Dunne, William M. P., 377
Durham, William H., 353
Dyson, Freeman J., 350
Eads, James H., 116–117
Earth Summit, Rio de Janeiro, 359
earthquake, 174
Ecological Society of America, 239, 310
ecology, at Harvard, 219–220, 233
Edmondson, W. Thomas, 236
Edsall, John T., 220
Ehrlich, Paul R., 358
Eisner, Thomas, 141–144, 279, 358, 378
electronic database, 370–373
Eliot, T. S., 146
Emerson, Alfred E., 215, 311
Emery, Carlo, 199
Encyclopedia of Life, 370–371
Endangered Species Act, 359
Enlightenment, 368
ethology, 285–288, 299–300
Europe, museum tour, 199–200
European Sociobiological Society, 335
evolutionary biology, origin of term, 226–227; research strategy, 166–167
evolutionary psychology, 373–374
Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (book), 331
eye injury, 13–14
Fallacy of Affirming the Consequent, 251
Farragut, Admiral David, 65–66
father, see Wilson, Edward O., Sr.
Feldman, Marcus W., 353
fights, boyhood, 54–55
Fiji, 165–169
fire ants, 48–49, 71, 115–117, 288–295
fish biology, 93, 204
Fisher, Ronald A., 111
fishing, 10–11, 13, 53–54
fistfights, 54–55
flies, scientific study, 93–94
Florida Audubon Society, 279
Florida Keys, 262–281
fly catching, 76
Folsom, Governor James E. (Sr.), 107
football, 82–84, 93
Ford, Franklin L., 378
Ford Motor Company, 367
Freeman, Martin, 66–67
Freeman, Robert, Jr. (great-grandfather), 128
Frisch, Karl von, 285, 299, 304
frogs, 15, 113–115, 196
functional sociobiology, 374
funding, 367–370
The Future of Life (book), 368
Galápagos Islands, 209
Gap, 367
Gell-Mann, Murray, 325
gene-culture coevolution, 350–353
genetic evolution of social behavior, 374
Genetics and the Origin of Species (book), 112
Genovese, Eugene D., 340
Geographical Ecology (book), 255, 258
GI Bill of Rights, 101–102
global biodiversity conservation, 367–373
“Glossary of Phrases in Molecular Biology,” 229–230
Gödel, Escher, Bach (book), 294
Goodall, Jane, 308
Gould, Stephen Jay, 337, 341, 347, 349–350, 378
Grant, Peter R., 209
Grant, Rosemary, 209
Gressitt, J. Linsley, 183
Griffin, Donald R., 228–229
Growth and Regulation in Animal Populations (book), 233
Gulf Coast Military Academy, 16–25, 31–32, 73
Hägg, Gunder, 118, 120
Haiti, 29–30
Haldane, J. B. S., 111, 374
Hall, Donald, 146
Hamilton, William D., 253, 315–321, 374, 378
Handbook for Boys, 73–77, 79
Hardy, Frank, Sr., 377
Hardy, G. H., 244–245
Harris, Marvin, 350
Harvard Forest, 231
Harvard Magazine, 354–355
Harvard University, appointment procedure, 227; Wilson’s career, 129, 132–138, 140–146, 200–203, 366–367; and world biodiversity survey, 370–371, 373
harvester ants, 52–53
Haskins, Caryl P., 170–181
Hawkins, Mary Ann (ancestor), 64
Hawks, Howard, 162
Heinrich, Bernd, 121
heroes, 26–32
Hofstadter, Douglas R., 294
Holden Green, Harvard University, 200
Holland, W. J., 58
Hölldobler, Bert, 259, 299–306, 338, 378
honorary doctorate, 367
Horton, Kathleen M., 324, 379
housing, Cambridge and Lexington, 200, 242–243
Hubbard, Ruth, 337
Hubby, J. L., 343
Huddleston, Harold H. (stepfather), 128, 136
Huddleston, Inez Linnette Freeman (mother), 6–7, 16–17, 38, 52, 97, 101, 127–129, 136, 377
Hughes, J. M. Langston, 4, 378
Human Behavior and Evolution Society, 335
human evolution, 130–131
Human Genome Project, 370
human social behavior, 373–375
humanism, 369, 375–376
