Vigilante: The Pale Horse: Post Apocalyptic Justice

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Vigilante: The Pale Horse: Post Apocalyptic Justice Page 7

by Cliff Deane

  “Thank you, Adam; we’re Tim and Kevin.”

  Tim was a little surprised to be meeting in an abandoned home but said that he thought that would be fine. He added that if his Commander did not like the arrangement, he and Sgt. Simms would return to suggest another option.

  Adam asked why the two day wait, and Tim told him that his Boss liked to think things through without being hurried.

  “Yeah, well, these days that makes a lot of sense; say, do you know Colonel Levi Levins? Is he real, or just a myth?” asked Adam.

  Tim smiled at Adam and said, “Yes, Kevin and I have actually met him a time or two, and yes, he is everything you have heard, and he is now a General. He didn’t want it, but President Bassett made him take the promotion. Who knows, maybe you’ll get to meet him one of these days, you just never know.”

  Adam looked at his troops and said, “Man, wouldn’t that be something, now?”


  23 April 1830

  Camp Levi

  NW of Suffolk

  The two sergeants pulled the pickup into its covered parking space and made it back to Levi’s tent with ten minutes to spare before dark.

  Levi and Gus walked over to Tim and Kevin, then looked at his self-winding watch and the setting sun before saying, “Well, Gus, you win the bet, danged close though.”

  He then slapped the two young men on the back and said, “C’mon boys, let’s get everyone together to hear what you have to say about your little trip to the big city.”

  The crew settled in around the Jeep trailer where Tim laid out his map and gave a full rundown on the day’s events, although he may have altered their capture, to a meeting. Tim and Kevin had decided on the way home that it was just a matter of semantics as things turned out so well.

  Levi looked at the Suffolk city map inset and said, “Well, it looks like it’s about four or five miles, as the crow flies to the meeting house. How far is it by road?”

  Tim deferred to Kevin since he drove. Kevin said, “Sir, as you can see, by the map, we took the scenic route, and while it’s not real bad, there are still lots of dead cars on the roads. By our route it’s about nine miles, give or take.”

  “Hmmm, how long do you think it would take to walk there?”

  “In a straight line, it’s only a little over three miles or so. I guess if you went at night it wouldn’t take no more than two and a half to three hours, right, Tim?”

  “Yes, sir I would say that’s about right; are you thinking about walking to the meeting, sir?”

  Gus looked at Tim and grunted, “No, young stud, I think he means the two of you will walk back there tonight and stake out the place. If it’s a trap, high-tail it back here, and we’ll figure out what to do next.”

  What Tim wanted to say to the smiling Levi and Gus was not what he did say, what he did say was, “Yes, sir, is it ok if we change clothes and eat before we head out? We’ll also need to alter our packs, so how about we leave in an hour?”

  Later, when the rest of the crew either went to bed or was on watch, Kate asked Levi, “Dad, what do you think of Kevin?”

  Oh crap, thought Levi as he pretended to be already asleep.


  24 April 0030

  Stake Out

  Cottonwood and Davenport Court


  Tim and Kevin took up a position allowing a three-sided viewing of the meeting house. Tim took the first one hour watch while Kevin slept. For the next twenty-four hours they watched, slept, and waited.


  24 April 0330

  Meeting House

  Cottonwood and Davenport Court


  Kevin woke Tim and through the IR scopes they could see two figures heading straight for their stakeout position.

  Well, bless their little hearts, I do believe they are planning to join us,” whispered Tim.

  They watched as the two figures made their way to their chosen spot about thirty meters from the ROA stakeout. Kevin reckoned that they needed to be closer due to a lack of IR scopes.

  “Yeah, I agree, let’s just sit back and watch for awhile to see if they’re up to anything hinky.”

  “Good thinking, now why don’t you catch another twenty winks and I’ll wake you then.”

  Kevin continued to watch as the newcomers blithely settled into their Observation Post.

