Protect Me

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Protect Me Page 7

by Alexis Winter

  “Good morning, young lady,” Mr. Lally says from his stool behind the counter.

  “Good morning, Mr. Lally. How’s Mrs. Lally doing today?” I step up to the counter with a smile.

  “She’s very well, thanks for asking. Now, what can I do for you?” He offers up a grin of perfectly white false teeth.

  “I happened to notice the ‘for sale’ sign on the window of the space next door, and I was hoping I could get you to show me around.”

  “You’re interested in the space next door?” He runs his hand over his bald head. His blue-gray eyes, which are surrounded by deep wrinkles, really light up.

  “I am. I mean, if the price is right.”

  He holds up his finger as he turns and opens the door behind him. He reaches into the dark room and grabs a set of keys. “Right this way.” He directs me to the door.

  I step out and watch as he flips the “open” sign to the “be back in fifteen minutes” sign, something I think only our town has, then locks up the shop behind him.

  “So, what kind of business are you wanting to add to our little town?” he asks, shuffling down the sidewalk to the empty space next door.

  “I’m wanting to open my own coffee shop and bookstore.” I smile proudly.

  “Ah, what a lovely idea. These kids nowadays, they need books. Too many of them do nothing but play on them little computers.” He inserts the key into the old-style handle. “Not to mention, I’d love to have fresh coffee whenever I need it.”

  “Tell you what, if I get this store, I’ll bring you a fresh coffee every morning.”

  He laughs. “You got a deal.”

  The door creaks as he pushes it inward, and the smell of stale air and dust fills my nose, making me sneeze.

  He lets out a short laugh. “Yeah, it’s been sealed up for a while.” He steps inside, causing the dust on the floor to stir around. “But I think you’ll find it has everything you’ll need. There’s a kitchen in the back in case you’d like to have baked goods with your coffee. The office area is up the stairs in the back, and there are fully-functioning restrooms that were remodeled recently.” He walks to the center of the dirty, dinged-up hardwood floor. “I don’t know if you remember, but I used to rent this out to Mrs. Shepard. She had a bakery here for years.”

  I smile at the fond memory. Ethan and I used to come here every Sunday and get fresh-baked blueberry muffins. “I remember very well.”

  I step past him and walk up behind the counter; looking at the space from this point of view gets me excited. I can already envision how I’d set up the tables, where the bookcases would go, and how I could paint and decorate.

  “Follow me and I’ll show you the rest of the place.” He waves me on.

  Mr. Lally shows me the kitchen, the public restrooms, and the upstairs office area. With each room, my excitement goes up. I’m unbelievably happy that I may actually have a shot at my dream, at my promise of a happy life.

  Once we’re back outside and he’s locking the door behind us, I ask the dreaded question. “So, how much?”

  He slides his hands into his pockets and looks at me with shining eyes. “I’ll tell you what,” he pauses, rubbing his jaw, “I’m getting too old to keep up with all the upkeep it takes. I’ll sell it to you for fifty thousand. That’s twenty-five percent off what I was asking when I listed it a year ago.”

  “Let me talk with my investor and I’ll get back to you,” I say with a smile.

  He tips his head in my direction and offers up his hand to shake.

  Since I find myself in town, I run by my apartment just to check in and make sure things are in order. I also decide that I will do some research, so I can have a presentation prepared for when Liam gets home. I’d like to show him how much a commercial building in the area goes for versus how much this particular one will be.

  After hours of sitting at my desk, staring at the computer screen, I lock up and head back to the ranch. As I drive through town, my mind wanders back to Tyler, and a sigh escapes. I just wish he could understand where I’m coming from. We could be great together if he’d just let go of his past.

  I have no idea what I’m doing, until I look up and find myself at the local watering hole. With a deep breath, I climb out of the truck and walk inside. Sitting at the bar, I order my normal drink and opt to remain quiet while thinking things over. A part of me wants to continue this thing I’ve been doing with Tyler. But the other part says the way I’m handling it is right—that I shouldn’t just give Tyler what he’ll take. I should demand he give a little in return.

