Philo Vance 12 Novels Complete Bundle

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Philo Vance 12 Novels Complete Bundle Page 130

by S. S. Van Dine

It was less than twenty-four hours when the culminating event occurred. The fourteenth of July will always remain in my memory as one of the most terrible and exciting days of my life; and as I set down this record of the case, years later, I can hardly refrain from a shudder. I do not dare think of what might have happened--of what soul-stirring injustice might have been perpetrated in good faith--had not Vance seen the inner machinations of the diabolical plot underlying Kyle's murder, and persisted in his refusal to permit Markham and Heath taking the obvious course of arresting Bliss.

  Vance told me months later that never in his career had he been confronted by so delicate a task as that of placating Markham and convincing him that an impassive delay was the only possible means of reaching the truth. Almost from the moment Vance entered the museum in answer to Scarlett's summons, he realized the tremendous difficulties ahead; for everything had been planned in order to force Markham and the police into making the very move against which he had so consistently fought.

  Though Markham did not take his departure from Vance's apartment on the night of the dagger episode until half past two, Vance rose the next morning before eight o'clock. Another sweltering day was promised, and he had his coffee in the roof-garden. He sent Currie to fetch all the morning newspapers, and spent a half hour or so reading the accounts of Kyle's murder.

  Heath had been highly discreet about giving out the facts, and only the barest skeleton of the story was available to the press. But the prominence of Kyle and the distinguished reputation of Doctor Bliss resulted in the murder creating a tremendous furore. It was emblazoned across the front page of every metropolitan journal, and there were long reviews of Bliss's Egyptological work and the financial interest taken in it by the dead philanthropist. The general theory seemed to be--and I recognized the Sergeant's shrewd hand in it--that some one from the street had entered the museum, and, as an act of vengeance or enmity, had killed Kyle with the first available weapon.

  Heath had told the reporters of the finding of the scarab beside the body, but had given no further information about it. Because of this small object, which was the one evidential detail that had been vouchsafed, the papers, always on the lookout for identifying titles, named the tragedy the Scarab murder case; and that appellation has clung to it to the present day. Even those persons who have forgotten the name of Benjamin H. Kyle still remember the sensation caused by his murder, as a result of that ancient piece of lapis-lazuli carved with the name of an Egyptian Pharaoh of the year 1650 B.C.

  Vance read the accounts with a cynical smile.

  "Poor Markham!" he murmured. "Unless something definite happens very soon, the anti-administration critics will descend on him like a host of trolls. I see that Heath has announced to the world that the District Attorney's office has taken full charge of the case. . . ."

  He smoked meditatively for a time. Then he telephoned to Salveter and asked him to come at once to his apartment.

  "I'm hopin' to remove every possibility of disaster," he explained to me as he hung up the receiver; "though I'm quite certain another attempt to hoodwink us will be made before any desperate measures are taken."

  For the next fifteen minutes he stretched out lazily and closed his eyes. I thought he had fallen asleep, but when Currie softly opened the door to announce Salveter, Vance bade him show the visitor up before the old man could speak.

  Salveter entered a minute later looking anxious and puzzled.

  "Sit down, Mr. Salveter." Vance waved him indolently to a chair. "I've been thinkin' about Queen Hetep-hir-es and the Boston Museum. Have you any business that might reasonably take you to Boston to-night?"

  Salveter appeared even more puzzled.

  "I always have work that I can do there," he replied, frowning. "Especially in view of the excavations of the Harvard-Boston Expedition at the Gizeh pyramids. It was in connection with these excavations that I had to go to the Metropolitan yesterday morning for Doctor Bliss. . . . Does that answer your question satisfactorily?"

  "Quite. . . . And these reproductions of the tomb furniture of Hetep-hir-es: couldn't you arrange for them more easily if you saw Doctor Reisner personally?"

  "Certainly. The fact is, I'll have to go north anyway in order to close up the business. I was merely on the trail of preliminary information yesterday."

  "Would the fact that to-morrow is Sunday handicap you in any way?"

  "To the contrary. I could probably see Doctor Reisner away from his office, and go into the matter at leisure with him."

