Winter's Frollick

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Winter's Frollick Page 12

by Felicia Tatum

  And he was okay with it.


  The days passed slowly, with each member of the frollick struggling against the realization Finn was gone. Henry couldn’t believe it and spent his days fighting with the other knights to strengthen his skills. Jacob felt the tension in the air and knew the situation was bad, but he didn’t fully comprehend the impact it would make. Being from the mortal realm, he couldn’t wrap his head around only having one season for forever. Matthew fought against his depression as it creeped in to ruin what he had started with Freya. Freya knew she’d screwed up by telling Finn he could leave, but deep down knew nothing she could have done would have made him stay.

  They all lay around the main common room, Freya with her feet in Henry’s lap and head in Matthew’s while Jacob sprawled out in a big chair. Eyes glassed over and shoulders slumped, each of them had distant looks on their faces and none of them had smiled in what felt like years. The discouragement and disappointment were evident with one glance.

  “We should do something today,” Henry suggested. He took Freya’s foot in his hands and rubbed the soles. “Something fun.”

  “Like what?” Freya asked.

  “I don’t know. Have any ideas?”

  She pondered it. “Not really. A movie?”

  Jacob responded with “Eh.”

  “Baking?” Matthew suggested.

  “Meh,” Freya and Henry said.

  “Practicing our magic together?” Jacob threw out there.

  Freya’s smile slowly filled her face and she jumped up. “Yes!”

  Matthew rubbed his hands together and Henry ran a hand over his hair.

  Jacob grinned like he’d won the lottery and stood. “Where should we do this?”

  “Outside, so we don’t ruin the castle,” Freya instructed him.

  They all ran upstairs to change into warmer clothing. By the time Jacob was ready, the rest of the group was outside and making their way past the gardens. They all talked excitedly, and Jacob ran to catch up.

  “I really need this,” he said when he reached them. “I feel like I’m so behind.”

  “You never knew who you were,” Freya said gently. “It’s okay to be less progressed. We grew up with it.”

  “I want to be able to help if Rulissa shows up.”

  She grabbed his hand and squeezed. “You will. Remember how our power connected? It was enough to help.”

  He nodded, but the pain in his eyes said he still felt inadequate compared to them. Freya realized it had to be hard on Jacob growing up in the mortal realm. He didn’t know his father, hadn’t discovered his power until recently, and was unclear of his entire fae history. She wanted to help him as much as possible.

  They stopped at a clearing at the edge of the woods. Matthew turned and asked, “What do you mean when your power connected?”

  Freya grinned and held out her hands. “Let’s show him.”

  Jacob grabbed one hand and Henry the other. Henry motioned for Matthew to give him his hand and he carefully placed it in Henry’s hand. When the four of them connected, power surged throughout each of their body’s, making them arch their backs and gasp in surprise. The power they felt was consuming and overwhelming. Freya closed her eyes, the bulk of the power settling within her. She was the heart of the frollick, and the power seemed to know.

  They soaked in the feeling for a few more moments before breaking away from each other and preparing to practice their individual strengths. Jacob needed the most help, so Freya focused on him.

  “I want you to imagine vines growing from the ground and circling my body. Holding me still so I can’t move.”

  “Why?” he asked, his eyes wide.

  “Because this is good in battle and you should know how to do it.”

  He nodded and focused. The first few times, nothing happened, but then a short vine shot from the ground and wrapped around Freya’s ankle.

  “Good!” she encouraged him. “Try for longer vines now.”

  Jacob did as instructed, and before the afternoon was over, he could wrap vines around Freya’s form and immobilize her. He yelled in excitement and lifted her in his arms, swinging her around and kissing her. “Thank you so much, babe.”

  “Babe?” she asked with a sly grin.

  “Yeah, you’re a total babe.”

  She giggled and swatted at him to let her down. He complied and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “What do we do now?”

  “Well, I’m hungry. I was thinking about dinner and a movie?”

  “Yes!” he agreed. “I need to shower, though. Wanna join?”

  She giggled again and nodded. “Of course. Let’s go.”

  Henry and Matthew had long before gone inside, both of them strong and confident in their abilities. Jacob took Freya’s hand in his and pulled her along behind him. Once he was in her room and into the bathroom, he shut the door and locked it.

  She raised a brow at him and glanced at the lock.

  “I want you all to myself,” he smirked. He prowled toward her, his eyes full of lust and desire. He stopped in front of her, taking her jacket and shirt off before she could even realize what was happening.

  She launched herself at him, wrapping her legs around his waist and kissing him fiercely. He held her ass in his hands and kissed her back as passionately. Desperation filled their veins and he put her down, struggling to rid her of the rest of her clothing. She pulled at his shirt, releasing him from it, and tugged his pants from his body.

  Once they were naked, they examined at each other appreciatively and connected again, rubbing their bodies against one another. Freya’s hands found his hair, gently pulling while her tongue darted into his mouth. His hands gripped her hips, and he nudged her closer, eager to feel her body against his. The heat between them grew and he walked her backwards into the shower. As he turned on the water, she ran her hands over his back and butt, leaving a tingling trail at every touchpoint.