  Kev had a hard time not chuckling out loud at the thought of; you caught us, now we caught you.

  Just before dawn’s early light Kevin eased his way out of the stakeout blind and silently crawled the thirty meters to the new blind, positioning himself directly behind the Resistance OP.

  Neither men in the blind either heard or saw Kevin as he approached and continued to watch the area around the house. As the light grew in intensity, Kevin said, “Hold it right there, and don’t even think about reaching for one of them fancy assed guns you got there.”

  The two men in the blind nearly had heart attacks, then froze in place, until Kevin said, “Gotcha; tag, you’re it.”

  The men slowly turned and saw Kevin’s devilish smile as he looked down at them. Both men had been at the earlier capture of the ROA Scouts.

  Tim walked up behind Kev and said, “And that makes us even. Now, I guess this is when we both say that the reason we’re all here is that we were being careful, and meant no harm; that about it?”

  As they realized that they were not about to be shot, both men began laughing. Ernie Williams said, “Yes, we’re even and yes we were just being careful.”

  “Well good, say, do you think there might be something to eat in one of these houses?”

  “Sorry,” Ernie said, “foods been cleaned out, propane still works, and we’ve got some biscuits and white gravy mix. You got anything to add to the pot?”

  Tim asked him how dehydrated eggs, potatoes, and some farm fresh spam right out of the can sounded. He forgot to mention the Tang.

  Everyone agreed that it would be a meal fit for a King, and down to the house, they went.

  After breakfast and getting to know each other, Tim sent Kevin out to wait for Levi to guide him in.

  The stories about the reign of King Bull were brutal and totally without mercy. His subjects could only wear their underwear when outside of their homes. The logic was that it was impossible to hide weapons and the women just looked better that way. Living and working in their underwear also broke down self-respect and the will to resist.

  Any infraction of the rules, which were often made up on the spot, almost always resulted in the death of the guilty party. Rape and murder seemed to be the order of the day. Anyone who escaped gave their family a death sentence once those animals were through with their own tortuous pleasures.

  Tim asked if the citizens would fight back if they had the chance.

  “Honestly, Tim, I just don’t know. Those folks are pretty beat up. I can only say that I think that I would fight if I was one of them.


  24 April 0800

  Meeting House

  Cottonwood and Davenport Court


  At precisely 0800 Kevin entered the house followed by Levi, Tim, and Kate. Darren and Kevin had remained with their transportation; if anything happened to Levi’s diplomatic team, they would high-tail it back to Deep Creek and bring a large force to either free them or wreak a terrible vengeance as payment for the betrayal.

  As Adam was introduced, Levi referred to himself only as The Commander in such a way that no questions were asked.

  The discussions were based on the size and composition of the various Resistance cells, and how the ROA could be of assistance, short of bringing in the 1st Cav. Regiment, as they were currently obligated elsewhere.

  The Resistance seemed well supplied with semi-automatic rifles and plenty of solid side arms. Ammunition was also ample for the job. The primary concern stemmed from a simple matter of mathematics. The entire Resistance consisted of only thirty members; a number they
had managed to conceal from Bull’s forces.

  Eventually, it was decided that Bull would surely think the Suffolk Resistance was behind the Vigilante attacks, and would soon begin an offensive against them.

  A plan began to take shape which might reduce the number of enemy soldiers to a more manageable level. Levi and the Crew would continue the Vigilante attacks on the outlying outposts, while the Resistance began attacks upon Bull’s forces inside Suffolk. This two-pronged strategy would give Bull the impression that he was facing a much larger force than actually existed.

  The ROA would also loan the Resistance one Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) for each Resistance Cell. Their return was required upon the successful completion of the force under Bull’s command. The ROA would also provide fifty claymore mines and two cases of hand grenades to be utilized as opportunities to cause group casualties arose.

  They were instructed to collect all weapons from the dead, and if possible capture any vehicles along with enemy personnel. The Resistance was to hide any captured vehicles, and question prisoners before they were hanged in areas frequented by Bull’s men.

