Cassie (Adrian's Undead Diary Book 8)

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Cassie (Adrian's Undead Diary Book 8) Page 28

by Chris Philbrook

  “This truck only goes so fast Ethan,” Blake said back, his eyes glued to the road. Both sides of the road for whatever reason had been littered with undead making their way out in front of them. Blake had simply hit them with the humvee, disregarding them as mere nuisances. No more a hindrance to them than falling snowflakes. Suddenly, the zombies froze solid, turning towards the center of the city as if some siren song had been started that only they could hear. It was eerie, and spoke of foul deeds.

  “You seeing this?” Blake asked, slowing the vehicle instinctively.

  “Yeah. You get the sudden sick sensation we’re watching the end of times? For real this time?” Ethan said back, worry thick on his face.

  “Let’s just hope the ending is happy,” Blake said, applying more pressure to the gas pedal. They had friends that needed help, and time was slipping away.


  Back at Bastion in the school house in Hall B the children all sat, listening to Melissa teach a simple class about world history. Melissa believed adamantly that the mistakes of the past be taught to the children. How else would they know what not to do in the future?

  In the back of the class, Sylvia sat almost alone at a small writing desk that had been brought in just for her. She was no longer feral, just quiet, and strange. Beside her in a chair was Kimberly, Blake’s wife. Kim was Syl’s aid every day, all day while she was at school. Despite her recent safety, and increased communication with adults and other children, everyone felt safer when Sylvia had someone to be there for her, to anchor her to sanity, and society.

  Syl turned and looked out the window suddenly, looking east towards the city.

  “Sylvia hun, you gotta listen,” Kim said, gently trying to redirect the young girl back to the lesson.

  “I am listening. I dreamt of this,” she said dreamily.

  “I’m sorry what Syl? Dreamt of what?” Kim asked, concerned. Sometimes Syl would spout nonsense right before she became mentally disorganized. The girl's tone was frightening Kim.

  “I dreamt of today. What time is it?” Syl turned back to Kim, asking sweetly, almost happily.

  “It’s about 3:30 in the afternoon,” Kim said without looking at her watch, still curious what this was all about.

  “It’s begun then. Guess we’ll all know if we pass this test in a few minutes. I hope Michelle does the right thing,” Syl said cryptically. Sylvia shrugged, and turned back to Melissa talking.

  Kim didn’t want to know what she was talking about. She thought of her baby boy, and the man she loved, who was out there right now, playing his role, protecting the people he loved.


  Gilbert sat on his porch, rocking slowly, watching the sun start to dip in the west. He looked over at the small wooden table and wished it had a tumbler on it filled with something strong. He could use a drink right now. That and a buddy to drink it with. He exhaled softly, and took in a breath of cool air.

  Gilbert felt the temperature of the air sit in his lungs a moment too long, tipping him off to the presence of Evil. Gilbert got to his feet and hiked up his loose pants. He smiled and grabbed the AK47 he’d been babysitting since Adrian went back to the land of the living and racked a round into the chamber. He knew what day it was. He knew what the cold air meant.

  “Get it done son,” Gilbert said softly, and sat back down in his rocking chair. If judgment came for Gilbert, they’d have to take it from him one bloody inch at a time.


  “Cassie?” Adrian posed to the corpse standing in front of him as still as a morbid statue. The man had become oblivious to the danger surrounding them. In every direction the entirety of the undead presence was immobile, frozen in time as if paused. The only movement belonged to he and Michelle. He already knew the answer to the question he asked. Her response was not required, she was dead, though one was given, shocking him to the core.

  “Adriannn…” the corpse hissed at him breathlessly. Dried up lungs that hadn’t been tasked with the work of speech in months, years, struggled to make the words needed.

  Adrian’s eyes filled with moisture as he saw the woman he’d loved for so long stand before him, dead and yet still alive. Adrian’s knees gave out on him as the emotion, the guilt, the love, and the horror took over. He dropped to the pavement in the center of the intersection hard, oblivious to his skinned knees and the trickle of blood that came from them. His weapon lay forgotten at his knees. “Oh sweet shit Cassie I’m so fucking sorry. I’m so fucking Sorry. I can’t believe I didn’t come that day. I’m so sorry—”

  Cassie’s corpse cut him off, “Adrian, it isn’t too late to make things right.” This time the voice was different. Lighter somehow. Sweeter and more real.

