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Onyx Page 2

by Неизвестный

  "You can talk if you wish. If I want you to be silent, I will tell you." The fur slipped lower against his stomach, running in a circular pattern. Only a stray edge brushed near Kale's cock, but didn't touch on its way toward his thigh. Repeated slow strokes covered the flesh of both thighs before Ian stepped back. "I like fur," Kale said with a smile. "That felt good, Sir." "By the time I am through with you, I'm going to know a great deal more about everything you do and don't like." The tails of his flogger ran lightly over the top of one thigh, sliding downward to Kale's knees before dragging back up and over to his other thigh. A moment later the soft thud of a light strike smacked Kale's inner thigh. Kale gasped softly, thighs parting for Ian. "Yes, Sir," he breathed. Two more soft smacks followed before the fur glove caressed over the area, and Ian watched the sub's reaction. He already knew Kale could take a great deal of pain, and Ian had every intention of edging into that. From the line of Kale's body, the sub expected and wanted more pain, but Ian would give that only when he chose to.

  Several soft blows from the flogger warmed and worked over Kale's thighs, and two hit near his cock. After each series, Ian smoothed his gloved handover the area.

  Kale's hips rolled beneath the touches, cock hardening. His moans were deep, hands sliding until his fingers were gripping the edges of the table."Yes, Sir…hurts…gods, yes…"

  A smile curled Ian's lips. It wasn't the hits that were hurting; it was Kale's need for more. Withdrawing his hand, he stepped back just enough to employ the use of the flogger again. Increasing the strength behind each snap, Kale's skin began to redden beneath the series of blows working their way from his thighs to his chest.

  Kale drew in his bottom lip, biting back a whimper as his body strained to each hit. His cock was fully hard, leaking against his stomach, twitching in time to each strike.

  "Has anyone every used wax on you, my toy?" Ian asked casually as he took off the glove and set it and the flogger aside on his tray. Picking up the paraffin candle, he lit the wick. As he waited for the sub's answer, he tilted the candle, testing the wax on the back of his hand. Given Kale was very fair-skinned, the wax would need to be applied at a higher distance to avoid damaging the skin. "N-no, Sir…" Kale said with a shake of his head. "The sensation depends on how far away the candle is from your body." Speaking conversationally, Ian began his work. He kept the candle high enough to insure the drops were no more than faint, tingling warmth over the sub's chest. As he neared the left nipple, the sensation of heat increased to a touch more painful when he lowered the candle.

  Kale hissed through his teeth, fingers tightening on the table. Despite the sting, his body arched slightly, seeking more.

  Reaching over to his work tray, Ian uncovered the ice bucket and brought out a piece of ice. Using the cube, he slowly circled around Kale's nipple. Drips from the candle very quickly followed, splattering over the hardened nub. The burning sensation covered Kale's nipple without causing any damage to the skin. Working slowly, Ian used the ice and wax to paint a slow trail to the other nipple, then downward over Kale's chest and stomach.

  Giving Kale an experience he'd never had before gave Ian a great deal of satisfaction. Watching every reaction closely, he increased the pain level of the heat. To a degree Kale's senses would now confuse the two, and the pain itself would heighten very quickly.

  With extreme care, Ian started working over Kale's genitals. Taking another ice cube, he rubbed slowly over the hardened flesh, then followed the trail with drips from the candle. The distance in height was greater since the genital region was far more delicate, and thankfully Kale was shaved.

  Kale was beyond words, making only the harshest sounds. His teeth were clenched tightly shut, his body beginning to shake a little. His breathing was shallow and quick as his hips rocked. A low groan finally broke through as the wax continued to drip on his skin.

  Ian could, without touch, bring the sub to an orgasm, and such was his intention. In a beautiful pattern, the ice cube and heat of the wax coated Kale's cock and balls, alternating the hot and cold intensity. Paying close attention to each jerking movement of the sub's body, Ian easily read the compulsive need for orgasm beginning to take over as the pain itself possessed Kale.

  When Kale's breathing became extremely erratic, Ian said quietly, "Come for me now, slave."

  "Oh, fuck…Sir!" Kale's hips jerked, fucking the air as he shot over his stomach, his come mixing with the wax and water.

