Duke of Daring: Regency Romance (Lords of Scandal Book 1)

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Duke of Daring: Regency Romance (Lords of Scandal Book 1) Page 11

by Tammy Andresen

  Tag intended to reward her for such trust. He parted her pantaloons, and grazed her tender flesh with the tips of his fingers. She whimpered, gripping his arms tighter as her legs fell further apart.

  Smiling at her response, he found her lips again and gave her a long slow kiss as he repeated the movement with his hand, adding just a bit more pressure. She kissed him eagerly, her hips pushing into his hand.

  “Do you like that, love?” he said against her lips.

  “Yes,” she gasped, “Oh, yes.”

  He stroked again, creating a rhythm with his hand. He wished he could see her, but that would have to wait for the next time. He’d explore every inch of her body. Then he realized, he was planning a next time and a time after that.

  He wanted all of those times and more. Wanted to hear her murmured words of understanding as he shared the layers of his past. Wanted to watch her belly grow with his child and hold her close.

  With a startling realization, Tag realized that he loved this woman. Yes, she was strong, strong enough to hold him up when he failed. She was also kind and giving. Hadn’t she been willing to sacrifice herself for his benefit? Who had ever done that for him before?

  Minnie moaned again as he moved faster, her body shaking with the finish that was building. God, he loved seeing her like this. Truth be told, he just loved looking at her. In the morning light, at night, in the garden, or the drawing room. “Minnie,” his voice broke as he held her close. He loved her. And he’d do anything to make her happy. Now how did he convince her of that?

  Chapter Sixteen

  Minnie was about to burst into a tiny thousand little pieces. Break apart. She hoped she’d come back together, but the working part of her brain wondered if she’d ever be the same.

  Tag’s scent swirled around her so strong and masculine, the sandalwood and pine both erotic and comforting.

  He pressed his lips to hers again. “That’s it, love. Let go.”

  “Tag.” She breathed him in, the heat of him filling her with warmth. “I…” What did she say? She wanted to tell him that she loved him. That she’d do anything for him if only he’d love her in return.

  “I know, sweetheart.”

  Did he? She couldn’t think anymore as she shattered and cried out his name. He held her against his chest, cradled in his arms, his forehead pressed to hers. “That was…”

  “Beautiful,” he whispered in the dark interior. “A gift I shall treasure always.”

  She stilled wondering what he meant by that. “As shall I.”

  He kissed her long and slow, keeping her close. “There is something I have to tell you.”

  “What?” her body was soft and her muscles sluggish but her mind came back into focus. “What’s wrong?”

  He gave his head a little shake. “I’m sorry that I didn’t do more to protect you the other night at the ball but I’m going to do it now.”

  She huffed a breath. “I need you to understand. Protection isn’t a good enough reason to marry. You’ll resent me—”

  “No sweetheart, I won’t. But that’s not what I’m talking about.” He kissed her cheeks, her chin, the tip of her nose. This sort of touching was so intimate, that she relaxed back into him. “I’ve come up with a plan to ensure the countess doesn’t say a word about you. It’s not that I don’t want to marry you, but I want you to have all the choices you can have. You deserve that.”

  She swallowed, attempting to sit up. So much had been said in that one sentence, she wasn’t certain where to begin. “You want to marry me and you want me to have choices?”

  He smiled against her cheek. “Let’s first focus on my plan with the countess. She’s managed to accumulate quite the list of ex-lovers.”

  “Has she?” Minnie nibbled at her lip. “After tonight, I suppose I see why.”

  Tag let out a little growl of dissatisfaction. “Minnie, I am the only man who will ever touch you like this.”

  That made her smile. “We’ve yet to work out those details.”

  “We’re going to.” He kissed her then. “Once I’ve eliminated the threat to your reputation.”

  She caught her breath. “I like it when you talk like that.”

  He still cupped her mound and moved his fingers again as sensation sizzled through her.