  Before I know it, thanks to a few drinks, my vision is blurring and I’m smiling despite the pain in my chest. My lips are numb, and my skin is hot. A man with dark hair sits down next to me, and I throw him a flirty smile while twirling my hair.

  “I’m Jacob.” He holds out his hand.

  “I’m Amy.” I place mine inside and we shake.

  “What’s a pretty thing like you doing sitting here all alone?”

  I press my lips together and shrug. “I just broke off my most recent fling,” I admit for reasons I don’t understand.

  His brows skyrocket. “Is that so?”

  “Mm-hmm,” I agree with a nod as I pick up my drink and take another swig.

  “Why’d you break it off?” he asks.

  “It doesn’t matter.” I wave my hand through the air.

  “Well, if you’re alone, I guess nobody would get mad if I asked you to dance?”

  I smile, thinking it over. “I guess not.” I put my drink down and stand, taking the hand he’s offering me. He tugs me out onto the dance floor and pulls me close to his chest. Something inside me says this is wrong—that these aren’t the arms I want to be in. But I refuse to give in. Tyler doesn’t want me, which means I have the right to do whatever I want with whomever I want. I push all these thoughts away and force a smile onto my face, determined to have fun.

  As we’re dancing along with the music, I do feel a little better. The worry and stress of the day falls off, making me feel lighter and carefree. I forget about my troubles with Tyler, and just enjoy the moment.

  We’ve already danced through three songs when I notice Tyler walk in. My heart leaps to my throat, and my body freezes, but the man I’m dancing with hasn’t noticed. He tugs me flush against his chest, continuing to move his hips against mine.

  I see the angry scowl on Tyler’s face, and I wonder if he’s jealous. But then I push the thoughts away, because he’s already said he doesn’t want me. If he doesn’t want me, then he’s just going to have to be okay with seeing me with other men.

  I tear my eyes away from his and give all my attention to the man who’s holding me in his arms.

  Jacob turns us, so my back is facing Tyler, and it feels like it’s on fire. I can feel his stare—his anger and jealously. It brings a smile to my face, but it also causes guilt to wash over me. I can only hope that he knows I’d rather be here with him.

  When the song ends, Jacob takes my hand and leads me back to the bar where we finish our drinks and order another. Tyler is sitting at a small table in the corner—not talking with anyone, just watching.

  Jacob and I sit and talk about our lives and we finish off another beer. When I turn and look toward the table Tyler has been sitting at, I’m surprised to find him gone—nothing but an empty beer bottle left behind.

  I grab my purse off the hook of the bar and stand. “I’m sorry, but I have to get going.” Without waiting for a response, I turn and rush from the bar, stopping on the front sidewalk and looking both directions for Tyler, but he’s already gone.

  When I pull up at the ranch a little while later, Tyler steps out of the barn, watching as I pull the truck up to the house and climb out. I grab my purse, intending on walking right past him, but when I turn around, he’s standing directly in front of me.

  “Can we talk?” His hands are in his pockets and his eyes are filled with fear.

  “About what? I thought we got e
verything figured out last night.” I shut the truck door and step around him, but he follows me to the door.

  “Amy, please. Just…hear me out. Please?” He lifts his brows with the question, giving me his sad puppy-dog eyes.

  “All right. Come on.” I motion inside the house as I unlock the door and let us both in. I lead him to the kitchen where I drop my purse down on the island and pull out two wine glasses. He sits at the table, looking nervous, tapping his foot on the floor.

  I take both glasses to the table. Passing him one, I sit across from him and take a sip. “What’s this about, Tyler?”

  He picks up his wine glass and tips it back, drinking every last drop. “I want to explain why I am the way I am.”

  I want to roll my eyes but refrain. “I know. Your fiancée cheated on you the night before your wedding. I get it, Tyler. But that’s not an excuse.” I stand, preparing to walk away, but he catches my hand in his, spinning me around and right into his arms.

