Picture Us (Turn it Up Book 3)

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Picture Us (Turn it Up Book 3) Page 12

by Natalie Parker


  The day after Thanksgiving, I’m straightening papers out on my desk and getting ready to call it a day when my cell vibrates on my desk, the name Mom flashing on the screen.

  “Mom, how’s Chicago?” I ask when I pick up.

  “Other than your father bitching about the traffic, it’s been great. Everyone is good, although of course they’re all a little disappointed you couldn’t make it.” I can hear the complacency in her voice.

  “I know, I’m sorry. If I didn’t have to be back at the bar today…”

  “I know and everyone gets it, so don’t worry. You’re at that point in life where your career is a little demanding and they understand. Besides, I’m so proud of you and what you’ve accomplished, just in case I don’t say it enough.”

  “Thanks Mom,” I say modestly.

  “We’re coming home tomorrow and I was hoping you’d come over for dinner on Sunday.”

  I sigh as I look at the ultrasound picture I have on the corkboard above my desk, and realize that time is going to do nothing but pass us by and my parents need to know about the baby at some point. “Yeah, I can do that. Listen, I want to bring… a friend with me. Would that be okay?”

  “You mean Juan? You know I love him like a second son, kid, but I don’t know if I’ll have it in me to make as much as he eats.”

  “No, not Juan. This is actually Annie I’m talking about.”

  There’s a pause on her end of the call.

  “Annie? This is a girl? Tyler, you’re seeing someone?”

  “Uh… something like that,” I say, trying out the prospect out loud. “She’s… special to me and I want you to meet her. Do you think I can bring her with me, and that you and dad will behave?”

  Another pause, followed by my mother’s stammering response.

  “Y-yes. Yes of course, please bring her. We’d love to meet her.”

  “You okay, Mom? You sound like you’re having a stroke.”

  “Ha! I’m just torn between elation that you’re bringing a woman home and worry that the apocalypse is coming.”

  My mother’s amount of surprise is not unfounded. I haven’t brought a woman home to meet them before. Ever. To her knowledge, I date but it never goes anywhere. At least that’s what I have her believe when she asks about my love life. And I do date. I just don’t tell her that the reason it never goes anywhere is because I’ve never let it. Call me crazy but I just can’t see coming right out and telling my mom that I’ve only ever been into women for fun and sex, and that I have had no interest in committing to one, settling down and giving her grandbabies. So I guess you can say this surprises her as much as it does me.

  “Is that the boy on the phone?” I hear my dad’s voice approaching in the background.

  “Yes, Ken. He’s coming over for dinner on Sunday and he’s bringing a girl!” She stage whispers the last word like it’s a secret she’s not supposed to tell.

  “Ha! See? I knew it. I told you Maureen, he was just trying to get the rest of his life in order first. With that solid job, his head’s screwed on straight now and the rest can fall into place.”

  Fucking hell. Leave it to these two to make me feel like I just brought home my first straight-A report card.

  “So yeah, if you guys could put off starting World War Three for one evening while we’re there, that’d be great,” I say loud enough for them both to hear me.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” My dad’s voice is closer and clearer on the phone now.

  “Ken, give me the damn phone back!” My mom’s voice comes out through her teeth.

  “What? I want to talk to him too.”

  “Then you ask! You don’t just snatch the phone out of my hand because you feel like it. No fucking manners, as always.”

  “Okay, this is what I’m talking about. Dad, give the phone back to Mom - you know what? Forget it. You guys just get your shit together and we’ll see you Sunday.” I end the call and sit back to rub a hand over my eyes. For a moment I feel bad about what I’ll be subjecting Annie to on Sunday, but I truly feel that breaking the news that they’re going to be grandparents with her there will go down a whole helluva lot better.

  I just have to ask her now. Yeah, I should’ve done that beforehand, but the idea came on the fly. I figure if she says no, I’ll just tell them she couldn’t make it and we’ll tell them another time.

  But seeing as how this is the sooner the better, I make plans to stop by her house and talk to her on the way home… and bring along some bribery in the form of Mexican take-out.