  “Do you?” he said between kisses on her neck. Then he stopped. “Just be careful. The countess is likely to be upset. Avoid her if you can and let me know what social events you plan to attend. I want to make sure you’re safe.”

  Her body hummed at his touch. “I will.” Then she bit her lip. “I’m going to a garden party tomorrow. I’ve invited Lord Charleston.”

  He stopped, his hand stilling. “What?”

  It was her turn to place a soft kiss on his neck as she wiggled under his fingers. “I need to tell him that I can’t accept his offer.”

  “Oh,” he began touching her again. “In that case, carry on. And I’ll meet you there.”

  “Tag,” she warned. Part of her wanted him there. He was softer today, more giving and she wanted to know more about this man. But she owed Lord Charleston a private explanation.

  “I’ll be fashionably late, love.” He slid her off his lap and onto the bench as he shifted to crouch down on the floor of the carriage. “Now lay back. I want to know how you taste.”

  “Oh,” she hummed. This was going to be fun indeed.

  But the next day, she wasn’t as certain.

  Minnie thread her arm through Diana’s as they circled their picnic spot at Hyde Park. She’d set up a more private meeting with Lord Charleston and Diana was coming as her chaperone. She couldn’t damage her reputation now.

  “I’ve never seen a more morose woman who had two marriage proposals.” Diana teased.

  Minnie had waved her hand. “You make it sound far better than it is. One isn’t a real proposal. Charleston means well but…” She sighed. Best not to finish that out loud. He could be just around the corner. “And Darlington has never actually said that he cares for me. I don’t want a marriage that is so…one-sided.”

  “Your mother would disagree. She’s completely atwitter that a viscount and a duke have offered for your hand, on the same day.”

  “Technically speaking, His Grace offered two days ago.” Heat filled her cheeks thinking about their time in the carriage last night. “And neither of his proposals were very good.”

  Diana grinned. “Only you can refuse a duke because he didn’t propose the right way. Every other woman would be falling over herself to say yes.”

  Minnie frowned. “Perhaps that is true. But only because she hadn’t thought through all the repercussions of marrying a man who didn’t really care about her.”

  She desperately wished to say yes to Tag. Her heart thrummed in her chest as she thought about his broad shoulders and strong jaw. But she didn’t want half of him. She refused to become his wife out of charity. He either wanted all of her or none.

  She tossed a lock of hair that had fallen forward back over her shoulder. “You’ve got me here, Diana. What would you do if you were me?”

  Diana winked at her, steering her down a nearby path. “I am you, in many respects. You and I do not make the safe choices, Minnie. We reach for more.”

  Well that certainly wasn’t Charleston. Not that she hadn’t decided that on her own already. “You can’t think the duke is more?”

  “Doesn’t matter what I think. I’ve seen the way you look at Lord Darlington. Never have you looked at another man that way.” Diana gave her arm a squeeze.

  She let out a sigh. “That’s not the question. I know how I feel. What I don’t understand is how strongly he does.” She twisted her fingers. “I know that Tag would marry me. That he feels an attraction and has the desire to care for me but beyond that…”

  “Have you asked him?”

  Minnie pressed her lips together. As a matter of fact, she hadn’t. Perhaps it was time she did.

  Tag saw the party as he approached
the garden. He recognized Mrs. Chase and Ada but Minnie was nowhere to be seen. Then he caught sight of a flash of bright red hair as she and Diana slipped down a path.

  Excitement coursed through him even seeing her across the garden. Bloody hell, he really was in love.

  He changed his course, following behind Minnie. He’d promised her space and he intended to give it to her but he also planned to be there if she needed him. With that in mind, he slipped down the garden path, keeping to the shadows.

  “Lord Charleston,” Minnie said. “A pleasure to see you.”

  In that moment, Tag realized he was eavesdropping on her conversation. That had not been his intent but footsteps on the path behind him had him darting behind a bench. For a moment he wondered why on earth he’d just hid. He could walk on a path without worry but then he caught sight of pale blonde hair. Peeking over the top of the wood slats, the profile of the Countess of Abernath came into view.