  The water sprayed down on them and they kissed again. His hands caressed her body, making their way to her sweet spot between her legs. She opened up for him, sighing when his fingers found her folds. He touched her gently, building the tension until she was gasping and moaning. She dug her nails into his back, leaving scratches as he brought her closer to release.

  “Jacob,” she moaned.

  He hooked her leg around his waist and picked her up. Pressing her against the wall, he entered in a single thrust. She cried out and kissed him deeply, her tongue grazing his teeth and dancing with his. He moved inside her, each thrust building on the last. She panted and mewled as he drove her to ecstasy. He reached his hand between them, rubbing her as he moved. She clenched around him, crying out as she came. He followed quickly behind her, grunting as he released.

  She leaned her head against his shoulder and kissed him softly. “Wow.”

  He breathed heavily and held onto her tightly. “Yeah, wow is right.”

  She smiled and nuzzled into his neck. He gently placed her back on her feet and the two of them finished their shower.


  The following Saturday, as the palace prepared for the celebration of fire fae, Freya and Matthew snuck off to be alone. They hadn’t had much time to themselves since they’d mated, and they desperately wanted to explore one another.

  Hands clasped together; they ran through the woods surrounding the castle toward the small garden shed located on the property. Freya used to visit as a child to get away from everyone and knew it was the perfect spot to finally give herself to Matthew. The bond between them grew each day and they’d experienced a few interesting things.

  At dinner one evening, the two of them had shared a memory of a past life together. They’d been mortals and had three children. The house they’d lived in was small and ordinary, but the love they’d shared was visible. They were so happy with so little. The memory had left Freya fighting back tears.

  Henry and Jacob were struggling with the True Mating. They wouldn�
�t admit it, but the jealousy was rampant between the three of them. Henry and Jacob felt they were less than because of the True Mating and feared Freya wouldn’t care for them as she cared for Matthew. The fears were unwarranted, because Freya felt deeply for each of them, but it was something they would have to work through.

  They dashed through the woods, both on the lookout for creatures that may be lurking in the shadows. They arrived at the shed and Freya opened the door, pulling Matthew in behind her. As soon as the door closed, she pushed him against it and her lips were on his.

  He held her closely, his body heating at her touch. He’d longed for her all week, the memories of them as lovers haunting him in his sleep. He’d seen himself making love to her over and over again, but he hadn’t had the chance in this lifetime. It was frustrating as hell and drove him nearly mad. His hands roamed her body, taking in the softness of her skin. He kissed her deeply, his tongue pushing into her mouth as she opened for him. Their tongues danced as their breath grew heavier. Her hands were in his hair, pulling and tugging at it as she kissed him passionately. His desire fueled him, and he turned them around, pushing her against the door. Her leg hooked over his waist and he grinded against her.

  They undressed each other clumsily and quickly. Once they were naked, Matthew guided her to the table in the shed and perched her on it. Opening her legs, he slid in between them, his eyes focused solely on hers. He entered her slowly, filling her completely.

  She gasped and dug her nails into his shoulders. They connected and he gripped her hips to hold her steady. They moved together, their breathing loud and uneven. They moved together, her legs wrapped tightly around his waist. He drove her to the brink of ecstasy and held her as she fell into bliss. He followed right after, burying his head in her hair as he moaned. She held him close, brushing her fingers through his hair and over his shoulders. They stayed embraced for a while, holding each other and feeling the connection.

  “Better than I remembered,” he joked.

  She swatted at him as he pulled from her. “You’ve been having those dreams too?”

  He nodded. “They’ve been driving me crazy. All I think about is you. Us.”

  She grinned and bit her lip. “I know the feeling. I’m so overwhelmed with this feeling for all three of you. I even feel for Finn, even though he’s gone. We never made the connection I have with Henry and Jacob, but I still care, you know?”

  He brushed his thumb across her cheek. “I understand. He’s destined for you and left. It has to worry you. Has to hurt you.”

  “It does. I’m so glad you understand.” She slid her hands over his stomach and down further. “It’s really a turn on to know you care and don’t get jealous about the others.”

  He eyed her carefully, his blood growing hotter with each caress. “It’s the way of our people. Most fae have more than one mate.”

  She traced lines across his pelvic area. “Mmhmm. I know. I had four fathers.”

  HIs breath hitched and he grabbed her wrist. “What are you doing?”

  “Getting you ready for round two,” she cooed with a seductive glint in her eye.

  They spent the afternoon wrapped in each other, almost losing track of time. As they rushed to dress, they heard Henry calling for them in the woods. Freya’s eyes grew wide, and she fought back a giggle. “We’ve been caught.”

  “We have a party tonight!” Henry called out. “You have to get ready to greet your people!”

  After they dressed, they hurried out of the shed and met Henry with flushed cheeks. “We’re here.”

  He studied their disheveled appearance and gave them both a knowing smile. “I see. Well come on. Orion is having a fit.”

  Freya rolled her eyes. “What’s new?”

  “You did plan these parties,” he pointed out. He took her hand in his and caressed her skin. “You should at least be there to greet people.”

