Milk for the Viking Lord (Viking, Virgin, Breeding, Milking Erotica, Lactation Sex, BBW, Group Milking)

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Milk for the Viking Lord (Viking, Virgin, Breeding, Milking Erotica, Lactation Sex, BBW, Group Milking) Page 1

by Laviolette, JC

  Milk for the Viking Lord (Viking, Virgin, Breeding, Milking Erotica, Lactation Sex, BBW, Group Milking)

  by JC Laviolette

  Published by JC Laviolette, 2013.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. March 2, 2013.

  Copyright © 2013 JC Laviolette.

  Written by JC Laviolette.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Milk for the Viking Lord (Viking, Virgin, Breeding, Milking Erotica, Lactation Sex, BBW, Group Milking)

  Further Reading: Captured by Celts (An Explicit Reluctant Historical Erotica Story)

  About the Author

  Asa sat and mended fishing nets as she daydreamed of the men gone to the sea. She thought of the men who had come and gone, marrying off her sisters and leaving her to listen to the lonely wind at night. She had three older sisters, all thin and most desirous to the men who made a living by plunder.

  She was large of bone, though strong. Her mother, before she passed, always told her to stand tall, stand proud, and know that the right man would make her his own. She pictured Raggar, son of Leif, when she saw him last before he went viking, his rich blonde hair blowing in the wind. She sighed sadly, he didn’t come back from that voyage. They were once in love.

  Now she was left tending to the nets, making the ale, and keeping the house while her father fished the rich fjords near their house. He was due back soon so she went inside and lit the hearth.

  The evening mist rolled in off of the grey sea and she watched as a small fishing boat sailed around the headland. Her father was back. The boat sat low in the water. She smiled and felt happy for a good day's catch. A moment later a longship came into view behind it. A large red and black shield was lashed to the carved dragon prow.

  Asa’s heart began to race. The longship belonged to Styr. She knew him only by name and reputation. He was known to gather men for trips to go viking in Ireland, Briton and as far south as the fabled lands of Andalusia and even past the pillars of Hercules. He was a large man, prone to violent anger, though also known for rewarding those around him lavishly. She wondered if he was on the ship. She dashed back indoors and began to prepare for visitors.

  What did he want? Her father was too old now to go on a voyage with the other men. She stole a glance out the door and saw a group of men walking up the trail towards the house. She laid out herring, cheese and a large jug of ale. She quickly pulled down a basin of salt and sat it on the table.

  Her father walked in the door ahead of a column of men. He looked excited, tired, and a bit nervous. Asa stood to the side of the room and waited to see what the men needed. They all glanced her way when they walked in before sitting down at the table and helping themselves. The last man to enter was larger than the rest with fierce black hair. He wore a sword with a polished silver scabbard on his side. It was Styr, she knew it, it had to be him.

  Styr stood in the doorway framed by the outside light and stared directly at her. She cast her eyes downward and felt his gaze burning into her. She glanced up and saw him looking at her, his eyes fierce. She began to blush and feel very warm. He finally entered the room and sat at the table. The other men turned and looked at her before finally beginning to eat.

  “You honor us Styr by visiting our humble home.” Asa’s father stood at the head of the table. The men ate in silence. “What brings you here? Are you on your way to Ireland?”

  “I’ve come for your daughter-”

  Styr looked at Asa. Asa’s heart raced and her knees felt wobbly. Why me? she wondered. Her father stammered and looked at the men in the room.

  Styr continued, “-to have as my wife.” Styr smiled and raised his cup to Asa’s father. He was flush with smiles as the other men raised their cups as well. A chorus of congratulations and surprise came up from the men in the room. Asa didn’t know what to do, she knew the day would come. She had expected to marry a fisherman, or a herder, not a great Viking Chief!

  Styr stood and wrapped his large arm around her father and walked to the corner of the room. The two talked, either one glancing to Asa. She couldn’t take it anymore. She felt everything closing in on her. She walked out of the small room and stood next to the door looking out over the grey sea.