  This plan of maximum effort was scheduled to begin at 0100 hours on 27 April; hit, run, then quickly hit again. All cells to strike initially at 0100, followed by coordinated staggered attacks all along the line.

  Levi made sure that they understood that they must not become involved in a prolonged fire fight with a superior force. Study their movements, find where they congregate, then hit and run. Instill fear and frustration among the enemy; be ghosts.

  Levi arranged for Tim to coordinate the loan of the three SAWs, and distribution of the claymores and grenades. He also called Nest 6 to change the resupply date to 1200 on 27 April.

  Adam loved the plan and promised to begin execution of it at 0100 hours on 27 April. He was also convinced that Susan’s cell would be eager to join in the attacks.

  Levi said, “If we stick to the plan and do not get overly aggressive, or fail to be cautious, I believe we can see Bull hanging from a lamp post within five to seven days.

  He will be forced to draw in his outposts, and as his perimeter shrinks, you must find those who want to get dressed and are willing to fight. Arm them and make them a part of your team. Please note that some of these newly freed slaves may become overzealous and in so doing place your force in jeopardy. You must not let this happen.

  Staff Sergeant Carter and Sergeant Simms will function as a liaison between the Resistance and our Vigilante force.

  You will receive your equipment on 26 April from our stocks; Tim will coordinate.

  Do you have any questions about this mission or your responsibilities?”

  There were no important questions other than coordination issues, and Levi again told Adam that coordination would be done through Tim.

  Adam was happy to finally be able to take the fight to Bull’s Boys, as Levi liked to call them, and agreed to follow his plan without deviation; hit and run, confiscate vehicles, question, then hang prisoners, overwhelming violence, and no mercy for these animals.

  Kate remained quietly seated along the wall, listening and learning. Kate’s learning curve was of great importance to Levi. She had added about fifteen pounds since being rescued by Levi. Now she appeared much older than her thirteen years and had proven herself to be a fearless fighter. Levi realized that she had the soul of a Valkyrie and knew that she must continue to hone her skills, for he also knew, without a doubt that Kate would become a force to be reckoned with as she grew and continued to mature.

  Bringing her to these meetings and planning sessions was a way to improve her leadership skills. She must not only grow as a warrior but also as a leader. It was a way to help protect her, for if he should be killed, Levi knew that in her lifetime, existence would rotate around being willing to kill or be killed; survive or die.

  As Levi and Kate left the meeting one of the younger guards said, “Hey, cutie, how ‘bout a little kiss?”

  Before Levi could stop her, she had dropped the man to the ground with a roundhouse karate kick that left him with a black eye, and a very angry Kate Levins standing over him.

  At first, Levi thought to stop her but decided to let this confrontation play out, unless, or until the young man’s life was in danger.

  As he looked up at Kate, the guard said, “Whoa, I’m sorry, it won’t happen again. Honest, I didn’t mean any harm.”

  To Levi’s surprise and delight, Kate actually smiled, offered her hand and said, “Okay, I accept your apology, here, let me help you up. My name’s Kate Lev…” Kate tried to catch her mistake of blurting out her last name, but the damage was done. Kate helped the young man up and said to her dad, “I’m sorry, Dad, it just popped out.”

  Levi did manage a smile for Kate as he turned to Adam and holding out his hand said, “My name is Levi Levins, and I am pleased to meet you.”

  The resistance leader looked at both Kate, then Levi with amazement and wonder written on his face.

  His amazement was that Kate had so handily flattened the young smartass guard, and wonder at actually meeting the man who epitomized the ROA. To them, Levi was more than a Rock Star.

  As he shook hands, Levi asked Adam to keep his name out of things, and he immediately agreed.

  While Levi and Kate made their way back to Gus and Darren, Levi said, “Sweetie, may I assume that you are going to be more careful in the future?”

