The Alpha’s Chase: A Howls Romance

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The Alpha’s Chase: A Howls Romance Page 12

by Taiden, Milly

  “Gayle’s dead, I think,” he replied.

  The wolf whimpered beneath the tree, phasing back to human with an expletive. “Ow, fuck! You shot me, you bastard!”

  “Who put you up to this, Mitch?” Chase shot back. “You and the others. You’re all pieces of shit. And to think you used a child to ingratiate yourselves. Disgusting. I’m sure the police will think so as well.”

  The man scooted his back against a tree, wincing as his hand moved to the gunshot wound. “I don’t think so. It’s your word against mine, and I’m the one who’s been shot.”

  “Yeah? Gayle’s dead, my friend, and the others left you holding the bag. If I were you, I’d think real hard on how to save your own ass, because whoever put you up to this is not going to care if you rot.” Chase lifted the rifle again, but this time he cold-cocked the man, knocking him out.

  “Maybe I should phase back and bite his head off.” Cecily chuckled, wincing with the effort. “Ow. Gayle got in a few good ones before she went down. I think I may have busted a few ribs.”

  Chase put the gun down to shrug out of his shirt. “I’d rather have you bruised and breathing, than the alternative they had planned.” He wrapped the soft flannel around her shoulders. “We need to call 911 and then call Malcolm.”

  “911 police dispatch first. We need to get to them before Dan and his pack. They could have spun what happened twelve ways from Sunday by now.” She shoved her arms into his button-down and slowly got to her feet. Chase’s shirt fell to mid-thigh. In any other scenario, she’d have felt like a sex-kitten wrapped in his scent.

  “I wouldn’t worry about Dan and the others. They’re amateurs, and never expected you to go all Sheena of the Jungle. Trust me. They’ve run for cover rather than take the heat.” He pulled his bandana from his heck and wiped the blood from her face. “C’mon, pussycat. Let’s get you to the hospital and put this behind us.”


  “Well, the bar is still standing,” Chase said, holding his hand out to help Cecily from the back of the limo. “I never thought I’d be so happy to be home, but I am.” He helped her onto the curb. “Easy, love. Four broken ribs are no joke.”

  “What time do we have to meet with Malcolm tomorrow?” she asked, taking his hand. “My pain meds are making me foggy.”

  “We don’t. The party is well in hand, and considering your injuries and the timeframe, he thought the rest could wait. He’s even arranged for Nella and the dressmaker to meet you here to go over last-minute details.”

  She exhaled, relieved. “Good. I couldn’t decide breakfast let alone anything important right now. I still can’t believe it took so long to leave Colorado, and they still haven’t been able to find Dan and his crew.”

  “They have their descriptions, and their DNA. They have Mitch, or whatever his real name, but until he talks, they’re at an impasse. Who thought shifter DNA would pose such a problem for police labs?”

  “I don’t know, babe.” She sighed. “I’m sure the FBI will figure this out. I still can’t believe they had to get involved.”

  The bar was dark, but even so they went through the side entrance and up to Chase’s apartment. “You run a multi-million-dollar conglomerate, and someone tried to take you out and make it look like an accident. Of course, they’re going to get involved.” He unlocked the door, and then reached inside to snap on the light.

  “Well, well. Look who the cat dragged in,” a woman’s voice said as she walked from the kitchen. “You think you can run off to Vegas with your rich tramp and forget about me? No guy forgets about me.”

  “Karen. What the hell are you doing here?” he replied, stunned.

  She stood in the living room, her arms crossed in front of her chest. “What do you think, Chase? Did you forget to tell your rich bitch you have a girlfriend?”

  “Girlfriend? That’s a laugh.” He dropped their bags by the door and took a step forward. “I told you two months ago it was over, but you still don’t seem to get it. Let me make it clear once more. I. Don’t. Want. You. In. My. Life. It’s over.”

  She leaned on the back of a chair. “Oh, it’s not over, mister. It’ll never be over. I’m pregnant. So, you and Ms. Moneybags are going to have to pay.”

