Just a Dream

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Just a Dream Page 2

by Aliyah Burke

  "Not a problem. Come on in and I'll show you where the phone is."

  Liam turned and walked toward a door, stopping to grab her suitcase. For a brief second, Caden watched the swagger in his stride. His ass, although partially hidden by the sweater he wore, was worth dropping to her knees and thanking the Almighty for. Grabbing her briefcase, she hurried after him, barely taking time to look around the garage they were in. He opened a door and stepped through before glancing at her over his shoulder. With only a slight hesitation, Caden stepped into his home.

  She remained silent as she followed him through a short hallway and into the main part of the house. A silent gasp escaped her as she took in the stark whiteness of the decor. High ceilings, white carpet everywhere. It was beautiful, with its Native American artifacts and spaciousness, and yet it looked unlived in. Sterile.

  "You have a lovely home,” she said as he led her past a kitchen with hardwood floors and through the living area. He stopped before an open door leading to a bedroom done in slate blue. It looked very welcoming. Liam placed her bag in the door and looked at her.

  "Thank you. You can get cleaned up if you wish. There is a phone in the living room, feel free to use it and make yourself at home.” With a military spin, he left her alone, disappearing without a look back.

  After he could no longer be seen, Caden felt her heart return to a more normal speed. “What the hell is wrong with me?” she asked the empty room as she headed into the spotless bathroom and splashed some cold water on her face. Using a thick absorbent towel the same creamy color as the rest of the bathroom colors, she moved through the bedroom and headed up toward the living room.

  Cell phone in hand, she noticed there was still no signal for it. Biting back a curse, she found a cordless phone sitting in its charger on a glossy dark oak end table. As she reached for it, she noticed the large windows behind the white micro fiber couch. The only color breaking the severity came from blue and green hued pillows. Outside, large snowflakes continued to fall. It had been a while since she'd been so grateful to be in away from the elements.

  Stretching out her hand for a second time, Caden picked up the silver phone and dialed as she used her cell to give her the correct number. Saying a brief prayer, she pressed call and put the phone to her ear as she moved behind the couch to stare out the window.

  It is really beautiful here.

  Half-heartedly she listened to the machine at the other end pick up. “Hey,” she said. “It's me. My car broke down and I had to get a ride from a guy. I'm calling from his place since my cell has also decided to quit on me. I'll try your cell next.” She hung up and flipped open her phone again, this time looking for the cellular number to call.

  Biting her lower lip, she found the name she was looking for and began to press it into Liam's phone. She hesitated briefly before pressing send. As the bell on the other end echoed through her ear, she fussed with the gold band on her left ring finger.

  One ring. Two. Three. Four. Just when she expected to start giving her message a baritone voice answered.

  "Gregory.” Gregory Bradshaw. Her brother-in-law.

  "Hey, it's me. I ran into a bit of a snag on my way up."

  "What happened?” Concern reached her.

  "Car died, and where I was there was no cell reception."

  "Is that why you're calling from a number I don't recognize?"

  "Yes. I tried your home phone first, but I guess you're out with some hot thing.” His deep chuckle reverberated in her ear.

  "Something like that. You need me to come get you?"

  "Please, and if you could bring your truck so you can tow that thing and fix it, I would be most grateful."

  "I've been telling you for a while now, you need a new vehicle."

  "I know, it's just that...” she trailed off. There was no need to tell Gregory the reason she was still attached to that car. It was the car Dionte drove when they first met. She hadn't been able to replace it yet.

  "I know,” he said with sympathy, “I know.” Gregory cleared his throat and asked, “So, where are you?"

  "Hang on and I'll get you the address."

  A shiver skated up her spine and she turned to find Liam Quinn leaning against the wall watching her. He wore a pair of sweats and a cut-off tee shirt. She gulped as her eyes moved across the muscles in his arms. He was more cut than she had believed. The short hair on his head glistened with moisture and she fought down the urge to lick her lips.