  Adrian let his weapon hang on its sling as he wiped the tears away from his eyes. “What? How can I fix this? What can I do?” Adrian looked into her eyes, begging for absolution, begging for an answer. His mind was lost, delirious. So much of his built up angst, anger and fear all unleashed in a single moment.

  “Adrian, don’t listen to her. She’s not the Cassie you fell in love with,” Michelle said strongly, stepping forward, feeling her conviction and confidence return as she felt the presence and influence of Evil around her. She could feel herself rising to the challenge for the man she wanted to fall in love with. The man that deserved the forgiveness he so desperately needed.

  Cassie’s white, lifeless eyes rotated out of sync to aim at Michelle. After a few moments of judgment her eyes returned to Adrian. “Who is this woman? Tell me you aren’t seeing someone already? Tell me you still love me, and I’m the only one.” Nails on a chalkboard. Screams of pain from a child. Her voice cut him.

  Adrian looked over his shoulder at Michelle, unsure of how to answer the woman he'd loved for so long. His confusion and pain was as deep as could be. He turned back to Cassie, stammering, “I don’t… I... You were gone so long, and I was so… so lonely, and I knew you were… you were gone. I needed support, and she—“

  “Stop,” Cassie said uncaringly, her body still frozen still. “You don’t love her. You love me. I understand. She’s just some girl you’re fucking. You can forget about her and return to me. We can have forever together.”

  “Return to you?” Adrian asked, confused. Tears streamed down his cheeks and flooded his vision. His nose was thick with snot and he wiped it away absently.

  The Savior spoke again. “Adrian, please don’t listen to her. She’s being used by Evil to confuse you. Trick you. These are not the real Cassie’s words Adrian. Listen to me,” Michelle pleaded desperately, inching closer to the man on his knees. She stopped when the ranks of undead inched forward ever so slightly at her approach. Any further intervention on her part would bring certain death upon them all.

  The whispers of a succubus. The call of temptation. “Return to me. Join me. Tell me you were wrong, and that you made a mistake, and that you are not worthy any longer, and walk away from all this nonsense. Why have hope for this world? We can have our love forever if you just join me. Walk away from this shit world. Walk away from all the unworthy. You don't have to fight anymore,” the redheaded zombie whispered to the sobbing man. Cassie’s voice sounded more sinister to Michelle.

  Adrian’s eyes lit up, sensing a solution to all his worldly problems. “Join you?” He asked her softly, his eyes and voice trailing off. Adrian grabbed the knife from his waist, still stained rusty red from the zombie he’d stabbed just minutes prior. He looked down at the sharp blade’s edge and then at his wrist. He looked up as a child might, seeking the approval of the woman he loved.

  Cassie nodded slightly, approving of his decision. She urged him forward, “Yes Adrian. Kill yourself. Abandon hope for this world and all the people in it. Walk away from this senseless existence and realize you’ve failed. Give everything up for our love. Be selfish. Make us whole again. Just you and I forever.”

  Michelle’s blood was beyond boiling. She heard the faint words emanating from the body that bel
onged to Cassie, but she knew they were lies spat out to trick him, evil will made into language to consume him. She knew that if Adrian abandoned life for Cassie in this way, they’d all be condemned. Every single soul rested on this one young man. Adrian needed to make a different choice, the right choice right here, right now, or everyone would perish.

  Michelle closed her eyes and focused every single ounce of effort her fatigued, worn out body could muster. She rewound her memory to a moment in time that brought her to a better, happier place. She thought of the scent of lilies, a warm breeze in the air, and the taste of honey on her tongue. She immersed herself in the memory, believing beyond a shadow of a doubt that each and every sensation in her mind was as real as the pavement she stood on, and the air she breathed. She had faith. She believed.