  Chase spared a glance for Cecily before shaking his head. “You’re not pregnant, Karen. Or maybe you are, but not by me. I’ve been sterile since I got out of the Army. I shoot blanks. So, whatever charade you’re trying to pull ends right here.”

  “You’re sterile?” Stunned, Cecily sank onto the couch.

  Karen’s lips twisted and she darted for Cecily. “You bitch! He was mine until you ruined everything!”

  “Not now, not ever, Karen.” Chase grabbed her around the waist and veered her toward the door.

  She grabbed her coat from the rack “You’ll be hearing from my lawyer.”

  “Good!” he called after her as she stormed out. “That way I can show the reptile my medical records!”

  Chase closed the door and locked it, pausing with his hand on the deadbolt before moving to sit on the coffee table facing Cecily. “She’s a nutcase, Cecy. I found out the truth about her and ended it way before we met. You have to believe me.”

  “I believe you, Chase.” She looked up from her hands in her lap. “Why didn’t you tell me you were sterile?”

  He took both her hands, sandwiching them between his own. “At first, I figured it didn’t matter. Our arrangement was only for a year.”

  “But now? After everything we said?” Her voice shook. “You were so quiet and thoughtful after that day with Daisy, I thought for sure you’d want kids.”

  He nodded. “I do. There are so many kids that need good homes. We can adopt enough for a baseball team.”

  “I can’t do that.” Cecily pulled her hands from his and then got up from the couch. “I mean, I can, and I’m willing to—” She pushed past him and stood far enough away to think. “But I have to have a baby of my own or I lose everything.” The words came out in a rush, and she sat on the edge of another chair, lightheaded.

  “What?” Chase pivoted around to look at her. “What do you mean by lose everything?”

  She lifted one hand. “You knew I had to get married, but I also have to produce an heir, or at least be pregnant, within a year of the reading of my father’s will or I forfeit everything.” She shrugged. “Fertility treatments count.”

  His mouth opened and closed before he stood, blinking as he stared at her. “Didn’t you think this tidbit was important enough a detail to merit telling me beforehand?” he said, finally. “Or were you just planning to get knocked up in the process?”

  “I was waiting until we got back to tell you!” Her voice rose. “It was all that talk about teamwork that made me wait. All that talk about trying to make this marriage work for real.” She met his doubtful eyes. “Or did you forget?”

  He paced, raking a hand through his hair. “I don’t know, Cecy. I mean, how am I supposed to trust you?” He pivoted around to look at her. “Is there anything else you’re not telling me?”

  “No, that’s it.”

  Chase exhaled. “That’s enough.” He cocked his head, eyes narrowing a little. “And Jackson. Does he know about this baby clause?”

  “To be honest, I don’t know. Maybe.” Cecily lifted a hand in uncertainty. “Either way, it doesn’t matter.” She got up from the chair to stand toe-to-toe with Chase. “Our marriage was a contract. An arrangement. Never in a million years did I think you’d be as wonderful as you are. I don’t trust easily, and I don’t like giving up control.”

  “No fooling.” He snorted. “I’m learning that the hard way.”

  She covered his lips with her finger. “I married you in good faith, regardless of what you think of me now. I had every intention of telling you once we got back to Boston. The truth is, I love you. I’ve never been so happy in my life. And now that happy life is in your hands.” She let her finger drop and then took a step back, giving Chase space.

  He was quiet. “I need time to wrap my head around this baby bombshell,” he began slowly. “To be honest, I don’t know how I feel about that, but it doesn’t change the fact that I love you, too. So, I guess the next question begs, can you live without the money?”

  “Are you—” she hesitated, “are you asking me if I can live without the money with you, or live without the money without you? If the answer is live with you, then yes. A thousand times, yes. I can live without anything but you.”

  Nodding, he exhaled, tugging her closer. “Good. Because I don’t want to live without you, either. I might not be rich, but this bar does pretty well. We’d be happy, Cecy.”

  “I know that.” She smiled, blinking back relieved tears. “So, the question remains, when do we tell Malcolm?”

  He rested his forehead on hers. “After the party. We’ve got ten months until we vacate the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Malcolm is your ally, and we still have to wait for the FBI to finish their report. If you’re going to lose everything because of something you can’t control, then I want to make sure Jackson doesn’t get a dime of it, either. Especially if he’s the mastermind behind our so called accident.”

