Brick (Knights Corruption MC Series-Next Generation Book 4)

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Brick (Knights Corruption MC Series-Next Generation Book 4) Page 15

by S. Nelson

  “How did you know she was mad at me?”

  “Her hands were going a mile a minute. Plus, the look on her face said it all. So, what happened?”

  “None of your business, Bean.”

  “Whatever. Just take me to your club. And there better be some eye candy or else I’m going to be terribly upset with you,” she teased, scooting across the seat to kiss my cheek. “I missed you.”

  For as much as she loved to rile me, and irritated the hell out of me sometimes, I loved her. “I missed you too.”


  “How is everything going at Brick’s? You two getting on?” Braylen dipped her spoon into her tea, swirling the lemon and sugar longer than necessary. I believed what she wanted to ask was if we were getting it on. And the answer would be a resounding yes, as much as we could manage.

  “We are.” A knowing grin tugged at the corners of my mouth. I’d talked to her in depth about me and Brick and while she was happy for me, she often reminded me to be careful because of what my dad would do or say. But now that he’d essentially given Brick his blessing, for now at least, some of that pressure receded.

  Brick told me about the conversation as soon as it happened, calling me before he even left the clubhouse.

  “Is it getting serious?”

  “I think so.”

  “Does he?”

  A simple nod was all I was willing to offer. Brick cared about me, but did he feel as deeply for me as I did for him?

  I’d disclosed my sexuality, we engaged in a threesome not long afterward, although one wasn’t automatically the result of the other, it simply happened to work out that way, and he revealed a secret from his past. Were my worries ill-placed?

  Realizing my brain would keep going and going if I didn’t hit onto another topic, I took a generous sip of my drink, focusing on Braylen and all things her, more specifically the baby.

  “How are you feeling? Still have the morning sickness?”

  “On and off, although it’s throughout the day, not just in the morning. But thankfully, it’s waning some. This is the part I don’t care for.” She rubbed some circles over her growing belly. “I’ll take it, though, because this one is definitely a miracle.”

  She and my dad tried for over a decade to have kids, and as they lost hope it wouldn’t happen for them, along came my brother, Roman, who’d recently turned ten. I couldn’t image having one, let alone another with such a huge age gap. Having to start all over after so long would not be something I’d be happy about. Then again, I didn’t want any children, so my take on their turn of events wasn’t even relevant.

  “When are you going to have one?” she asked out of the blue. Okay, perhaps her question hadn’t come from left field so much as a slide in from the left. She’d asked me this question before, multiple times to be exact, and I gave her the same response as I had every other time.

  “Not in the plans for me. I’m happy with my life the way it is.”

  Braylen reached across the table and placed her hand gently on top of mine, squeezing lightly to make sure she had my undivided attention.

  “I’d hate for you to get to the point where if you change your mind, it’ll be too late. I’d never want you to go through the struggles I did.”

  “But you’ve always wanted kids.”

  “Not always. Not until I met your dad. And even then, in the beginning I wasn’t sure, but when I met you…” Her eyes glassed over, and it took everything in me not to well up right along with her. “I saw how great he was with you and how much joy you brought to his life, to our life. I wanted to share a connection of our own like that with him.” Her hand continued to caress her belly. Her emotions receded and she flashed me a sympathetic grin. “I don’t want you to look back one day and have regrets.”

  The lip of the mug rested against my lips. “I’ll take my chances.” She took the hint and didn’t say another word about it, craning her neck, releasing a small groan when she straightened her posture. “Are you okay?”

  A smile replaced her quick grimace. “Yeah. Still getting used to this again after so many years.” She rose from the table. “Come on. I’ll show you what I’ve been doing in the spare room before we eat. It’s now the nursery. Your father wasn’t too pleased he had to move his gym out to the garage, but that’s what happens when you have sex as much as we do. Gotta make some changes now that there’s a new one on the way.” She mumbled on and on as I followed her upstairs, and I let her ramble. I didn’t want to hear anything about them having sex, but I was soon lost again to thoughts of Brick that I was luckily able to tune her out.