  “Yes, Dad, I am so sorry; will you please forgive me?”

  “Of course, Katie, just please be careful. Now, about you kicking the crap out of that young loudmouth, I have just one thing to say; nicely done. I am very proud that you took that action and just as proud that you so readily accepted his apology. I certainly hope that you never feel you have cause to do the same to me; wow, I guess you were right.”

  Kate looked confused and asked, “Right; about what, Dad?”

  Levi reminded her that last August she had said that she could already kick his butt, and now he realized that she could.

  Both were laughing as they arrived at the truck.

  Gus had joined the men at the truck and when he saw Levi and Kate laughing, asked what was so funny. After Levi told Gus what had happened with the guard, and the comment last August that Kate could whip his butt, Gus said, “Oh, that, yeah, well everybody already knows that ” and they all had a good-natured laugh at Levi’s expense.


  24 April 1500

  Camp Levi

  NW of Suffolk

  Radio call signs were updated every twelve hours, and on 24 April Defiance became, RV, and Levi’s sign became Nomad.

  “RV 6: Nomad 6: Commo Check: Over.”

  “Nomad 6: RV1: Hear you five by five: RV6 is out of pocket: Over.”

  “Roger RV1, request status of supply pickup: Over.”

  “Nomad 6: RV1: Roger, it’s all loaded, and we’ll have them delivered at the scheduled time: Are you boys having fun? Over.”

  “RV 1: 6: It’s going to get interesting over the few days. If ROA is ready to expand, Suffolk and surrounding area show potential, and it connects major roads in all four directions: Over.”

  “Roger 6, I’ll bring it up to the Prez. He also sends his good wishes and earnest hope that you have come to your senses: Over.”

  “RV 1: He never gives up, does he? Tell him that we are doing fine, and yes, we miss all y’all, but no, we are still out of our minds: Out.”

  Gus looked at Levi and said, “Yep, we must be out of our minds, and personally, I’m lovin’ it.

  Say, old buddy, let’s have a chat about something.”

  “Sure, Gus, let’s go.”

  They walked to Levi’s tent under a huge Heritage Oak tree and sat down. “Okay, Gus, what’s on your mind?”

  Gus told him about Darren’s plan to return to Defiance after this mission was complete.

  Levi let Gus know that he had thought of suggesting that very thing. Darren was plenty brave enough, and an excellent asset, bu
t this life was just not for him.”

  Gus was most appreciative of Levi’s understanding. They began their plan to allow him to return to Defiance when the crew was resupplied at mission completion.

  Gus also added that the end of mission resupply would probably be the last. From then on, it would come down to what they could take from bad guys, or possibly blow the door on some ammo bunker along the way.

  Levi agreed and said that he had also considered blowing some bunker doors as the need arose. They would just have to see how things played out. “Everything we need is out there; we just have to find it.”

  A briefing was scheduled for 1500 hours to draw the outpost names and put the plan in motion.

  There were six outposts along the primary routes around Suffolk, and on 26 April the lucky sites were Murphey's Mill Rd at the Suffolk Northern Bypass and Lummus at Holland Rd. Both were within three miles from their location and easily reached.


  25 April 0130

  Murphey's Mill Rd and Suffolk Northern Bypass

  NW of Suffolk

  Team Wolverine consisting of Levi, Kevin and Kate were within two hundred yards of their target, and it was obvious that things had changed. There was no barrel fire, no men just standing around smoking and gossiping.

  Levi whispered his concern to his team and suggested they approach the target three abreast, and one hundred feet apart. This kept them in positive NVG (Night Vision Goggles) visual communication. Levi opted for the center, Kevin on the left flank and Kate on the right.

  He said, “Listen up, new rules; if we set off any alarms, hit the dirt, and if no one investigates after ten minutes we will slowly back out and regroup at the rendezvous point. We will then wait for two hours and try again. Since we will then know where the first alarm is placed, we can hopefully, avoid any further screw ups; any questions?”


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