  “Wait, you still want to go through with the party? Everyone will think—”

  “Think what?” he interrupted, resting his finger on her lip. “That we’re the happy newlyweds? I think we more than qualify, don’t you, Mrs. Villareal?”

  She smiled beneath his finger. “I do.”


  The party was a black tie extravaganza, complete with full orchestra and fireworks over the water. The Montgomery estate was awash with twinkle lights in all the trees and search lights in gold and white flooding the sky. A who’s who of New York, Boston and Los Angeles, enough to make the press salivate.

  “So, this is how the other half lives,” Chase whispered, with a chuckle behind Cecily’s ear. “And the most beautiful woman in the room belongs to me.”

  A grin spread across Cecily’s face and her cheeks burned as he skimmed her waist. “Better soak it up while we can. A year from now the papers won’t be reporting on our Cinderella story so much as the scandal that took down an empire.” She turned, planting a quick kiss on his lips. “And I say, so what!”

  “Well, if it isn’t the happy couple.” Jackson approached, snagging a champagne flute from a passing waiter. “You two give me a cavity, too bad it won’t last.”

  Chase stepped in front of Cecily, pushing her slightly behind his hip. “What are you doing here, Jackson?”

  “Paying my respects, what else?” The man lifted his glass in salute. “To the death of an empire.”

  Cecily scooted around Chase, her eyes already burning yellow. “I think you’d better leave before we call security and have you thrown out. After all, how would that look to all the rich widows you’ve been playing house with recently?”

  “Yes,” Jackson chuckled quietly, “but I’m not the only one playing. Isn’t that right, Cecy?” He twirled the cut crystal glass between his fingers. “I bet the big guy doesn’t know he’s got to knock you up or all this goes bye-bye.”

  “I know all about it, Jackson. Nice try.” Chase slipped his arm around Cecily’s shoulder, watching Jackson’s smug grin fade. “In fact, Cecy and I discussed having enough kids to start our own baseball team. So, I’m going to ask you once more, what are you doing here?”

  “Getting arrested,” Malcolm answered, coming up behind them with two of Boston’s finest. “The FBI had a Special Agent hand delivered to me tonight.” He gestured to the main in the suit with the police. “It makes for a very interesting read. A real page-turner.”

  “It was you! You tried to have us killed! You piece of shit!” Cecily ground out, stepping out from Chase’s arm. “How could you?”

  Malcolm shook his head. “No, honey. That was Susan. She hired the wolves to make your deaths seem like an animal attack in the Rockies. The feds arrested her earlier tonight.” He paused for effect. “Jackson is guilty of a myriad of other crimes. Federal wiretapping, fraud, trying to bribe a federal judge into burying a money laundering charge for the funds he skimmed from the company and tried to conceal in offshore accounts.”

  Cecily’s mouth dropped. “What? When? Our accounts are pick proof.”

  “True, but even the most pick proof books can fall prey when one of your accountants is in bed with the crook,” Malcolm replied.


  “Arnold Davis. He saw the feds show up at my office after your attack, and the man nearly shit his pants. Jackson blackmailed him into skimming money and then into putting it in various accounts in the Cayman Islands. Arnie-boy sang like a canary. After that, the feds just followed the paper trail. As for Susan, her wolf pack-for-hire gave her up in exchange for lesser sentences. Wolves don’t exactly like being on the lam.” He chuckled. “Lamb. Get it? Pun totally intended.”

  Cecily rolled her eyes at the cheesy joke, but her heart squeezed at the old man’s attempt to make her laugh.

  “What about the bear-shifter that lunged at us in the woods? He and his partner kept giving Cecy the heebie jeebies,” Chase interjected.

  Malcom nodded for the police to get on with it before answering. “They were Susan’s first attempt. Unfortunately, they managed to slip away, but I doubt they’ll bother you again. Not after what happened with the wolves.”

  The police stepped in and handcuffed Jackson, walking him out through the back as they read him his rights. “Thank you, officers.” She nodded as they passed, and once they’d gone, she took Chase’s hand to tug him closer. “Uhm, Malcolm, I know it’s been an evening of surprises. Can you stand one more?”