  "That being the case, suppose you hop a train to-night after dinner. Come back, let us say, to-morrow night. Any objection?"

  Salveter's puzzlement gave way to astonishment.

  "Why--no," he stammered. "No particular objection. But--"

  "Would Doctor Bliss think it strange if you jumped out on such sudden notice?"

  "I couldn't say. Probably not. The museum isn't a particularly pleasant place just now. . . ."

  "Well, I want you to go, Mr. Salveter." Vance abandoned his lounging demeanor and sat up. "And I want you to go without question or argument. . . . There's no possibility of Doctor Bliss's forbidding you to go, is there?"

  "Oh, nothing like that," Salveter assured him. "He may think it's queer, my running off at just this time; but he never meddles in the way I choose to do my work."

  Vance rose.

  "That's all. There's a train to Boston from the Grand Central at half past nine to-night. See that you take it. . . . And," he added, "you might phone me from the station, by way of verification. I'll be here between nine and nine-thirty. . . . You may return to New York any time you desire after to-morrow noon."

  Salveter gave Vance an abashed grin.

  "I suppose those are orders."

  "Serious and important orders, Mr. Salveter," Vance returned with quiet impressiveness. "And you needn't worry about Mrs. Bliss. Hani, I'm sure, will take good care of her."

  Salveter started to make a reply, changed his mind, and, turning abruptly, strode rapidly away.

  Vance yawned and rose languorously.

  "And now I think I'll take two more hours' sleep."

  After lunch at Marguéry's, Vance went to the Gauguin exhibition, and later walked to Carnegie Hall to hear the Beethoven Septet. It was too late when the concert was over to see the Egyptian wall paintings at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Instead, he called for Markham in his car, and the three of us drove to the Claremont for dinner.

  Vance explained briefly what steps he had taken in regard to Salveter. Markham made scant comment. He looked tired and discouraged, but there was a distracted tensity about his manner that made me realize how greatly he was counting on Vance's prediction that something tangible would soon happen in connection with the Kyle case.

  After dinner we returned to Vance's roof-garden. The enervating mid-summer heat still held, and there was scarcely a breath of air stirring.

  "I told Heath I'd phone him--" Markham began, sinking into a large peacock wicker chair.

  "I was about to suggest getting in touch with the Sergeant," Vance chimed in. "I'd rather like to have him on hand, don't y' know. He's so comfortin'."

  He rang for Currie and ordered the telephone. Then he called Heath and asked him to join us.

  "I have a psychic feelin'," he said to Markham, with an air of forced levity, "that we are going to be summoned anon to witness the irrefutable proof of some one's guilt. And if that proof is what I think it is. . . ."

  Markham suddenly leaned forward in his chair.

  "It has just come to me what you've been hinting about so mysteriously!" he exclaimed. "It has to do with that hieroglyphic letter you found in the study."

  Vance hesitated but momentarily.

  "Yes, Markham," he nodded. "That torn letter hasn't been explained yet. And I have a theory about it that I can't shake off--it fits too perfectly with the whole fiendish scheme."

  "But you have the letter," Markham argued, in an effort to draw Vance out.

  "Oh, yes. And I'm prizin' it."

  "You believe it's the letter Salveter said he wrote?"


  "And you believe he is ignorant of its having been torn up and put in the doctor's waste-basket?"

  "Oh, quite. He's still wonderin' what became of it--and worryin', too."

  Markham studied Vance with baffled curiosity.

  "You spoke of some purpose to which the letter might have been put before it was thrown away."

  "That's what I'm waiting to verify. The fact is, Markham, I expected that the letter would enter into the mystery of the dagger throwing last night. And I'll admit I was frightfully downcast when we'd got the whole family snugly back to bed without having run upon a single hieroglyph." He reached for a cigarette. "There was a reason for it, and I think I know the explanation. That's why I'm pinnin' my childlike faith on what may happen at any moment now. . . ."

  The telephone rang, and Vance himself answered it at once. It was Salveter calling from the Grand Central Station; and after a brief verbal interchange, Vance replaced the instrument on the table with an air of satisfaction.

