Brick (Knights Corruption MC Series-Next Generation Book 4)

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Brick (Knights Corruption MC Series-Next Generation Book 4) Page 31

by S. Nelson

  “What are you doin’?” I asked as I stood next to his Harley, him next to his truck. “Aren’t we taking your bike?” Kaden and I found the cutest little motorcycle for Silas. He dropped it off yesterday since the store wasn’t far from their house. And since we didn’t have to lug anything around, I thought we’d take a nice ride today.

  “Not with you dressed like that, we’re not.” He had the audacity to scoff at my outfit, like I was crazy for asking the damn question.

  Peering down at myself, then back at him, I asked, “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”

  He pointed at my black and white plaid skirt. I paired it with a simple white tee and a pair of white sneakers. There wasn’t anything provocative about what I wore. “There’s no way you’re straddling my bike in that tiny-ass thing. It’s bad enough you’re wearin’ it, I’m not gonna have your ass showin’ to everybody behind us.”

  “Oh, stop it!” There was no way he was serious. But one look at his face and he proved me wrong. “Really?”

  Kaden marched up to me and grabbed my hand, pulling me toward his truck. “Really, woman. Now get in.” He opened the door for me, like he always did, and on any other day I would’ve pushed his buttons because it was who I was, but today was special, and I didn’t want to ruin it over a pointless rant.

  “Okay.” I pecked his lips before sliding into the seat.

  “All I had to do was put a ring on your finger to get you to comply? Had I known that, I would’ve done it a long time ago.” He winked at me when I shot him a look, one that screamed “don’t push your luck.”

  Once he was situated, he clicked his seat belt and kicked over the engine. We were pulling out of his driveway a few seconds later.

  “How long did you have the ring?”

  “I bought it the day after you moved in.” His fingers drummed against the wheel in tune to a Chris Stapleton song, as if his answer would stop me from asking another question.

  “Really? Why would you buy it so soon after us getting back together? What if things didn’t work out between us? Did you think of that possibility? And if you were so sure, why did you even wait? Why not ask me back then?” I peppered him with questions, spewing them so fast I barely had time to pause.

  “First off, let’s get somethin’ straight. Us not working out isn’t an option, so don’t ever think about that again.” His fingers gripped the steering wheel, the muscles in his forearm popping and making his tattoo look like it was moving. “And I was sure we’d end up here, even back then, but we just got back together, and I had the issue with your dad, and then you finally agreed to move in with me. I didn’t want to shove something else into the mix right away. I knew it was gonna happen, so I gave it some time for things to settle down. I was gonna do it on your birthday next month, but I wanted this to have its own significance.” He glanced over at me when I remained silent. “What?”

  “You’re so sweet.”

  “Sweet?” He bounced his shoulders. “I guess so.”

  I didn’t mean to burst his bubble, but I wanted to prepare him for what might happen in case he hadn’t already thought about it.

  “You know my dad is gonna be pissed, right? He just got his head wrapped around us living together, and it’s been over a year. And now you’re stealing me away for good.”

  “Stone is back to loving me again,” he said cockily.

  “Until this,” I chided, laughing when he reached over and squeezed my knee. But when his hand moved further up my leg, all he did was shake his head. “What now?”

  “This fuckin’ skirt. I’m gonna either cut it up when we get home or hide it so you can’t wear it again.”

  “Is my fiancé getting territorial?”

  “Getting? And I like hearing you say that. Say it again.” He moved his hand toward my upper thigh and instinctually I parted my legs, coaxing an appreciative groan from him.


  “It has a nice sound to it. But I can’t wait until you can call me your husband.” His mouth stretched with a panty-dropping smile and I had to refrain from hopping into his lap while he drove, my hormones doing a number on me, never mind his fingers were now skimming the edge of my panties.

  “If you don’t remove your hand, I can’t promise what’s gonna happen, and if we show up at the party all disheveled, my dad is gonna know what’s up.”

  “So? I’m sure he realizes we have sex.”