hunting, 8–9
Huon Peninsula, 183–196
hurricanes, 266, 271–272
Hutchins, Robert Maynard, 221
Hutchinson, Arthur, 235
Hutchinson, G. Evelyn, 209–210, 235–237, 239, 244, 257
Hutchinsonian niche, 236
Huxley, Julian S., 313
Hymenoptera, 318–321, 326–327
illness, 174
Indonesia, 248
Insect Societies (book), 321–323
Intel, 367–368
International Committee Against Racism (INCAR), 348–350
International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 355–356
Internet publishing, 372–373
island biogeography, 166–167, 216–217, 244, 248–253, 255–256, 260–281, 312
Janzen, Daniel H., 358
Jeanne, Robert L., 284, 378
jellyfish, 5–6
Jones, Quentin, 147–152
Joyner, Anna Amelia (great-grandmother), 64
Joyner, James Eli (great-grandfather), 64
Judeo-Christian scripture, 368–369
Junior Fellow, Society of Fellows, 144–145
Karlson, Peter, 288
Kennedy, Donald, 141
Kennedy, J. S., 321
Kiester, Ross, 257
Kimura, Motoo, 353
kin selection, 315–321, 326–327
King, Martin Luther, Sr., 45–46
Kipling, Rudyard, 240
Kistiakowski, George B., 334
Kitchens, General Edward B., 377
Klopfer, Peter, 236
Knoxville, Tennessee, 129–132
Krakatau, 252, 260–261
Lack, David, 209, 239, 287
Ladurie, Emmanuel, 328
Lamont, Joyce, 378
Landry, Sarah, 324
Law, John H., 292–293
Lawrence, T. E., 240
Leach, Edmund, 352–353
leeches, 186, 194
Leibniz Prize, 301
Leigh, Egbert G., 236, 252–253, 312
Levenson Prize, Harvard College, 203
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 328
Levine, Paul, 220–221
Levins, Richard, 253, 312, 337, 346
Levy, Jerre, 335
Lewontin, Richard C., 253, 259, 312, 337, 341–347, 353
Lignumvitae Key, 246, 277–279
Lindauer, Martin, 304
Lindroth, Carl, 215
Livingstone, Katherine, 258
lizards, 150–151, 271–272
Lorenz, Konrad, 277, 285–287, 299, 315, 378
Lost World (book), 139
Louis, Joe, 54, 70
Lovejoy, Thomas E., 236, 358
Lowell, Abbott Lawrence, 145
Lumsden, Charles J., 122, 350–353
Lüscher, Martin, 288
Lutz, Frank, 58
Lysenko, Trofim D., 44
MacArthur, Betsy, 259
MacArthur, Robert H., 122, 236, 238–239, 243–260, 312, 342, 379
MacLeod, Ellis G., 58–59, 71, 377
magic, 314
Maidl, Franz, 321
Mammoth Cave, 128
Man and Beast
symposia, 315
Mann, William M., 60, 149–150
mapping of biodiversity, 370–373
Marine Biological Laboratory, 323–324
Marlboro Circle, 252–254, 312
mathematical ability, 122–123, 242, 244–245
Matthew, William Diller, 211–212, 244
Maximin, George, 254
Maynard Smith, John, 338–339
Mayr, Ernst, 44–45, 110, 112, 192, 215, 228, 232, 338, 344, 378
McVoy, Barbara, 377–378
Mead, Margaret, 331, 347–348
Medawar, Peter B., 353
Meinertzhagen, Richard, 240–241
memory, its peculiar qualities, 5, 50–51
Mercer Award, Ecological Society of America, 280
Meselson, Matthew S., 220–221
Methuselah (Cuban lizard), 150–151
Mexico, field research, 151–157
Michener, James A., 175
mile run, 118–123
military code, 18–19, 26–27
military school, 16–25, 31–32
Mill, John Stuart, 219
Mitchell, Ralph, 336
Mittermeier, Russell, 367
Mobile Press Register, 71–73, 115, 138
Mobile, Alabama, 54, 62–81, 124–127
Mobile-Tensaw delta, 140
moccasins (snakes), 89–91
Modern Synthesis, evolutionary theory, 110–112, 286
molecular biology, at Harvard, 218–237
monkeys, 307–312
Moore, Gordon, 368
Mother Raub, see Raub, Belle
mother, see Huddleston, Inez Linnette
movies, 48