  "Caden?” Gregory's voice snapped her back from the path her mind was wandering down. “The address, hon. Give it to me and I'll leave immediately."

  "Right,” she responded, hoping Gregory didn't notice how breathless her voice had become. Allowing herself one slow scan of the work of art before her, Caden asked, “What's your address?"

  A whimper of longing threatened to escape as he pushed away from the wall and ambled toward her. He screamed virile male with every step he took. What the hell is wrong with me? I've never been attracted to someone with such intensity before, not since Dionte. Liam stopped before her and stuck out his hand for the phone.

  Without a word, Caden handed it to him and listened to his deep sensual voice. Her gaze focused in on the movement of his lips and his Adam's apple as he spoke to Gregory. If he noticed her scrutiny, Liam gave no sign of it when he handed the phone back to her. He stepped back to allow her a bit of space to finish her conversation in relative privacy.

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  Chapter Two

  Liam wasn't sure what to make of his temporary house guest. He'd wanted to snarl when he heard a man's voice on the other end of the phone, the man named Gregory. But, he didn't, just gave the directions and handed her back the phone. Now he watched her stand near the large windows as she continued to talk. She'd removed her jacket and he memorized her stats and appearance.

  She wore a nice pair of black jeans, it didn't hurt they cupped everything so nicely. A plum sweater hugged her shapely form. Her skin was a beautiful shade, like a medium mocha and her hair looked as attractive as it had in the lights from his vehicle. Dark brown with caramel highlights called to him to delve his hands into it and revel in its satiny softness. Whatever she wore, the scent was as strong now as it had been outside in the cold along the dark interstate.

  His cock stirred to life as he stared at her profile. The recessed light over her head glinted off the band around her ring finger. As if a bucket of cold water had been tossed into his face, he sobered. Turning around, he headed for the kitchen.

  Figures, she'd be married. Liam ran a hand over his face and opened the door to the fridge. The hunger he'd felt earlier faded away to nothing and his gaze skimmed longingly over the beer that rested in the door.

  "Thank you for letting me use your phone."

  Closing his eyes briefly to find his control, Liam had a slight smile on his face when he turned to face her. “Not a problem. I'm sure your husband was worried about you."

  Her eyes saddened for a second before she shook her head. “Gregory is my brother-in-law."

  The urge to ask why she called him instead of her husband flooded him. Liam ignored it and turned back to the fridge and pulled out two Cokes. “Okay.” When he faced her again, she was staring at her ring and seemed lost in her own world. The moment he placed two glasses on the island, she looked up and met his gaze.

  "He's a mechanic and a tow-truck driver. He'll be here just as soon as he can to get me out of your hair."

  The urge overwhelmed him so he asked the question he craved to know. “And your husband?” Liam watched as she reached for one of the cans and opened it with one French-tipped nail. She poured Coke into a glass.

  "I'm a widow.” A wry smile flitted across her mouth. “I haven't been able to take the ring off yet.” Caden dropped her gaze and filled the second glass.

  Without thought, Liam touched her hand, squeezing gently until she met his eyes. “You're not ready yet,” he said with understanding.

/>   One side of her lush mouth lifted as she blinked and looked back at the glass before her. “Thank you. My family doesn't understand. I mean they do ... but they don't at the same time. He's been gone for three years now and they want me to move on."

  Although he was a private person, he couldn't resist asking the question sitting on the tip of his tongue. “How did he die?” Deep down, Liam knew it was something she needed to talk about and there were times when things were easier to discuss with a stranger.

  "He was a line officer in the Navy doing a stint over in Iraq. He was with his unit and,” her eyes closed briefly, “he ... he died saving the rest of them."

  Moving around the island of his kitchen, Liam tugged gently and pulled her into his arms. As he'd suspected, her body fit perfectly against his. “It's okay, Caden, let it go.” She sobbed once and gave herself over to the tears. He suspected they had been kept under lock and key for a very long time. Normally, a crying female made him uncomfortable, but standing in his kitchen, with the snow falling outside, Liam had experienced anything so right.