  She felt alone, lost, like she was wandering in the mist and couldn’t find her way. The wind blew on her and she felt chilled. What could she do? She wanted to have a good strong husband, but it came on so quickly. Who was he? What was he like? Would he judge her for being a large woman?

  Footsteps approached her. Asa took a deep breath and stared into the mist. Styr came out and stood next to her. She glanced over at him. His dark hair dominated his face, his black beard was shorn below his chin. His chest was large, almost like a barrel. She found him handsome and wondered what he thought of her.

  “Why did you come for me?” Asa asked, barely able to hold back her sobs.

  “A crone cast stones.” He licked his lips and stared out to the mist. “I was to set my longship out for one day, and was to follow the fisherman who I found in the mist. There I would find a woman.” He looked over at Asa. “That woman would be my bride and give me what I need to be a great chief.” Styr turned to look at her and waited until she looked up to him. Their eyes locked and Asa wondered what her future would hold.

  She barely had time to see her father before they departed to Styr’s longhouse. They had wind for half the night and the men rowed for the rest. Styr was mostly quiet for the voyage and the men eyed her with curiosity, though none dared to question the omens of the runestones.

  Asa met the crone in the morning. The woman was old, nearly ancient, and had one eye white as an egg. She grasped Asa by the arm and the two walked slowly into the forest. Her grip was eerily strong and Asa was almost scared. Styr watched approvingly as they left the hall.

  “Have you been with a man?” The crone plucked at her skin and nudged her breasts. “Ahh, a good thick one. Men have no business with women filled with bone. You’ll do fine, milk well too!” The crone laughed and led Asa into a small hut. She didn’t notice the world ‘milk’ though later it would come back.

  “What are we doing?”

  “Quiet child, sit!” The old woman shuffled across the hut and grasped a heavy drinking horn. She thrust it at Asa. “Drink. All of it.”

  It smelled like mead with a touch of herbs. The first sip was thick and sweet, but the rest went down very well. Asa wondered why this old woman needed her to drink the mead. She glanced around the hut.

  “Styr needed a wife, an heir, someone who could provide an elixir to inspire his berserkers. That is you!” The crone shuffled back to her and grasped her with her claw like hands. “Serve him well, do as he bids, and be pleased with what you provide. Now come, we go!”

  Asa stood and felt the effects of the mead on her. The crone laughed and chided her as they walked. “A virgin to the mead too eh? Ahh, the runestones have chosen well!”

  Asa felt strange for the rest of the day. Her stomach turned and rumbled and her breasts seemed to swell and fill. She squeezed her breasts and felt for anything different. They seemed larger, but she wasn’t quite sure. Her skin was warm and she felt an urge to be with Styr and hold him tight. She wanted him as her own, as he would want her.<
br />
  Asa slipped into a fitful sleep. She dreamed of Thor and his goat drawn chariot.

  Styr woke her in the middle of the night. A dim hooded lantern shed a sliver of light. She could feel his hand on her breasts as he squeezed and kneaded it softly. She smiled to herself and let him feel her. She enjoyed it.

  “Styr, it is not our wedding night.” Asa said coyly.

  “Is there not things that a wife to be can not do for her husband to be?”

  Asa looked up at the large man and nodded with a smile. She felt the effects of the herbal mead and had a very distinct urge to please Styr. Her breasts were swollen and large, she knew now that they were larger, fuller, and riper than before. She couldn’t wait to feel Styr suck on her tender nipples.

  She slid back her tunic and bared her large, ripe, breasts to him. Styr’s eyes lit up as he knelt down next to her. His large hands cradled and squeezed her milky white breasts. She leaned back and let him hover over her. Their eyes locked as he squeezed and kneaded the rich flesh. He slid himself lower and she couldn’t wait.

  His tongue slid along her chest and down her breasts until it settled on her wide tender nipples. A sensation like she never experienced burst from her breasts and she moaned into the darkness. Styr took the entire nipple into her mouth. The sensation was almost orgasmic. Asa knew she had never felt anything like this, not in her wildest dreams. What was in the crones elixir?