  “Yeah, but knowing it and seeing the aftermath are two different things.”

  “Fuckin’ Stone,” he grumbled, putting his hand back on the wheel to join his other.

  “You’re adorable when you sulk.”

  “I’m not sulking,” he said, his voice most definitely sounding like that of a pouting man.

  Grabbing my purse from the floor of the truck, I rifled through it to find my cell, the blaring ringtone belonging to Chelsea. I couldn’t wait to tell her the news, but I’d have to find the right time so as not to overshadow the party. And I knew once my best friend found out, everyone else would, too.

  “Hey,” I greeted, sounding overly cheery.

  “Hey yourself. Was someone engaging in some horizontal tango action?” She laughed at her own joke, but when I didn’t answer right away, she laughed even harder. “I knew it. You two are unbelievable.”

  “Us? You guys are no better.”

  I loved that my bestie finally came to her senses and agreed to make things work with Ace. He adored her and the only person who didn’t see it was Chels. It was too bad it took him getting hurt for her to realize how much he meant to her.

  “I can’t argue there.” Her voice was muffled for a moment before she came back on the line. “You guys on your way?”

  “Yeah, we’re only five minutes out.”

  “We just pulled in, so we’ll see you when you get here.”

  After tossing my phone back in my bag, I weaved my fingers with Kaden’s, enjoying the comfortable silence until we eventually pulled down Braylen and Ryder’s road. Then something dawned on me, and when I thought about it, everything clicked and made sense.

  He parked alongside Braylen’s SUV, hopping out and coming around to open my door. He was forever the gentleman, extending his hand for me to exit. I was capable of opening my own door and didn’t need his assistance, but he liked doing it for me, so I let him.

  Before we walked off toward the house, I turned into him, getting lost in the way he looked back at me for a moment. “That’s what you meant when you told Brick ‘we got some news.’” He smiled at me. “What if I said no?”

  “You wouldn’t have, and on the off and unbelievable chance you did, I would’ve tied you to the bed and fucked some sense into you.”

  “Damn, now I’m reconsidering my answer.”

  He grabbed me and lifted me off my feet until we were eye level. “No goin’ back now, Ry. You’re mine for good.”

  “I was already.”

  He put me back on my feet and twirled my engagement ring, grinning like the Cheshire cat. “But now it’s gonna be official.”

  And with a toe-curling kiss, sealing our claim to each other, we ventured toward the house, hand in hand with matching smiles on our faces.

  I often regretted those missed years when Kaden and I weren’t together, and I hated remembering living like a shell of a person, but I wouldn’t change a thing knowing our destiny would lead us to where we are today.

  Ecstatically happy and ready for the next phase in our life.

  I only hoped my dad didn’t have too much to say about it.

  “It’s about time you got here.” I took in Riley’s outfit. “Cute skirt.”

  “Kaden doesn’t think so,” she chuckled, earning her a swat on the ass, which only made her laugh harder. I patted the seat on the swing next to me, tugging Riley toward me when she stepped closer. Her hand was locked with Kaden’s, but they separated when I managed to steal her for myself. “I need my girl for a few minutes.” I gave him my best smile, bu
t he didn’t seem impressed.

  “Fine, but I want her back soon.” Kaden bent to give her a quick kiss. “Where’s Ace?”

  “In the backyard I think.” I waved him off when he refused to budge from his spot, his sole focus on his woman. He was acting weird, but then again, these two were secretive sometimes, passing silent messages between them.

  Hell, I didn’t know anything about their relationship when we were younger, and Riley and I told each other everything. Almost everything. But now that they were back together, she shared a lot more with me, mainly when she was aggravated with him. Ry didn’t want to admit it, but she was more like her dad than she thought, definitely as stubborn.

  “Come find me when you’re done,” he finally said, winking at her, then faux scowling at me. “Don’t keep my woman too long.”