  Suddenly, as Adrian rested the blade on his wrist the cold wind shifted. It was mystical, almost magical. The gathered brigades of undead began to shift uncomfortably as the warm wind moved through their ranks. Michelle opened her eyes and inhaled deeply, the actual taste of honey on her lips and tongue once more. Her spirit was restored. She was righteous. She looked to Adrian and took a confident step towards him. The undead held their ground, almost afraid to challenge her. To challenge what she represented.

  “Adrian I know you believe in a power greater than you," she said to him. He lifted his head, her voice giving him some clarity. She continued, "I know you believe that everything you’ve fought for every single day since June two years ago was the right thing to do. I also know you believe that I can love you, and you can love me. Real love. Lasting love. True love. Yes, everyone makes mistakes, yes, you are flawed, yes the fight to save this world isn’t anywhere near over, and yes, you love Cassie and always will. But you also know that slashing your wrist and letting your blood flow will be our death sentence. And I will NOT let you kill yourself for Cassie until you speak to the real Cassie.”

  Michelle looked up from Adrian’s pleading, lost eyes and over to Cassie. The flame haired corpse stood defiantly, her posture changed from statuesque, morbid pillar to evil, dominating temptress. Michelle spoke with conviction and power that came from places she never knew she had, “Let slip the strings of Evil Cassandra. Show the man you love how you truly feel.”

  Michelle’s words were like a lightning bolt. Cassie’s decayed knees gave way just as Adrian’s had and she dropped down in front of her still living love. They were close enough to touch now. Both Adrian and Cassandra’s eyes locked to each other, and they went silent. Still.

  Michelle looked around at the thousands of undead, all their eyes trained on the trio gathered at the center of the intersection of streets, waiting patiently to see what happened next.

  Michelle kept believing.


  Adrian couldn’t quite recall how he got to where he was. It was a warm summer day, very warm in fact, and he was kneeling in the center of the intersection in the city next to where Cassie worked. The moment he realized where he was, he looked around, and saw her kneeling not five feet in front of him. His redheaded beauty was as shocked to see him as he was her.

  Adrian got to his feet at the same time she did, both of them rushing into each other’s arms. The tall, wide man put his strong arms as far around her as he could manage, fully embracing the tiny woman he had missed for so long. Cassie’s desperate hands ran along his strong back, pressing the flesh of her beloved into her body. She buried her face deep in his chest, inhaling, absorbing, and immersing herself in the scent of his sweat, the scent of his body. She hadn’t even begun to realize how much she’d missed him. They held each other like that for a very long time, holding each other, ushering out any chance that anything could disturb them.

  Cassie broke the embrace first, pushing him far enough away to look up into his eyes and pull him down for a soft, slow kiss. Both of them had their hearts race at the sensation of soft, warm lips, and familiar, desired tastes. This was home. This was love. “Where are we? How did we get here?” She asked softly, never taking her sparkling green eyes off of his deep earthy browns.

  Adrian thought hard, laboring to put the confusing pieces together. Finally the gears locked into place and his memory revealed itself. He tried to explain it to her, “Michelle and I came to you. Came to find you. I was talking to your dead body, and then… we were here.”

  Cassie nodded, understanding. “We were given time. Time outside of the Voice. Out of the cold. That woman's work, I think. The one who came with you. Adrian I’m sorry for all this. I’m sorry if I said anything… evil. I would never hurt you.”

  “Nonsense. I deserve to hear the worst. I gave up on you. I gave up on us. You have every right to be angry at me. You died because of my cowardice.” Adrian looked down at her, remembering all the times he had looked into her eyes when they were together, when they were alive. He felt the rush of emotion come again, and his eyes sprang forth more tears.

  Cassie smiled at her man. “Adrian, nothing is cause for me to be evil. I was angry, I’m still angry, but your place isn’t with me anymore. I can… remember a girl. The woman. A pretty girl. Who is she?”

  Adrian felt powerfully ashamed. “Michelle. She’s one of the Trinity. One of the three of us who are supposed to save the world. They call her the Savior. I like her a lot Cass, I'm sorry. She’s… the only person I think I’ve met since you died that I think I could fall in love with. I’m so sorry if that hurts you. Really.”

