Picture Us (Turn it Up Book 3)

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Picture Us (Turn it Up Book 3) Page 16

by Natalie Parker

  “He didn’t get the message when I told him to stay the hell away, so when he showed up to my apartment, I repeated myself in a different language.” I make my tone incredulous, like I did what anyone would do.

  “Apartment? So you moved to your house afterwards?”

  “Yeah. I was trying to get my business going and needed more room for my equipment and shooting space. Paying a little more to rent a house was cheaper than renting out space for a studio, so it worked out.” Ty nods in agreement.

  “So how come you don’t go by your actual name?” he asks, thankfully shifting gears away from my ex-douche.

  “I don’t know. It’s just kind of a mouthful, I guess. My mom and sisters gradually shortened it and it didn’t really bother me.” I shrug in explanation.

  “I like Annelise,” is his only response, as we continue down the highway that’s grown dark. We slip back into easy silence the rest of the way to the city, and while I’m perfectly content in this communal bubble, I can’t help but wonder what’s going on behind those eyes of his.

  I love how Annie and I can sit together and not have to fill the silence. One thing I’ve heard from guy friends that have been in long term relationships is how annoyed they get that they can’t have that. The constant need to entertain each other always sounded exhausting, adding just one more thing to the relationship Con column. But Annie doesn’t require attention every minute we’re together. We can enjoy conversation for a while and then enjoy simply being next to each other, just as much.

  At the same time I’m marveling over this concept, I’m also stewing over what happened to her in the past, and how anyone who calls himself a man could treat her that way. Here I am, a man that not so long ago jumped from one female’s bed to another on a near weekly basis, and now… now I can’t imagine touching, coming home to, or being inside anyone besides Annie ever again. Being with her was enough to change all that, and some fuckin’ douche out there couldn’t see her for all she is. She’s in my life right now because she’s having a baby with me, and while I’m working on getting her all the way to a relationship, he actually had her, and while he should’ve been thanking his lucky stars, instead he was off disrespecting and betraying her. I realize it only reaffirms my theory that I have to show her I can be with her all the way, and that she can rely on me not to hurt her. I have faith that we’ll get there, and a strong feeling in my soul tells me it will be soon.


  Over the next couple of weeks, Tyler and I grow closer. When neither of us is working, it seems we’re spending time with no one else but each other. He’s at my house a lot where we simply hang out, sometimes discussing the pregnancy, sometimes talking about our days. Just further building our bond, really. Every time he gets ready to leave, I feel a small pang like I don’t want him to go, and he always looks pensive, like he’s thinking of doing something else before he leaves, and then seems to think better of it before heading out to his car.

  Which brings us to now, our fourteen-week appointment. The sound of a million rapidly galloping horses underwater fills the sterile office as I lay back on the exam table. I chance a look up at Tyler who’s taking it in with a grin on his face, and I can’t help but grin back. We’ve gotten to see our baby look like a deformed jellybean and then a gummy bear on ultrasounds. We could even see its little heart beating, but this is our first time hearing it on the Doppler.

  “Wait,” Tyler stops Dr. Whitman when she pulls the wand off my still-flat belly. We both eye him curiously as he pulls out his phone. “Can we hear it again for just a few more seconds?” My heart gives a super big squeeze when I realize he wants to record this. Dr. Whitman gives him a warm smile as she returns the wand to my belly and the sound of the heartbeat resumes. Tyler records for about ten seconds, panning between my belly and my face, chuckling inward when I stick my tongue out at him.

  As we leave the office, he takes my hand, something he often does when we come to appointments. I’ve never read too much into it. I feel like it’s symbolic, like he’s just reminding me this is something we’re doing together. The thing of it is, it continues on the car ride home this time. As soon as the car is on the road, Tyler reaches over, taking my hand again, giving it a squeeze and holding onto it until we get to my house.