Mundkur, Balaji, 361–362
Murphy, Pearl, 14
Museum of Comparative Zoology, 28, 231–232, 259, 301
Myers, Jacob (great-great-grandfather), 65
Myers, Norman, 356–358
Myers, Sarah Solomon (great-great-grandmother), 65
Nafpaktitis, Basil G., 378
Naskrecki, Piotr, 373
National Academy of Sciences, 343–344
National Forum on BioDiversity, 358
National Medal of Science, 257–259, 307
National Museum of Natural History, 56–61, 94–96, 371
National Science Foundation, 305
National Zoological Park, 56–61
natural selection, 111, 300, 315–321
naturalist’s prayer, 171
The Nature Conservancy, 279, 367
Nature, as concept, x–xi
Neo-Darwinism, 110–112
neophilia, 171
Nevins, Ralph, 275
New Caledonia, 169–174
New Guinea, 30, 31, 163, 181–196
New Hebrides (Vanuatu), 174–175
New York Botanical Garden, 367
New York Review of Books, 337–339, 341
newspaper route, 71–73
Niedhauk, Russell and Charlotte, 277–278
Nobel Prize, 222, 285
North America, field work 1952, 143–144
Northington Campus, 102, 118–119
Nothomyrmecia (primitive ant), 176–181
Odum, Eugene P., 257
Odum, Howard T., 236
Oluwasanmi, Hezekiah, 138–139
On Aggression (book), 277, 315
On Growth and Form (book), 313
On Human Nature (book), 26, 341
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 44, 146
Organization for Tropical Studies, 304–305, 356
Orians, Gordon H., 360
Orizaba, mountain, Mexico, 153–157
Orlando, Florida, 52–54
Oster, George F., 122, 314
overpopulation, 368
Paradise Beach, Florida, 5–15
parent-offspring conflict, 326
Patrick, William, 284–285, 378
patriotism, 25–26
Patterson, Floyd, 306
Pellegrino University Professor (Harvard Univ.), 366
Pensacola, Florida, 34–52
Perry, Mr., 85–86
Peterson, Roger Tory, 14
pets, 39, 150–151
Pharaoh’s ant, 283–285
Pheidole (ant genus), 371–373
Pheidole in the New World (book), 372–373
pheromones, 287–299
Phi Beta Kappa, 106
phobias, 361
Picasso, Pablo, 245
Pico de Orizaba, Mexico, 153–157
pinfish, 13
poison oak, 69
population biology, 233–234, 238–239, 299–300, 312
porpoises, 9
Powell, Muriella, 377
priority, in science, 210
Problems of Relative Growth (book), 313
Ptashne, Mark S., 232, 283
Pulitzer Prize, 306, 341
Rabi, Isador I., 146
race, in Old South, 70, 80–81
rain forest mafia, 358
rain forests, 152–153
Ratard, Aubert, 175
rattlesnakes, 78–79
Raub, Belle (Mother Raub), 38–43, 84
Raven, Peter H., 357–358
Rawls, Hugh C., 102, 108, 113
Red Data Books, 355
religion, 33–46, 191–192, 366, 368–369
Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC), 106
retirement, 366–367
rhesus monkeys, 308–312
Richards, O.W., 321
Richards, Thomas, 279
Richerson, Peter J., 353
Robertson, William, 265, 269
Robinson, Michael, 60
Rock Creek Park, Washington, D.C., 58
Rogers, Wallace Roland, 34–38, 42–43
Rollins, Reed C., 378
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 22–23, 70
Rosen, Walter, 359–360
Rosovsky, Henry, 146
Roughgarden, Jonathan, 257
Royal Entomological Society of London, 320
running (sport), 118–121, 324
Ruse, Michael, 378
Sahlins, Marshall, 331–332
salamanders, 104
Samuelson, Paul A., 331
Sanderson, Ivan, 139
Sarawaget Mountains, New Guinea, 183–196
Schneiderman, Howard A., 141
Schoener, Thomas W., 257–258
Schrödinger, Erwin, 44
Science for the People, 337–341
science, culture of, 27–28, 210–211; social value, 114, 375