  "The doctor," he said, "was evidently quite willin' to endure to-night and to-morrow without his assistant curator. So that bit of strategy was achieved without difficulty. . . ."

  Half an hour later Heath was ushered into the roof-garden. He was glum and depressed, and his greeting was little more than a guttural rumble.

  "Lift up your heart, Sergeant," Vance exhorted him cheerfully. "This is Bastille Day.* It may have a symbolic meaning. It's not beyond the realm of possibility that you will be able to incarcerate the murderer of Kyle before midnight."

  * Vance of course was referring to the French Fête Nationale which falls on July 14th.

  "Yeah?" Heath was utterly sceptical. "Is he coming here to give himself up, bringing all the necessary proof with him? A nice, accommodating fella."

  "Not exactly, Sergeant. But I'm expecting him to send for us; and I think he may be so generous as to point out the principal clew himself."

  "Cuckoo, is he? Well, Mr. Vance, if he does that, no jury'll convict him. He'll get a bill of insanity with free lodging and medical care for the rest of his life." He looked at his watch. "It's ten o'clock. What time does the tip-off come?"

  "Ten?" Vance verified the hour. "My word! It's later than I thought. . . ." A look of anxiety passed over his set features. "I wonder if I could have miscalculated this whole affair."

  He put out his cigarette and began pacing back and forth. Presently he stopped before Markham, who was watching him uneasily.

  "When I sent Salveter away," he began slowly, "I was confident that the expected event would happen forthwith. But I'm afraid something has gone wrong. Therefore I think I had better outline the case to you now."

  He paused and frowned.

  "However," he added, "it would be advisable to have Scarlett present. I'm sure he could fill in a few of the gaps."

  Markham looked surprised.

  "What does Scarlett know about it?"

  "Oh, much," was Vance's brief reply. Then he turned to the telephone and hesitated. "He hasn't a private phone, and I don't know the number of the house exchange. . . ."

  "That's easy." Heath picked up the receiver and asked for a certain night official of the company. After a few words of explanation, he clicked the hook and called a number. There was considerable delay, but at length some one answered at the other end. From the Sergeant's questions it was evident Scarlett was not at home.

  "That was his landlady," Heath explained disgustedly, when he had replaced the receiver. Scarlett went out at eight o'clock--said he was going to the museum for a while and would be back at nine. Had an appointment at nine with a guy at his apartment, and the guy's still waiting for him. . . ."

  "We can reach him at the museum, then." Vance rang up the Bliss number and asked Brush to call Scarlett to the phone. After several minutes he pushed the instrument from him.

  "Scarlett isn't at the museum either," he said. "He came, so Brush says, at about eight, and must have departed unobserved. He's probably on his way back to his quarters. We'll wait a while and phone him there again."

  "Is it necessary to have Scarlett here?" Markham asked impatiently.

  "Not precisely necess'ry," Vance returned evasively; "but most desirable. You remember he admitted quite frankly he could tell me a great deal about the murderer--"

  He broke off abruptly, and with tense deliberation selected and lighted another cigarette. His lids drooped, and he stared fixedly at the floor.

  "Sergeant," he said in a repressed tone, "I believe you said Mr. Scarlett had an appointment with some one at nine and had informed his landlady he would return at that hour."

  "That's what the dame told me over the phone."

  "Please see if he has reached home yet."

  Without a word Heath again lifted the receiver and called Scarlett's number. A minute later he turned to Vance.

  "He hasn't shown up."

  "Deuced queer," Vance muttered. "I don't at all like this, Markham. . . ."

  His mind drifted off in speculation, and it seemed to me that his face paled slightly.

  "I'm becoming frightened," he went on in a hushed voice. "We should have heard about that letter by now. . . . I'm afraid there's trouble ahead."

  He gave Markham a look of grave and urgent concern.

  "We can't afford to delay any longer. It may even be too late as it is. We've got to act at once." He moved toward the door. "Come on, Markham. And you, Sergeant. We're overdue at the museum. If we hurry we may be in time."