  “Goodbye, Kaden.” I huffed when he took his sweet-ass time before walking into the house. “So, what’s new?” I bumped her shoulder with mine, attempting to act all nonchalant, but my nerves were getting the best of me. I needed to talk to her, to spew out everything that happened between me and Ace last night, but the words were trapped in my throat and each time I convinced myself to speak them, I got all choked up.

  “What’s new? You just wanna chitchat?” My bestie turned in her seat to face me, studying me, her brows rising, then narrowing, her expression unreadable yet expressive. “Nooo… you have something to tell me, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” I blurted, but then clamped my mouth shut. If I told her, then I’d have to deal with it for real, and not ignore the situation.

  “Well? Are you gonna tell me or do I have to guess?” She fidgeted, pulling on the bottom of her skirt, which had ridden up a fraction when she sat down. “Anytime today would be good, Chels.”

  “Ace wants to have a baby.” The words rushed out before my brain could tell my stupid mouth to stop them.

  “What?” Her surprise was evident when her voice went up two octaves. “Really?”

  “Yes, really. And he’s been relentless about it too. Bringing it up all the time.”

  “I’m guessing you’re not ready for kids yet.”

  “No,” I said, louder than I meant to. “I’m only twenty-three. I have years before I wanna think about that.”

  “Yeah, but Ace is older, so maybe he thinks his time is shorter.”

  “He’s only two years older than me,” I scoffed, Riley taking his side not going over well with me. “Try again.”

  Her palm slid into mine and she squeezed. “If you’re not ready, then you’re not ready. He’ll have to understand and be patient. There’s no rush. Besides, tell him you want a ring before you spit out any of his babies.” She pulled a face and made me laugh, but my glee was cut short when I felt something glide over the crease of one of my fingers. I snatched my hand back and grabbed hers when she tried to hide it in her lap.

  “Like this?” Staring back at me was a gorgeous engagement ring. “When did this happen?” I couldn’t take my eyes off it, and I made a quick mental note to have Kaden go with Ace when and if he ever decided to ask me. Damn, the man did good.

  “Right before we came here.” The huge smile on her face disappeared a second later. “You can’t tell anyone until we do. My dad can’t find out from someone else.”

  My thumb and index finger turned in a clockwise motion against my lips. “I wouldn’t want to witness that catastrophe either.”

  She recapped the proposal, wiping away a fallen tear when she finished. “I can’t believe we’re engaged. There was a time, not that long ago, when I couldn’t bear to be in the same room with him, my heart torn in two because of everything that happened between us.” Another tear trailed down her face. “And now… now he’s gonna be my husband.”

  “You two deserve all the happiness in the world.” I pulled her into a side hug, lifting her hand for the second time. “And he deserves a little somethin’ somethin’ for this ring, woman.” I wiggled my brows, as if she didn’t understand my hint.

  “He already got that twice today.” Her eyes drifted down to her hand. “But you’re right.” Her right brow arched upward. “He does deserve another round.”

  “Who deserves another round?” Ace asked from the door, winking at me before guiding it open and stepping onto the porch with us. “Hey, congrats, Ry. Kaden just told me.”

  “He did? He’s not supposed to tell anyone yet.”

  “You didn’t tell her?” He pointed at me, his eyes popping wide like he ruined the surprise.

  “I did, but I hadn’t planned on it.” She poked my arm. “This one’s sneaky.” Ry pulled herself to her feet, admiring her ring again. I didn’t blame her one bit. It really was beautiful.

  “Talk about sneaky,” I mumbled, and luckily, she didn’t hear me before she disappeared inside, but Ace did, biting his lip in preparation for which would surely be a heated discussion. He realized something was up but wasn’t privy to what I discovered this morning. “We need to have a little chat.” I was on him before he realized I left the swing, clasping his hand and practically dragging him down the steps and over by the huge oak tree in the side yard. No one else was around in case one of us started shouting.

  Bets were on me.

  “You wanna do it here?” He tried to distract me, backing me against the bark and sliding his hands under my yellow tank top, skimming his fingers over my belly. An eruption of warmth heated my skin, but I couldn’t let him sidetrack me. He was good at doing that when he thought he might be in trouble, which thankfully didn’t happen too often.