  “It’s a pleasure to see you again, Miss Chase.” Charleston all but gushed. “I’ve missed you so and I’ve been anxiously awaiting the answer to your question.”

  “Very kind, Lord Charleston,” Minnie answered as Tag stood again. The countess had passed and he crept silently behind her. “I wanted to answer you post haste. I—”

  “Oh, isn’t this just so sweet,” Lady Abernath purred, coming up behind the trio. Diana straightened, stepping in front of Minnie. Gads, he’d never known a better group of women.

  “What do you want?” Minnie placed her hand on Diana’s shoulder, stepping next to her cousin. His Minnie was no wilting rose.

  “Did he offer for you hand, Miss Chase?” Lady Abernath purred.

  Minnie straightened. “That is none of your concern.”

  “Oh but it is, Lord Charleston.” Lady Abernath waved her pale hand at the other man who took an involuntary step back. “Did you know that Miss Chase was in an illicit club after hours with a group of eligible gentlemen?”

  Charleston took another step back. “I beg your pardon?” His eyes darted to Minnie. “This is a lie, isn’t it? Your reputation would be—”

  “It isn’t a lie.” Minnie’s back was straight as a board.

  “Oh,” Charleston said, his voice barely audible. Irritation flitted along his skin. Bloody hell, he hoped he hadn’t been that weak the last time Lady Abernath had tried to corner him.

  “I relieve you of your offer. You’re free to go,” Minnie added, never looking away from the countess.

  Lord Charleston took another step back. “If you’re sure, Miss Chase. I don’t mean to offend. I just…” Then he turned and fled.

  Lady Abernath shifted, one of her hands cocking on her hip. “I have to confess that I like you. You’re strong. In some ways you remind me of myself.”

  Minnie’s lip curled. “No wonder His Grace doesn’t want to marry me.”

  Lady Abernath trilled a laugh, the sound making his blood cold. He stepped forward out of the shadows. “That isn’t true at all, I’ve practically begged you to marry me.”

  Diana let out a small gasp but Minnie’s gaze shifted to him, softening. “Is that what a duke considers begging?”

  He stepped past Lady Abernath. “A pleasure to see you again, Cristina.” Here in this private conversation, he needed to let her know, he hadn’t forgotten the past. “I say that purely for social grace.”

  She glared at him. “The Marquess of Malicorn told me about your little scheme. It won’t work, those men will never tell my husband—"

  “It will work.” He stepped over to Minnie’s side. “Men in debt will do all sorts of things to keep their families safe.”

  Lady Abernath’s lips thinned. “You’re blackmailing me.”

  He gave her a cold smile as he slipped his arm about Minnie. “Just returning the favor. You’re not to speak to Miss Chase ever again.”

  Lady Abernath’s eyes narrowed into slits. “You’re trying to tell me what to do. After what you did to me?”

  Minnie drifted against his side, her hand coming to his shoulder. “Don’t answer.”

  “You’re making a mistake, Miss Chase, curling up against him like a purring cat. He’ll never actually marry you. He’ll say he will but then—”

  Anger made his fingers numb. He gripped Minnie’s waist tighter, keeping his grip on sanity. “How dare you. I’d marry Minnie tomorrow if she’d have me. You want to blame me rather than admit your own wrongdoing.”

  “I didn’t deserve what you did.” She clenched her skirts. “And if you think marrying her will protect her, you’re wrong. I’ll see you pay.”

  Tag drew up to his full height. “You can’t hurt us, not without hurting yourself and your husband.”

  Lady Abernath’s lip curled. “You think I care about him? My husband can rot in hell. Your club is going to be ash, your relationship dust, and your friends gone. Mark my words. You think you’ve won but you’ve only stirred my ire.” She spun about. “I’ll see you suffer.”

  They all watched as she stalked away.

  “That was your first fiancée?” Diana asked. “No wonder you were scared off marriage.”

  Tag couldn’t help himself, he barked out a laugh. “That is the absolute truth.”