  Mayzie looks at me, giving me the most immature, knowing grin from behind her steepled fingers. “Oh my God…” she excitedly whispers, though her tone holds warning that she won’t be able to contain it for long and her voice is likely to get loud and shrieky.

  “Stop it.” My tone is firm when I can see where her head is going.

  “But don’t you see?” she presses, holding her hands out in as if to say ‘there it is, it’s so simple!’

  “Just, stop…” I say holding my hand up.

  “You fixed Tyler!” she shouts. Dammit.

  “No,” I firmly correct her.

  “Excuse me, as you just explained it, he said he’s done skirting around. He wants to be a good father and he knows he can’t be doing that if he’s going to be one.”

  “So there you go, the baby fixed him. Not me,” I explain waving my finger.

  “But the baby isn’t here yet,” she sings the last word. “And yet he gave you an orgasm to take care of your pregnancy hyper-horniness without taking advantage and getting himself some in the process. Bestie, he is all about you.”

  “Wrong,” I adamantly debunk her. “It was purely a sexual act.”

  “That he did not benefit from, sexually. Which means he got something else out of it.”

  Sigh… And I was so happy the little twit is home for a few days over Thanksgiving weekend. She and Jack flew in yesterday and have to leave again on Sunday to pick the tour back up on the East Coast.

  “And he calls you every day, and he brings you what you’re craving -,”

  “He does not,” I cut her off as I dip my chip into the guacamole Tyler brought me. “And he’s just taking responsibility. That’s all.” I don’t want her to lead me down the primrose path where I start dissecting all the different times Tyler and I have been together over the last couple of weeks, and getting excited about all the little possibilities that lie within. Nope, she can fall down that rabbit hole by herself and I’ll just wave from the top.

  “If that is all it was, he could sufficiently do that by checking in once a week, showing up to appointments and helping you put money by. But from what you’ve told me, he’s called you daily to see how you’re doing, he brings you things, he stops by at least twice a week on his way home from work and stays for a bit, and let’s not forget how he selflessly gave you an orgasm when you were feeling needy.” Good thing I didn’t tell her that he also texts me every morning to make sure I took my vitamin.

  But eEnough of this. I’ve been wanting to ask her if her husband’s agent is still being a skeeze but she’s been non-stop with the questions about everything pregnancy related, and I have to admit it’s been nice to let it all out and share it with her face to face. I ended up falling into the comfortable conversation.

  “You’re dating him,” she states, as she folds her arms on the table. Her voice carries a teasing tone. I sit back and give her my best dead-pan. If I want to divert her once and for all, I have to bring out the big guns.

  “I had sex right where you’re leaning,” I inform her. She jerks and looks down but catches herself and holds my gaze with her own. I can tell I got to her and she wants to jump up screaming.

  “And?” She bites back once she’s composed herself. “You’ve sat at my table plenty of times, haven’t ya?” She raises an eyebrow.

  So, this is where our conversation goes now, but mission accomplished.

sp; “Fantastic,” I say rolling with it.

  “What can I say, moving into our new house kind of put us back in the honeymoon phase.” She blinks innocently and I scoff at her.

  “As if you ever fell out of it,” I say, rolling my eyes. And that’s when I hear a quick knock at the door followed by Tyler swiftly coming through it and booting it closed.

  “Sorry for barging in. Mrs. Gallagher was outside,” he tells me as he holds a paper take-out bag to his chest.

  “What’s that?” I ask, eyeballing the bag.

  “Dinner,” he says, and Mayzie’s eyes light up and she mouths ‘aww’ at me.

  “Oh, hey Maze!” Tyler exclaims when his eyes land on her.

  “Hey Tyler!” she says overenthusiastically, as she widens her eyes at me and gives me the most annoying cheese grin ever. She gets up and walks over to hug him. “Congratulations,” she says, giving him a squeeze.

  “Thank you,” he says, so contentedly it’s sweet. They pull away and Mayzie reaches for her coat.

  “You’re not staying?” I ask her. I know exactly what she’s doing.