  Styr squeezed and grasped, rubbing his tongue along her nipples. He sucked lightly before drawing the entire nipple into his mouth and sucking hard. Asa moaned loudly, the sensation was amazing. Every touch and tingle of his tongue made her ache for more. Her breasts were warm, lush, ripe, and only seemed to get relief when he sucked on her nipples.

  “Suck my nipples Styr, suck them!” Asa moaned. She clutched her breasts in her hands steering them into his mouth.

  Styr eagerly buried her nipples in his mouth and rolled and sucked them. The lapping noises he made reminded her of an eager animal. She leaned her head back and kneaded her breasts. Styr rolled back onto his haunches. She could see a trail of white milk running down his black beard. She was stunned, her eyes darted to her breasts, there was milk running out of her nipples. She was so horny, so eager to feel him, she loved every moment of it and wanted more.

  Styr almost leapt back down onto her and sucked in her milk. She felt the tension that was building slowly release as he sucked and squeezed her rich ample breasts. She seemed to float on the edge of an orgasm.


  Styr stood and removed his breeches. Asa looked at his large, stiff cock as it stood before her. She kneeled slowly, still clutching her breasts. She could feel a thin trickle of milk running down her hands and onto her stomach. She wanted to feel him on her.

  Styr steered his cock to her lips and she slowly took him into her mouth. It was warm and salty. She slid it in and out. Her breasts ached and throbbed as she pushed as much of him into her mouth as she dared. He pushed and plunged himself on her wet, warm lips. Asa moaned with him in her mouth.

  He pulled himself out of her mouth and stroked himself in front of her. “Lean back.”

  Asa leaned back onto the floor and he straddled himself over her. His cock was warm in between her breasts. It took a moment for her to release that he wanted to fuck her breasts. She squeezed them together and felt as he pushed his throbbing cock in the milk wet gap between them. He moaned and grunted as he thrust his hips back and forth.

  She smiled and loved the luscious sensation of his cock pushing between her breasts. The milk ran down from her nipples and made it even wetter. She moaned as the sensation of him on her brought her even closer to the orgasm. He slid his cock out and rubbed it on each of her nipples pushing out even more milk. The milk almost poured out of her nipples. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Her eyes were glistening in excitement.

  Styr put himself back between her breasts and thrust even faster in the milk wet, soft, warm gap between her breasts. He moaned and slid. She almost wanted to blush, but it felt so good!

  Suddenly Styr let out an animal like roar and pulled his cock out from her breasts and pointed it upwards. She watched as it spurted a warm, wet liquid all over her breasts and face. She felt satisfied and very happy that she made Styr come on her. Milk and cum dripped off of him onto her stomach.

  “Next time I come inside of you and we make a son!” Styr stood and put his breeches back on. “The milk is what makes me such a great warrior, my berserkers will love it too.” He smiled down at her and walked back into the hall.

  She reveled in the moment, her to be his bride. Her breasts still rippled and rolled with electric sensation. Would she really suckle his berserkers? Was that why they were so fierce? She couldn’t wait for her wedding night to finally be bred by Styr. She took a cloth and cleaned his come off of her, but the milk kept running. She slept with a smile on her face.

  The following morning Asa awoke to see the bay filled with longships. Styr had called all of his men to see the wedding. To see her, his new wife. She wondered if the night was a dream, but her nipples still seeped milk slowly. Her breasts ached and she wanted more than anything to get Styr to suck on them. He was too busy though, greeting his chiefs and neighbors.

  Asa stood by his side and felt giddy with all the attention. All through the day she had to sneak away to tie fresh wrappings onto her breast so that she didn’t seep through her beautiful blue wedding dress. Styr looked at her happily throughout the day and would squeeze her about the waste. She felt herself growing attached and wondered if this was love.

