Luna Ascending (The Wolves of Fenrir Watch Book 1)

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Luna Ascending (The Wolves of Fenrir Watch Book 1) Page 1

by Zana Wilder




  Copyright © 2021 Zana Wilder

  All rights reserved.

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the author.


  Title Page



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Chapter Forty-Seven



  Books In This Series


  Two weeks from now

  Having two men fighting over me is exhilarating and not a little terrifying. I watch as the two square up to each other – essentially opposite in aesthetics – one rough around the edges, a few days stubble and an out-doorsy look and the other the epitome of smooth sophistication and elegance.

  My eyes narrow. I don't approve of machismo nonsense, and the longer I watch the more cross I am with the side of me that's thrilled to be the subject of the argument. My sleeve tugs again.

  “Come on!” Liz hisses “enough drama for one night don't you think, Aphrodite?!”

  Giggling, I roll my eyes at my friend. trust Liz to make an unexpectedly geeky joke to snap me out it. Together we weave our way to the exit, unnoticed by the two men apparently vying for my attention. Sighing I have to admit to myself they're just letting off some steam - it could be any girl they're fighting over, it just so happened to be me.

  Chapter One

  Aaron's POV

  My father is fading. I know everyone hits an age where they start to decline physically and mentally, but happening to him, right now, is a big fucking problem. He's our pack alpha, the head of the Fenrir Watch, and the timing couldn't be worse.

  We need a new direction and new leadership, quickly. The pack needs me to step up and take control as alpha-heir, and it needs new blood. We're the fiercest, most dominant pack in the country, but we're not the biggest - it has to change.

  To become alpha peacefully, I need a Luna – I need a mate.

  Despite my beta's insistence, I'm pretty fucking convinced fated-mates don't exist any more. It's an urban legend grandmothers tell their teenage grand-daughters to stop them being little whores.

  Even if they still occur very sporadically our pack doesn't have time for their alpha-heir to mope around until 'the one' appears. Or doesn't appear, which is way more fucking likely.

  Far better I just get on with my life, find a suitable strong woman, and take over the pack now. I might not hold much truck with fated-mates, but I do believe in saving this pack. So, I'm not as against an arranged pairing as I could be, which is what the council are proposing. It was good enough for my parents...

  A Luna Rite is a bit antiquated for sure, but in the end the choice is still mine. I'll choose my Luna from the eligible she-wolves who attend the Rite, and we'll make it work between us.

  Human's make arranged marriages work all the time, and if they can do it I bloody well can too. It's just fucking inconvenient to have to be thinking about a mate when we're on the brink of war.

  I run my hand through my rebellious hair and look around for Tavey, my beta. Today the delegates from the other packs arrive with their charges – alpha-born she-wolves who are of age, or coming of age.

  A thrill of anticipation runs through me. I'm an alpha after all... and there's only a small pool of local talent. I can at least allow myself to enjoy the process.

  Grudgingly I have to admit that IF fated-mates are still a thing, it would be a damn sight easier to meet her now. It'd take all the drama out of judging which she-wolf would make me the best match, and balancing it against which pack-alliance would be most beneficial. Our pack, the Fenrir Watch, has to survive what's coming, at all costs.

  Tavey has escorted the girls to their quarters for the evening – I'll see them in the morning, but I'm itching for a run down. My father met the delegates last month, and whittled down the field based on pack alliances alone. Tomorrow it's finally time for me to meet the remaining candidates. I let out a snort at the thought - it's like a bloody job interview.

  Tavey, the romantic, was dead against it, but I can't afford to be soppy. We need to make the best allegiances possible if we're to come out on top. Luna Rites are not a new thing – they've happened for centuries, when they've had to. I grimace to myself slightly, I'm not sure who I'm trying to convince about this.

  When Tavey meanders in I pounce on his tardy arse.

  “What are they like? Any stunners amongst them?” Grudgingly I admit to myself the idea of several woman in the next building who all want me is exciting.

  Tavey rolls his eyes “I wish you weren't enjoying this so much” he grumbles “it's not the natural way...what if your fated-mate comes along and you're already hitched?!”

  “Enough!” my voice has a commanding edge “We've been over this Tavey. This pack needs a new alpha right fucking now. I can't be alpha without a Luna or a Luna-in-waiting, about to come of age. Not with my father still alive.”

  Tavey simply scowls at me.

  “Besides,” I soften my tone to appease the traditional sod “one of those alpha-blooded she-wolves might be my mate...”

  He perks up, and I can almost sense his wolf wagging its tail.

  “They're a hot bunch Aaron... If one of them is your mate, you'll not be disappointed. Although, there is one surprise” he looks a little uncomfortable and switches topic back “What if your fated-mate isn't one of them?”

