The Club: Bound (Siren Publishing Allure)

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The Club: Bound (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 8

by Suzy Shearer

  “Please, little one. Please. I want you as my wife.”

  Lisa could feel her eyes fill with tears of happiness and she nodded and then whispered, “Yes. Yes I would love to marry you.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and tenderly kissed her. “Tomorrow I am taking you to buy the biggest diamond I can find!”

  She laughed. “I don’t need a diamond, as long as I have your love that is all I will ever need.”

  Just then, the doorbell chimed and he helped her to her feet. He settled her in the lounge room, looking out over the valley as he went to let the others in. Richard had an armful of flowers, took her hands, and kissed them both while Fleur sat beside her. They all chatted for half an hour then the boys took off, Paul telling them he would bring home pizza for them all.

  She and Fleur talked about what had happened, Fleur made them coffee and their talk turned to the men. She told Fleur that Paul had proposed. She laughed when Fleur screamed in excitement. When the men arrived back, Fleur raced over to tell Richard who disappointed her when he said he knew, that Paul had told him while they were at Lisa’s house.

  The rest of the evening passed with lots of laughs and Lisa felt she was home. Richard noticed her yawning so he threw Fleur over his shoulder and told her they were going home so she could make love to him all night. They all laughed as he set her on her feet and Paul saw them out.

  Lisa was self-conscious as he helped her to her feet then upstairs to the master bedroom. It was obviously over the room he had chosen as her workroom, the wonderful view captured her heart. With infinite tenderness Paul helped her undress, and then he lifted her in his arms and carried her to their bed.

  He lay beside her. The gauze had been removed, and she was black and blue, the stitches standing out against the colour. He wanted to turn back time to prevent the pain that she had suffered. She reached out to touch his face.

  “I want to make love to you but I know I can’t move properly. I…” She hesitated. “I want to feel you inside me, I want you. I need to know you love me.”

  “Lie back, little one, and relax.”

  She had tears in her eyes, frustrated that her body was too sore and damaged to make love to him at the moment. She gasped as she felt his hand run up her thigh.

  “Relax. Let me take you somewhere else. Just lie back and enjoy.” He wriggled his way down her body and settled between her legs. He gritted his teeth when he saw even her outer lips were bruised but he would be gentle with her. He began to lick her slowly at first, his fingers caressing her thighs as his tongue licked across her slit. He tasted her juices as she became alive under his tongue. He was enchanted by her little moans as his slipped one finger into her cunt. He sucked her clit into his mouth and was rewarded when he felt her tighten on his finger.

  “That’s it, little one, come for me. Let me hear you come,” he whispered then went back to sucking her clit.

  She screamed his name softly as she came on his fingers and in his mouth. He climbed back up to lie beside her.

  “I love you so much, little one. I love you. Marry me soon.”

  They fell asleep hand in hand, she with a smile on her face.

  Chapter Twelve

  The next two weeks passed swiftly. Slowly she began to heal. Once her stitches were removed, she felt better. Paul had a heated saltwater in-ground pool and when she mentioned it to the doctor, he told her it would be good for her healing so each day she swam, her strength and flexibility slowly returning.

  One night Paul invited his counsellor friend over and he left her and Lisa to talk together. She was amazed at how easy it was to talk to this stranger but felt so much better. It was easier to talk to someone who knew about their lifestyle and would not judge. When she left, Lisa told Paul that she felt so much better in her mind. He was glad she had agreed to talk and that it had gone well.

  One day she was in her workroom and was stunned when a deer walked out into the grass area. She slowly reached for her camera, not wanting to scare it away. Very slowly she stood and moved a little closer, taking picture after picture. She had slid the glass wall open all the way and was able to stand in the doorway. The deer looked at her but did not run away. It nibbled on the grass and she sank to the ground, watching it until it finally left. Paul had been working in his city office and she rushed to tell him when he got home, showing him the photos she had taken. He told her that deer often came.

  By the end of the month she felt fully recovered. The cuts had all healed well and she felt mentally great. That night at dinner, she felt nervous but took a deep breath.

  “Paul, let’s go back to The Club.” He looked stunned. He had thought she would never want to go back. He figured that side of their love life was gone. “I want to. I want you to bind me. I need you to do it. It has been a month. I need to know if I can handle it mentally.”