  A wide dinner feast was laid out in the hall. A great boar was being roasted in the center. Meats, fish, and soups all cooked near the fire. There was more mead and ale in the hall than she ever thought existed. Men boasted and bragged, and of course complemented Styr on his beautiful new bride. Talk was that after the wedding Styr would set out on a great new raid. The wedding was sure to be a success.

  The berserkers came in as a group. The other men gave them a wide berth. They sat by themselves and regarded her with a curious eye. She realized they were all the men who had been with Styr when they picked her up.

  A loud rapping came from the front of the hall. The old crone stood at the front of the hall. Two men brought out a stone altar with a hammer carved on it. The wedding was short and simple. The crone invoked Odin, Thor, Freya and even Loki to smile on them all. Herbs were burned on the altar and they shared a great horn of mead. Styr poured it into her mouth, and she poured it into his.

  The crowd cheered for the newlyweds. Styr beamed with pride. He grasped her tightly about the waist and raised her as high as he could. She was so excited. She was married! She wished her mother could be here to see this exciting moment. Everytime Styr grabbed her she wanted to moan, her breasts felt so full. Before she left, the old crone pinched her swollen breasts and nodded with a smile.

  The feast was rich and spoken of for years to come. The mead and ale was drank by all except the berserkers and Styr. She ate lightly and only wanted Styr to take her and consummate the marriage. She watched him laugh and bellow and be the great chief that she knew he was.

  Styr stood and grasped her by the hand. The crowd cheered behind her as they walked out of the hall. She turned and smiled at them all as Styr brought her into his chambers. He laid her on the rich furs on his bed.

  “Now my wife, you will give me a son! After my conquests you shall be a Queen!” Styr began to disrobe slowly. “My berserkers will come and suckle from your breast when we are done. It will make them strong and we will win great glory!”

  Asa lay on the bed speechless, nervous, excited, and hardly able to believe what fate awaited her. Was that how the legendary berserks gained such strength? Her breasts ached and she felt her loins burn with excitement. Each of her breasts was swelled like a ripe melon. She was eager for him to suck on her breasts and give him more of her luscious milk.

  Styr stood above her and pulled her d
ress off of her. He cast aside the cloth covering her breasts and buried his face on the milk wet skin. She finally got what she wanted all day. Now was the moment. She ached for him, wanted him, needed him so badly. His tongue slid around and lapped up the milk on her breasts. He suckled on her lightly and then deeper and deeper. She squirmed as she felt his whole mouth envelop her nipple and suck deeply.

  She clutched his thick dark hair in her hands and pulled him tighter. It seemed to be the only thing that would relieve the aching she felt in her breasts. His hands slid down her stomach and through her light hair and onto her wet lips. She moaned and let out a deep sigh of relief. She was nervous. It was her first time. His fingers slid up and down her mound, it grew wetter and juicier with every pass. He continued to suckle as he slowly slid a finger into her. She squealed and felt the tightness.

  His tongue and suckling, coupled with his fingers slowing sliding into her, brought her close to an orgasm. She wanted to feel him in her, she wanted to know what it was like. The milk ran down the breast he wasn’t suckling and onto her chest. She had no idea that a breast could produce so much milk. A sweet smell wafted lightly in the room.

  She slid her hand down and grasped onto his cock and stroked softly. He slid his hips up closer and she stroked him faster. She released him and wetted her hands with the milk and began to stroke him faster. The milk made an excellent lubricant as she stroked and pulled on him. Styr moaned and thrust his hips forward. She cried out as he pushed his fingers deeper. It was so tight and felt so good she didn’t know what to do.

  “Oh Styr, take me!” Asa cried out. Her breasts ached, her loins ached, she needed to be bred and now.

  Styr slipped out of her milk wet grasp and guided himself down until the tip of his hot throbbing cock was resting on her mound. She looked up, nervous, into his dark eyes. She wanted him so bad, she wanted to give him a son, now was her moment. She grasped his forearms tightly and watched him as he slowly pushed himself into her.


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