  And because I wasn’t paying attention, I bumped into the back of her, surprised I hadn’t bowled her over. “Sorry.”

  “Lost in your own world, aren’t you?” Her eyes roamed over me. “Did I tell you how fabulous that dress looks on you?”

  “You’d be the only one to think so,” I said without thinking. I didn’t want to bring up the argument that ensued after I walked out of Brick’s house wearing this thing, especially since he apologized for his comment.

  “Let me guess.” She tapped her finger against her pursed lips in mock concentration. “Brick had a problem with it.”

  My eyes widened. “How did you know?”

  “Because he’s a man and you’re a beautiful woman who can wear a paper bag and look amazing, let alone a dress that shows off your legs.”

  The sandals I wore, which I’d subsequently kicked off as soon as I walked through the front door earlier, made my legs look that much longer. And while Brick’s reaction to my outfit wasn’t warranted, making it seem like I hardly had any material covering my body, this dress was shorter and snugger at the chest than I typically wore. And I knew it would be the perfect choice to prove my point—that I’d wear whatever I wanted no matter how much he seemed to disapprove.

  “I told him I wouldn’t put up with him making comments or trying to assert himself over stuff like that.”

  “Good. Keep doing that because these men can be pigheaded, stubborn beyond belief. It took me years to wear down your father.” She laughed. “He still gives me a hard time every now and again, but since I’ve been pregnant and haven’t been fitting into any of my normal clothes, he’s laid off.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  She proceeded to show me the new dresser they’d picked up, as well as a crib that my dad had already assembled, even though the baby wouldn’t be here for at least another five months or so, give or take a week or two.

  Thrusting a few onesies at me, she smiled hopefully. “Aren’t they adorable? Can you imagine holding something this small, your heart exploding with love?”

  “Oh Lord, Bray. Stop with the theatrics. I don’t want any, but I’ll love my new brother or sister as much as I love Roman. Is that good?”

  “It is, but it’s not the same as loving your own.”

  My head turned from side to side in faux annoyance. I couldn’t be mad at her, not seriously. She probably wouldn’t ever let the topic die altogether, but since she was in such a happy place, I’d let it go for now. Wait until this baby was up all night and screaming, then maybe she’d rethink trying to push the idea on me of having one. Then again, they did say misery loved company.

  After she showed me every item of clothing for the little one, she closed the armoire and took a step toward the door. “Okay, I’m starving now. Let’s go—” She stopped speaking midsentence, that same contortion flashing across her face as before, only this time her brows scrunched and formed a deeper crease. I was next to her in one stride.

  “Are you sure you’re okay? When’s your next doctor’s appointment?”

  “Next week.” She blew out three steady streams of air, her expression relaxing with the last. “I’m fine,” she finished when I continued to fuss over her, even though I believed she wasn’t telling me the whole truth.


  “You don’t have to stay glued to my hip. If you have stuff to tend to,
go do it.” Morgan swiveled on her barstool and lightly punched my arm. “Stop hovering.”

  “I’m not hovering. I’m protecting you.”

  “From your friends?”

  “From everyone.”

  “You’re being stupid.” She opened her annoying mouth to say something else but then gasped, looking past me and toward the door. “Who is that?” she asked, raising her arm in the air to point. I slapped her hand down. “Ow!” Her eyes flitted to mine before returning to stare at whoever just walked into the clubhouse.

  On a groan, I finally turned around. “Fuck,” I mumbled, catching sight of the one guy who didn’t have a woman, and who would surely be interested in my baby cousin. Although, after everything he’d gone through, there was a chance he wouldn’t give her a second look. Even as the thought formed, I realized how ridiculous it was.

  “Who is that?” she repeated, slapping my arm repeatedly.

  “No one.”

  “He’s walking over. Introduce me. Introduce me.” She bounced in her seat like a giddy fucking schoolgirl, which only served to irritate me even more. She was twenty-six years old. Was it too much to have her act like it?