  “Then,” I sigh at going over the same ground again “I will take one as my Luna. If I do have a fated-mate, and she's not my Luna, then I pray to the moon-goddess I never fucking meet her!” stomping off grumpily I slam the door behind me, emphasising my disquiet at the thought.

  Chapter Two

  Aaron's POV

  Tanya Farkas waltzes into my hall as if she alre
ady owns the place and I sit a little taller watching her antics with interest. She's a slim, blonde haired beauty with deep amber eyes and a teasing smile.

  Her pack is from the far North so we've never met, but I hear she's quite a calculating character. Not one for getting her own paws dirty if you believe the rumours. We're already on good terms with them- an arranged pairing would solidify it.

  “Are you ready for me Alpha Aaron” she makes a little curtsey in front of me, dipping her eyes briefly.

  I wasn't, but this seems far more interesting than the scripted introductions Tavey had planned. I glance down at the dossiers on each of the she-wolves in front of me. I'd intended to read them before meeting the ladies... but hell. She's here now.

  “I've been dying to meet you, but your 'man' here keeps shooing me away” She opens her big eyes wide staring at me while waving a hand dismissively in Tavey's direction.

  Tavey bristles slightly at the perceived insult. He did tell me he'd been having trouble keeping tabs on some of the potential Luna's.

  “I can make time for you Tanya Farkas. I understand you went out hunting this morning?” I raise an eyebrow slowly, trying not to show approval.

  She falters slightly, obviously not aware she was being watched, before twirling a strand of hair in her fingers coquettishly.

  “I was a little... frustrated... Alpha. With not having met you... it seemed a good way to let off some steam. Perhaps we could go hunting together?” She flashes a smile at me and I take in her plump lips, and rest a lingering gaze on her svelte frame.

  “I can think of a few things we could do together Tanya” I grin wolfishly at her, and enjoy seeing her catch my meaning.

  “That sounds promising Alpha Aaron.”

  Tanya's delegate finally catches up with her and I send them off to enjoy lunch in our pack-house kitchen while I meet the other ladies.

  Ruby Eclipse of the Moonstone Eclipse pack is next. I sigh. I grew up with Ruby, although she was a few years younger than me. Since our late childhood she's been the tease of every poor hormonal teenager in the surrounding packs.

  If we pair, I don't know how my wolf will cope knowing how many shifters have been in her bed. Her brother took over the Moonstone Eclipse pack violently from their father five years ago, and rules ruthlessly. I'm no fan of his methods but they're a large pack, and close by – we really need to keep them onside, one way or the other.

  I've not seen Ruby in several years and she's filled out into a curvy, big busted, red lipped stunner. I watch her walk towards me, all fluttering eyelashes and coy smiles. She looks at me and immediately casts her eyes to the floor, showing submission.

  Meeting old faces is a stark reminder of how much my alpha nature has 'come in' recently. Wolves I've tussled with – play-fighting or between the sheets - now automatically submit. Normally it's ego boosting, but right now it's bloody irritating. I want a Luna who's my equal, not my subject. Sighing, I admit to myself I may not have the luxury of that choice.

  My eyes rove Ruby's curves up and down, if we're going solely on looks... she certainly wouldn't be a bad choice. We chat pleasantries for a while, before she's escorted off. She's definitely not my mate, but my wolf still holds a little interest for the sexy brunette.

  “I am pleased to present Estella Rooinek, youngest daughter of Alpha Jaco Rooinek, from the Volmaan Gypsy Pack”. The delegate for the Volmaan's pack shrill voice pierces my thoughts.

  I peer in interest at the striking raven-haired woman in front of me. She's coldly beautiful, with a sharpness about her that sets me on edge. Looking at her face I've no indication how old she is. She seems unnerved, unsurprisingly. The Volmaan pack keep to themselves, and are the only nomadic shifter peoples I know of. The very fact they've considered this pairing is telling. Something has them spooked.

  “Please, Estella... relax. No-one here will harm you, I promise”

  Her shoulders drop, but only slightly “Stella” she corrects me before catching herself and quickly dropping her eyes “I... I go by Stella, please, Alpha Aaron”

  “Of course, Stella it is – I can at least give you the courtesy of using your preferred name” I frown at her delegate who looks like she might take off out the door under my stare. Grief, they are a flighty bunch.

  I'm not sure what a pairing with the Volmaan's would offer – beyond the mysterious woman in front of me. I suspect it might come with more problems than it solves, but my father obviously thought it interesting enough to include her – I'll need to quiz him later.

  “Stella, tell me, have you grown up in this country or have you been nomadic like most of your pack?”

  “I'm nomadic Alpha” she lights up “I love travelling, finding the old connections with nature in new ways, in new places. There's something magical about it; finding yourself new and refreshed in each place”

  “So being rooted here, at my side as Luna to this pack would be alien to you. You might be unhappy...”