  His dark eyes lock on mine, and I can see heat and a burning desire blazing behind them. “I want you, Amy. Despite everything that’s happened to me. Despite how much I might fuck all this up and end up with my heart broken. There’s something about you that I can’t forget or walk away from. I can’t promise you the future you’re envisioning, but I can promise to try and give you everything I can.” His mouth presses against mine, and his tongue slides into my mouth.

  My eyes close and a deep sigh leaves me, but I quickly snap out of it, pushing him away. “Tyler, this isn’t a joke. I don’t just want you to tell me what you think I want to hear. The only reason you’re even saying any of this right now is because you didn’t like seeing me with another man, isn’t it?”

  “I meant every word of it, Amy.” His hands come up to cup my cheeks as he presses his lips against mine once again. He’s slowly walking me backward until my back presses against the fridge. When I’m out of steps, his hands leave my face and lock on to my hips, lifting me up against him.

  “I won’t lie…” He grits his teeth, causing his angular jaw to flex. “Walking into that bar and finding you in the arms of another man, it pissed me off. It took every ounce of strength I had to keep from walking over there and laying him out. I want you, Amy. You’re mine, and if I ever see another man touch you again, I promise, I won’t be able to hold back.” He presses his mouth against mine, and my eyes flutter closed. He kisses me passionately and with so much force, my teeth nip his lip.

  I pull away. “But what about not being able to move forward—be in a relationship? You just said you weren’t looking for that.”

  He shakes his head as his heavy breathing blows across my lips. “Fuck what I said. If I know one thing and one thing only, it’s that I want you. There’s something different about you. I mean, fuck, I can’t even control myself when I’m with you.” He takes my hand and places it against his growing erection. Just my hand touching him over his jeans makes his jaw tense and causes his Adam’s apple to bob. His eyes squeeze shut, and he leans his forehead against mine. “I need you, Amy. Please, just take me back and I promise I’ll do anything I need to prove to you that I’m serious.”

  Something about the way he’s pleading with me makes denying him impossible. My arms snake around his neck, pulling him closer, and I’m kissing him as hard as I can. He responds immediately, deepening the kiss. A part of me is happy because, for the second time today, it’s a promise of the happy future I’ve been dreaming of. But it also means I now have something to lose.

  However, every thought slips away when he unfastens my skirt and pushes it down my legs. In the same instant, I find myself in his arms with my legs wrapped around his waist as he carries me through the house.

  When I open my eyes, I find that he’s walking us through the room I’ve been staying in and into the connected bathroom. He kicks the door closed behind us, then spins me around to press my back against it to hold me in place while he works at removing his shirt.

  My hands rush to my top, unbuttoning it as fast as possible and throwing it down on the floor. His mouth never leaves mine as we remove the rest of our clothes. Pulling my naked chest against his, we step into the shower where we connect as one.

  Chapter Ten

  The rest of the week flies by since every free minute is spent with Tyler. If he’s not working and I’m not working, we’re together: eating dinner, playing with the horses, or wrapped around one another.

  Vesper and Liam make it home and I find myself a little sad since Tyler won’t be as close since I have to go back home to my apartment. But there is one good thing: I can finally show Liam my proposal.

  Tyler and I take them both out to dinner, where I hand Liam my findings.

  “You know you don’t have to do this, right?” He looks at me with a lifted brow. “I mean, I agreed to be a silent partner. Whatever you need, it’s yours.”

  “I know, but I want to do this right. And I want your honest opinion. I think it’s a good deal. I’ve known the man who owns it forever, and I think he’s looking forward to coffee being delivered to him every morning,” I joke.

  “I’m so excited for you, Amy,” Vesper says with a wide smile as she leans closer to Liam to peek at the paper.

  “You’ve really done your homework here.” He looks at me from over the top of the folder. “Our next step is to get some estimates from some construction companies.”