  Both Markham and Heath had risen as Vance spoke. There was a strange insistence in his tone, and a foreboding of terrible things in his eyes. He disappeared swiftly into the house; and the rest of us, urged by the suppressed excitement of his manner, followed in silence. His car was outside, and a few moments later we were swinging dangerously round the corner of Thirty-eighth Street and Park Avenue, headed for the Bliss Museum.



  (Saturday, July 14, 10:10 P.M.)

  We arrived at the museum in less than ten minutes. Vance ran up the stone steps, Markham and Heath and I at his heels. Not only was there a light burning in the vestibule, but through the frosted glass panels of the front door we could see a bright light in the hall. Vance pressed the bell vigorously, but it was some time before Brush answered our summons.

  "Napping?" Vance asked. He was in a tense, sensitive mood.

  "No, sir." Brush shrank from him. "I was in the kitchen--"

  "Tell Doctor Bliss we're here, and want to see him at once."

  "Yes, sir." The butler went down the hall and knocked on the study door. There was no answer, and he knocked again. After a moment he turned the knob and looked in the room. Then he came back to us.

  "The doctor is not in his study. Perhaps he has gone to his bedroom. . . . I'll see."

  He moved toward the stairs and was about to ascend when a calm, even voice halted him.

  "Bliss effendi is not up-stairs." Hani came slowly down to the front hall. "It is possible he is in the museum."

  "Well, well!" Vance regarded the man reflectively. "Amazin' how you always turn up. . . . So you think he may be potterin' among his treasures--eh, what?" He pushed open the great steel door of the museum. "If the doctor is in here, he's whiling away his time in the dark." Stepping to the stair-landing inside the museum door, he switched on the lights and looked about the great room. "You're apparently in error, Hani, regarding the doctor's whereabouts. To all appearances the museum is empty."

  The Egyptian was unruffled.

  "Perhaps Doctor Bliss has gone out for a breath of air."

  There was a troubled frown on Vance's face.

  "That's possible," he murmured. "However, I wish you'd make sure he is not up-stairs."

  "I would have seen him had he come up-stairs after dinner," the Egyptian replied softly. "But I will follow you
r instructions nevertheless." And he went to search for Bliss.

  Vance stepped up to Brush and asked in a low voice:

  "At what time did Mr. Scarlett leave here to-night?"

  "I don't know, sir." The man was mystified by Vance's manner. "I really don't know. He came at about eight--I let him in. He may have gone out with Doctor Bliss. They often take a walk together at night."

  "Did Mr. Scarlett go into the museum when he arrived at eight?"

  "No, sir. He asked for Doctor Bliss. . . ."

  "Ah! And did he see the doctor?"

  "Yes, sir. . . . That is,"--Brush corrected himself--"I suppose he did. I told him Doctor Bliss was in the study, and he at once went down the hall. I returned to the kitchen."

  "Did you notice anything unusual in Mr. Scarlett's manner?"

  The butler thought a moment.

  "Well, sir, since you mention it, I might say that Mr. Scarlett was rather stiff and distant, like there was something on his mind--if you know what I mean."

  "And the last you saw of him was when he was approaching the study door?"

  "Yes, sir."

  Vance nodded a dismissal.

  "Remain in the drawing-room for the time being," he said.

  As Brush disappeared through the folding door Hani came slowly down the stairs.

  "It is as I said," he responded indifferently. "Doctor Bliss is not up-stairs."

  Vance scrutinized him sternly.

  "Do you know that Mr. Scarlett called here tonight?"

  "Yes, I know." A curious light came into the man's eyes. "I was in the drawing-room when Brush admitted him."

  "He came to see Doctor Bliss," said Vance.

  "Yes. I heard him ask Brush--"

  "Did Mr. Scarlett see the doctor?"

  The Egyptian did not answer at once. He met Vance's gaze steadily as if trying to read the other's thoughts. At length, reaching a decision, he said:

  "They were together--to my knowledge--for at least half an hour. When Mr. Scarlett entered the study he left the door open by the merest crack, and I was able to hear them talking together. But I could not distinguish anything that was said. Their voices were subdued."


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