  “Calm down.” My tone was harsh, pulling a look of surprise from her.

  “You calm down,” she echoed, tugging on her ponytail, and straightening herself in her seat, her eyes bouncing behind me every few seconds. I had no doubt Tag was close now, Morgan’s excitement melding into nervousness in the span of seconds.

  The prospect was still closed off around most of us, so it surprised me when he slapped me on the back. “Hey, man.”

  I’d seen him in the garage when I pulled in, and I didn’t want to acknowledge it then, but I’d seen him glance in Morgan’s direction when she hopped out of the truck, staring too long for my liking. Kaden had seen her too, but he went back to working on the Mercedes that was hoisted on the lift, smacking Tag’s arm for him to help.

  “Hey,” I grunted, displeased when he continued to stand next to me. “Aren’t you busy in the garage? What are you doin’ in here?” I turned my body toward him, and he stepped back.

  “I… I was thirsty.” He peeked around me at Morgan, smiling at her before I moved to block his view.

  “Then go get somethin’ to drink.”

  “Stop being so rude,” Morgan chastised, jumping off her stool and walking around me. “I’m Morgan. Brick’s cousin. Although he’s more like my big brother than anything.” She extended her hand and he accepted before I could intercede.

  “I’m Tag.”

  “Tag,” she repeated. “I like it.”

  The fucker’s grin was so wide I wanted to punch him. All thoughts of him not wanting to bother with any woman after what happened to Erin flew right out the goddamn window, my cousin the object of his attention right now.

  “Do you live around here?” he asked, not a care in the world I bristled beside him.

  “No. I live in Jersey. I’m just visiting to help my boss set up a new gallery. I thought it’d be a perfect time to surprise this guy here,” she said, jerking her thumb in my direction, “although I don’t think he’s so happy to see me.”

  “That’s not true,” I interrupted, hoping she really didn’t think that. I couldn’t very well tell her the real reason I wasn’t thrilled with her sudden visit, but I’d never want her to think she wasn’t welcome. Not under normal circumstances, at least.

  “How long are you in town?”

  “At least two weeks, if not more.”

  “Where are you staying?”

  “I was hoping to stay with Brick, but I don’t think that’s gonna happen now.”

  “Well, you can—”

  “Don’t. Even. Think. About. It.” Every word out of my mouth was emphasized and harsh. There was no way in hell I’d allow Morgan to shack up with Tag for the duration of her trip. She was safest at my place, even though it’d be a little crowded with the three of us there. Okay, not so much crowded as inconvenient since I couldn’t fuck Zoe wherever I wanted.

  “I’m only being polite.” Tag raised his hands in the air, continuing to grin like a fool, which was so unlike him. Not that I knew the guy all that well. But from the short interactions I had with him, he’d been reserved, closed off even, especially after everything that happened to him.

  “She’s stayin’ with me.” I glared at Morgan. “You’re stayin’ with me.”

  “But Tag can show me around, can’t he?”

  I answered “No” at the same time he blurted “Yes.” But I didn’t have time to debate, my cell vibrating in my back pocket, the generic ringtone assigned to Zoe pulling my attention away from these two.

  “Finished already?” I answered before even saying hello. It’d only been forty-five minutes since I dropped her off at Braylen’s. Talk about a quick visit. I expected to be here for at least another two hours before she called.

  “No. Listen, I have to take Braylen to the doctor. She’s having weird pains and wants to get checked out to make sure nothing is wrong.”

  “Okay, I’m leaving now. I’ll be there in a half hour, sooner if traffic isn’t heavy.” I was up off my seat, pulling my keys from my pocket.

  “We can’t wait. Her doctor is only ten minutes from here and he wants her to come right in.”

  “What do you mean you can’t wait? You can’t go anywhere without me.” I walked away from Morgan and Tag, even though I didn’t want to leave them alone. This was more important, however. “Don’t you dare leave that house.” My voice dipped in seriousness.

  “We’re not waiting.” She huffed into the phone. “Just meet us there.”