  It’s already dark and the street lights are on when we pull up. I tell him goodnight and give him a smile before opening the door and exiting the car. As I’m making my way up the narrow cement path to the front door, I hear the engine die followed by the other car door slamming shut. I turn around to see Tyler walking around the front of his car towards me, stopping just a few feet away before putting his hands in his pockets. He looks nervous, his forehead all crinkled and his eyes are pensive.

  “Are you okay?” I ask.

  He nods, but doesn’t look very convinced of his own answer. He looks down at his feet like he’s gathering courage for something before looking back up and licking his lips before speaking.

  “I haven’t been with anyone since you,” he states quietly, leveling my gaze with his and I feel my stomach drop and then spring back up. I wasn’t expecting that. I admit I sort of wondered with how much time he spends checking in on me, but I’ve never asked, being too afraid of the answer.

  “Ever since I met you three and a half years ago, I’ve known you were different, and it always stood out in my mind. I always tried to dismiss it because I made it a point not to spend too much time thinking about a woman, to enjoy my life and not let it become immersed in the drama that comes with… well, some of the relationships I’ve seen.”

  So far, I’m not enjoying this road he’s taking me down. It’s kind of gnarly.

  “Then I saw you again at The Cedar. And Annie, I could say that it was what followed later that night, or finding out we’re having a baby, or seeing the ultrasound, or hearing the heartbeat just now, that made me realize I want nothing more than to be with you. But it was that moment in the bar. For the first time in my life I heard my heart talk to me. It reminded me of the girl I met three years ago that called me on my bullshit and didn’t fall for my lines, but still laughed with me and always offered me a smile when she was around. The one that didn’t follow me into a bed but instead made me see how special she was, how beautifully unique. And when I saw you again it told me… There she is. This is it. She’s it.”

  I can feel myself begin to shake and I draw in a breath, but it comes out shuddery. I don’t even want to know how idiotic I look just standing here staring at him while his words swirl around me like a spring zephyr. I just stare into his eyes, not finding a single trace of uncertainty. His gaze is solid and unwavering as it holds mine, willing me to hear the truth in his voice as he continues.

  “I felt something for you back when I first met you, but then life picked up and while I wasn’t seeing you around anymore, you were never completely gone. Like you faded into the background, but never completely disappeared.”

  “How rude of me,” I reply, nervously fiddling with my house key.

  “I admit, part of me thought that I’d move on after we hooked up, that I’d finally get over it, but Annie… I have not gotten over it.” He pauses, giving me a chance to process all this a bit at a time.

  “Me neither,” I finally let out in a squeaky whisper, and he blows out what looks like a sigh of relief.

  “I don’t just want to be parenting partners with you. I want to be with you,” he proclaims, shrugging at himself. “And I hope I’m not wrong, but I feel like you want to be with me too.”

  I do want to be with him too. It would feel so good to finally let this wall fall down; it’s been so exhausting holding it up. But the risk still remains.

  “What if we don’t work out Ty? What then?” The last word out of my mouth has a tremble to it.

  “It will suck horribly, but then we’ll know and we’ll put ourselves back together and be there for our child. But I can promise you that if it doesn’t work, it will not be because I was scar
ed, did something stupid, or didn’t try.”

  Oh my God. He’s not half-assing this.

  He walks the last few steps to me, pulling his hands out of his pockets to settle one on my waist and letting the other cup my cheek.

  “Just please promise me you’ll think about it? Please think about giving us a shot.” His eyes are pleading as his thumb caresses my chin.

  I can do that. I can think about it. Hell, it’s all I ever think about besides the baby. I should be jumping for joy right now… but this is still scary. It’s still a risk, but not as big of a one as I thought it was before. Still, I just need a couple days to think everything through, and be completely, one hundred percent ready to tell him yes.

  “I will,” I finally choke out. “I will, I promise.” I assure him, nodding, before drawing in a deep breath and letting it out through pursed lips.

  His eyes search mine for a second like he’s trying to make sure he heard me right before saying “Alright,” with a grateful smile. He wraps his arms around me, cradling the back of my head with one hand while he nuzzles his face into my neck, breathing me in. He doesn’t make a move to kiss me; just holds me there on the dark sidewalk before finally leaving a prolonged kiss on my cheek.