  “Yeah, stay for dinner. I brought enough for an army,” Tyler adds as he saunters into the kitchen to put the bag down.

  “Oh no, that’s okay,” she says pulling her jacket on. “I should get home to Jack. We’re looking forward to a quiet evening tonight.”

  “Hashtag, she’s going to go home and bang him,” Tyler quips, not even looking over his shoulder.

  “Ugghh…,” Mayzie groans, dropping her head back.

  “Kidding… okay not really. Anyway, how is he? How’s the tour?” Tyler fires easily over his shoulder as he pulls containers out of the bag. He’s been looking this comfortable in my house for going on a week now, but it still stuns me from so many directions when I see it.

  “It’s exhausting, but good,” Mayzie answers, casting knowing glances between him and me that he can’t see. “How’s The Cedar?”

  “I can say the same,” he says, smiling as he goes to grab some plates and I walk over to the door to see her out.

  “Are things really okay?” I ask as she stuffs her hands in her pockets. “Like with the agent?” I nudge. She looks off to the side and draws in a breath before answering.

  “Yeah it’s fine,” she says, unconvincingly. “Really,” she adds when I start to open my mouth. “We’re handling it. Trust me, okay?” she asks, raising her eyebrows, begging me to be satisfied with that.

  “Okay,” I agree reluctantly as I lean in to hug her. “But you damn well better call me if that changes.” I say it low in her ear and she nods, before turning to walk out the door.

  Once it’s shut, I join Tyler in the kitchen. “You didn’t have to bring anything,” I tell him as he takes glasses out of the cupboard where he knows they are.

  “Oh yes, I did,” he corrects me. “Anytime I come here from now on, I’m carrying something in. Mrs. Gallagher likes to check out my crotch when I’m coming up the walk.”

  “Ppppt-,” A laugh bursts through my lips and I let it out full force, dropping my head back and letting it take over.

  “It’s not funny,” he protests, but he’s smiling as he leans on the counter while I continue to crack up. “Alright, enough, you little hyena. Tell me about Thanksgiving yesterday. Did you have fun in Mason?” He’s referring to my hometown that’s a little over an hour’s drive away.

  “Actually, my mom came down with the flu so the holiday was cancelled.”

  “Ugh. That’s a drag,” he sympathizes, leaning his elbows down on the counter. “Is she okay?”

  “Yeah, she’ll be okay. She just feels like crap, obviously. I wanted to go anyway and help her out, but my dad said to just stay here, that he’s got it all handled.” Tyler nods.

  “It’s probably better to not risk yourself getting sick right now anyway, you know?”

  “I know,” I sigh. “It would have sucked not being able to have a beer with my grampa in front of the game anyway.”

  “Because they still don’t know?” he asks, his eyebrow lifting in question.

  “No, I was going to tell them while I was there. I guess it might have to be over the phone if I don’t get to go out there soon.” Tyler nods again, looking off to the side.

  “Wish you would have told me; we could have hung out.” No, we couldn’t have. I spent the day watching football with a pumpkin pie in my lap, it wasn’t pretty. “My parents went out to Chicago to see some of our extended family. I would’ve gone but the bar had to be open today.”

  “Sorry,” I say, mirroring his position, leaning on the counter. “Did you tell them?”

  He shakes his head.

  “Not yet… but I’m heading over to their house for dinner on Sunday. I’m thinking I’ll tell them then.”

  “Okay,” I say, nodding nervously. The families have to know sometime, and in cases like this, sooner is better than later.

  “I was hoping you’d come with me,” he adds, making me freeze to the spot. “Will you?”

  “You want me there? When you tell them?” I ask, and my shoulders feel stiff all of a sudden.

  He looks resigned as he nods. “I need them to realize that I didn’t just knock-up some random hook-up; that you and I are in each other’s lives, that we care about each other and that we’re doing this together. I want them to see that I’m going to be a good parent to our little one, and supportive of you. It will be a hell of a lot easier for them to get the message if they meet you, if they see you exist. I want them to see that I’m not living my life like a bachelor anymore and that I’m focused on you and the baby.”