  With the phone pressed tightly to my ear, I went in search of Ryder, finding him in Chambers soon after I stalked across the room. I snapped my fingers at him and pointed to the phone.

  “What?” He rushed up next to me, irritation morphing into worry when he heard me speak again.

  “I mean it, Zoe. Don’t you dare go anywhere. Wait for me.” I barked into the phone that time. Ryder didn’t flinch or shoot me a look telling me he didn’t appreciate my tone towards his daughter.

  “Where is she goin’?” he asked.

  I tilted the phone away from my mouth. “She said she needs to take Braylen to the doctor ’cause she’s feelin’ weird.”

  “What?” he shouted, snatching his phone, and dialing. “Fuck! Tell Zoe to tell Bray to answer my call.” He dialed again, this time connecting a few seconds later. I didn’t need to tell Zoe anything. She heard her dad shouting beside me.

  “Don’t go anywhere, baby. I’ll be right there. … No. … I said no. … Braylen.” He pulled the phone from his ear and glanced at the screen. “She fuckin’ hung up on me. Said she’s not waitin’.”

  I pulled my attention from Ryder and back to my conversation with Zoe. “Please don’t go anywhere. It’s not safe.” Reminding her of the possible danger would hopefully make her see reason, but there was to be no such luck.

  “I’ll text you the address. Meet us there.”

  “Don’t hang up. Hold on,” I yelled, briskly walking toward Morgan and Tag, pointing at the prospect. “Watch her and keep your hands to yourself.” Then I looked to my cousin. “Stay here. I’ll be back.” My eyes landed on Tag once more. “Don’t you dare take her anywhere and stay in plain sight. I don’t want you disappearing together.”

  Morgan mumbled something, but I was already walking back toward Ryder, who was ten paces ahead of me and rushing out the door.

  “Are you there?” My heartbeat slowed while I waited for Zoe to confirm she was still on the line.


  “I want you to keep talkin’ to me until you get there. Understand?” Why did Kaden have to fix Braylen’s SUV so damn fast? Otherwise, they wouldn’t have had a choice, they would’ve had to wait for us to come and get them.

  “Yeah.” She sounded put out, but I didn’t care. Not one fucking bit. I was pissed she wasn’t waiting for us, but at least I’d be in communicat
ion with her, knowing she was okay until they arrived at the doctor’s office.

  Ryder was on his bike, pulling out of his space and headed toward the gate when I opened the driver-side door of my truck. He knew where he was going while I needed to rely on Zoe for directions.

  “Give me the address.” My truck wasn’t equipped with navigation, but I knew the general vicinity of the destination, stepping on the gas and practically peeling out of the clubhouse lot. “How is she?”

  “She’s okay. Just worried.” Zoe’s tone matched her words… worried.

  “I’m sure everything’s fine.” Quelling my anger at her refusal to wait for me, I tried to focus on what they were experiencing. Braylen was probably frightened something was gonna happen to the baby, and God love Ryder. He was hell-bent on getting there as fast as possible, speeding up ahead, weaving in and out of passing vehicles. Not that I could blame him.

  If I had my bike, I’d be right alongside him.

  “I hope so,” she said, her voice lower than before.

  “Where’s Roman?”

  “The next-door neighbor came over and got him, so he didn’t have to go with us. You know, just in case.” Several minutes passed, neither of us saying a word. But then she broke the silence, only she wasn’t talking to me. “Look at this idiot. Behind us. In the black truck.”

  My heart plummeted into my stomach. “Is someone following you?”

  “No. At least, I don’t think so.”

  “How far behind you is he?”

  “A few car lengths.”

  “What’s he doin’?”

  “Driving like a lunatic, weaving between lanes.”

  “Is he getting any closer?”

  “Yeah.” The hesitancy in her voice told me she was scared when she answered. “Now, he’s behind me but in the lane to my left.”

  “Goddammit!” I punched the wheel twice in anger and fear. “Keep goin’. Don’t stop and try to get as far away from him as possible. But be safe about it.”


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