  “Are you sure, little one? I don’t want you doing something unless it is what you want.”

  “I do. I want it, hell I miss it. Can we just try it once and see?”

  “Only if you are sure.”

  “I am. Can we go tonight?”

  He looked carefully at her face and took in how flushed and excited she was. Maybe this was what they both needed. He had to admit he had been treating her with kid gloves since the attack. He nodded and took her in his arms to kiss her.

  She was nervous all the way to The Club. When they arrived, Paul carried her kimono in then signed them both in.

  “Welcome back, Miss Lisa. We have missed you.” She was touched by the security guard’s honesty as she took her key and the kimono and went to change.

  When she walked into the bar, she felt so much love from everyone. They smiled and welcomed her back. It made her relax. Behind the bar was the waiter who had stared the whole thing off and he greeted her with the biggest smile, before coming around and kissing both her cheeks. Paul grinned at her then took her hand.

  “Come on, little one, let’s find the others.” They walked into the Blue room and Fleur almost knocked her over.

  “Lisa, oh Lisa.” She burst into tears. “I am so glad you’re back.”

  “Hey, why the tears? We saw each other yesterday, or have you forgotten?”

  “Ha-ha, very funny. No, I just thought you may not want to come back here.”

  “I need to come back. I need to face this and see if I can still do it. I miss it and I really want it.”

  “Well whatever the reason, I am glad you are back.” She looked over at Richard. “Oh oh, I’m in trouble, and I was supposed to be kneeling at my Master’s feet.” She giggled. “Hope he gives me some bad punishments.”

  They walked to the two men. Richard tried to look fierce at Fleur but Lisa could see the smile twinkling in his eyes. He leaned forward and kissed her cheeks. “I am glad to see you. Are you sure about this?”

  She nodded and took Paul’s arm. “I’m sure.”

  “What do you want to do, and where?”

  Paul shrugged and looked at Lisa.

  “Can we go back to where it began?” Paul caught his breath. It would be the perfect place. He practically carried her to the arena with Richard and Fleur following close behind.

  When they arrived, he turned her to face him. He wrapped his arms around her. “Are you sure, little one?” He searched her face as she nodded.

  She leant forward and whispered, “I’m wet already.”

  Paul groaned. “I want you dripping and begging for more.” He kissed her as if it was their last kiss on earth then led her to the stool.

  Once again, Fleur helped her out of her kimono and onto the stool. Paul held up the blindfold and lifted an eyebrow in query. She thought carefully then decided that she wanted to relive their first time and agreed. He tied it over her eyes and planted a kiss on her mouth. “Remember ‘yellow’ if you want me to slow down and ‘red’ if it gets too much.” She nodded and he began to bind her.

  Because her shoulder was still a little stiff, Paul elected to ti
e her arms at her sides. He stretched her legs apart and tied them off. She felt his hands caressing her body as he wrapped the silken ropes around her. He saw the scars that were still raw and felt anger rising, but Richard was there and put his hand on his shoulder, giving it a squeeze. He drew a breath and then continued to bind, careful that it was not too tight over her scars. He looked up into her face. Her skin was flushed and she was breathing faster, almost panting.

  Lisa felt her senses were heightened. She could feel every tiny touch on her skin, her ears could hear as Paul played out the rope between his hands, the sound of his breathing even the sound of the audience. She could smell his aftershave wafting across her as he moved back and forth. Her own arousal was a delicious scent and it served to increase her excitement.

  Paul ran a hand down her body and slipped it between her legs. Her juices poured over his fingers. He bent to run his tongue across her clit and forced it between her swollen lips. She was so sweet, like honey on his tongue. He pushed one, then two fingers into her cunt while he drank from her. He felt her push against his mouth as he sucked her hardened clit into his mouth.

  He nodded to Richard, who bent to take a nipple in his mouth. Lisa gasped with pleasure as another sensation took her higher. She knew it was Richard who suckled her tit and felt his tongue teasing her nipple, biting and sucking.

  Knowing she was the centre of their play just added to her lust for more. She pushed her tit into Richard's mouth and groaned as he began pulling and squeezing the other.