  Stella flashes an alarmed look at her delegate “No... I … I didn't mean... Alpha I would be honoured to be your Luna; I would learn how to live here at your side” She flashes me a bright smile and attempts to flutter her eyelashes. The forced charm doesn't suit her.

  “Perhaps there's more we need to discuss later Stella. I can't recall a proposed match outside your pack in my lifetime – I feel maybe there are things you aren't telling me” I force my voice to take a harsh tone, hating seeing her flinch. “For now, be welcomed, please make use of our grounds here and we'll talk more later”

  She nods mutely and follows her delegate out, looking close to tears. That was weird. What the hell has them so spooked that they're seeking an alliance outside their own community? They've sent a daughter of their Alpha. Even if she is his youngest, that in itself tells me whatever it is, they're very alarmed.

  Tavey coughs to catch my attention and glances at me vaguely apologetically.

  “Introducing Skye Silver, eldest daughter of Alpha Silver of the Crescent Moon Pack.”

  My ears perk up. This pack is the most interesting – they run both sides of the border, and their Alpha is a strong, stable influence. Despite that, there are rumours that his first-born son is his wife's bastard and not his pup at all, conceived before Alpha Silver and his Luna met.

  If it's true then the elusive Skye, as a true born alpha-blood, would have claim to the Silver pack. I've heard whispers that although Silver cares for the boy his own, he has plans for Skye to succeed him. That would mean, if we were to pair, I would be Alpha and she Luna to both packs; it would be a strong position.

  I'm shaken from my wandering thoughts when, from behind Tavey, strides an angry looking teenager. She can't be more than sixteen, definately younger than my little sister. Trotting beside her, her delegate looks distinctly harassed. He hissingly reminds her to curtsey to me and earns himself a glare, and me a half hearted bow. I try to suppress a laugh.

  “I am Skye, full-blooded alpha and rightful heir to the Crescent Moon pack” her voice sings out “I am here at the request of my father.”

  She stops and eyes me, making it clear she isn't here of her own will. She's nowhere near coming of age yet, never mind of age to be a Luna. What the fuck is going on here?

  Skye stares me in the face, defiant, refusing to look down or submit. I admire her spark, but fear rolls off her in waves, my wolf can sense it.

  I'm blindingly furious. Her father must know she doesn't want to be married off. All be-it technically legal here to marry at sixteen, she is still a fucking child. A very brave and foolhardy child to stare an Alpha in the face, even if she is being offered to him as a bride.

  Why the hell would Alpha Silver think I would accept a child as a bride? Either his morals are despicable, or he's desperate. Either way, it adds a whole new dilemma.

  Having met the other three candidates, I know none of them are my fated-mate. In my mind this girl was now the best option for my Luna, whether she was my fated-mate or not. No-one told me sh
e was a bloody child. I'm deeply conflicted; I shouldn't offend Alpha Silver, but I can't let this stand.

  “Come forward” I command Skye and she stalks towards me, nostrils flaring. I soften my voice “Have you shifted yet Skye?”

  She snorts in derision “Yes!”

  Her delegate corrects her “Skye! Manners! 'Yes, Alpha'... show some respect!”

  We both glare at him.

  “We are equals here, delegate. Titles are not required. Skye is alpha-born and here at my invite. Although, I have to check she has at least shifted – you failed to mention she is still a child!” the last words come out almost as a growl.

  The delegate cringes and looks at the ground. Out the corner of my eye I briefly catch a mischievous look on the girl's face before I hear the sound of ripping cloth and the impetuous teenager shifts.

  Her wolf is taller than I might have expected, tawny with gold flecks, and very slim. She bares her teeth at her delegate, stalking toward him as if he were prey. The delegate backs away, tripping over his own feet. She springs and pins him to the floor.

  “Shift back, now!” I command, filling my voice with Alpha power, compelling her into obeying “Skye, you will shift!”

  She shifts quickly on hearing my tone, and suddenly she's standing in front of me in the remnants of her clothes.

  Ah shit. I didn't think this through. I glance away as Tavey rushes to cover her. As a rule shifters have no issues with being naked, but it feels wrong somehow to have this girl, younger than my own sister, naked in front of me.

  I concentrate on looking at her face. She'd obviously not thought about the consequences of proving she could shift - her eyes are bright and shiny with unshed tears and her face is puce red.

  “So, now you've seen our Skye” the delegate waggles his eyebrows suggestively, dusting himself off “is she to be your Luna”

  “NO!” I bellow, diplomacy forgotten. This grovelling little man's implications are disgusting. “Skye will be a powerful alpha, one day. Now, she is a fucking child! And here unwillingly at that.” I collect myself and turn to Skye herself, breathing heavily through my nose.


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