  Remaining where he was, Ian watched intently, drinking in the exquisite expression and convulsions of the sub's body. Quickly blowing out the candle, he set it aside. Not straying far from Kale, Ian gently touched him, caressing softly over the sub's face to help bring Kale down. "You did beautifully, my toy."

  Body slowly relaxing, Kale turned his face into the touch, lips soft as they peppered Ian's palm with kisses. "Thank you, Sir," he whispered. "Gods, thank you…"

  Keeping the connection of touch Kale needed, Ian moved his hand to cup against the sub's cheek. "Let's get you cleaned off. I'll hold you, if that's what you want."

  Getting a soft towel from his tray, he carefully wiped Kale off, then used a gentle scraping of his nails to remove the dried wax.

  Kale shivered and nodded, hands easing up on their grip. He raised his arms and rubbed his hands and knuckles.

  When he was through cleaning Kale, Ian brushed off the scrapings and tossed the towel on his tray. Slipping an arm under Kale's knees and beneath his shoulders, Ian lifted him up, cradling the slave against his chest. "We're just going over to the couch to relax and talk." Thankfully, he worked out and carrying Kale the short distance to

  the couch and settling into the cushions was no problem. Nodding, Kale burrowed his face into Ian's neck, arms sliding around him to hold on. His breathing had finally evened out and he was no longer shivering, just sort of limp and resting against Ian as they sat.

  Ian realized Kale would want the quieter connection to him, and he allowed it. Already he had plans on continuing working with the submissive. The fully open responses Kale had given to him were something Ian highly prized. One arm remained tightly around him as Ian's other hand smoothed slowly against Kale's hair. "Rest for a few minutes, and we'll talk when you are ready."

  Kale drew in a steady breath and nodded. "I'm ready, Sir," he whispered against Ian's neck.

  "I want your impressions, Kale." Ian spoke quietly, wanting to know how well the submissive could vocalize both his feelings and what he'd experienced.

  "It was so new, but good. I've never done any wax play." Kale lifted his head and smiled, face turned to the sound of Ian's voice. "I really liked it. It was intense, good. And…no one has ever made me come that quick without touching me or whipping me good."

  "I personally enjoy many forms of play that don't always revolve around a whip. If you would like a continuation in sessions, I'm sure it can be arranged." Ian left up to Kale as to whether the sub chose to work with him againor not. "Can…can I have a kiss?" Kale asked quietly. Ian stared at him silently for a long moment before he leaned

  forward to gently touch to Kale's lips. Kale smiled against Ian's mouth, though he didn't take the kiss any further. "Your lips are as soft as I thought they would be," he murmured, breath warm across Ian's skin.

  Drawing back, Ian lifted his hand to tap lightly at Kale's lower lip. "I suppose it is time to let you go and give you a chance to return to the others downstairs before the evening is over."

  "Yes, Sir." Kale kissed Ian's fingertip, whispering, "Whenever you want me, I will be happy to work with you, Sir."

  "We'll arrange for another time outside the club, Kale. Let me get your clothes for you." As Kale slid off his lap, Ian stood and walked over to the bench to get his cane, pants, and vest. Returning to Kale, Ian handed the clothing to him. Kale dressed, then reached out for Ian. "My cane?" "Right here, Kale." Ian placed it gently in Kale's hand. "I'll take you

  back downstairs and we will arrange a date for anothersession." Kale smiled
and took his cane in one hand while holding onto Ian with the other. "Thank you, Sir." * * * * A servant had been positioned near the front door to handle Kale's arrival, and Ian busily prepared for the session they'd set up. Because of Kale's blindness, Ian went to the trouble of extra arrangements for him. It didn't bother Ian to send a car to pick Kale up and make sure he was accommodated as needed. Ian had given a great deal of thought to the session ahead and was carefully choosing his instruments for the play. "Sir, Mark is bringing the young man upstairs." Glancing up, Ian nodded to John and walked towards the doorway

  to greet Kale. When the door opened, Mark stepped aside. "Do you need any

  help?" he asked Kale. Kale shook his head. "No, thank you. You've been most kind." "Sir?" Mark looked to Ian. "That will be all, Mark." Ian clasped Kale's hand in a firm, reassuring touch. "I thought you might want to talk a little before we begin."

  Kale smiled and nodded. "Thank you. I'd like that." His fingers curled around Ian's and he stepped into the room, letting Ian close the door.