  Cassie put her hand on his cheek lovingly. “No. Don’t be sorry. I’m glad for you. Glad for her. I told you already once in a dream that I wanted you to move on, and I’m glad you’re starting to. Adrian, forgive yourself. Things that day happened for a reason, not all of which were under our control. I forgive you. Move on, love her, make beautiful babies, live a long life, save lives, be a hero. Do all the things the world needs now. Our love was wonderful, and I’ll always celebrate it, forever, but you need to be happy, and do the right thing. Baby, even the best life is filled with fucking regret. Don’t regret our love. Don’t regret what you’ve done, or what happened. Don’t regret one mistake, no matter how big you think it might be. You’re a good person Adrian. The best. You just need to understand it yourself.”

  Adrian, even here and now I can feel her. Her very essence is on you, your mutual attraction, your love… it’s real. Go, give me the peace you can, and love her. Love her twice as much as you loved me, in my honor. Name a daughter after me. Cherish what we had as much as I do.”

  Adrian’s tears ran hot down his cheek as he nodded, listening to her. A sob slipped free and he shook with grief.

  “I love you. I always will.”

  Adrian got some words out through trembling lips, “I love you too Cassie. Maybe I’ll see you one day?” Adrian said, rubbing her sides affectionately. He couldn't see his eyes were filled with so many tears.

  The pretty girl nodded her head up and down slowly, “I think one day we’ll meet again. I hope so at least. Now go. Be strong. Save the world.”

  Adrian closed his eyes and inhaled the scent of a flower he couldn’t quite place. He could swear in this dreamy moment he’d sipped on something sweet as well… honey maybe? He smiled as he inhaled deeply once more, feeling the summer sun on his face. When he opened his eyes, he was back in the bleak, gray world, surrounded by the thousands of undead. Michelle was an arm's reach away. He could feel her like the heat from a stove fending off the winter.

  Instead of sparkling green, Cassie's bleak white eyes stared at him.


  Adrian rose to his feet, never taking his eyes off the kneeling woman in front of him. He wiped the tears from his eyes and cheeks. He smiled, remembering the discussion that he’d just had with her. The real her. Not the bitter, corrupted, dead Cassie that tried to make him kill himself to find forgiveness and false peace. Adrian knew what he had to do, and reached down to draw his pistol. It wasn't on his thigh, or his hip. He forgot he’d given it to Michelle.

  Adrian turn
ed to where he knew Michelle was standing and was surprised at how close she was. The Kimber was already in her hand, the safety off. Michelle offered it to him, somehow knowing that he wanted it, and knowing exactly what he planned on doing with it.

  “Here,” she said, handing the smooth, gleaming weapon to him. She looked pained.

  “Thanks,“ the Mohawked man said with a gentle smile, looking at the blonde’s gorgeous eyes and face. Her face wasn’t the same as Cassie’s, but he felt the same stirring of emotion when he looked at her. Adrian could still feel the warm sun lingering on his skin, despite the overcast sky here in the physical world. Somewhere, somehow, the light was shining on him, and he felt it.

  Adrian looked around, taking in the sight of thousands of undead poised just a few arms’ lengths away. He wondered what would happen when he pulled the trigger.

  He didn’t care. He believed.

  Adrian stood in front of Cassie, leveling the powerful pistol between Cassie’s dead white eyes as Michelle put her arm around Adrian’s waist, giving him the support he wanted, and needed.

  “Cassie, may our love guide you to peace.”

  Adrian inhaled deeply, the scent of a sweet, warm flower warming his very core, and pulled the trigger.


  Gilbert sat on his rocking chair, listening to the roar of silence that cloaked the world he’d existed in since his death at Abby’s hand. He didn’t regret his choice to ask her to end his life. It was the right thing to do. This was the path he’d chosen, and he’d walk it as long as need be because Adrian’s task was far more important than Gilbert’s happiness. He'd suffer forever for the boy if he had to. He hoped his wife wouldn't suffer the same fate though.


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