  “You don’t tell him ‘yes’ sweetie, I will!” I hear Mrs. Gallagher’s voice blare from her front porch. I turn and see the tiny orange glow of her cigarette. God almighty, how long has she been sitting there?

  Tyler and I share a nervous laugh as we reluctantly let go of each other.

  “You call me, the minute you know…” he says, backing away.

  After hopping in his car, he waits until I’m inside before pulling away from the curb.

  There’s not a lot to think about here. I know what I want but I take a couple of days anyway, because I just have to be sure it’s right; that it will be good in the long run and not just in the moment. This isn’t something to act on quickly, so I take three days to let Tyler’s words sink in; everything he said and that I knew he meant.

  I would love to be with him, with or without the baby. If it doesn’t work out, it will hurt horribly, but I’m a strong woman and I’ll be alright, and Tyler will still be there for our baby no matter what.

  It’s all I can think about as I stare at my laptop without actually seeing any of the photos I’m editing. There’s no way I’m going to get any work done until I talk to him and tell him what’s on my mind. I’m ready. I pick up my phone and I’m about to dial his number when I realize it’s early evening and he likely hasn’t left The Cedar yet. He usually stays in case they need him during the happy hour rush. I know I should speak to him, but I can’t wait another second to tell him, and neither can my work.

  Annie: I want to do this with you.

  I stare at my phone, looking for those three dots that would indicate him tapping out a reply. Nothing. That’s okay, I know he’s busy. I put my phone on my desk face down and try to get back to my edits.

  About forty minutes later, there’s a knock on my door. When I pull it open, I see Tyler leaning into my door frame with both hands. His eyes are intense and he almost looks out of breath as his car idles on the street behind him. I look up, about to ask him what he’s doing when he steps into me and crashes his mouth down on mine. The kiss is soft but adamant as his arms go around my shoulders, closing me in against his body. I hook my arms under his and let myself get lost in this short little dream full of bliss and excitement, mentally documenting how his lips are cool from the outside and pliable against mine, how he tastes vaguely like mint, and the musky man smell that comes off his jacket that I’m pressed against. I memorize all of it in the ten or so seconds the kiss lasts.

  Tyler pulls away just enough to look in my eyes.

  “We’re together.” It’s a statement. I want this too much to tell him he’s not the boss of me. So instead I throw it back at him.

  “We’re together,” I say back.

  “I have to get back to work,” he says almost absently, as his eyes search mine like they’re trying to make sure this is really happening.

  “Okay,” I say reassuringly.

  “I’m taking you out tomorrow though. I’ll be here at seven.” His tone is affirming like he’s telling both of us. I hesitate for a moment before nodding.

  “Okay,” I say again as he gives me one more peck before heading back in the direction of his car while we hear a wolf whistle come from next door.

  Oh my God. He left work, just to come kiss me.


  While ‘tomorrow’ took forever to show up, it’s finally time to get ready for, well, not my first date, but I guess my first together date with Tyler.

  I’m just putting some curls in my hair when my phone goes off on my dresser and I feel my hopes drop a peg when I see Tyler’s name flashing on the screen. I immediately fret that he’s calling to cancel, that he’s had the change of heart I was afraid he would. I suck in a breath and hold it before answering.

  “Hey gorgeous!” he greets me playfully, and I can hear loud voices and clanging in the background so I can tell he’s still at work, probably back by the kitchen. “Listen, I’ve run into a problem at the bar…”

  Yep, here we go.

  “There was a disaster with a keg delivery, it wasn’t pretty, don’t ask, and then one of the bartenders had car trouble while happy hour was a madhouse so I had to get the crew through it.”

  “Sorry, sounds rough. So do we need to do this another night?” I ask, mentally bracing myself.