scientific humanism, 369, 375–376
Scopes trial, Tennessee, 130
Scott, John P., 311, 378
sea nettle, 5–6
sea, love of, 11
Second World War, 69–71, 91
Segerstråle, Ullica, 339, 378
selfish gene, 317
Seligmann, Peter, 367
Serventy, Vincent, 178
Seven Pillars of Wisdom (book), 240
sex, education and humor, 79–80
sharks, 9, 177, 272
Sharp, Aaron J., 132, 378
Shoemaker, Patricia, 377
Silberglied, Robert E., 276–279
Simberloff, Daniel S., 257, 266–281, 378
Simla, 239–240
Simpson, George Gaylord, 112, 228, 249
Skinner, B. E, 286
Slobodkin, Lawrence B., 229, 233–239, 243, 253–255, 258, 312, 323, 378
Smith, Frederick E., 219–220, 378
Smith, Marion R., 94–96, 116–117
snake bite, 78–79, 90–91
snakes, 69, 77–79, 86–91, 177, 361–362
Snodgrass, R. E., 58
social behavior, 373–375
social insects, 317–322, 326–327, see also ants
Society of Fellows, 144–146
Sociobiology (book), 323–329, 332–339, 374
Sociobiology Study Group, 337–341
sociobiology, history of, 225, 253, 281, 300, 307–353, 373–374
Solomon, Jacob (anc
estor), 65
Southern Baptists, 368
southern manners, 25
spiders, 188, 270, 275–276
Spirals (book), 284–285
Spring Hill, Trinidad, 239–240
Sri Lanka, 197–199
Stanford University, 201–202
Stanley, G. A. V., 181
Starbucks, 367
Stebbins, G. Ledyard, 112
Sterling, Wallace, 201–202
stingrays, 8–11
Stockdale, Admiral James B., 26–27
subspecies concept, 206–208
Suriname, 241
Systematics and the Origin of Species (book), 44–45, 110, 112, 232
Szent-Györgyi, Albert v. N., 317
Szent-Ivany, Joseph, 181, 183
Tales of the South Pacific (book), 175
Talmud, 51
taxon cycle, 213–217
taxonomy, 203–205, 369–373
Taylor, Robert W., 180
teaching, 77–79, 200–203
Tempo and Mode in Evolution (book), 112
Tendrich, Steve, 268–269, 272–275
Tennessee evolution law, 130
Tennessee Valley Authority, 93
Tennessee, travels in, 130
Terman, Frederick, 201–202
terrorism, 370
Theory of Island Biogeography (book), 256, 319
theory of the family, 326
Thimann, Kenneth V., 378
Thomas, Lewis, 330
Thompson, D’Arcy W., 313
Tinbergen, Niko, 285, 299
toadfish, 11
track (sport), 118–121
Trinidad and Tobago, 239–242
Trinidad Mountains, Cuba, 148–151
Trivers, Robert L., 325–327, 378
tropical biology, field research, 139–199
University of Alabama, 100–120, 140, 376
University of Chicago, 344
University of Florida, 201
University of Michigan, 201
University of Tennessee, 129–132, 140
University of Würzburg, 301, 305–306
Use and Abuse of Biology (book), 331
Uxmal, Yucatán, 152
Valentine, Barry D., 108–110, 113, 378
vampire bats, 240–241
Van Valen, Leigh, 253
Vander Meer, Robert K., 293
Vanderbilt University, 98
Vanuatu, 174–175
Variation and Evolution in Plants (book), 112
Vietnam War, 267
vision, impaired, 13–15
Waddington, Conrad Hall, 330
Wald, George, 220, 222, 266
Walker, J. Henry, 103
Wallace, Alfred Russel, 163
Wal-Mart, 367
Walsh, Christopher T., 292–293
Washington, D.C., 56–61
Watson, Doc, 302
Watson, Jack, 269
Watson, James D., 218–225, 378
Webster, Grady L., 147, 215
Weinberg, Steven, 325
Weisskopf, Victor F., x
West Indies, 244, 375–376, see also Cuba
Weston, William H. (“Cap”), 200, 202
What Is Life? (book), 44
Wheeler, William M., 94, 149
Whitehead, Alfred North, 114
wife, see Wilson, Irene (Renee)
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