  Leading Kale towards a small couch, Ian studied his profile. "I wanted us to talk about what experiences you want, Kale."

  "Okay," Kale said. He felt with his hand, then sat down. Looking up into the direction of Ian's voice, he smiled.

  "I've got some coffee here if you feel like a cup." Ian settled beside him, beginning the conversation. There was a great deal he wanted to know about Kale's likes and dislikes, and what Kale personally expected from the session.

  "I'm fine, thank you." Kale twisted toward him. "So is this a game of question-and-answer?" he asked with a playful grin.

  "For the moment." Ian laughed as he leaned forward and poured himself some coffee. "I wanted to know how deeply you want to go into the different aspects. Such as, are you interested in a Master to take you under his wing, or do you just want play sessions."

  "I…" Kale bit his lip and blushed slightly. "I thought about you all week. If you're looking for something regular, then I'm interested, if that's what you mean."

  "That is what I meant, but I wasn't sure if it was what you would be looking for, Kale. I am interested in taking on a new submissive, and for more than occasional sessions." In between sips of his coffee, Ian quietly explained his own thoughts.

  "Guess that brings us specifically likes and dislikes," Kale said. "You already know my hard limits and share them, so that's out of the way, I suppose."

  "True, but there are a great many methods I am familiar with. Not only impact play and wax play, but also electro play, fisting, rope bondage, humiliation, and pony play for starters. And not all submissives want to experience all of the above. Which are ones you particularly enjoy, or have never experienced but are willing to try, or there's no way in hell do you want to do that?"

  "Does 'all of the above' count?" Kale laughed. "Seriously, I personally love being fisted. I enjoy rope bondage, humiliation. I've never done electro or pony play, but I'm definitely curious. And I have a certain weakness for medical play."

  "As long as I know you are open to trying them, I'll be more than happy to give you the experience. Also know that if any particular one doesn't appeal to you, it won't disappoint me." "Okay. May I ask what you expect from me?" Kale asked him. "While certain aspects of play are satisfying, my own need goes beyond that. I don't require a 24/7 relationship, but would like to build a relationship both within the lifestyle, as well as outside of it." Shifting in his seat, Ian intently studied Kale. "If it's something that doesn't interest you, now would be the time to say so. I'm not adverse to providing play only if that is a preference." Having already checked into Kale's background, Ian felt comfortable in offering the sub a more formal position in his own household.

  "I'm very interested in that," Kale said quietly, almost shyly. "Just being around you…talking to you…makes me feel comfortable, wanted. And the way you kiss…" Kale laughed and shook his head.

  One of his hands touched lightly to Kale's cheek. "I prefer to be upfront about what I am looking for, Kale. And I expect the same from you." Leaning forward, Ian pressed a light kiss to Kale's lips. "And I appreciate the compliment on my kissing."

  Kale hummed, the sound relaxed and happy. "Yes, Sir," he whispered close to Ian's lips.

  Drawing slowly back, Ian's smile was evident in his tone. "I'm pretty sure you've spoken to enough people at the club to verify that I'm competent in what I do. Now I want to know how much you have been trained in, and what your experience is."

  Kale nodded. "Yes, Sir. I've done my homework there. As for my own training…Mark, my former Master, was training me in control when we decided to end our contract. I've become fairly good at it, but there are times when it will slip. I try not to let it, though. I'm quite experienced with flogging and whipping, paddles on occasion, too. I've experienced medical play, but unfortunately, most Masters I played with at Onyx don't get into it, so I've been left with fantasies mostly. Fisting I've always been into, even before the BDSM play. I've both given and received, though I prefer to receive."

  "Since I do enjoy medical play, both of us are lucky. Does your situation allow for you to remain here for your training? Or do you need a schedule outside of living here?" The whole time they talked, Ian maintained a quiet, friendly air as a normal discussion between him and Kale.

  "I live with a friend, actually, and I proofread Braille manuscripts before publication, so that can be done from anywhere that I can provide an address and have help with getting the manuscripts out. Will that be possible?"

  "That will be no problem, Kale. I can have an office set aside for you to work on the manuscripts. How much time do you normally work on them?" Ian didn't see any problem at all in accommodating what Kale needed.

  "It varies depending on the manuscript. Most of them are relatively short, though. I usually don't spend more than three hours a day, since after a while, I get tired of reading."