  “Depends,” he replied. “Can you?”

  Cecily exchanged a look with Chase. “What do you mean?”

  “Congratulations are in order, Cecy. Not just for your wedding, but because you fulfilled your father’s last wish.”

  Chase raised an eyebrow. “Uhm, Malcolm, you’re going to have to be a little more specific than that.”

  “Of course, of course.” The old man nodded. “The FBI had to utilize specialized labs to process shifter DNA.”

  “I know that, Malcolm. They took my blood to use as a baseline for their tests,” Cecily replied.

  Malcolm’s grin widened. “Exactly. They processed your blood, and that’s why congratulations are in order.” He paused for effect, eyes crinkling at the corners. “The rabbit done died.”

  Cecily blinked. “I’m pregnant? Wait. How?”

  “I don’t think you need a crash course on the birds and the bees, Cecily. You know how,” Malcolm laughed.

  Chase’s face was tight. “I’m sterile, Malcolm. Either the test is wrong, or—”

  “No! The test is wrong!” Cecily’s voice hitched in panic. “I haven’t been with anyone but you, and before that it was months and months.”

  “Children, please. Calm yourselves.” Malcolm’s tone shut them both up. “Cecily, for a shifter, you really know almost nothing about your species. You awoke your inner animal. Chase stirred it from the first, but after you shifted, you forced what is tantamount to heat. That mean’s you are very, very fertile.”

  “But I’m sterile, Malcolm. Cecily’s fertility is only one half of the equation,” Chase argued.

  The old man shook his head. “There’s sterile, and then there’s sterile, my boy. Your counts might be so low you’d never be able to impregnate a human girl, but a shifter is a totally different creature altogether. Like it or not, Chase, you knocked up your wife. Hell, Cecily would probably conceive if the two of you drank out of the same glass.” He snagged three flutes of champagne from a waiter and handed them each a glass. “You, my dears, are going to have a baby.”

  The three shared the toast and the drink, but Cecily’s head still spun. Her hand gravitated to her belly, and a secret smile left her warm and a little dreamy.

  Chase covered her hand with his palm. “It’s true, then?”

must be,” she lifted her face to meet his eyes. “Blood tests don’t lie.” He pulled her close and she pressed her face to his chest, letting the words sink in. She was having a baby. They were having a baby.

  Chase stepped back, but kept his fingers laced with hers. “I think we should put this all behind us and go home. This time, for good.”

  “Home.” She smiled. “That sounds almost too good to be true.” Glancing down, her smile faded a bit. “You sure you still want to be part of this fiasco? I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted out.”


  When she looked up, her eyes searched his for the truth. “A hit on your life wasn’t part of the deal. In fact, I think attempted murder breaches most contracts. I know it’s not just the two of us anymore, but—”

  He pulled his hand free and tilted her chin, leaning in so his lips hovered close. “Forget contracts, or whatever arrangement we had. I want you, Cecy. Not for a year, but for the rest of my life. You, me and our little one.”

  “Chase, I…I—” She couldn’t manage anything else through the tears tightening her throat.

  “I love you, Cecily. And I want to marry you all over again. The right way. The way you dreamed.”

  Tears dripped, smearing her makeup, and she didn’t care. A laugh bubbled up and she wrapped her arms around Chase’s neck. “No Elvis?”

  “Nope. Not a single sequin.”


  About the Author - Marianne Morea

  Award Winning Author

  Hi everyone! I’m Marianne Morea. I was born and raised in New York, and there’s nothing like the ‘the city that never sleeps’ to inspire sexy stories and romantic suspense. I began my career after college as a budding journalist and later earned a Masters in Fine Art, from The School of Visual Arts in Manhattan, but it’s my lifelong love affair with words and books, and the fantasies and ‘what ifs’ they stir, that finally led me to do what I love most. Write. I live in New York with my hubby and our three children, two dogs, one cat and a lizard named fingers. I’m always interested in chatting with readers, so sign up for my newsletter and check out my Facebook page and Instagram!


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