  “No, no. I’ve almost got the fires put out. I was just wondering if you’d maybe come meet me here so that we don’t have to get such a late start to our night.” His voice sounds so hopeful I almost can’t take it.

  “Sure,” I agree, smiling, my own hope restored. “I’m almost ready. I’ll head over in a few.” He lets out a sigh of relief that makes my heart resume its glow.

  “You’re the best, thank you. I’ll see you soon; I can’t wait.”

  “Me neither,” I say before ending the call, thankful he can’t see me blushing like an idiot. I finish my hair and double check my ensemble of a sweater, leggings and knee-high boots in the mirror before heading out the door.

  About twenty minutes later, I walk into The Cedar through the front door and look around at the holiday décor that’s put up around the place. All the white lights give it an extra sense of romance and makes the place look festive, yet cozy. I see Tyler behind the bar talking to a couple of his employees, giving them instructions of some kind, by the looks of it. Gawd, there is just something about a boss man. The sight sends a zing straight to my clit and I try to ignore it as I make my way over to the empty stool at the end of the bar. Tonight’s not supposed to be about sex. I know that, but my vagina is refusing to hear the message. She just doesn’t know what to do with all the extra blood flow this pregnancy is sending her way.

  Tyler sees me as I park my butt on the high stool, and while he doesn’t break his conversation with the bartenders, he gives me a smile and holds up his index finger. I give him a smile and a nod in return as I drape my coat over the chair back and fold my arms on the bar-top. I watch as Tyler moves just a little farther down the bar, wiping his hands on a towel and listening as another bartender asks him a question, I’m guessing about the drink he’s trying to mix.

  “Hey cutie, what are you drinking tonight?” A voice coming from my other side grabs my attention, and I turn to see another bartender strolling up behind the bar, tying his short apron behind his back. He’s okay looking if you’re into the cocky young frat boy look.

  “Oh,” I answer, trying to shake off his horribly flirty greeting. “Nothing for me, thanks,” I tell him as I run my hands up and down my own arms, just because it’s a habit I’ve always had.

  “Cold?” he asks, looking at me with a little too much interest.

  “Oh… no, I’m fine.” And put the look away.

  “Because I can think of a couple of things that could warm you up,�
� he offers suggestively. Eww. I decide to screw with him.

  “And did you come up with them all by yourself? Your mother must be proud.” His cocky smile slips down a bit. “Does your boss know of the inappropriate tactics you employ while on the clock?”

  “No, and who cares?” he scoffs, definitely put off by his epic failure of a pickup line.

  “I do.”

  We both look to the side where Tyler has materialized and has been listening in for who knows how long. Judging by the way he has a hand on his hip while he leans against the bar with the other, I’m guessing at least a minute or so.

  “Hey… Tyler…” he gives him a joking smile, looking as if he’s willing Tyler to jump on the bro wagon and let him off the hook. But he can’t hide the sheepish expression that’s showing through at the mortification of getting caught inappropriately hitting on a possible patron. “I was just joking around here with…” He looks to me now like I’ll bail him out.

  “Annie,” Tyler finishes for him, not changing his stance.

  “Annie,” the bartender parrots.

  “Yeah,” Tyler confirms taking a couple steps closer and crossing his arms, tilting his head towards me as he addresses his employee. “Forrest, meet Annie. The mother of my unborn child.”

  My stomach flips at his words as Forrest’s complexion pales slightly and his eyebrows go up. I say nothing as I inwardly try to settle the butterflies that Tyler just startled. His announcement was unexpected and gave me a little jolt, but now that I’ve absorbed it, I feel the pitiful remaining shreds of my resolve fading away. It was the way he said it - with no hesitancy whatsoever. Completely bold but natural.

  “I don’t think I need to tell you that the ice you’re skating on is getting thinner,” Tyler continues as Forrest nervously nods. “You’re late. We’re busy. Get to work.” He hasn’t blinked at all, the warning look from Hell fixed on the bartender. Meanwhile, my libido and inner romantic are hugging each other and joyfully sobbing.


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