  This is where she belongs. Here in my arms, in my house. In my life. It was part of his heritage that he accepted. His Native side was much more in tune with some things than his Irish part. Even though he'd lost his father, he held utmost respect for his Powhatan Confederacy, Algonquian, relatives and all they believed in.

  He supported her when she sagged against him and when she dozed off; Liam lifted her off her feet and carried her into the den where he laid her out on the couch. Standing over her, he brushed some free strands of hair behind her ear before covering her with the afghan from the back of the sofa. His hardened heart melted a bit as she sighed in her sleep and tucked her hands beneath one cheek, never once waking.

  Leaving her there, Liam walked back to the room where her suitcase was and took it along with her satchel to the front door. Then he drank both Cokes in quick succession before sticking his head back in the den to make sure she still slept. She was, and it was hard for him to leave her there. There was a fire in the fireplace and its warm glow made her skin appear even more flawless.

  As his body reacted almost strongly to her beauty, he clenched his hands into fists and left the room. Liam headed back through his house and stepped out onto the back porch, the cold night air doing very little to cool the fire in his blood. He watched the heavy wet flakes fall from the black sky. Part of him wished Gregory would hurry up and arrive to take the beautiful temptation away from him, and the other part loathed to see her walk out of that door and his life. A low groan escaped him as he went back to the warmth provided by his house. In the kitchen he made a pot of coffee, figuring she'd probably want some to take with her.

  He stayed out in the living room, watching the news, stopping only to go check on his sleeping guest. She never moved, just remained curled up on the sofa, looking like an angel. After a while the soft chime of a doorbell echoed throughout the house and with a sigh, Liam got to his feet and answered it. Before him stood a tall black man with a jagged scar down the left side of his face. Eyes so dark they appeared obsidian stared back at him. Snowflakes dotted the material of his coat.

  "Liam Quinn?” he asked in a deep baritone.

  "Yes. You must be Gregory. Come on in.” Liam stepped back to give him room to enter.

  "Where's Caden?” Gregory asked immediately.

  Closing the door, Liam gestured over his shoulder. “Asleep in the den.” The look on Gregory's face would have scared the devil himself. Or Liam, had he not been already been to hell, numerous times in fact. “She was tired and crashed on the couch. All I did was cover her with a blanket.” Not all I wanted to do to her, though.

  Apparently his answer appeased Gregory, for the man nodded and after wiping his boots a few times, moved in the direction he'd pointed. Liam followed as far as the kitchen before saying, “Second door on your left.” Then he grabbed down a travel mug and placed it on the marbled countertop.

  It didn't take long and Gregory stood near him again. “She's getting ready,” he commented.

  "No problem,” Liam lied. He didn't want her to leave. He wanted her to stay. “Would you like some coffee to take with you?” he asked as he poured himself some.

  "Thank you. Let me just go grab my mug from the truck.” Gregory stole a glance back toward where Caden still remained. “I'll be right back."

  With a nonchalant shrug, Liam focused his attention on the mug of java before him. “Okay.” He didn't look up when he heard the front door close, but he sure as hell did when his skin prickled, telling him someone was watching him. Liam lifted his head and looked directly to where Caden stood. As before, his belly churned with untold emotions as he held her stare. “He stepped out to grab his cup for a refill of coffee."

  Silently she stepped into the kitchen and closer to him. The same smell of warm mulled cider reached him and he fought down another groan of desire. It was just the right mix of cloves, cinnamon and apples, and brought to his mind nights before a roaring fire, just the two of them, no clothes between them. Liam gripped the cup tighter and fought for sanity.

  "There's a travel mug for you if you'd like some coffee to take with you. I have milk, creamer, and sugar. Not sure how you take it."

  Inside his sweats, his cock pulsed with frustration as her steps brought her closer to him. Her gaze lingered on his lips as he spoke and the pulse in the side of her neck increased the closer she got.