  Well that warms my heart a thousand times over, I’m just having trouble grasping onto it.

  “So, you really meant what you said before? That you’re done… bed hopping?” I frown and roll my eyes with a shrug at my choice of words. I wasn’t quite sure how else to put it and it just sort of came out. He sighs and drops his head before lifting it back up to look me square in the eyes.

  “Yes, I meant it,” he says plainly stating it as a fact.

  “So… what, you’re just going to be celibate?” It’s pretty much what he told me on the night of the famous one-sided orgasm, but I’m still trying to wrap my brain around the idea of him quitting womanizing cold turkey. It’s a significant change; a meaningful one.

  “Well… I don’t necessarily have to be…” he hints, wiggling his eyebrows at me, immediately making my cheeks flush and my vajajay hug herself. Oh, for crying out loud. He can change his ways, but he’s still Tyler, and dammit, his flirting gives me a zing. Fortunately, he doesn’t leave much time for me to squirm and sobers his expression. “So, will you come with me on Sunday?”

  “Yeah of course,” I answer with a casual smile, even though I’m freaked out he wants to introduce me to his parents and announce that we’re having a baby all in one go. He knows them best, and if he thinks this is the way, I can roll with it and trust him. “How do you think they’ll take it?” I ask, scrunching my forehead and biting the side of my lip.

  He exhales a big breath and shrugs. “They’re… going to be shocked,” he says nodding to himself. “But I’m more worried about how they’re going to act towards each other than anything. That part can be a handful.” He pushes off the counter and continues opening take-out containers, not offering up anything more on the subject of his parents.

  Looks like I’m in for an adventure Sunday night. Adventures are fun, right?


  My back is straight and stiff as Tyler and I stand on the front porch of his parents’ simple yet beautiful two-story house. Even in the dark of the early evening I can see that it’s white with black shutters, and a hanging bench swing graces the corner of the spacious porch. I love it but can’t seem to focus on appreciating it as I nervously wait for the door to open.

  Tyler puts a reassuring hand on my back and I relax a little, shifting the silver Poinsettia in my arms that I insisted on bringing, despite his protests. I was
brought up right, dammit.

  Fortunately, the suspense is minimal because in seemingly no time at all, the door flies open revealing a woman only an inch or so shorter than I am, with brown eyes and her black hair freshly cut to rest right on her shoulders.

  “My baby boy!” she exclaims before hopping up on her toes to throw her arms around Tyler’s shoulders.

  Tyler’s mother I presume.

  Ty rolls his eyes as she releases him and turns to me.

  “Hi, you must be Annie,” she says cordially, holding her hand out to me with a warm smile.

  “Yes, nice to meet you Mrs. Hayes,” I return, giving her hand a firm squeeze.

  “Oh please, it’s Maureen,” she says, waving her hand while leading me into the house with the other.

  Wow. No keep your hands off my little boy vibe here.

  When we reach the kitchen, I offer her the plant I brought her and her eyes go wide.

  “Here, I thought you might like this,” I tell her.

  “It’s beautiful! Thank you so much dear! Ken!” she hollers over her shoulder. “Get in here and meet Annie!” A moment later, a man who looks like Tyler with salt-and-pepper sprinkled hair and a matching short beard waltzes into the kitchen, his hand extended.

  “Hi Annie, nice to meet you doll,” he gives me a warm smile and a firm shake before Maureen hands him the poinsettia.

  “Here, put this on the table please,” she asks, handing it over as he sighs and rolls his eyes. “Oh please, like you’ve done anything but sit on your ass watching football since we got home yesterday.” That earns her another eye roll as he turns and carries the plant in the direction of the dining room.

  Tyler takes my coat and walks away to hang it up as his mom closes in on me and actually rests her hands on my shoulders, offering me a smile that I can only translate as relief before looking between both men.

  “You two, beat it.”

  Tyler scoffs as he comes back in and puts an arm around my waist. “Why? And do you have to be touching her Mom? You’re going to freak her out.”


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