was impressed. I think I…” her voice trailed off as she looked into his eyes, lost for words. She then took a step forward and kissed him. Mitchell closed his eyes and held her shoulders as he kissed her back.

  “Wait,” he thought. “This is not good,” he thought as he began to slowly push her away.

  “No, we are supposed to talk. You cannot just fuck me into submission so I can forget about it,” he said in a soft but stern voice.

  “That’s not what I’m doing,” she said looking into his eyes.

  “Yes you are,” he said looking at hr. “You have been coming to ‘talk’ for the longest time but we just end up having crazy sex. Not that I’m complaining,” he said looking at her. “You cannot avoid the situation forever, baby,” he told her.

  “I am not avoiding the situation Mitchell,” she said as she took another step towards him. “I just want to have an intimate moment with my fiancé,” she added looking into his eyes. Mitchell looked at her in surprise. This was exactly what he wanted but he had definitely not expected for her to come around this soon.

  “Really?” he asked as he looked into her brown eyes. She smiled and nodded.

  “I have been so stupid Mitchell,” she said looking up at him. “I just don’t know…I love you and I don’t want to lose you,” she said as a tear rolled down his cheek. Mitchell rubbed the tear off her cheek and held her face in his hands.

  “I love you too,” he said. “But is the fear of losing me the reason why you want to be my wife?” he asked looking closely into her brown eyes. She closed her eyes and shook her head.

  “No, never,” she said as another tear rolled down her other cheek. “It’s just that I didn’t realize just how much you meant to me until I almost lost you and…” she felt a tightness in her throat as she choked back a tear. “I am just…I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I have always seen a future with you,” she said looking into his deep brown eyes. He felt overjoyed as he held her in his arms, something that he had not done in a long time. She lost all control and began sobbing into his shirt. He kissed the top of her head and gently squeezed her in his arms.

  “I’m just happy you are here,” he said before kissing her again. She pulled away and looked up at his smiling face. His perfect facial features looking down on her. Those beautiful dark eyes, that thick wavy hair. She was still looking up at him dreamily when he lowered his head and kissed her lips. She closed her eyes as she felt his lips on hers, slowly interchanging as the warm tongue threatened to get inside her mouth. She slowly wrapped her arms around his neck as he retaliated by wrapping his own arm around her dainty waist. He slowly pushed her coat off and pulled away to marvel at her perfect figure in the long top and skinny jeans she wore. He felt his excitement grow a little more when he saw her long heels, maybe because his mind went back to that day she surprised him with a whole lot of BDSM much to his delight.

  “What?” she asked. Without realizing it, he had been staring at her. He smiled and pulled her closer to him.

  “Nothing, I just missed you,” he said in a whisper. “Come here you sexy woman,” he said as he lowered his head again, meeting her lips in a smooth sensual kiss. She slowly let a moan escape her lips as he kissed her long and hard, unwilling to let her go. His hands went down to her waist and began to slowly lift her shirt up. She pulled away and raised her arms over her head as he pulled her top off.

  “Gorgeous,” she heard him say when he laid eyes on her breasts secured inside her burgundy bra. He suddenly pulled away as if he had remembered something.

  “What? What’s wrong?” she asked looking into his eyes, a worried look in her eyes.

  “I don’t wan to have sex tonight, baby,” he told her looking into her eyes. Natasha felt a sadness befall her. She wanted him so much right now, but maybe it was for the best. After all they did have a lot to work through. She smiled at him and grabbed her shirt from the couch. “What are you doing?” Mitchell asked looking at her.

  “Getting dressed,” she said looking at him confused.

  “Why?” he asked looking at her.

  “You don’t want to have sex,” she said looking up at him especially hard when he grabbed her hand.

  “True,” he said yanking the shirt from her hands. “I want to make love,” he said kissing her again. Natasha felt herself get wet. This kind of random or arbitrary behavior made him even more hot than he already was. She shrieked as Mitchell suddenly lifted her up with one swift sweep. He walked them to the bedroom and slowly lowered her onto the bed. She watched him as he slowly took his pants off. She gasped when she saw that his penis was already erect, angry veins threatened to burst its boundaries. He then slowly undid the zipper of her pants before slowly pulling them off.

  The way he slowly undressed her looking into her eyes with certain intensity without a word made her loins crave him. He then slowly low
ered his body and began to slowly plant small kisses on her navel, so close to tearing off her panties with his teeth. She closed her eyes as he felt his lips slowly going down her thigh that was now cold thanks to his ever efficient cooling system. She involuntarily spread her legs when she felt him running his tongue along the smooth skin of her inside thigh. Her soft moans had been replaced by hard labored breaths that showed her eagerness to have him inside her, to have him take her and ravage her.

  “Oh my…God,” she moaned when she felt him take the soft skin in between his teeth, slowly nibbling at her, making her wetter than she already was.

  “You like that, don’t you,” Mitchell said softly, almost in a whisper. “What about this?” he said as he ran his tongue up her thigh, to her navel and finally to her upper breast. She felt herself tingle as his soft lips began planting small kisses on her perfect mounds.

  “That too,” she said as she held his head against her breast.

  “And this?” he asked as he quickly unclasped the bra at the front. For a moment, Natasha was impressed at how fast he had managed to figure out the clasp. She sighed and shivered as he slowly licked the tip of one hardening nipple.

  “Yeah, yes baby….like that…” she struggled to answer as he took one nipple inside his mouth. He sucked on it long and hard before he began to softly nibble on it, making her squirm with pleasure. He placed a hand on her other breast giving it equal pleasure from his flicking fingertips. “Ah,…babe…baby…” she moaned softly as he nibbles on the soft skin of her nipple. He resumed sucking on her hard nipples, tugging and pulling on it, making her squirm and moan and scream at some point.

  He suddenly pulled away from her and looked at her lying there, eyes closed, tits rising and falling in rhythm with her quick breaths. He lightly touched his cock and could almost swear he could feel his pulse through the raging flesh. “It’s not yet time,”he thought as he put his hands on either knee and slightly spread them before straightening them on the large bed He went back to kissing her legs and finally, what she longed for happened. He grabbed the top seam of her panties and slowly pulled them down. She felt a shiver as he let his warm finger slightly touch her wet slit.


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