  "Thank you,” she murmured, reaching for the red mug with a marine logo on it. “I apologize for sleeping, that was extremely rude of me, especially considering how wonderful you've been to me."

  You haven't seen how wonderful we'll be together, Caden Bradshaw. “You have nothing to apologize for."

  The sound of the front door opening reached him and he knew their time together was coming to an end. When Gregory made it into the room, Liam had his head in the fridge grabbing milk and creamer.

  "Your stuff's all in the truck, Caden,” Gregory announced as he reached for the coffee pot and filled his stainless steel mug.

  "Thank you."

  When her soft voice filled the air, Liam closed his eyes and committed the sound of it to memory. Then he faced the both of them, his face again composed into his normal unreadable mask. He listened as they chatted while preparing their drinks. All too soon it was time for them to go. Bringing up the rear, he accompanied them to the door and stood out on the porch, the yellow flashing lights on the flatbed truck splitting the night sky in a hypnotic manner.

  "Thank you for taking care of her,” Gregory said as he offered his hand.

  "Not a problem,” Liam assured him.

  "Let's go, Caden. With this snow, the drive time is only going to get worse the longer we linger.” The large man nimbly made his way down to the running truck and climbed up in.

  Liam watched the woman still beside him. He felt himself stir again as the tip of her tongue snuck out to wet her lips. “I know I've said it already, but thank you, thank you for everything."

  "And again, you are welcome.” Gesturing toward the truck he added, “You should get going; he's right about the snow.” His heart clenched as she reached for his arm, but pulled back at the last second. “Goodbye, Caden Bradshaw."

  She gave him a strained smile before she carefully made her way down to the waiting truck. Liam went back inside. He'd barely made it back into the kitchen when his doorbell rang. Placing the coffee pot on a hot pad, he walked back to the door and opened it.

  Caden stood there, snowflakes melting in her hair. The truck was back in its original spot in his drive. Without waiting to be asked she stepped into his house and shut the door behind her, blocking out the man waiting for her as well as the cold.

  "Caden?” he asked, even as his body responded to her nearness.

  "I need you to do something for me,” she said, her voice heavy with emotion.

  "What's that?"

  "Kiss me."

  "What?” he asked, even as he to
ok a step closer to her.

  "I've seen the way you look at me and I can feel you react. Kiss me so I know it isn't my imagination."

  "It sure as hell isn't your imagination.” Liam closed the remaining distance between them and cupped her face in his hands, the softness of her skin shot through him straight to his soul. “I've wanted to do this since I laid eyes on you."

  His mouth covered hers and he ate the whimper that slipped from between her full lips. Liam nibbled her lips before caressing them with his tongue, slipping it along the seam of her mouth; he asked for and was granted access. She tastes even better than she smells. A wave of possessiveness crashed over him and he growled low in his throat as one hand moved to press against her back. Liam coaxed her tongue out to engage in the age-old mating dance with his. There was no part of her mouth he left unexplored, but when she sagged against him more, he reluctantly ended the powerful kiss.

  Her eyes were foggy as they met his. “It wasn't your imagination. Now go, before I take you to my bedroom and finish what we started here."

  Caden's hand shook as she opened the door and stepped through. He could see her chest heaving as she tried to get some air into her lungs. He understood, for he felt the same.

  "Goodbye, Liam,” she whispered.

  "Oh no, baby. Not goodbye. We're just getting started."

  Sadness filled her face as she said, “I'm sorry. I won't get involved with any more military men."

  "You're right. No more. I'm the last one.” Pointing at the truck, he reiterated, “Gregory is waiting. You're welcome to stay, but you won't be leaving if you do.” Liam had to stop himself from going after her when her gaze zeroed in on his crotch before she turned around and left without another word. Caden didn't look back as she climbed into the truck.

  Liam shut the door and smacked the thick wood. “Damn it!” Running a hand over his face he berated himself up one side and down the other. I shouldn't have done it, but damn she tasted so fucking good. He knew they weren't done. Liam had every intention of seeing her again.

  * * * *


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