  “How worried should we be?” Minnie still looked to the spot the countess had disappeared. “She threatened to ruin me. What do you think she’s capable of doing?”

  “It doesn’t matter. As a duchess you’ll be completely safe.” He held her tighter to his side, relief flowing through him as she curled into his side.

  “We didn’t agree to a wedding. You said you were going to eliminate the countess’s threat so that we could discuss this.”

  He stiffened, looking down into her eyes. Why didn’t she accept his offer? It hurt that she refused to accept. “I’ve asked you to marry me multiple times. What more do you want?”

  “Tag.” She swallowed, her hand coming to his neck. “I love you.”

  Those words made him freeze. Had anyone in his entire life ever uttered them to him before? Something deep inside him shifted.

  Her fingers slid to his cheek. “But I need to know how you feel in return. I…” Her face tightened. “I can’t be married to you if you don’t feel the same.”

  She hadn’t been holding out on him because she didn’t care. She’d held herself away because he couldn’t share his heart. “I know I’ve struggled to express my feelings. No one taught me how. I’m trying.”

  Her thumb brushed down his cheek. “I appreciate that. We can court. I can teach you…”

  No. That simply wasn’t good enough. “Come on. Let’s go.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Where?” she gasped as Tag pulled her back down the path.

  Diana lifted her skirts to keep up. “Whatever is happening, I’m not going to miss this.”

  Tag didn’t look back. “I need to prove something to you right now.”

  “Now? What?” she asked. Not that he answered where either. She lifted her own skirts as he pulled her along. Part of her wanted to drag her feet and make him explain but another part wanted to see where this was going. “Tag.”

  He turned back to her then. “You want to know how I feel?”

  She nodded, not able to answer in words. There was a light in his eyes she’d never seen before. She’d like to reach out and touch it. “I’m not only going to tell you, I’m going to show you.”

  “Oh my…” She didn’t have a chance to finish.

  Diana yelled behind them, “Do wait for me. I can’t miss this.” Then she lifted her skirts higher. “Grace and Cordelia are going to be so upset they didn’t come. I told them they should.”

  “Diana, please,” Minnie called over her shoulder, her heart hammering in her chest.

  Tag pulled them back into the midst of the party. Several people sat on blankets, enjoying one of the first truly warm days of spring. “May I have everyone’s attention.”

  “Oh no,” Minnie gasped. Tag was not a man to make public
announcements. What was he doing?

  “Oh yes.” Diana clapped behind her. “This is going to be fun.”

  “I’ll remember this,” Minnie hissed back.

  “Not very long ago, I met Miss Minerva Chase. Since then she’s changed not only my life, but my outlook on my past, present, and future.”

  “Oh, this is wonderful,” Minnie’s mother called from the crowd. Minnie couldn’t even search to find her mother. She was looking at Tag, her eyes already misting over. Was he about to publicly declare his feelings?

  “I’ve resisted marriage. But this woman has changed all that. She has made me want to be a better man. A man who can love with his whole heart. Miss Chase,” He turned to her then. His eyes soft around the edges as his hands gripped hers. “Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? I love you more than words can ever express and I’ll do my utmost to prove that to you each and every day.”

  Minnie opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. Not only had he declared his feelings but he’d done so publicly. Her eyes itched with unshed emotion. She knew how difficult it was for him to express emotion after what he’d been through. She moved closer, wanting to be near him. Not only had he declared his love, he’d done it in front of fifty people. “I…” She tried but her tongue stuck to the top of her mouth. “I…” She gripped his hands tighter. For the first time in a very long time, she was tongue-tied and shy

  Diane nudged her from the back. “Spit it out.”

  “Yes,” She managed to push out. “I’d be honored to be your wife.”

  “Thank the lord,” her mother yelled from the crowd. Then louder. “My daughter’s going to be a duchess.”

  Laughter and cheering rose about them, but Minnie only looked at Tag.

  “I love you, Minnie,” he said softly. “I have for a while. I’m just not very good at saying these things. You know my past.”


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