  “Nice try.” I shoved him back, so he knew I meant business. On a huff, his hands dropped to his sides and his eyes jumped to mine, the sun highlighting the flecks of brown around his green irises and making the color look a pale shade of blue. Lost in his gaze, I mentally chastised myself for being affected by him right now. What I had to say was important; it was simply taking me some time to find my words, his stare smoldering the longer the silence stretched.

  “What’s up?” he casually asked, but his shoulders tensed in preparation.

  “Guess what I couldn’t find in the nightstand?”

  “I took it.” Ace’s left shoulder jumped up, then down. “I told you I don’t like that thing.” His expression hardened when he grabbed his crotch. “This is all you need.”

  “What are you talkin’ about?” Then it dawned on me. “You took my vibrator?”



  “I just told you why?”

  “Apparently I don’t use it often because I didn’t even notice it was missing.”

  “You won’t be using it anymore.” Sulking wasn’t a normal reaction from Ace, but apparently the presence of B.O.B., better known as battery-operated boyfriend, tore at his ego.

  “That wasn’t what I was referring to anyway.” Casting his eyes toward the ground, then back up at me only affirmed what he’d done.

  “Where are my pills?”

  “I don’t know what you mean?”

  “Yes, you do. I went to take one before we left, and I can’t find them. And I know I didn’t misplace them.”

  “I want one,” he all but shouted. “Silas is so damn cute. Don’t you want a little one of us running around?”

  “We’ve been over this, Jaime,” I said, using his real name to reiterate I wasn’t playing around. “I’m not having any kids right now, especially without a ring.”

  His shock solidified what I thought his reaction might be broaching the topic of getting engaged. I was in no rush, and apparently with the sight of his jaw hitting the ground, he wasn’t either.

  He and I had discussed it, but he talked more about babies than marriage, and if I was gonna have kids with anyone, it would be with my husband and not my boyfriend. That sentiment might seem old-fashioned in this day and age, but it was how I felt.

  “Now that—”

  “I’m askin’ Kaden where he bought Riley’s ring as soon as I see him. If you want one,
I’ll get you one.” Clearly, I misinterpreted his stunned expression.

  “Wait… what?”

  “I didn’t think you wanted to get married right now.”

  “I don’t. But I certainly don’t want to have kids first.”

  “So, what are you sayin’?”

  Exasperated didn’t begin to touch on what I felt right now. This was how most of our talks went. Round and round with a bit of confusion mixed in for good measure.

  I inched closer until our chests met, linking my arms behind his neck. “I’m saying there’s no rush. I want to enjoy our time together before we introduce anyone else.” I melded my lips with his, my tongue dipping inside to explore his mouth, but I severed the kiss before I allowed myself to get lost in him. “We’ll have babies. Just not now.”

  His face contorted three times in the span of seconds before he landed on my favorite expression, flashing me the smile he reserved only for me.

  “You’re lucky you’re so cute.”

  “Just cute?” he asked, a touch offended.

  “Ehh… maybe handsome, too.”

  “How about sexy?”

  “A bit.” I couldn’t hide the smile twisting the corners of my mouth. “Now where are my pills?”

  He reached into the pocket of his cut and extracted the blue packet, waving them in the air. “Are you sure?”

  I snatched them from him and tucked them into my bra, as my shorts didn’t have any pockets to hide them in.

  “If you’re not gonna let me knock you up, then you better at least make it up to me.” A mischievous grin danced across his face. “And I know just the place.” We were up the front steps and on our way through the house before I could think to argue, people smiling and saying hello, but we didn’t stop to talk. He was on a mission and I gladly let him lead the way.

  The warmth of his hand calmed me, and while my eyes were glued to the back of him, his authoritative and sexy gait making me tingle in all the right places, I was thankful he hadn’t given up on me, on us.

  I’d tried to push him away, my trust issues crippling the life I truly wanted for myself, but Ace never wavered, his strength forcing me to accept that I deserved to be happy.


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