  Lisa heard Fleur kneel at his feet, she knew she had taken his cock in her hand and then into her mouth when he tensed on her tit.

  Paul came to her head and whispered in her ear. “Do you want me to fuck you?”

  “Please,” she panted. “Please fuck me. I need you. I need your cock.”

  He thrust two fingers into her dripping cunt, circling them and pushing them in and out. She groaned in need.

  “What do you want me to do? Tell me, shout loud. Tell me exactly what you want.”

  “Fuck me,” she screamed. “Fuck me now, make me come.”

  She needed to feel his shaft in her cunt, needed to come on it. Her body ached for it. Every part of her body sang for his cock, screamed for him to make her come.

  Finally she felt his hardened cock thrust into her hard and she almost climaxed but Paul held himself still until she control it, and then he began to thrust hard into her. Richard was so close to blowing in Fleur’s mouth as he sucked and bit on Lisa’s tits.

  Paul yelled at Lisa, “Come for me, and come for now!”

  She lost it completely at his words, gripping his cock tight in her cunt, her muscles contracted as she came hard over his dick. She screamed his name over and over as she did. As soon as Paul felt her grip him, he thrust as hard as he could into her cunt and came, filling her. Meanwhile Richard had come in Fleur’s mouth. Lisa felt a sense of loss as he left her tits to take Fleur into his arms and kiss her. Lisa's cunt was sending ripples throughout her body, she felt as if she was floating on a sea of orgasms.

  She slowly came down from subspace to hear applause. Paul removed her blindfold and she smiled lovingly into his face. Raising her eyes, she looked around. Everywhere she looked were smiling faces cheering, shouting her name. She felt enveloped in love as Paul and Richard untied her. Paul cleaned her then helped her into her kimono.

  Wrapped in love, she sat in Paul’s lap. He was stroking her hair and murmuring endearments in her ear. “I love you,” she whispered.

  “And I love you, too. You are the most amazing woman I know.” He rubbed his hand across her legs and onto her stomach. “I can’t believe how lucky I am.” His fingers brushed across each breast to rub her nipples.

  “I’m so glad we did that. I feel liberated, I feel released.” She looked up into his eyes. “I was frightened the memory would stop me but it didn’t. I feel so alive.” She snuggled tighter into his arms. “Next time I want to play with the flogger. I am getting wet just thinking about you tying me, then flogging me and fucking me.”

  “Oh god, I’m hard again just listening to you.” He groaned into her hair. “Woman, you will be the death of me. I need to get back inside you now.”

  “You are right, you do.” He twisted her body around so she was straddling him, and then he lowered her onto his thickened cock. Lisa purred in delight as she tensed her cunt muscles over his dick. He groaned in pleasure as he felt it enveloped in her hot wet cunt. They merged as she rode his cock, both delighting in the feeling. Lisa could hear flesh hitting flesh as she rode him, feeling the heat of his body and hers. He slipped a hand between them to rub on her clit and she bit his ear before whispering, “You will make me come doing that.”

  “Good, I want to see your face as you pour your sweet juices on my cock.” It only took a moment or two of tweaking her clit before he felt the start of her spasm. As they increased, he felt his own orgasm burst deep inside her cunt. He wanted to stay forever with his cock sunk in her. He kept playing with her clit while she rode out another climax. Her face flushed, her breathing fast. He could not get enough of watching her when she came.

  She fell forward onto his chest, finally sated, and he dropped his head to her shoulder as they both tried to get their breathing back to normal.

  “The sooner you marry me, woman, the happier I will be. If any of the other men here know how wonderful you are they will want to fuck you as much as I do.”

  “Mm, I think Richard still has all those postcards kept for me.”

  Paul growled and held her tight. “Don’t even think about it, little one. You are mine forever.”

  He pulled her to him and kissed her. “Let’s go home so I can make love to you for the rest of our life.”




  All alone and fancy free, Suzy lives in Sydney, Australia’s Western Suburbs with one very spoilt dog and two equally spoilt cats to keep her company.

  She is a Buddhist, an author, an artist, a computer nerd and a voracious reader.

  She also has a penchant for crazy-coloured hair—pinks, purples, and even rainbowed—and for tattoos!

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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