  I nod once. “Already done. This past week, I’ve had three construction companies come in and give me estimates. The one Vesper hired to build the new clinic is by far the cheapest. You’ll find his estimate on page six.”

  He looks impressed when he flips a few more pages and finds the estimate. “What about startup costs? The coffee machines, a register, all the inventory?”

  “Turn the page,” I tell him, lifting my wine glass and taking a sip.

  “Did the construction company say how long it would take them?” Vesper asks.

  “Three months from the day they start,” I answer.

  “This is amazing, Amy. What do you think of your girl now, Tyler?” She flashes him a smile and a wink.

  He laughs, reaching over to place his hand on my thigh from under the table. “I think she’s amazing. I couldn’t be prouder.”

  I look over at him and notice the way his jaw is twitching, and his eyes are darkening. I have to squeeze my thighs together to hold off the flood of wanting that his look brings on.

  Liam closes the folder and sets it down. “Amy, it looks like you have everything under control. In fact, tomorrow I’ll go to the bank and open a shared business account. That way, when you need to pay for something, you won’t have to come to me with another presentation.” He laughs.

  A feeling of overwhelming happiness and gratitude fills me. “Thank you, Liam,” I breathe out, relief washing over me.

  The rest of dinner is free of business talk. Instead, we talk about Vesper and Liam’s vacation, and how Tyler and I have become more than friends. Tyler and Liam seem to have a natural friendship. They talk about the ranch, memories from working together, the horses, and what their dreams are for the ranch.

  While the guys talk, Vesper and I sit back and have our own conversation.

  “Hey, how’s your brother?” Vesper asks with a light smack to the knee.

  I roll my eyes. “Who knows? I haven’t talked to him in months.”

  She’s wearing a big smile and her eyes are shining.

  “What? Why’s that funny?”

  “How ya doin’, little sister?” someone says from behind me.

  I quickly turn my upper body around to see my brother coming to a stop behind me, dressed in his military fatigues.

  I squeal and jump up so fast my chair nearly falls backward. But I don’t care. That doesn’t stop me from jumping into his arms.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask as I squeeze him tighter.

  “I’m done. I’m home for good,” he says with a smile as he places me on my feet.

>   He’s really grown since the last time I saw him. His hair is dark and cut short. His green eyes that match mine hold so much happiness they sparkle. His defined jaw is smooth, and every muscle is bulging.

  “Sit and have dinner with us. I’ll introduce you to everyone.” I take my seat, scooting it toward Tyler so he can sit between Vesper and me.

  “You know Vesper, and this is her fiancé, Liam.” I point to him and they both shake hands. “And this is Tyler, my…boyfriend.” I realize that this is the first time I’m actually referring to Tyler as my boyfriend and it feels awkward, especially around my older brother, who’s beaten up all of my boyfriends in the past. After being raised the way we were, he’s extremely protective of me.

  Ethan leans over and shakes Tyler’s hand, but he doesn’t seem overly friendly. He keeps his jaw cocked and brows furrowed together like he’s angry, or maybe just studying him, looking for something he can pick apart later when we’re alone.

  Ethan takes his seat, and the moment he pulls his gaze away from Tyler, his facial features smooth over and his smile goes back in place. He pats my hand and asks, “What’s been going on, little sister?”

  “I’m opening my own coffee shop here in town. Can you believe it? I’m going to own my own business!” I gush.

  He wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me to his side for a hug. “That’s amazing! I always knew you would.”

  When he releases me, I pick up my wine glass and take a sip. “Have you heard from Mom?” I ask, loud enough for him to hear me, but quiet enough that nobody else does.

  He presses his lips together and looks down at his lap. “I tried calling. I guess her phone is shut off.”

  I look around the table to find Vesper and Liam in their own conversation. Tyler is looking around the restaurant, trying to pretend he’s not listening, but I know he is.

  “I gave up on her completely, Ethan. I can’t do it anymore. Her phone’s shut off because I’m not over there every day picking up after her and making sure she eats and pays her bills.”


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