  "Then I can make the arrangements for you to stay here. When you're ready to do so, just let me know." After standing, Ian reached down for Kale's hand, drawing him from the couch. "Do you have any other questions you want to ask?" Shaking his head, Kale said, "No, Sir." Ian guided him towards the nearby table and laid Kale's hand on it. "Here's the table for you to lie on, and to the right of you is a counter you can lay your clothes on."

  "Yes, Sir." Kale undressed and after putting his clothes on the counter, he stretched out on the table.

  The tips of his fingers ran lightly over Kale's shoulder as the sub relaxed on the table. "Bend your knees, feet flat on the table."

  Kale did as he was told, leaving him open and exposed to whatever Ian wanted. The sub's hands remained on the table surface, palms flat, fingers absently stroking the leather padding. Kale shivered slightly and closed his eyes as Ian left him for a moment. Snapping a pair of Latex exam gloves on, Ian returned to Kale. Running his hand lightly down Kale's thigh, he pressed Kale's legs slightly more apart. The touch itself was impersonal as Ian began the examination.

  He continued upward then, pressing his fingers lightly over Kale's skin. Reaching Kale's nipples, he gave each a little twist, testing Kale's response. Kale hissed, chest arching upward. Moving lower, Ian rubbed and pressed along Kale's stomach, then the creases of his hips. "Draw your legs up to your chest, Kale." When Kale compiled, Ian moved to the end of the table and the upward arc of Kale's hips left him nice openly to Ian's view. Reaching for a tube of lubrication, Ian squirted a generous amount on two of his fingers. Slowly pushing them in Kale's ass, the fingers stretched Kale, slicking him with the gel. He pushed deeper to examine Kale's prostate. The tip of Ian's finger rubbed slowly back and forth across it before, with a twist of his hand, he examined Kale internally, an occasional brush of his knuckle deliberately teasing. The whole time, Ian paid close attention to the sub's reactions. The slight rock of Kale's hips pushed Ian's fingers deeper inside him and as Kale closed his eyes, his fingers tightened their hold on the edge of the table.

  "Everything is normal." Ia
n's tone and manner were clinically detached as he withdrew his fingers and wiped them off on a nearby towel. Reaching for the digital thermometer, he pulled it out of its package and inserted inside Kale. When the readout flashed, he withdrew it. "Your temperature is normal."

  "Scoot down," Ian said as he extended the stirrups. When Kale did so, Ian stood between Kale's legs and put each foot in a stirrup. To increase the sub's sense of helplessness, Ian fastened Velcro straps to his ankles. With a slight push, he spread Kale's legs open further. "Now I'm inserting the speculum. Deep breath." As the metal speculum slid inside Kale, he gasped, fingers clutching the edges of the table. "Oh, fuck…"

  Once it settled inside him, Ian said, "Take a deep breath. I'm going to open the speculum to better examine your rectum and take a swab specimen." Ian kept his tone deliberately impersonal to heighten the humiliation aspect of the session. Sitting on the stool, he took one of the swabs. Ian couldn't miss the movement of Kale's hips, trying to impale himself on the piece of equipment, or his soft whimper. Ignoring the tightening at the crotch of his pants, Ian slowly opened Kale's ass for his examination.

  "Oh, fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck…" Kale's breathing quickened and his hips lifted as the speculum spread him open.

  "Keep still, Mr. Daniels." Once fully open, Ian locked the speculum into place, giving him a tantalizing view. Carefully inserting the swab, the head rubbed against the inner walls of Kale's ass. When he was done, Ian laid the swab on the tray and reached for a small vibrator. "To test your response to stimulation, I am going to insert another instrument." With a flick of his thumb, Ian turned the vibrator on, tantalizing Kale with the sound itself.

  Kale groaned and shuddered in reaction. "Yes, sir," he said breathlessly, voice gone husky and deep with arousal.

  The open stretch of Kale's ass took the toy in as Ian watched in intent fascination. Ian's other hand moved to rest lightly to the curve of Kale's ass, nails kneading into his skin. With a deliberately slow motion, he slid the vibrator in and out of Kale. Ian resisted the growing urge to take care of his own cock, but he enjoyed each jump of Kale's body and the taut lines of the sub's features.


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