  Matthew grunted an agreement and raced ahead of them. Freya watched him go and stopped Henry. “I want to ask you something.”

  “Sure,” he said. His warm brown eyes gazed at her with admiration, and she felt her stomach twisting in lust.

  “Do you feel like I give you all enough attention?”

  He grinned and nodded. “Yes, Freya. I’ll tell you if I feel neglected.”

  She sighed and her shoulders fell. “Thank you. I’ve been so worried about it. I don’t know how to juggle my time like this.”

  “You’re doing great. Except for almost being late to your own party. We really have to go.”

  She giggled and they sprinted toward the castle.

  As the last partygoer left, Freya fell against the castle door and sighed. She’d asked her frollick to give her the night to herself so she could recharge. She bid them each goodnight and raced up the stairs to take a warm bath.

  She relaxed and pampered herself, feeling better than she had in weeks once she was done. Wrapped in a warm robe, she settled on the edge of the tub and filled it with clean water. She hoped Vivian was close to a body of water so she could reach her.

  She pushed her magic into the pool and searched for her sister’s presence. She felt a flicker of Vivian’s power and pushed harder, using the water to carry her voice through the Courts. “Viv.”

  She waited for her to arrive and tried again when nothing happened. “Viv!”

  She could hear her voice now, though it was far away. She gripped her throat, using the water to amplify her voice, and yelled, “Vivian!”

  Her face appeared in the pool moments later. Her face was bright and her smile wide when she noticed Freya. “Sis!”

  “Hey,” Freya waved. “What are you doing?”

  “We were just talking about the next full moon. What are you doing? Why aren’t you with your frollick?”

  “I needed a break. Time to myself, you know?”

  Vivian nodded. “You always did recharge better by yourself.”

  “I wanted to tell you something,” Freya started.

  “Did you find the other frollick member??” Vivian asked excitedly.

  “Yes …” she started. “He’s my True Mate.”

  Vivian gasped and her hand covered her mouth. “True Mate?”

  Freya nodded. “I can’t believe it.”

  “That’s so unheard of, Freya. You’re so lucky. I don’t know if it’s happened in the last hundred years.”

  “I know. I don’t remember hearing anyone talking about it besides reading the few books about our ancestors who mentioned it. But it’s so different.”

  Vivian sighed dreamily. “Is he amazing?”

  Freya felt the blush creeping up her cheeks. “Yes. His name is Matthew.”

  “Matthew,” she sighed. “What a great name.”

  Freya laughed. “There’s more though.”

  “More than a True Mate?” Vivian asked suspiciously.

  “Finn left.”

  Vivian paused for far too long. “What do you mean he left?”

  “He refused to join the frollick and left the Court.”

  Vivian gasped and her eyes popped open wide. “Oh no.”

  Freya’s head fell in disappointment. “I’ve failed my Court. They’ll never be free of the curse now.”

  Vivian’s eyes brimmed with tears and she let out a soft sob. “I’m so sorry, Freya. I don’t know what to say or how to help you.”

  “I know, I don’t expect you to do anything. I wanted to talk to someone. It’s so weird, I can’t even be mad at him. A deep part of me understands. I didn’t want a frollick either. I fought it at first. Why should I let destiny decide who I’m with and what I do? It’s not fair.”

  “The stars know our stories before we are even born, Freya,” Vivian said. “You know this.”

  “I know this,” Freya agreed. “I don’t particularly like it.”

  “So, you don’t love your frollick?”

  “No, I didn’t say that. I feel so deeply for each of them and for different reasons. They make me feel …
alive. I’ve never felt like this before and I’m embracing my destiny now. I’m just saying I understand how he feels.”

  “He’ll go crazy,” Vivian whispered like he could hear her.

  “I hope not.”

  “It’s inevitable.”

  Freya pondered it and shook her head in sadness. “A small part of me hopes he changes his mind. But I know in reality he won’t.”

  “You have a few weeks before your birthday,” Vivian said hopefully. “There is time. Do you know where he went?”

  Freya shook her head. “No. He didn’t go back to Summer Court because Silvia said his family hadn’t heard from him and neither had she. I don’t know where else he would go.”

  “I hope he’s okay,” Vivian said sadly. “It’s not a fun process when someone breaks away from a destined mating.”

  “I’ve read the books,” Freya said quietly. “I dread it for him.”

  “It’ll be ok.”

  “I’m going to go to bed. I’ll talk to you soon, Vivian. I love you.”

  Vivian’s face began to fade in the water, and she waved. “I love you too.”


  Finn glanced around the wooded area where he’d settled for the last two weeks. He was running out of food and energy, but he knew he couldn’t face anyone yet. The shame his family and friends would feel for his dismissal of a destined mating would be too much for him to cope with. He knew his mother would stare at him with her tear-filled eyes and beg him to change his mind, but he didn’t think he could.

  Though a part of him wanted to go back to Winter Court.

  He longed for Freya but fought against every urge he had. He refused to let the stars determine his destiny and tell him who to love. He would die before he let someone hurt him like Amber had again.


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